The Wrightsville recorder. (Wrightsville, Ga.) 1880-18??, November 04, 1886, Image 1

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The Wrightsville Recorder JUNTO. jMI . jET TX IF 1 if , EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. THURSDAY, NOV. 4 1886. -- The St. Louis Sugar refinery, down, the largest in the west has shut and discharged 125 of their emplo yco.s* A conflagration caused a loss of nearly a quarter of million dollars occurred oil madison street. Chicago on tlie morning of tlie 31st. -- • • — A fire of unknown origin occurred in the business portion of Ennis, Texas on the morning of the 31st, burning three buildings, loss *25000. S. Goldburg, grocer, was burned to death while trying to save his money. • <««»► • -------- Collector Crenshaw lots leceived over *200 for taxes on medicated bitters sold as alcohol bitters in dry counties. Deputy Collector Clements is the gentleman who has sent in the taxes, and he reports that there is more to follow. -i--— The Nashville and Chattanooga railroad in conjunction with the Wes¬ tern and Atlantic and Georgia Cen¬ tral, will put on a cannon bat! train to run to Jacksonville, Fla., to coni' pete with theEst Tennessee, Virgin¬ ia and Georgia system. A lively war is anticipated, and there is talk of a renewal of toriner hostilities between tlie East Tennessee and the Western and Atlantic. ---- ------* Hon. Emory Spier, Judge of the United States Court, basin one of the rooms in the Custom House de¬ voted to court purposes about forty live sacks r uII of public documents All the which were franked to him. documcrils consist of largo and heavy volumes treating on agriculture, tar¬ iff and such other literature as is us ually bound up in these bulky vol¬ umes.—.Savannah Times. * MACON NEWS. VIT'KI.I) 1'TtO.M THU TKI.KOKAIMI. The change in the schedule of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor¬ gia, which was reported as going in to effect to-day, will he put on next Sunday, November 7. That four hundred and ninety pound fat boy still continues to draw a crowd to his tent on the fair ground. By all means see him, as he is decidedly the largest human being that has ever visited Macon. Will R. Jackson, the young post¬ master recently convicted in the Un¬ ited States Courts for stealing regis tered letters, and sentenced to foui years in the penitentiary at Albany, N. Y., will leave Vig.ii tonight, in charge Balter of Messrs. Cliff, and Corbett for Albany. newly Mr. J. B. Martin has a pat¬ ented wooden farm gate that is l>v far the most practical thing in that line we have seen. A lady or child can -sit in a buggy thirty feet from it, and with little effort open and close it. Look it up to-morrow at the fair. THANKSFOU GRAPE. T1IK lMtKSllHCNT Al'UlUSTX NOV KM HICK 25, A DAY or I'liAYliH. Washington, October 31. —The following is President Cleveland’s proclamation designating November 25th, as a day of thanks giving and prayer. proclamation by the President A of the United States: It has long been the custom of the people of the United States, on a day in each year especially set apart for that purpose by their chief executive, to acknowl¬ edge the goodness and mercy of God and to invoke his continued care and protection. In the observance of such custom, 1 Grover Cleveland, presi¬ dent of the United Stales, do here 1 l»y designate and set apart Thursday, the 25th day of November instant, to be observed and kept as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. On that day let all our people forego their accustomed employemeiits and as¬ semble in their usual places Ruler of wor¬ ship, to give thanks to the of the universe for our continued enjoy¬ ment of the blessings of a free gov eminent, for a renewal of business prosperity throughout our land, for the return which has rewarded the labor of those who till the soil, and for our makes progress nation as a people in all that a great, and while we God contemplate in the infinite power of the earthquakes, Hood and storm, let grateful hearts of those who have been shielded from harm through His mercy be turned in sympathy and kindness toward those who have suffered through His visiitation. Let us also, in the midst at our thanksgiving, lemember the poor and needy with cheerful gifts and alms, so that our services may, by deeds of charity, lie made accep¬ table in the sight of the lord. In witness whereof I have hereun¬ to set my hand and caused the seal of the United State* to he affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this, the first day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six, United and of the independence America the of the hundred and States clev. of one enth. Grovee Cleveland. Jly the president: Secretary of State. T. F. Ba ya ud, FROM OUR NEIGHBORS. From the Dublin Gazette. Among other excursionists, Mr. D. S. ISlackshear, of Wrightsville, enme down on last Sunday’s passem g er . . Duhlin has more pretty brides and happy bridegrooms than any town of like population in Georgia. This, surely, is an evidence of prosperity. IFork on the streetcar bridge is . flne . Cap ,, John T M „ r progressing y, . I' IL H 1Kl,t0 ' V rr aiul Mr. W. E. Carnes, the , projectors, are pushing the work with vigor, and expeet to have , . it completed . m a short " 11 * ’ flic terminus of the I)A W., road at the river presents quite a busy air at present. In view of the recent ar¬ rangements between the road and the Steamer I.aureus, whereby the boat connects with the road at this side place, the road is now putting in a track, and will shortly commence work upon a wharf. In addition to this, the huge timbers for the street car bridge are being put into posi Gon, which requires the aid of a large force of la bo i ers. * * From the Swainsboro * Pint* Forest. Master Ellie Fields, who is in the eni ploynieiitof W. lb Thomas & Co., is I’ughsley. visiting the family of Judge J. I\ lie has come down to vest lip. We had no mail on Tuesday and resignation Wednesday last, Mr. on account of the of Kemp, who is the Subcontractor forthe Mail Route between this place, and Melville, There have been two er three new ofiices added to the route, which made it some three or four miles fur tiler; but was represented to Uncle Sam as being shorter. Uncle Sam reduced his pay, consequently lie has resigned. Mr. C. Fairelotli, who is the contractor, and lias been for the past nine years will continue to car ry it. A * thousand ill bales of r cotton, i. 01 shipped . . v annually ,, r more, aie 1 J lrom Lmanuel , county to . pay c for guano J 1 J i7 purchased , i, by fanners, r and i vet 4 hman txel ,* is not . a cotton .. county. \ Our v r farm should , , , not dive extensively : • i • ers so in - to . the ., guano, . » nut . consider , tlie • minor tanee . ot making - , home e fettih/.ers, Slid thereby keep the *40,000, u. more, that annually go out of the county in the shape of cotton in ciri dilation at home. From the immense quantity of woodland, bays and swamps we have in our county, to* gel her with our stables, lots and cow ^SySStETi the farms in Emanuel. GEORGIA MAYS Miss Ella, daughter of William E. Jenkins, of McDonough, picked 100 pounds of cotton in two hours. S. A. Gray, on his little farm in Waynesboro, lias gathered 500 bush els of corn from sixteen acres, over thirty bushels to an acre. An , Alabama lady . pint . . of . says a soft, soap stirred into moal and made thin like batter with buttermilk and given to swine will cure hog ° cholera sure. 15. W. YY’hit.field, who resides near Munnerlyn, has recently lost 54 out of 64 hogs. T'.-.ose he lost would have netted , , , him . • .>,000 pounds ot pork, , Mr. Sim, Reeves, of the same loculi* ty, ‘ js also a heavy loser. mi he „ steam , saw null -iii and appurten . . ot James 1*. hew, near h mater, in Dodge county, was sold at the court house Sat urday by the Sheriff, under vaiious executions in favor of mortgages and laborers. I he proper ty did not bring enough to pay the debts, 15. R. Meadors, of Dahlonoga, lias an apple tree on his place which is now full of apples for the second time this year. 'The first crop was gathered in July, and those on the tree are now perfectly ripe and are as luscious as the lirst growth. lie also lias a cherry tree which is full of blcorns for the second time. Liverpool. llogansville cotton is in demand in Inquiry has been made concerning it, and stating that it was the best cotton and best handled that they received. '1 hey want as much of it as they can get and they are willing to pay more for it than any other cotton they receive. Mr. Jesse Phillips, Of Henry conn ty, says that guano does not pay him Last year lie planted thirty acres in cotton, used two tons of guano and made eight bales. This year he has planted the same raised amount, and used He no guano, and ten bales. used only thirty bushel of cotton seed oil the poorest spots. Mrs. Hurdy, of Hanks county, wlio ran o(T with her brother-in law and went to Tennessee, has, returned home. The same train that brought k?r fn»»r li«*l*MKr« Wpltea.ion for divorce to Athens to be published, brought back the erring wife with all of her little children. It was a sad sight ^ to see her walking from ,, Harmonoy (ttov te . ir Homer v. e Wlt.l sev eral little children following after her. —----• -- Says ait Eminent Physician, “Have used for twenty years the preparation known It as Brad field’s Female Regulator. is the best cotiiliinaTlon known M l.mnlodis. eases. For particulars write l ho Brad field Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. OBITUARY. Dr. Jeremiah Parker, the subject of 4-his notice, waa born in Washing ton county, Ga., November 18, 1810, a,, d departed this life June 12. 1886, in the seventieth year of his age. After he had arrived at the years of majority, he studied medicine, and graduated from the Atlanta medical college, after which lie lo cat( , -‘d . neai ... YV nghtsville, . , where lie soon did a lucrative and successful praclict , Lat( . in life he connectcd himself with thoM.K. church where to tin* time of his death, he led an upright, [ Christian life; generous al n ost t0 a fauU> sl5H in doing alms, he did it not to “be seen of men,” but rather that his “right hand should not know what his left did.” We have known Dr. Parker inti mately for twenty-five years, have been with him upon the tented field, where the true character of a man was exhibited, and through many of the varied walks of private life, and during the whole of that time never knew him to abet, countenance, or wink at wrong or the semblance of wrong; always at all times and in everything, carrying himself perfect¬ ly upright fellow-men, and perpendicular before his and the world. Tn a word wo looked upon Dr. Darker as one of t he purest and best men that ever lived; being naturally very re tired and unobtrusive, he would nev er he taken for his real worth. He left a small circle of relatives and a host of near and dear friends to mourn his death; and now that he lias lived out his three score and ten, we feel assured in saying that is his life was of the most exempla ry kind, that hisexit from this to the spirit land was only to be transplant <‘d with the faithful few that have gone before him. those of us that arc left behind strive to emulate Itis inanv virtues. • • A man untun'd ;i Little Rock bank and presented a cheek which rend, ‘lbtv to bearer tbc sum of ten dol , I , I IM he cashier , . took 4 , the . cheek, , } a iv. looked . , , at . • it and , said, . , 1 he check t . ’ is perfectly f . good, , . but ,,, II , have to 1 ” 9 you get . some one tf . - ’ ‘What . he ... 1 t he replied; “don’t st user - that . .. it t ‘pay 4 to . bearer? r ., - you see says 1 J .. . but 4 must Unit . 4 * i es, you prove you J ll,e ., l,varvr „ ArkanS!nv . j , lnvel r * , ~ ' Desarc, Ark., was recently visit¬ ed by n lire which ’destroyed proper T v 111 . " , at ,l) )0< ' ' ' ’ • New Hotel At Harrison. The undersigned has opened a hoarding house at Harrison. Gil ., and respectfully so¬ licits the patronage of the traveling public. I will endeavor to keep a good table, and pleasant iy, sleeping apartments. Respectful MRS. I>. T. IH’RKE. GEORGIA—Johnson County: TO Ai.l. WHOM IT MAY OOSCKIlN. YV. R. Rales having in due form applied to the undersigned for the guariliaii.diip of tiie person and property of Johnnie May jkiles, minor child of John YV. Rales, d<* ceased, late, of liiiwippiicntibn said County, notice is becc by given that will Is* heard I 11 Gu* first Monday in Deeein her next. Given under my hand and official signature, till John M IIioiitowkk, Nov. 1886. Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. Agreeable to an order of the court of ordinary of Johnson county, will he sold before the court hoii.-e door of said county on the first Tuesday in December itexi. within the legal hours of sale, the follow in „ p.-opn-tv, to wit : < me tract of land lv ing on the west side of the Rig Ohoopu* river, containing 90 acres, more or less, ml joining lands ot James Meeks on the east. ““‘I 1 * and !l v U Hightower. 8oM . as the property of Celia I* lander e late of M:lid ,- 0 untv, deceased. Terms cash. ’ HENRY Ml’.KKS, nov 4, 1886 80(1 Administrator. Office W & T R R Cmp'y, TKXjiii.i.K, Ga.. October 21, 1886. To the Stockholder* of the W'rightm'lle and Tennille ltaHroail Company: Y'ou are hereby notified that a special nieetingof the Y\ rightsville & lennille Railroad ( o. is called to meet in Wrights vi,,e ’ Ga ’ 0,1 ,ho 17,h lla > of NoVCmber * 1886, at 12 m., for the purpose of submit ting to you, for your sanction, the agree mont. made for tlie consolidation of said Wrightsville. A Tennille Railroad Co. with the Dublin and YY'rightsville Rairoad, as P rov *'lcd in section (Z) of the Revised Code, Tlie mce,hl S being a very important one, * f«U repreaentation is earnestly desired, Y . B. homas. lesidcnt. YV. Matthkws, Seeretasy. BRAOFIELD’S FEMALE REGOLATOR. „ . , , ct iv for WOMAN ONLY’, and for one SPECIAL CLASS of her disease. It is a Specific for certain diseased conditions of the womb, and so eentrols the Menstrual organs as to regulate all derangements and irregularities of her Monthly Sickness. The proprietors claim for this Remedy no oth¬ er medical property. It is strictly aY’egeta blc Compound, the studied prescription of a learned physician whose specialty fame was Fkmai.k Diseases, and whose became enviable because of his success in tit treat meat and cure of female complaints. Suf ft ' ri »S woman, it will relieve you of nearly hook, -‘Message to Womun,' mailed fma. Rhadkiei.i) Rkoci.atoi! Co:, Atlanta. Ga Nov. 4th 1880.—-It. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFF’S SALES. GEORGIA— Johnson County. — Will be sold before the Court house door in Wrights ville, Johnson county, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the local hours of sale, of the folio levied wing property to-wit: Eight bales cotton on as the property of M II Mason, to satisfy one Superior court fi fa h favor of Judson Lawton, vs M II Mason & Son. Property pointed out hv M II Mason. J YV Rowland, Nov. tid 1886,-tds. Sheriff. GEORGIA— Johnson County.— Will be sold before the court house door in tlie town of YVrightsville, Tuesday within tlie legal hours of sale, on the first in Dec’mb'r next, the with following property, to-wit: old, Sorrel and mare sin white face, seven years gle buggy and harness, and four head of stock cattle. Levied on as the property of Martha Berwick to satisfy one mortgage ft fa in favor of A. T. Linder, vs. the said Martlm Baiwick. Property pointed out by plaintiff's attorney, as described ROLAND, in said mortgage, J. YV. Nov 3,1886-tds Sftcriff. GEORGIA— Johnson County. —YViil be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, before the Court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the high¬ est bidder, the following described proper¬ ty, to-wit: One lot of land in the town of Wrightsville, Johnson county, Georgia, known and designated in the plan of said town as a portion of lot Crawford, no (63) sixty-three adjoining lots of J. M. on the north George Burris on the east, on the south and west by the public streets, con¬ of taining land ---acres, levied the more or less. of Said J. lot on as property E. Page, to satisfy an execution said issued from Ihe Superior court of county, in favor of and tlie John state I). against Page J. E. Page as principal as security*. J. IF. UO il'LAND, Nov. 3d 1886—41 Sheriff. GEORGIA— Johnson County.— Will be sold ville, before Johnson the Court house within door in Wrights county, the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday >n De cumber, 1886, the following property, to wit: One half of lot No. 12, in the town of Wrightsville, Georgia, adjoining lands of A I Haines outlie south, T YV Kenton the west, and the public streets on the north and east, and fronting on tlie north-west cornel of the public square in said town, containing about I 5 acre of land, more or less. Levied on by W B Snell, former She¬ in riff favor of Johnson of It J Hightower county, to satisfy and b one I, John ft fa son, transferrees vs YV J M Smith, County Treasurer, as the property of said W -I M Smith; said levy having been suspended by claim tiled which was dismissed at Septem¬ and ber term, ord< 1886, of Johnson proceed. Superioreourt, levy red to Rowland, J W Nov. 3d 1886 Sheriff GEORGIA— Johnson County—Will be sold before the Court house door in the town of Wrightsville Johnson county Geor¬ gia, on tlie first Tue sday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the follow¬ ing property, to wit: All that tract or par¬ cel of laud lying and being situated in the 1201st district G M Johnson county Geor gin. and hounded as follows; On the north by lands of Mrs. W I) J Sumner, on the east by lands of C M Wood and E li Wood, on the south by lands of the estate of W 11 Wood, and on the west by Rig Creek. Known as tin* land drawn by E R YYood from iris fathers estate, containing seventy five (75) acres more or less. Said land levied on as the property of E R Wood, to satisfy two Justice court ti fa. One in favor of N A Hardees’ Sou &■ Co,, and one ill favor of A R Adams, vs E R Wood. Notice given tenant in possession. Levied on by John li Davis constable, and handed to me this November 3d, 1886. J W Rowland, Nov. 4th 1880—tds. Sheriff, GEORGIA.— Johnson County.— Will lie sold before tlie Court house door in the town of Wrightsville, Johnson county, within tlie legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December next, the following property, to-wit* 140 acres of land lying in said county, adjoining lands of Robert Jl/eCray, on north and east, estate of Drewry W. Harrison on south, and J/ary K. Ellis on the west. Levied on as tlie property of Rebecca J. Tharp, to satisfy one Su¬ perior Court fi fa in favor of T. YV. Kent, vs Rebecca J. Tharp. Notice given defendant in fi fa. Also at the same time and place, will be sold three thousand pounds of seed cotton, more or less, picked out and now in the old dwelling house on the F. P. Raines place, ah so about fifteen hundred pounds of seed cotton in the field, on said place, and not picked out, also on one hun¬ dred bushel of corn in the field, and ungathered on said place, and also about one thousand pounds of fodder stacked and in the field on said place. All levied on as the property of de¬ fendant, J. M. Hightower, and being the crop made upon said place the present year, and levied on to satis¬ fy a distress werrant in favor of T. B. Hicks vs J. M. Hightower. Lev¬ ied and handed to me by J. R. J/or ris Constable. J. W. Howland, Nov. 3d,86.—tds. Sheriff J C. GEORGIA— -Johnson County, will be sold before the court house door in the town of lUnghtsville, John soil county, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the legal hours of sale, the following properi ty to-wit: One (I) cream horse mule, about 10 years oki; one sorrel mare mule about 11 years old; one dark bay horse about 6 years old; one large sorrel lilaze-faee horse, known as IF. B. Bales’ buggy horse, about 12 years old; one white cow and Yearling, and one brindle cow and yearling (ear marks unknown); also one 30-inch grist mill complete, formerly owned by G YV A/eadows; and one O'horse power eclipse engine No. 2507, being the mill and engine bought from said Frick Company, now in possession of defendants in fi fa. All levied on as the property of W B Bales Jc Sons, to satisfy one Superior Superior Court fi fa issued from the Court of said county in fa¬ vor of Frick Company vs. W. B. Bales A Sons, J W ROWLAND nov 3, 1886 tds Sheriff. J C. ' C. A. SESSIONS & CO, Tennille, Georgia. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Notions, Doots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, CROCKERY, CHINA And Glassware. Big stock Jerseys, At very Low Prices. Fine line of DRESS GOODS— A* cheap as the cheapest. Shoes, Shoes I From a 75cts Brogan to a $6 Congress* A Tremendous stock of HATS and CAPS. CENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS a Speycialt! If You want a GOOD COLLAR AND CUFF, Call on C. A. S. & CO. They sell the celebrated “E. & W.” in limns m in juisi October 7th, 1886,-tjanl. T. N. & J. W. SMITH, Tennille, . . . Geargia. DEALERS IN Fancy AND FAMILY GROCERIES! SPECIALTY MADE IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, WTO DEN WARE, and HOLLOW WARE. CO , Harness and Saddles. Coffins, dll Qualities. Styles and Prices. All orders by mail promptly filled at Lowest Cash Prices. TNandJW SMITH, TENNILLE, - - ■ GEORGIA. October 7tli 1886,-tjanl,