The record. (Wrightsville, Ga.) 18??-19??, July 12, 1898, Image 2

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THE = RECORD. OFFICIAL ORGAN JOHNSON CO. Published Every Tuesday at ville. Georgia. MRS. XV. J. WHITE, Editress and Proprietor, Assisted by H. P. BLOUNT. ADVERTISING RATES. SPACE. 1 MO.JS MOS.Ti MOS. l 1 inch. SS3S9S Sgg§5S $«*n' "3 inches. ' 8 niches. 18 TO 18 4 inches, j 16 TO j 20 Half 1 column, eol’n j | 27 40TO TO 36 i II bills for Advertisements due after first insertion. Entered nl the nostofflee at villo as second class mail matter. Special rates will be given to and constant advertisers. All legal advertisements must be paid for in advance. Obituary notices,Tribute* of Hc-stieet and all cotnnmnicationief a personal s.|missable--\vU( be charged for at the local ‘rate of five cents a lino. Address aUcomintinicaUons to THE - RECORD, Wright sville. Georgia. PEOPLE S PARTY STATE TICKET. For Governor, J.K. HOGAN. Lincoln. For Secretary of State, T. O. JACKSON, Decatur. For Comptroller-General, BEN MILIKIN, Wayne. For Treasurer, J. H. TRAYLOR, Troup. For Attorney-General, FELIX N. COBB, Carroll. Vor Commissioner of Agriculture, W. P. GLOVER, Bibb. For School Commissioner, 15. M. ZETTLER, Fulton. For Prison Commissioner, J. S. 1)AVITT, Polk. TUESDAY, JULY 12, 1898. Thb war is now felt by our ple with a striking force. How much more whipping Fpnin need, to convince her. Good advertising is cheap. advertising is dear at any price. Tim time to stop advertising when you have begun tho way.—IT in tors Ink. Gkmcr.u Sbafter weighs i and fifteen pounds, and when he meets tho Spaniards his weight in felt. Wav can’t Johnson county represented at the veterans reun¬ ion that meets in Atlanta on the 20tli of this month. A beautiful smile is to the tenance svhat the sunbeam is to the landscape, it embellishes an infe¬ rior face, and redeems an ugly one. A good Ufa is tho host philoso¬ pher; a dear conscience is tho best law; honesty is tho best policy, and temperance is tho best modi cian. Tiik war department has decid¬ ed that it will not allow three ma¬ jors to each Georgia regiment. This up sets some of Gov. Atkinsons plans. A notable coincidence is that the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Manilla and tho Spanish fleet in the Caribean sea, both occurred on Sunday morning. This is to me a lovely spot, Down here among the pines, There I know a true old friend, Because their aspiration rise, tfiose by a needy fellows side It is a disgrace to a civilized na¬ tion. v§t is reported by good au¬ thority, that the Spanish sharp¬ shooters make a practice of shoot¬ ing the American wounded when¬ ever possible and they pay no at¬ tention to the Red Cross, Si ch a war aa Spain lias been engaged in, between an uuscrupu* . on, .... Mliir that . nolds , ,, her by the throat, mod r suffering colonies, Should he ■tight to an end in, -interest of the world’s! peace mid ihe general welfare. - that, iVSI -vekunie men m n tin Spanish * Now York u the heart of tJL.i KOUil ipapious t a TOVtfi wtttcoin nd ) WAR NEWS. As The Record goes to press ttie combined forces of both the army and navy are concentrated against Santi ogo, and the complete annihilation of that city and the capture of the Span¬ ish troops is certain. Gen.Shafter has notified tiie nrmy officials at Washington that lie can knock the city into atoms witli light guns, and is pourng a deadly fire into the city and trendies. The force under the command of Shaffer in the present engoge ment U 22 ’ 8,W men> Tiie principal event of the past week in war circles was the release of Lieut. Uobson and bis seven comrades from Morro castle, the Spanish prison in Santiago de Cuba. One officer of equal rank with Hobson was ex¬ changed for him, while two common Spanish soldiers were given up for each of file'seven brave seamen who faced almost sure death when they ran tiie Merrimac into the narrow ent¬ rance of the harbor of Santiago and sank Iter. Tiie Kougli Hitlers being in the tront trenches were tiie first to see the released men, and ran to them and hugged and kiised them, lifted them on their shoulders and carried them up and down the line. Commodore Watson is ready to sail for Spain with ids squadron, and ere this week’s Record reaches some of its readers Admiral Camara and his Span¬ ish fleet will doubtless be playing a game of hide-and-seek near the mouth of the Suez canal, hunting for a hole to crawl into. Gen. Miles, commander-in-chief of the United States army, is in active command of his forces, and will per¬ sonally conduct an attnck on San Juan, Porto ltico, immediately. Should this expedition prove successful, (and there is little doubt of it in the minds of the average American) tiie entire army and navy will be concentrated against Havana. At least this is the plan outlined by the powers that be in Washington, and yet there are all kinds of rumors of peace being de¬ clared. Really, propositions have been made by both sides looking to that end, but all were declined. The in¬ habitants of Santiago are reported to be starving, and many women and children have gone into tiie American lines, asking for protection and some¬ thing to eat. Evidences of Cervera’s complete loss of his tleet are becoming more apparent daily, and the late dis¬ patches give harrowing accounts of dismembered bodies floating ashore— arms, legs, heads, and other portions of human anatomy that the sharks failed to get, are seen at alt t.imss. Hungry vultures swrrtn the beach for miles, and altogether tiie aoaounts are too sickening to be retold. Ilobson says he and hi* men were well treated while in prison, which is a surprise to iis all. The Rough Riders acquitted them¬ selves Handsomely in the attack oil Santiago, and Col, Wood has been made a brigadier-gensral, and Lieut. Col. Roosevelt has been made n colonel, in recognition of their valor New Mexico sent 100 men to join them Sunday. ) OFFICIAL. General Wheeler issued the fol¬ lowing official report of the first skirmish on Cuban soil: The cnsualities in tho engage¬ ment were: First United States volunteer cavalry, strength 500: killed 8, wounded 84. First United Slates regular cav¬ alry, strength 244; killed 7, wound¬ ed 8. Tenth United States tegular cav¬ alry, strength 220; killed 1, wound¬ ed 10. Total strength 964 men; killed 16, wounded 52. Respectfully submitted, Joseph Whaler, Major General United States Vol¬ unteers Commanding. THE STRANGER WHO RIZ UP. A mile outside of Groversville I met four men, who were carrying fifth on a door, and a natural curiosity prompted me to ask how the victim had been injured. “Wall, stranger.” replied one of the four, “thrt’s my sou Ben and I reckon I can give it to ye straight. Me and Ben was up to Groversville this mawuin’ to get a pa’r o’ bates was butes we went fur, wasn’t it, Bear “Yes, pop,” faintly replied the man on the door, as he op¬ his eyes and looked around. “We went into a stoh and nsked butes, and in that stob was a lookin’ critter who was crackers, and cheefiaand ask * tho w , y to p inevU l 0 He . was - } )mnb ie-lookhi’ cri tter, wasn’t he, - '’ as „ “it wasn’t ’, none o’ Ben „ ’a , bixncss . that criUiy, . . ., continued the man, “but lie was foeliii 3 colly kinder wanted to do sutiMhiii’ He look* the man over and ten sc*z to me: “Pop, I’m gom' to skeer that outer this town and half way tho mounting.’ “As how?” sez I. : >ii his caiy k-z he". | “Mahbe he’ll skeer and mebbe he won’t, sez I. ‘lie looks pow¬ erful lonesome and down-hearted, but yo’ can’t alius tell l.ow a crit¬ ter will perform.’ That’s vvhatyou said and I said, wasn’t it, Ben?’’ “That’s what we said,” sighed Ben. “I didn’t want you to yell, bpt you felt colty and wouldn’t take my advice?” “I jest wanted to skeer him, pop.” “Yes, you wanted to skeer him. Yon got around behind him and drawed a long breath and let ‘er go. It was a mighty yell, Ben— the powerfullest yell I ever heard. I’m braggin’ about that yell, Ben.” “Thankee, pop.” “But it didn’t skeer nobody, like you thought it would. The strang¬ er jest riz up slow, drawed a pistol from behind, and the fust tiling you knowed you had three bullets into ye. He riz up slow, didn’t he, Ben?” “He did” “And he fired three bullets into your karkass and walked out doalis with his crackers and cheesi, and said you could bev more lead if you hankered fur it?” “Yes, pop he said that,” whis¬ pered Ben. “But he didn’t want no more,” continue ! the father as ho turned to me. “He’d got all he wanted and some to spare, and so we put him on a doali and ar’ talcin’ him home fur the doctor to work at. Mebbe lie’ll die and mebbe he’ll git well. If he dies I shan’t blame that bumble-lookin' critter ‘tall, if lie gits well he won’t never do no more yellin’ in anybody’s ear on less thar’s a handy hill to dodge behind. That’s all—let the pur ceshun move on.” ITEMS OP INTEREST. As soon as the cockerels begin to crow s opera to them from the pullets. They will thrive better, and besides, they require different feed. If the young chicks are confined in barren yards give them plenty of cabbage, lettuce or grass from the lawn. They will relish it for a change, Don’t let the chicks roost witli the old fowls until at least three months old. Their breast bones are tender and will become crooked if permitted to sit on the roost. If young broods are cooped foi th* first month it gives the chick two chances to reach maturity whore it would have but one if miming about while young and tender. Sunshine is the best medicine for poultry as well as men. If the house is dark and gloomy, the fowls will stay out of it even in tho^vorst weather. Nothing likes sunshine more than poultry. Cholera among chickens is a di¬ sease which is a result of the poor conditions which surround them. With good foot!, fresh, pure water, daily clean quarters and a good range, it seldom gets a foothold. Lice sap the blood from the chickens, and cause restlessness of ights; and on mornings fowls come from the roost feverish anu thirsty. They drink too much, and sit around and soon get indi¬ gestion. They take cold easily when their systems are so impaired, and the cold, if let alone, runs into roup. Eight thousands earlier pigeons, all well trained, are in use in the German army,. Sheep, thrive beat in a pasture where wolves are numerous. The wolvft holes serve to drain the laud. In the regular army about 25 per cent are foreigners, in the na¬ vy 52 per cent of the petty officers, and 42 per cent of the seamen are of foreign born. Artificial teeth made of paper are furnished by the dentists of Germauy. They ar very comfort able, retain their color, are much lighter than china teeth and decid edly low priced. Spain is so much in need of funds ! that any poison entering her lim its wearing shoes , boots nearly or new uiufct pay tax on them, 3us; rule, also applies? Pui hat or i tie which dieemu new. Ul\;M states war vessels of tile: fi ret class are named after states, j of the second class after riv- I ' 1 hose of the third class after j cisies and towns, and j of tho fourth us Uie plusldeut direct. j In three years the expense of running an Atlantic steamer, ex¬ the cost of construction. Since the beginning of the pres war lobsters have become un¬ accountably scarce on the Atlantic COfijt. A recruit from Caffeyville, Kan¬ sas, a few days ago after his al in camps, in San Francisco several presents from and among them was a copy the New Testament* he objected it saying he refused the Old ment, as there was more war in it. In the election of delegates in the various nnlitia districts held during the past week, great siasm manifested. were made and the people turned out enmasse. The populists of county are going to do the thing at the polls in October and elect her entire ticket by an over¬ whelming majority. CORRESPONDENTS WANTED. The Record wants a good, live from che different of Johnson county. We want to Keep in touch with each and to know what is trans¬ piring in the various parts of the To enable us to publish the news of the county it is neces¬ that we have the facts, so us the news. Senatorial District Meeting. A meeting is hereby called of the senatorial executive commit¬ to meet in Wrightsville, Ga., Sat¬ July 16, to transact business of concerning the populist affairs. The counties of John¬ Laurens and Emanuel compose district, and it is urged that each seud a full delegation. J. T. Snell, Chm’n. Palmer Hardware Co SAVANNAH, GA., Wfioiesal* and Retail Ddalers in HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS AND DESCRIPTIONS. We invite your special inspection of our full and complete stock of heavy and shelf hardware, Agricultural implements, Guns, Pistols, pocket and table cutlery, ammunition, etc. We also carry a full line of mill supplies of all kinds, rubber and leather belting, and ali kinds of packing. In addition to our regular line of hardware, we carry a full line of cooking and heating stoves both for wood and coal also the nicest lot of oil heating stoves in the south We also invite your special attention to our very handsome line of crockery- In addition to the above, wo have added to our stock a complete assortment of harness of ALL kinds AND SADDLES OF EVERY DESCRIP ION. Mail orders PROMPTLY executed; they will have as GOOD ATTENTION as if left in person. We so licit a trial and will guarantee satisfaction both as the quality of goods apd prices. Call on us when in our city, or write ns for prices. PALMER HARDWARE GO., 9, 11, and 13 North Jefferson St. Savannah, Ga. ONE DOLLAR Will pay for the fallowing papers from date received to October’ 1898, and if you- order at once a club membership Free: . PEOPLE’S PARTY PAPER, CHICAGO EXPRESS, MISSOURI WORLD, FREE REPUBLIC. Singly, you would nay Sf^S.OO for this combination. This means papers for 100 cents (4 papers every week) all from different eee Mention Thk Recoup when you order. ~ —. NATIONAL PAPER CLUB, Atlanta, Ga. -v v Fur tlis BEST HEAL k Savannah a! ZOythewood's W. m i^TAURANT. 104 5t. 'T, L, ItH Bryan St., west, is’ mo vat cgfmui. Fine conks. Euw service. Street ; v t6 ai] mt.s Onon ilnv and nicrJih CM. Ordinary’s Advertisement. County. Notice is hereby given that J. M. Mason, ad¬ of tlio estate of M. H. Mason, de has applied to me for leave to sell one interest in lots Of land Nos. 10 a%d 11. in Ga., and that I will pass on the at my office en the first Monday in Au¬ Ib08. Given under my hand and official signiture. 4th day of July, 1803. J. E. Pagk, Ordinary. Annie Melton ) Libel for divorce in vs i Johnson Superior C. C. Melton.) Court. March term 1898. It appearing to the court by the re¬ turn of the sheriff in the above slated that the defendant does not re¬ side in said county; and it further appearing that he does not reside in this state: It is therefore ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defendant, by tiie publication this order once a month, for four months, before the next term of this in The Record, a newspaper in county. Granted: It. L.Gamble. J. 8. C. M. C. P. Hicks, Petitioners At’ty. FOR EXCHANGE. 455 acre plantation in Columbia Ga., 4 miles from railroad sta¬ Oochee creek flows through it, well as several brooks. Several flue 2 wells of excellent water, houses, large barn, stalls, cow etc,. Some as fine creek and bottom land as can be found. Plenty timber for building purposes. law is in force. Write, stating what you have in tiie matter of land to for it. II. P. Iilount, Box 266 Atlanta, Ga. KIRKE & WILLIAMS, PRACTICAL Plumbers and Steam Fitters. DUBLIN. GA. We are prepared to do all of Plumbing and Steam fitting at Reasonable Estimates furnished for any on short notice. WAR DECLARED! V We have declared war, relent¬ less war on high prices. This is an oppressive and relentless war and will be carried into the ene¬ my’s lines. We have the name of saving money for our custom¬ ers and we mean to keep it up. Come and get the “Fire” goods we must make room for our new stock. We are now on South court square, second door from corner, old postoffice stand. R.T.&E. A. LOVETT. Special Notice. I have on hand the best lot of plows in the town, well set and hardened, for as little money as you can buy them in thif place or elsewhere. Horse Shoeing done by the best shoer in the place, with the best of shoi and nails. All kinds of Repair Work done at short notice. I will save you money by coming to see me. Thanking you for past favors, I am yours for busi ness JOHN I). OUTLAW. TRUNK FACTORY EDWARD MOYLE, Prop’r — < w> Manufacturer of gas , . Trunks anu ^ I fm —■ 1 Traveling Bags* am.. . J®— WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. pjggg WRITE FOR PRICES. 39 mm& Factory and Salesroom 5S] 10 BROUGHTON St. EAST. THIS IS THE CORRECT SCHEDULE. Wrightsville & Tennille R.K.Co. G. \V. PEEK INS, Pres. «fc Supt. E. K. BUY AX, Jr. Gen. Pas. Agt. Tennille, Ga. Dublin, Ga. BEAU DOWN. ftKAirttU. ■No. 5. |No. a.'No. 1.1 No. 2. No. 1. No. «.j No s j JCNE 15, 1598. Sun" S u "', . _ jSn- Dally Dailyj Central Time. day. Daily Sun- | d P. ! iA. M. P. M.i P. M. A. M, A. M.ff • OSt-X--* SSSi 8 B 00 1 Leave Savannah vrive o VlKHO 0 00 7 , 7 50 i I.eav© Atlanta rrtve 7 4*- 7 45 7 ill 8 40 j j Leave Angu3ta Macon rrivc 7 W 6 35 5 11 88 Leave vrive 8 vi 3 55 | M. |P. I A!.: 1 A, M.j P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. 3 do 2 SO 6 SO i I-tfilVO Tuimillo Arrive 1 20 0 30 j 5 10 II ; 8 :« | 2 55 [ li 52 I Leave Harrison Arrive LI2 58 0 05 I 4 50 10 ! 8 47 ;! or- ‘ ! T 00 I I T;.;ave Leave Do novan Ai ! ; !12 50 { } 5 55 4 TO 10 j 9 fl 35 p j :t H ’15 <30 1 7 7 09 21 j Lenre W Meadows liffhtsvill© Arrive 2d 4\ 5 45 .os J 3 \-i 55 at) iio 10 I 1 ni 8 55 3 S* S 1 W ! Leave " Donaldson JsOVQtt A rrive gi'M 1 5 -- 3 CSSS 07 ?:• 4-1 | 7 33, Arrive 12 18 -5. 17 2 28 3 50 ».7 ! 88 Leave Bruton Arrive n i 2 5 09 j •i 05 7 4B Leave Condor Arrive 12-02 4 59 00 4 20 I 8 00 Arrive .Dublin I^ave 11 50 4 r* 'fs! M.| r i 3 CO I- P 30 j Arrive Empire i I> i>0 0 5 0 Arrive fJtvwfcmsvii ll aiw