Weekly Jeffersonian. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1906-1907, February 28, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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EXTRACTS FROM THE UNION BAN NER. (Winfield, Texas.) Tennessee is coming to the front with her union work. n The old state of Georgia has a rous ing set of good union people. South Carolina has quite a number of good, strong union men. K The Farmers’ Union is bound to take this country. You watch and you will see. We are not exaggerating about it n The happiest man in the world is that old farmer who has a good com fortable house, a good wife and twelve or fourteen children, a good farm, good stock, smokehouse full of meat and a crib full of corn. •t A strong resolution was passed unanimously at the Farmers’ Union meeting at Atlanta requesting the fac tories to work our low grade of cotton into wrapping for this year’s cotton; also requesting all cotton farmers to use same. The profits on a flock. of twenty sheep on the average farm are aston ishingly large. But it does not follow that a hundred sheep on the same farm will yield five times as much as the twenty sheep. n The department of agriculture falls to “find any tangible evidence of the production of cotton in any country which will be a serious competitor of the upland cotton of this country.” Hence American cotton is still king. Dairying plays a most important part in the successful rotation of crops, and perhaps no better means can be found of turning all kinds of grain and fodder into a valuable fertilizer and so adding to the fertility of the soil, than by this method. n The farmers’ garden ought to con tain a greater variety of winter beans. White beans are as good as can be, but there are others, seldom grown and liked better by others. Red kid ney beans, for instance. And black bean soup is esteemed a real delica cy by a great many. W Thirty thousand members added to the Farmers’ Educational and Co-oper ative Union of America in one day— the 22d day of January, 1907. The Farmers’ Unions in Illinois, Indiana, and other states joined us. These people were organized under a dif ferent charter than ours. We are reminded of Hon. Thomas E. Watson as we pass along the public highways and see mail boxes in front of every man’s door. The rural free delivery measure he put through while in congress. They stand to his memory. He made the poor man’s fight. This is why he is not in * the U. S. senate today. We see In the Rising Star, pub lished at Winnsboro, La., that Thom as E. Watson was selected at the Na tional meeting in Atlanta, Ga., as Na tional Organizer for the Farmers’ Un ion, which is a mistake. Mr. Wat son is not even a member of the or der. It was our pleasure to be at the above meeting, and we can say of our own knowledge that Watson is not an officer of the union. How ever, he is doing all the good for the Union he can by making speeches all over the south. THE WEEKLY JEFFERSONIAN. Tom Watson has changed the form of his paper and changed the name + o “The Weekly Jeffersonian.” The Mer cury thinks the change in form is better. The matter is of the Watson style, and is interesting and education al reading. The Mercury believes the Jefferso nian will work with and for the Geor gia Democratic party, and for Bryan Democracy in the nation. In short, will try to help reform that old great ly deformed party. Tom has that right. If he has de cided to go into the reform busi ness, and to reform the Democratic party, he has undertaken a big job. And the Mercury wishes him much success. —Hickory, N. C., Mercury. •I M R Eurekaton, Tenn., Jan. 26, 1907. Hon. Thomas E. Watson, Atlanta, Ga. Dear Sir: It is very gratifying to me to ac knowledge tne receipt v£ your VVeeKiy J eiiersuuian ana magazine, it or i Know trial r nave tue genuine article now' as it represents uie teatuiHM <_>£ ou»- Tom. Hovv ennerent iroui me lasi nurnoer oi tnat Dugas New lora thing. Is it any wonuer tnat me man anu deiunct magazine suoum go iimwr wnea me ueaU was severed iroin me bony? wny uid not neu rance no nae Juuias iscariot," in nis be nay al oi Vv arson, go anu commit suicide? he woum men nave receiver! credit lor some remorse oi conscience. Well we can say, "Alas, pour warwica, ne is dean." But wim your two Jeuerso niaus ana tne uid rename Missouri Vvorid we wni maae me weiaiu ring wnn true patriotism. 1 wouiu not uu wnuuut Uiese tuiee (as long as r am ame to see now to read; at uoume me price ox mem. i?or they auvucate tne principles mat 1 heartily endorse. Anu i uo nope and pray mat you may be so encouraged in renewing your enort to prove to me wond me just ness ol our demands tnat tuey win soon be enacted in our laws. W. F. SHORT. n n n Ahead of th® Game. “There’s really no tellin’,” Said Mayor McClellan, “What Hearst and those fellows will do. They claim they’ve no doubt Os turning me out, But they can’t get my back salary too.” —Philadelphia Ledger. n Amidst the hundreds of prominent names, from nearly every state in the union, which appear in Watson’s Jeffer sonian Magazine and Watson’s Week ly Jeffersonian, we do not see a sin gle name of the “safe and sane” tribe from the state of Washington. But let me whisper in their ears: One of the largest book stores in Seattle had sold every one of the January num ber of Watson’s Jeffersonian Maga zine before the 15th of the month. This shows that the people are reading Tom Watson’s literature. We write this in order that me “safe and sane” may confirm their position and not be a misnomer.—The Patriarch, Seattle. •t R H The Hon. Thomas E. Watson has already done more to educate the jveople along political lines than any other man in all the country. He is now better prepared than ev er before to lead the people on t° greater heights of knowledge and and purity in government.—Cannon (Ga.), Herald. THE WEEKLY JEFFERSONIAN 198 Peachtree Street. - ATLANTA, GEORGIA R W W Chartier Shorthand makes HIGH CLASS stenographer In 6 to 12 WEEKS. Why spend 6 to 12 months on out-of-date systems? Our pupils learn to KEEP BOOKS exactly as they are kept in business. FOUR MONTHS, $299 saved on a combined course. DORMITORIES furnish wholesome discipline and BOARD at ACTUAL COST. A POSITION is secured for every graduate. WRITE TODAY for new and attractive catalog. SE E T~> S FORIO CTS - 300 kinds of Flower seeds and 5 packages G irden seeds— Radish, Tomato, Cabbage, Lettuce and Onijn—all for only 10c., with our new 1907 Catalogue, full of good things for the Garden, Field and Flower Gai den. lowa Success Seed Corn, the best that lowa soil can grow. Package free. Address to F’. C. Graves Seed Co. Dept. Y. - Des Moines, lowa DR. W. M. PITTS’ ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR The Greatest Family Medicine Dr. W. M. Pitts, who, as the originator of Pitts* Carminative, has been a benefactor to tired mothers and suffering babes, after *a suc cessful practice of Fifty Years, now offers to the public his Greatest Combination of Medicines In PITTS' ANTISEPTIC INVIGORATOR. It is a great scientific medicine. Although new to me people, it is a great com bination of health-giving medicines, and cures when all else fails. It purt fies me blood, stimulates the action of me liver, bowels, and kidneys, there by removing poisonous bacteria (or germ) matter from me whole system, to aid nature in her work of restoring perfect health. It tones up the stomach and gives appetite. It is unfailing tn me cure of all stomach, bowel, and kidney troubles. The nervous system is restored to its normal condition, and many of me most serious ailments —such as sleeplessness heart trouble and me like —yield to the healing virtues of me Jnvigorator In fact, it acts on every organ -of me body, thereby curing nearly all me different diseases of mis age. Every drop of blood is affected and puri fied by its use. The blood is the life, therefore if you get the L ood pure, all parts of me entire system will be brought under its powerful heal Ing Influences. Antiseptic Invlgorator is rightly named, and it is one of me greatest germ killers and invigorating tonics now on me market For sale and GUARANTEED By all Druggists Price 50c and |I.OO per bottle. If your Druggist don’t keep it and will not get It for you we will send it express prepaid, on receipt of price. Pitts’Antiseptic Invlgorator Co. Thomson, Georgia. 15