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The Pwnhrok*
State Bank
Big Enough
To Strv. You
Small Enough
To Know You
Momh«* F-D.l-C.
Volume 67, Number 22—The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Georgia 31321
Carlos Jones
Resigns Deputy
Job In Bryan
The news of the resignation
of Carlos Jones as Deputy Sher
iff of Bryan County came like
a bombshell to his many friends
throughout Bryan County, as
for the past 23 years he has
been the Deputy in the 20th
District, first under Sheriff E.
W. Miles, then under Sheriff
Kyle D. Smith and for the past
year serving under the present
Sheriff Harry Williamson who
told us on Monday afternoon,
that the resignation of Deputy
Jones caused him more worry
than anything that he has had
to happen during his time as
Sheriff of Bryan County, but
that he understood just the rea
son for the resignation of Mr.
Mr. Jones, Mr. Billy Speir
and Mr. C. E. Kicklighter are
partners in three places in Sa
vannah featuring special pre
pared chicken, which we are
told is out of this world and his
partners insisted on him becom
ing active at one of the places.
The financial picture was
brighter for Mr. Jones, but
even at that he was reluctant
to quit.
He is in Florida taking a two
weeks course learning the fine
points of operating this busi
ness, and then will take charge
of one of the places in Savan
nah. He will continue to live
at Richmond Hill, and we are
told that Sheriff Williamson
insisted that he remain a Dep
uty Sheriff, on leave with all
the powers that he ever had.
Mr. Jones was always praised
very highly by every Sheriff
that he served under, and the
Editor of The Pembroke Journ
al, who has known Mr. Jones
all the years that he has been
a deputy sheriff, feels like he
is one of the best officers that
Bryan County has ever had. In
fact at one time we tried to
bring him to Pembroke as Chief
of Police.
When we asked Sheriff Wil
liamson about his resigning, we
were told, that he considered
this one of the worst things
that had happened to him since
becoming Sheriff, and that
while he knew his place would
be hard to fill, his best wishes
went with Mr. Jones, and that
if perchance he ever decided to
come back that he would find a
place for him.
W'hile we know that Carlos
Jones has left the Sheriffs
force to enter a business of
which he is a partner, he will
still be a citizen of Richmond
Hill and Bryan County, ’live in
his home and be a part of every
movement that means well for
Bryan. He is one of the most
active members of the Lions
Club, which has meant so much
to the people of Richmond Hill
and the 20th Districts, as they
are real “go-getters” and are
behind the things that are good
for our county.
Mrs. Wendt Wins
Race To Serve As
Turner Co. Court Clerk
A former resident of Rich
mond Hill, Mrs. Dorothy Lane
W’endt, sister of Mrs. Walter
Meeks, Jr., was elected Clerk of
Superior Court of Turner Coun
ty in a special election there
Mrs. Weqdt, a native of Re
becca, Turner County, and the
daughter of Joseph M. Lane
and the late Mrs. La n e, won
a majority of the votes cast for
the three candidates in the race,
avoiding a run-over.
The final tabulation showed
that Mrs. Wendt received a
large majority of votes over
candidates John N. Coker and
Reginald McCorvey.
Variety shows gaining popu
larity on TV.
East and West clash at U.N.
over Bonn role.
Aa a 'ml tiiiM's luiiii mi imm' I
■nd BRYAN COUNTIAY CauMllditd December 39. 1967
Killed in Action
Son Killed
In Vietnam
Capt. Frank Meszar 111, 25,
son of Brig. Gen. Frank Mesz
ar, former commanding general
of the Ft. Stewart-Hunter Army
Airfield Complex, was killed by
enemy fire in Vietnam Satur
Gen. Meszar, now serving in
Vietnam, will accompany the
body home for burial in Arling
ton National Cemetery.
Capt. Meszar, of Co. A, 2nd
Battalion, 12th Cavalry, First
Calvary Division, last visited
Savannah during Christmas.
He was a graduate of West
Surviving besides his father
are his mother, Mrs. Frank
Meszar, who lives at Hunter;
and a sister, Miss Sarah Mesz
ar, a student at Purdue Univer
Harry Gill, Jr.
Again A Deputy
Sheriff Os Bryan
On Monday Sheriff Harry
Williamson swore in Harry Gill,
Jr., of Richmond Hill to Ld the
place of Deputy Carlos M.
Jones, who resigned in order to
give his time to a business in
Savannah of which he is a part
ner, and which demanded that
he become an active partner in
the business.
Deputy Gill has served Bryan
County before, and it was grati
fying to Sheriff Williamson
that he received so many re
guest that he give the job to
Mr. Gill, after it was learned
that Mr. Jones was leaving the
The new deputy lives at Rich
mond Hill and he and his wife
are at Gills Grill, which is oper
ated by the combined families
of Harry Gill and wife, Sr., and
Harry Gill and wife, Jr.
The Journal editor has been
a friend of the Gills for nigh
onto fifty years, and we rec
ognize them as being of the
best kind of folks that live in
our county, We congratulate
Sheriff Williamson on giving
the job to a local citizen, one
that has had the experience and
the background to make us one
of the best officers serving any
Pembroke Methodist Men will
meet this Thursday night at
8:00 p.m. in the Methodist
Church social hall. The topic of
discussion will be civic projects
and plans in Pembroke. The
men of the community are in
vited to attend. Rex Smith is
president of Methodist Men,
Dixie Harn, vice-president, Ted
Rich, Secretary and Gordon
Smith, treasurer.
The club meets monthly on
first Thursday night.
Bryan Superior
Court To Meet
Monday, Mar 17
The March term of Bryan
Superior Court will meet on the
third Monday in March which is
the 17th. Both the Grand Jury
and Traverse Jurors will be on
hand to take care of the courts
needs. Judge Paul Caswell will
preside and the states interest
will be looked after by Solicitor
General Max Chaney.
There will be a big docket
awaiting court and some old
cases that have hung fire for
some time will be cleared up at
this court.
The following are the Jurors
that have been selected to be on
hand at the March term of
Jury List
W. I. Kennedy, Robert Fen
nell, Nugent Griffin, Wade S.
Martin, A. V. Anderson, C. W.
Tidwell, Doy W. Gill, J. C.
Tucker, 0. F. Lanier, J. K. Spell,
W. R. Rahn, Charles Daniel, W.
C. Harvey, W. S. Downs, F. L.
Hendry, John L. Lewis, A. J.
Walbert, James Davis, Dalton
Griner, Aden Hattaway, Hugh
lyn Page, A. M. Baker, J. H.
Lewis, D. E. Miller, Sr., T. B.
Darieng, George Bush, P. B.
Findley, J. H. Mock, J. W.
Brewton, Roland Lee.
Robert W’illiamson, A. A.
Martin, E. T. Bath, Mrs. Estelle
Floyd, Lewis Durden, W. L.
Humphries, M. L. Warren, W'.
R. Pilkington, Mrs. Pearl Car
penter, C. J. Eagerton, O. B.
Haymans, Alton Elrick, B. M.
Smith, Harry Owens, Eugene
Boyd, O. S. Butler, L. C. Lane,
George C. Martin, Hardy B.
Jones, Caldwell Morrison, Claud
Rushing, H. G. Ukkeberg, Gor
<’m Harn, R. R. Parker, P. E.
Brannen, Gordon Knight.
Bennie Sharp, Jesse New
man, Freddie Glisson, N. L.
Ham, E. L. Meekins, Bobby E.
e Purcell, Herbert Schwabe, Jesse
Keleher, Sr., H. J. Foster, Odell
, Moore, Jim E. Lantz, James H.
, Carter, David Blitch, W. M.
Porterfield, Ellis Butler, James
j Estes, J. O. Wilson, Sam Brad
q ley, W. W. Shuman, Clinton J.
Scruggs, G. N. Davis, Jesse
, Keleher, Jr., W. W. Bashlor
Sr., Mrs. C. E. Dasher, Lloyd
1 L. Collins, D. T. Ellis, A. S
Butler, Richard Smith, Guy
, Webster, Ralph Owens, Warren
। Miller, Cecil Webster, Mrs. A.
; H. Croom, Terrel E. Owens,
Herbert Harris, Boyd Harvey,
Francis Bashlor.
, S. C. Hilliard, Luther Hen
nessee, Eugene Mock, Robert
, Hughes, A. B. Clanton, Etna
। Hines, C. E. Kicklighter, John
W. Scott, C. L. Cross, Sr., Troy
) Moore, C. L. Strickland, Jr.,
, Mrs. J. T. Stubbs, J. W. Taylor.
To Whom It May
A Special Called Meeting at
•the Bryan Neck Presbyterian
Church on Sunday, March 9th
at 3:00 p.m.
There are so many who have
moved away that have lots here
and have loved-ones buried here
at the Bryan Neck Presbyteri
an Church Cemetery. Unfortu
nately the church has lost con
l tact with many family connec
t tions.
; It is very important that all
f concerned families be repre
i sented at this important meet
> ing. Your presence will be ap
. predated.
i Refreshments will be served!
Wrong Enemy
"You should love your ene
mies," the preucher told the
"I do. I love rum, whisky, to
bacco and women,” grinned the
crafty red man.
Richmond Hill
History Classes
Enjoy Tour
Recently the Georgia History
classes at Richmond Hill school
enjoyed an educational tour of
Fort McAllister.
Located on the south bank of
the Great Ogeechee River on
Genesis Point, Fort McAllister
is an outstanding example of
the earthwork fortifications of
the Confederacy and very im
portant in Bryan County as an
historical landmark.
By examining the earthwork
and learning of the Fort’s suc
cessful resistance to attacks by
monitor-type vessels of the
Union Navy in 1863, the pupils
saw how earthern fortifications
could stand up against the
heaviest naval ordnance em
ployed up to that time in our
In addition, they learned that
Fort McAllister played an im
portant role in General Sher
man’s seige of Savannah in
1864, following his devastating
march through Georgia. Its cap
ture in Dec. 13, 1864, enabled
the Union Army to commiuni
cate with their Navy and obtain
much-needed supplies.
In their study the pupils
gleaned much information con
cerning the fall of Fort McAl
lister and the restoration.
During the late 1930’s Henry
Ford, who owned the Fort Mc-
Allister site, undertook exten
sive restoration. Today, under
the administration of the Geor
gia Historical Commission, the
earthworks and bombproofs
have been restored to a condi
tion closely approximating that
of 1963-64. The Museum, which
contains many mementoes of
Fort McAllister and of the
Nashville, was completed in
1963, one hundred years after
the great bombardments by the
Union ironclads.
Mrs. Walter Meeks, Jr., Geor
gia history teacher, accompani
ed the classes and helped to
conduct the morning tours. As
sisting Mrs. Meeks was Mrs.
Maude Smith and Mrs. Alease
B.CH-S. Beta
Club Attends
Twenty-eight members of the
Bryan County High School Beta
Club and their sponsor Mrs. V.
L. Mitchell will leave Friday
morning March 9th by charter
ed bus to attend the State Beta
Convention in Atlanta. Those
who will attend the convention
are: Darlene Butler, Patricia
Cowart, Donna Jones, Janell
Lewis, Margie Nolan, Carolyn
Warnell, Billy Downs, Greg
Harvey, Frank Miles, Dwight
Newman, J. O. Wilson, Jan
Martin, Debbie Raule rso n,
Cathy Strickland, David Blitch,
Billy Conley, Glynn Miles, Allen
Greene, Linda Williamson,
Hoynes Bacon, Debbie Miller,,
Donna Scott, Diane Smith, Bar
bara Wilson, Susan Lane, Doug
DeLoach, Kay Bazemore, and
David Warnell.
While in Atlanta the Beta
members will attend the talent
program, the installation of
state officers, the political
campaigns, and semi - formal
dance. W’e will return to Pem
broke on Sunday, March 9th.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Calvin
Smith, Chapel Hill, North Car
olina announce the birth ot a
daughter, Kimberly Louise,
born February 21, 1969. She is
the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Johnston, Elber
ton, Georgia and Mrs. Kyi' D.
Smith and the late Sheriff
Kyle D. Smith,, Pembroke. She
weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces.
Head On Collision Results In Two Deaths
’Wc-' My... -
Last Saturday morning about 7:30, two automobiles ran into each other head on, and killed 2 people, and sent two to
the hospital in a serious condition. The accident happened on U. S. 280 at a point just west of the site of the former
location of the Newman Lumber Company. It seems that tthe Ford car which was from Claxton and was driven by a
colored woman, Clency Lightfoot, who had two childreen in the car with her, was attempting to pass the car of Victor
Floyd, of Pembroke when she met the Bonneville Pontiac from Lanier “head on”, demolishing both cars, driving the
engines of each back into the car. The woman and one of her children was killed, the other child is in Memorial
Hospital in a serious condition, the Pontiac was from near Lanier and was being driven by John Holmes, he too is in
Memorial Hospital in a .serious condition. Both cars were total wrecks.
Bryan County High School Selects
STARS For The 1969 Season
Star Student-
W ' \
Akins' To Discuss
Holy Land Travels
At Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Akins
of Brooklet will be the guest
speakers at the Lawrence Bap
tist Church near Pembroke
Sunday, March 9 at the 7:30
p.m. services.
The Akins have just recently
returned from a trip to Israel
where they toured the Holy
Land with their daughter and
son-in-law. Dr. and Mrs. Akins
will show slides Sunday night
and hold a discussion on their
travels and expereinces in the
Holy Land.
Dr. Akins is the owner and
operator of the City Drug Co.
in Brooklet. He and Mrs. Akins
are members of the First Bap
tist Church of Brooklet where
they have both been active in
all phases of church life for
many years. Dr. Akins is a Dea
con of his church.
Lawrence Baptist Church
pastor, John K. Joyner, invites
the public to come and enjoy
the services at the church Sun
day night at 7:30.
Mr. D. H. Porterfield who has
been seriously ill and spent sev
eral weeks in the Evans Coun
ty Memorial Hospital in Clax
ton and the Memorial Me'dical
Center in Savannah returned
home last Saturday and is do
ing fine.
Head of men’s wear stresses
STAR Student And
Teacher Named
Frank Miles has been named
I STAR Student of Bryan Coun
; ty High School and also the
: STAR Student of the entire
. Bryan County High School Sys-
I tern.
Frank Miles has been named
i STAR Student of Bryan County
| High School and has chosen Mr.
Fred Warren, science instruc
। tor, as the BCHS STAR Teach-
I er, the Bryan County Jaycees
I announced recently.
Frank earned the honor of
I being the STAR Student of the
I entire Bryan County High
I School System as well as of
I BCHS. Frank received the
STAR Student title as the re
sult of being in the top 10'/
of his class and having made
the highest SAI’ score of any
BCHS student or any other stu
dent, in the county.
A Debate Team and Beta
Club Member for the past four
years, Frank is now president
of the Beta Club. Along with
membership in the Future
Teachers of America and the
Future Farmers of America, he
is a member of the BCHS Quar
tet which will represent the
high school at the region 3C lit
erary competition in the quartet
Th son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Miles, Frank is a member of the
First Baptist Church of Pem
broke wnere he is active in the
youth organizations and sings
in the choir.
The STAR Teacher of the
year, Mr. Fred Warren, was
chosen by the STAR Student as
the teacher who contributes the
most to the students high school
Mr. Warren is a graduate of
the University of Georgia, holds
a B.S. in chemistry, and is a
member of Phi Beta Kappa. Mr.
Warren joined the BCHS teach
ing staff in midterm of last
year, and this 1968-69 school
year will be his first complete
term of teaching.
Though Mr. Warren resides
in Statesboro, he has contri
buted his time and accepted the
responsibility of sponsoring the
BCHS Chapter of Future
Teachers of America.
Two furnished house trailers
for rent, will be available Feb.
1. Also for rent, trailer park
space at end of 1-16. Call Mrs.
W. C. Burnsed, 653-2568.
• ■! ★
Star Teacher
Arrives From Hawaii For Visit
t A-
1 Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Morris arrived in Savannah Tuesday
morning, March 4th from Hawaii for a visit with Mrs.
Morris’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Paige.
They kre enroute to Little Rock AFB,_ Ark. They were
accompanied by three fine children, Rogina, Sabrina and
’ Editor and Mrs. Miller were invited to dine with them
• and their visitors from Hawaii and such a dinner have ever
c enjoyed before.
Mr. and Mrs. Paige have a lovely home in the Oscar
Harvey subdivision.
BCHS To Host
State Tournament
Saturday night at 8 p.m. St.
Pius X of Savannah, Georgia,
will play Crawford County in
the Bryan County High School
Gym, in a championship game.
This game will be the first
stage of the state tournament.
St. Pius X is rated as the 4th
team in the state and Crawford
County is in the top ten. This
game will be basketball at its
best. Admission is SI.OO for
It is an honor to Pembroke
to have been selected as the
site for this portion of the tour
nament, so lets show them we
deserve the honor by filling the
gym with spectators.
Visiting Atlanta this week
| end to attend the Open House
I of the Atlanta College of Med-
I ical and Dental Assistants were
| Miss Carol Duggar of Pem
broke, Miss Gail Glisson and
Mrs. Freddie Glisson of Eldora,
and Mrs. Joe Waters of States