The enterprise. (Pembroke, Bryan County, Ga.) 1???-19??, April 13, 1923, Image 1
Bryan County's 1923 Slogan: Better Schools And Roads 8 PAGES TODAY LOCAL AND FOREIGN VOL. 28 Jurors Drawn May Term Superior Court LIST OF PETIT JURY Drawn to serve at May Term, 1923, Bryan Superior Court: C. C. Patrick, J. Elbert Sims, H. W. Burnsed, C. C. Slater, Jr., Z. Shuman, W. L. Bashlor, R. M. McCallar, C. W. Floyd, Ezra Lewis, J. E. Shuman, J. C. Bell, G. A. Shearouse, S. B. Keleher, A. A. Wters, L. H. Williamson, S. S. Shuman, J. W. Smith, Chas. Gay, Ulysses Wise, Hartridge Wise, W. M. Ransom, G. M. Ed wards, S. S. Ssser, E. M. Dukes, J. W. Butler, A. M. Cason, Rob ert Carter, C. F. Morgan, Arthur Burnsed, J. N. Smith, J. A. Smith, G. C. Clifton, C. C. Slater, Sr.', R. P. Sale, D. B. Burpelt, Jos. H. Smith, Al Seigel, R. E. Lnier, I. L. Carter, W. B. Clanton, R. E. Yeomans, Rufus Cox, William A. Dickerson, T. H. Edwards. Georgia, Bryan County. I, A, H. Bacon, Clerk Superior Court, Bryan. County, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct list of the names drawn to serve as petit jurors at the May Term, 1923, Bryan Superior Court. Witness my hand and seal of i said court this Apri^ 9th, 19^3. * A. H. BACON. Clerk. GRAND JURORS. List of Grand Jurors drawn to serve at May Term, 1923, Bryan Superior Court. R. R. Geigre, J. C. Mikell, C. B. Futch, Leroy Smith, C. A. Gill, I. J. Bacon, W. D. Morgan, J. F. Smith, Alphonso Cason, Henry Williams, S. D. Harn, G. W. Dug gar, V. L. Sims, Joseph E. Smith, W. H. Phillips, Jasper Wise, W. W. Duggar, J. P. Bashlor, Sr., D. B. Duggar, D. S. Ulmer, E. C. Smith, John Kelehar, H. J. Bacon, W. E. Findley, S. B. Smith, Sidney Steinberg, R. E. Lee, Albert Wise, Jr., J. W. Har den, J. C. Stubbs. BILL BOOSTER SAYS UKe L-vrrua V FOLKS V 46 &ES GCMUG xo SCHOOL Wux 06 RuwmwG; out 'OUW A. FEW Nt ARG I OUR SCHOOLS AMO 'VEACHtSS HAVE AM BUORMOV6 RESPOM- Si&\wrtM amo vje should SHOVJ AM WteREST \M TH6\R VJORK AMD 'THEtA OUR SUPPORT, MES.eW. i M I w )Y" —Vii . II /a j \ylf Vl THE ENTERPRISE Spelling, Section 1. Marshall Osten .first place, 5 points. Jasper Shuman, second, 3 points. Aileen Bacon, third, 1 point. Spelling, Section 2. Bessie Blitch, first place, 5 points. Annie Lee Rohn, first place, 5 points. Mattie Belle Edwards, second, 3 points. Lula Blitch, third place, 1 point. Recitation, Section 1. Mary Beth Strickland, first place, 5 points. Naomi Shuman, second, 3 points. Mildred Griner, 1 point. Recitation, Section 2. Evelyn Jordon, first place, 5 points. Jessie Stephens, second, 3 points.' Thelma Watson, third place, 1 point. Declamation, Section 2. Alphonso Miles, first place, 5 points. Carl Story, second place,, 3 points. Leslie Blitch, second, tie, 3 points. Robert Johnson, third place, 1 point. District Meet. Kulman Story, 5 points. Ossie Lee Jones, 5 points. Silver Pin Track Events. Velma Hughes, 5 points. Yulee Lnier, 5 points. Blanch Morgan, 5 points. Bessie Blitch, 3 points. Pauline Morgan, 3 points. Alton Clanton, 5 points. Herman Griner, 5 points. Luther Bacon, 5 points. Carlton Bacon, 5 points. William Roberts, 5 points. Thomas Adams, 5 points. George Colson, 5 points. Cecil Bacon, 5 points. Bronze Pin Track Events. Virgie Mae Lanier, 5 points. Annie Rimes, 1 point. Annie Laura Hayman, 5 points. Mae Bacon, 5 points. Ophie Morgan, 5 points. Thelma Lane, 5 points. Ruby Lee Purcell, 5 points. Anna Mae Morgan, 1 point. Lois Edwards, 1 point. Middle Lee Oglesby, 1 point. Vida Blitch, 3 points. Georgia. Bryan County. I. A. H. Bacon, Clerk Superior Court Bryan County, do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct list of the names drawn to serve as Grand Jurors at the May Term, 1923, Bryan Superior Court. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this, the 9th day of April, 1923. A. H. BACON, Clerk. PEMBROKE WILL GROW PEMBROKE, BRYAN COUNTY, GA., FRIDAY. APRIL 13, 1923 FIELD DAY MEET WINNERS Ophie Wise, 5 points. Violet Morgan, 1 point. Jimmie Lee Parrish, 5 points. Blanche Morgan, 3 points. Ollie Williams, 1 point. Juanita Yoemans, 3 points. Reta Mae Downs, 1 point. Troy Geiger, 5 points. Curtis Bacon, 5 points. Oswald Osteen, 5 points. Charlton Shuman, 5 points. John Bacon, 5 points. Sigo Morgan, 5 points. Boyd Polk, 1 point. Roy Hawkins, 3 points. Lamar Adams, 1 point. . Billie Geiger, 1 point. Ray Spenser, 1 point. Ed Smith, 5 points. Total points for,Pembroke— -161. Total points for Ellabelle—-30. Total points for Little Creek — 6. ' Total points for Beulah—s: Total points for Eldora—l. Total points for Kilkenny—l. Total points for Groveland—o. Basketball game for boys: Pembroke, 28; Eilabe”" Basketball game ~ a, ^gndfij Pembroke, 32; Ellabehc, 10. Baseball: Pembroke High School, 8; Statesboro Agricultur al School, 7. Loving Cup from Mayor W. C. Lanier to Bryan County High School. Attendance the largest ever held at an educational meet and the dinner the best and most bountiful. Our Model 15 Linotype Machine That Has Arrived And Will Be Installed This Week —Ob !•* raff ; ‘"jl' ; [R i tISII | J 1 1'1 IK Mi I IM 11^ Revival Opens Here Next Sunday, the 22 REV. WOODLE WILL BE HERE F ROM LYONS A revival will begin at the Pembroke Baptist Church Sun day, April 22, and will continue for ten days or more. Services will be held twice daily. These services will be under the charge of Rev. A. D. Woodie of Lyons, and it is hoped that large crowds will be present at these meetings. Rev. Woodie needs little intro duction to the people of Pem broke, he being one of the most popular men that has ever cocu pied the local pulpit, and his teachings are greatly enjoyed by the members of his congregation. ROAD WORK The county road scraper has been at work on the road from Groveland to Ellabelle during the past week. This is of great benefit, considering the condition that this road has been in for some time. MISSIONARY RALLY HELD A missionary rally was held at the Pembroke Baptist Church by the ladies of the Missionary So ciety and visiting teachers. A very profitable and enjoyable day was spent and a bountiful dinner being spread under the trees of the church yard. WANTED SINGLE MAN TO WORK ON FARM. APPLY TOH. W. POWERS, ELLABFLLE GA* New School Building Greatly Needed Now NECESSARY TO TAKE CARE OF INCREASING NUMBER OF CHILDREN Bryan county will have to move in order to keep up with the other counties of the State in regard to education. Under the new consolidation system, which is proven to be the best yet in augurated, the present school buildings are proving to be inad equate to take care of the in creased number of children, and the only way that this can be overcome, is by erecting new buildings. We note that the other cities are not holding self ishly back and failing to do what they should, but are going ahead, advancing steadily on their edu cational programs, and making a great effort to arm their children with tools' to fight with, other > than- their strong backs. Now we come to our own city, what are we going to do about . it? Here, we have more chil dren than we can efficiently take care of this year, and what about next. We surely can’t tax our old building with a larger ' patronage. It just won’t hold them. This district needs a new building. There is no doubt in the world about that, and the way to get what we want is to go after it in the right way. Let’s get down to work, and see what can be done about this needful matter, and when it comes time to say, “we will or we won’t” put your shoulder to the wheel, and give a good push to the front. Onward with our school pro gram. Big and better schools for our children. TOWN TEAM DOWNED BY SCHOOL BOYS A snappy baseball game was fought on the local diamond on Wednesday afternoon, when Joe Smith’s Town Wildcats met Smith’s High School boys, the latter only nosing out in the last inning victors, to the score of 8 to 7. Will Smith did the mound work for the town boys, while “Bub” Clanton, the Hi’s left hand twirler, alleyed the apple, showing good stuff for a new pitcher. Games will be staged every Wednesday afternoon be tween these two teams, and all are invited to turn out and see will be there when you look over some real stuff. We know you the line-up. Joe’s team includes the following big leaguers: Sims Brothers, C. C. DeLoach, Osborne Griner, Herman Cason, Col. Dukes, Joe Smith, Arthur Osborne and Will Smith. LEFT FOR NEW YORK Julius Morgan left Wednesday for a business trip to New York and other Northern cities. BOOST YOUR COUNTY WEATHER TODAY FAIR AND WARMER No. 19