Newspaper Page Text
^he ftrqan 'Geuytq Enterprise
Mrs. Rosetta Futch Bell of'
Savannah, died Monday morning
after a brief illness. She is sur
vived by her husband, James I.;
Bell; three daughters. Mrs. G. H.
Burnset and Mrs. Brooks De-
Loach of Ellabelle and Mrs.
Henry Robbins of Savannah;
two sons, Erwin Bell and Ber-i
I rum Bell of Ellabelle; live broth
ers, Hamp Futch and Lem Futch
of Pineora, John Futch of Jack
sonville and G. M. Futch and
William Futch of Ellabelle, and
one sister, Mrs. Henry Matthews
of Savannah.
Services were held Monday
afternoon at 4 o’clock in Savan
nah, the Rev- John S. Wilder of
ficiating. The remains were sent
to Ellabelle Tusday for inter
ment in Black Crek Cemetery.
“Kool Korn” is evidently get
ting scarce in this secton—or
maybe more people are comply
ing with the spec! ska tons of the
Volstead Act as regards drink
ing same. Anyway, the hilarity
and boisterousness caused by
partaking too freely of this bev
erage has decreased consider
ably here of late.
Dr. L. R. Adams, who is pre
scription clerk, soda jerker, own
er and general manager of the
Pembroke Drug Company, was
serving bottled coca-cola lirsbet
Jfe week instead of the fount
coca-cola. He claimed he was
out of ga.Z “Doc’s” fount was
perhaps out of gas, but not him.
For a stretch of about a mile
just this side of Blitchton a
highway has been built that will
equal any in the state. The road
has been thrown up about five or
six feet, is about forty feet wide
and is of a hard clay surface.
Bulloch county convicts are
doing some excellent work at
Burnsed’s bridge over Black
Creek. A high embankment is
being thrown up on both sides
of the bridge and an excellent
road is being built.
ne 801 l Weevil’s
Worst Enemy
Use WEEVIL-NIP and Make
Cotton in Spite of the
801 l Weevil
I wish to notify the public that 1 am again handling the time-tried bop
weevil remedy, Weevilnip, which 1 sold test j'ear and proved its efliracy. Don t
be misled by the many preparations v/hich claim «o much and do ao little. Wee
vilnip has been fully tried and it has proved its worth to the cotton farmer.
With the uwe of thia remedy 1 made four bales tent year '-n five acres. Will
gladly furnish the names of others who used the remedy.
’llie prices will be as follows: 60 rents per gallon in 50-gallon lotp, 65
cents in 25-ffallon lots: 70 cents in 10-gal'on lots, and 76 cents in 5-ga)lon lota,
f. o. b. Sasannab. .
This preparation comes double strength, and should be diluted with equal
R. F. D. No. I
Pembroke, Ga.
Grand Jury Presentments
We, the Grand Jurors select
- ed. chosen and sworn to serve at
this, the May Term, 1924, of
Bryan Superior Court, submit
the following report.
We, the committee appointed
to examine the books of the va
rious Justices of the Peace and
Notaries Public, submit our re
port, that we find said books cor
rectly kept.
We, the committee appointed
to examine the roads, bridges
and convict camp, submit our re
port- We find the roads in bad
condition except the Clyde-Pem
broke road. We find the bridges
'all over the county in bad condi
tion and should be repaired at
once or condemned.
We find the mules and hogs in
good condition; we also find the
- wagons and road machinery in
, j proper shape.
« -*-r C f ****** n t V-V *”
We. the Committee appointed
to examine the Court House, Jail
and other public buildings, re
port as follows: We find repairs
needed on windows of the Court
House, also some locks needed on
the doors of the Court House.
We find the Jail in good sani
tary condition. We find some of
the sewre pipes bursted and
j should be repaired at once. We
also find that two locks are need
ed. We find it is necessary to
i have sewer pipes put down to
take away the waste water from
the well, and to have a drain
- ditch cut through the swamp be
i' low the Jail in order to protect
The health of the citizens of
< Clvde- We find the windows and
door of the Ordinary an
office needing repairs.
Committee, i
A motion made and seconded i
and unanimously carried by our :
body that our Representatives
and Senator repeal the Act cre-i
atiug two Count y Commissioners :
and in lieu thereof create an Act
'to have four County Commis-
I sipners to be appointed one from
each Militia District and they se-,
lect their Chairman, and that,
their term of office be for two.
years. We r-eeommend that the i
Act creating’ the Pembroke Na
tional Bank as the-CSnnty De
pository for Bryan County b- re
We recommend thatphe above
be enacted at the next session of
the Legislature ; and an Act cre
ating a County Treasurer's Of
We recommend that our Coun
ty7 Commissioners tush over to
the State Highway Department
all money received from the gas
and oil -tjweivedr from the
State, to^/^^^Sed dlthe Stale
t geii un■ w;tu State teSiO aid.
We recommend that P. I.
Rimes be appointed als a mem-
Iber of the Board of Education
from the 1380 t h G M. District
and also C. C. Morgan be ap
pointed from the 19th G.M. Dis
trict, as a member of the Board
of Education.
We recommend that the paup
ers be paid the amount opposite
their names per month;
T. J. B. Boncks.. SIO.OO
Riley Duffy . - 10.00
Amelia Parker . 5.00
- Ferney Davis 5.00
। Colored.
Lewis Mitchell $ 5.00
: Myra Powers . 5.00
Cato Waithour .. 5.00
I Bill Bl own - 5.00
Richard DeLoach 5.00
Rina Powers 5.00
I Adam Morrison -’-00
i Mark Williams —- 5.00
As our county has adopted the
(Australian ballot system, we
(recommend that all committees,
(election managers, freeholders
(and voters earefully perform
their duty in supporting and
‘ seeing that the law is properly
We recommend the following
I tax levy for the year 1924:
I 1. To pay leg’ll indebtedness
of the county due or
about to lie come due and
past due W
| 2. To build and repair Court
House, Jail, Bridges, or
Ferries and other im
provements according to
contract or otherwise... 2%
> 3. To pay Sheriffs, Jailais,
I and other county officers
I fees that may be legally
entitled to from the
county W
i 4. To pay coroners all fees
that may be due by the
county - In®
' 5. To pay county’s expenses
for court l>ailiffs, non
residents witnesses in
criminal cases, fuel, ser
vant hire, stationery and
Hke lawful charges..... ... W
6. To pay jurors a per diem
compensation 1
7. To pay expenses incurred
in supporting the pom
of the county or other
wise provided and pre
tersbed. Thy The Code Y
8. To pay any- other lawful
ehlirges against the
county 4/10
9. To pay public road funds
for the support of the
ehaingan#, and neces
sary incidental expenses
thereto . .... 4
10. To pay county-wide local
school tax for the year
' 1924. 5
It is recomm,ended that the
above levy be made May 7, 1924.
t: n. butch.
We recommend that Henry
Williams Be appointed Notary
Public and Ex. Off. J. P. for the
20th G. M. District, and also that
Willie Sims be appointed No-'
tary Public and Ex. Off. J. P. I
for the 1137th G. M. District.'
and that W. L. Green be appoint-;
ed Notary Public and Ex. Off. J.
P. for the 1380th G. M. District. I
Georgia, Bryan County.
We, the Grand Jurors sitting ■
at the May Term, 1924. of Bryan :
Superior Court, recognize the'
valuable work being done in I
Bryan County, by the county
authorities of Chatham County
in construction of a highway
from Jenks Bridge to Bulloch
County line. The people of
Chatham County have ever ex
(hibited a spirit of friendly. co-.
"Trnffttri ton amt Tendered' Ifta Ter’ftr, 1
aid to the w lefare of our county,
all of which we greatly appreci
ate. -
I We recommend that the clerk
of this Court send a copy of this
expression to the county author
ities of Chat ham County.
Georgia, Bryan County.
We, the Grand Jurors sitting
at the May Term, 1924, of Bryan
County Superior Court, recog
nize the valuable work that the
people of Evans County are do
ing in assisting our county au
thorities in the building of a
highway through Bryan County.
We wish to express our appre
ciation to the county authorities
and people of Evans County, for
(Continued on Page Four)
Trade at Sims Brothers
Where Your Dollars Count
Why Send Your Money Away From
Home and Then Look to Your
Home Merchant to Favor
You With Credit?
When You Need Dry Goods, Shoes,
Groceries or Feediftuff, See Us
Come and Have a Talk, Anyway
This week ends the present
term of school at the Bryan
County High School here and the
term just closing has been a
most successful one. The larg
est graduating class in the his
tory of the school will receive
their diplomas at the graduation
The members of the graduat
ing class are:
Troy Geiger, Bonnie Griner,
Velma Hughes, Juanita Harvey,
Ruth Harvey, Cleo Lee, Zelma
Mason, Lucretia Morgan, Os
wald Osteen, Jack Osteen, Jim
mie Lee Parish, William Rob
erts, Kulman Story, Carrie Lee
Tindal, Dareie Tindal, Rosamond
I Wester.
| The Bryan County Hi horse
hide tossers overwhelmingly de
feated the Bradwell Institute
Team of Hinesville last Tuesday
! afternoon by the one-sided score
(of 16 to 4.
The local boys got off to a bad
istart by letting Hinesville score
I three runs during the initial in
ning. However, after this Pur
cell, who was on the mound for
Pembroke, th ned up a bit
and only a .ed he opposing
team five hits du iv the game.
This is the first >1 ;. series to
jbe played .. the two-
> schools. The second gawo.-Tug
be played in Pembroke Wednes
day, May 21.
The big plate glass window in
the front of The Enterprise office
has caved in and we are now tak
ing open air treatment, even
while at work- We merely lock
the front door to keep the cows
The big plows and tractors of
the State Highway Department
are plowing through the sand
hill between Groveland and the
Canoochee river, and are build
ing an excellent highway there.
D. B. Warnelle of Groveland
is building a fine home on the
land between Rika and Grove