Newspaper Page Text
— —
$1 ' i
Announcement! iffij J 3 K
We take pleasure in announcing to our Customers and Friends that we bare secured the ser
vices of Mr. E. K. Braselton, of Valdosta, Ga., to take charge of our prescription department.
Mr. Braselton is a graduate in Pharmacy and a Licensed Pharmacist from the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy. He is
qualified to fill any of your prescriptions accurately and neatly and will take pleasure in supplying your wants in this line.
.Our Prescription Department is second to none in this section.
We use only the purest and best drugs that money can buy and we expect to make this de¬
partment it leading feature of our business. You can trust your prescriptions to us and be sure
they will be accurately filled by a graduate in pharmacy.
But this is not all we are doing* We have the contract for supplying the school books to the
schools of Camilla and mrrounding count ry. We are getting the new books in daily and in a few
days will have a supply of all kinds on hand, Under our new contract w ith the publishers, we
will be compelled to sell these books for cash only, please remember this and do not ask us to
charge School Books.
Another leading feoture of our business is Garden Seed. We want to sell you your seeds and guarantee to sell you only the best seed that
money can buy. We have all the small seeds and onion sets. Will soon have in corn, Irish potatoes, sorghum seed and in fact everything you
need. Come to see us when in town and make our place your Headquarters. You will always be welcomed,
The Lewis Drug Co,
J a x
Waters of the St. Johns River to
be connected With the Gulf of
Mexico, is the object of the
Measure—the Importance of
the Route.
Washington, Jan. 20.—ReyfFfi
sentative Rider of New York city
lias introduced a bill providing
lor a canal between the waters
t St. Johns River, Florida and
the Gulf of Mexico.
Mr. Rider represents a dis¬
trict in New York city which em¬
braces many of the great coast
1:oe steamship companies. His
fcill is intended to be of mutual
3 *neflt to the coastwise trade
^between New York aud the
Seethe rn ports, and at the same
feme be of general benefit to the
,government in connection with
4A*>construction of an isthmian
In commenting upon this bill
Mr. Rider says, “On oneliue op¬
erating between New York, New
Orleans and Galyeston 40,000
**>n» of freight per week is sent
Seventy per cent, of the ship¬
pers of merchandise between
New York, New England and
^Southern ports do not in store for
lee reason that insurance rates
are higher than the H eight rates
account of the dangerous
c Mist of Si utkern Florida and the
chinnels through the Florida
The construction of the canal
between St. Johns river by the
ioute leading tbrmgh Doctor’s
lake and terminating at the
mouth of the Wacakeo river will
mean a saving of over 500 miles
in travel over the easterly coast
of the United States and Gulf
ports. To the steamship lines
in point of economy it means the
saving of two days.
To the shippers it means a
great economy and a quick deliv¬
ery of goods, and i& of national
importance not only because of
the fact that stear- - ship lines of
shippers through trie Panama ca¬
nal, but the torpedo flotilla of the
United States at Portsmouth
could by this route reach the
easterly terminal of the Panama
canal much quicker than either
France or England.
The following valedictory re¬
cently appeared man Indian Ter¬
ritory paper: “"With this issue,
the Herald-Banner folds its lilly
white hand upon its bosom and
turns its toes to the daises, and
Milburn. I. T.,U. S- A., is with¬
out a paper, having witnessed
the death of two- It has cost the
present firm $253 to advertise the
town, the beautiful blue and fer¬
tile soils, and we now throw up
the sponge and vacate to make
room for another sucker. Ta,
Ta, au revoiv, good-by. We are
going to do something for you
that the devil will never do— that
is, leave you.”
Special Representive in this
county and adjoining territory,
to represent and advertise an old
established weathly business
house of solid financial standing.
Salary $21 weekly, with $3 per
day for expenses, paid each Mon¬
day by check direct from head¬
quarters. Expenses advanced,
and horse and buggy ffurnished
when necessary; position per¬
manent. Addrea Blew Bros., 640
Monon Building, Chicago,111.
Important i! True.
The following political item,
to the Savannah News,
the rounds of the state
It belongs to the class of
that may be considered
if true”;
“Thomas E. Watson wil enter
race for the United States
to succeed Senator
said Mr. E. C- Lanier, of
at the Screven House
night- “I know this to be
fact ikid got my informatkn
one of the most prominent
of the state of Geor*
who is an intimate friend of
Mr. Watson. I travel over the
entire state and find that, Wat¬
son is going to have a strong fol¬
lowing among the very best. Dem¬
ocrats of Georgia. He is espec¬
ially strong in the middle and
eastern portion of the sta&e.”
How*s This?
We o4er One-Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of catarrh
that cannot be cured by Hall’s
Catarrh Cure
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have
knownF. J. Cheney for the last
15 years and believe him perfect¬
ly honorable in all business trans
actions and financially able to
carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken
nternally, acting directly upon
the blood and muceus surfaces
the system. Testimonials sen
free. Prices 75c psr bottle.
Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall,s Faimily Pills fo
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
sjg Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience. g§
Expert Handlers of , i rnn »
Sea Island -a
As well as Mgfr
Upland Cotton.
Liberal cash Advances against consignments.
Money loaned to cotton shippers on Approvede*
Large dealers , nt ftr -
Sea Island and Upland Bagging,
Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties.
1 26 East Bay St Savannah, Ga.
0<s>0^0<£0<i f0<s>0^0<s>0<*>0<»0«.0<$>0^0<i«>0^0^0^0<®>0^0«.0«>0^0 {>0^0<s>0 3>Q
I Cochran (&
| Is after the last car of mules of the
season whicn will arrive at
$ <s> EVE <3>
We will sell cheap and in order to
t close out at
t once.
I Cochran&Co <8> ■$> Z
o-v>o.$>o<$ >o*o$o$oeoee*o4K>«.c