The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, January 29, 1904, Image 8

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Baconton'ltenfs. After a lengthy absence, ‘‘School Girl” again sends to grace these columns— the “Ba conton Items.” And she finds that during her absence a new editor has taken the chair. Well, success to him! Now, to Baconton! She has lost none of her splendor and greatness during the past weeks but she has had her “ups and downs.” We won’t discuss them here, bowevfer, for oli time and space must be given to other things. Mr. Mims of near Albany, be¬ ing attracted by the beauties of Baconton, and the worth of her most worthy school, hasarranged to bring bis family here, and make this his home in future. We shall welcome Mr. Mims and family most heartily. Mrs, Lane left Wednesday for Newbern, N. 0., where she will spend the coining year. Mr8. G- M. Bacon, Mrs- G. Me Clellan and Master Jamie Mc¬ Clellan were here Tuesday All Baconton is sad over the sudden death of Mr. A, B. Lynch. He was struck with paralysis at sun-set Saturday and died seven hours later. He was buried with masonic honors atMt. Enon Sunday afternoon, Rev. Clark performing the fun¬ eral ceremonies. News has reached here of the death of a Mr. Parham, at Nelms ville. No particulars known. Miss Nell Douglas, after a week’s stay here, returned to her home at Ptovilla Tuesday, Mr. Lane, having resigned his position as principal of the Ba* conton High School to take up the study of law, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bacon, of Dewitt, now. Miss Esther Wilkes, of Meigs, was a recent visitor to Miss Francis Fleming. Her return home was regretted, surely, for she is very popular here. Miss Alma Henley is in Worth county since Sunday for a three weeks’ visit to relatives. Miss Imogen Stripling, of Flint, spent the day in Baconton recently. Miss Mary Lucy Battle, of Ca¬ milla, was Mis3 Leola Miller’s guest last week. Mr. and Mrs- J. S- Miller spent one day last week in Camilla. The M. E. church here has con¬ tracted with the M. E. church of Camilla for a large chandelier, which is to be in place here by next Sunday. Mr. E. B. Mullens spent two days in Macon week before last Mr. Geo. Jason went up to AD bany Saturday on business. Mr. Walter Jackson is serious¬ ly ill with typhoid fever. This is his eleventh week in bed. Mr. Benton Lynch 'of Colum¬ bus was at the death-bed of his brother Saturday night, and re¬ turned home Tuesday. Miss Lena Jackson arrived last Monday from Virginia, where she has been attending the Wo¬ man’s College, to attend the bed¬ side of her father, Mr. Walter Jackson', Smallpox is all around us among the colored people, but ncj case among the white people has developed yet. However, vacci¬ nation is the order of the day. Mr. ^ hiteford of Baltimore, Md-, the new principal of th Baconton High School, sp Tuesday here, returning, or go¬ ing ratter, to Dawson Wednes day a. m. He will take up his duties Monday a. m. Miss Col lins will take her old place as as¬ sistant, and the tenth grade girl who has been serving as assist* ant will resume her studies un¬ der Prof. Whiteforl. ‘‘The ‘-'trio” has always been lovely, but now each girl in it is radiant! Had her fortune told but not by the gypsies- C? Ask the ‘‘trio” how many let¬ ters have been {addressed to “Mercer University, Macon,” recently. We hear that Mr. Chas. M. Adams has paid Baconton his “last” visit. Don’t know why? Mrs. Wra. Cobb of Columbus, after a brief visit to relatives her j, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. Annie Baisden, Miss Flo ralie, and Master Felix Baisden of Tampa, Fla,, are guests of Mrs- A. B. Lynch. “School Girl” since she has been writing the “Baconton Items” has been worried a great deal about her “C?” Some say use it, some say leave it out. At any rate, “School Girl” will use her own sweet judgment about that “C?” you may rest assur¬ ed. TneEpworth League on Sun¬ day Jast elected iis new force of officers for service during the present year. These officers will be confirmed by the 2nd quarterly conference to be held here. Mr, J. H. Tappan and mother left last week for Atlanta, their future home. The regular M. E. Choir met at the home of its organist. Miss Hattilu Glosier, Friday evening. Mrs. J- H. Tappan is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. Y. Browne, but will leave in a few days for Texas, where she will reside in future. Mr. C. C. Batey, traveling fruit-tree agent was here to see his wife Sunday. Mr. G. S. Jackson of Albany spent Sunday with relatives here, Mr. E. A, McCollum spent Sunday last in Albany, they say, on “important business.” C? The Gypsies have been here for several'days trading horses. Ah! But we have an oracle in our town. We hear that when one person is jealous o! another, he recog¬ nizes in the person of whom he is jealous some superior qualities We say ‘ he’’ because women are never jealous of one another. But we didnt hear the oracle say that. Miss Ouida Cottle was to have entertained five couples at. par¬ lor games B’riday evening but unfortunately lit rained them out. The disappointed couples are as follows: Miss Frances Fleming and Mr. E. B. Mullins; Miss Alma Henley and Mr. J. A Turner; Miss Bottie and Col. Ba¬ con, Miss Fannie Strange and Prof. Lane; Miss Hatfci Glosier and Mr. Eldon A. McCol¬ lum. Baconton, as usual will have some bright contestants in Ca¬ milla for the place at the Chau¬ tauqua. There will be at four contestants from here, per haps five. And Baconton con¬ testants generally take the palm, remember. As there is a space limited the ‘‘Items” perhaps ’twould better to try to escape the gasket, so goodbye, School Girl. FOR SALE:— 500 acre farm near Camilla. TO RENT:— 50 or 75 acres south of Camilla. I. L. Underwood. Vada Reports. We had a 'good rain Friday. The rain caused the pillars and chimney of Dr. Sapp’s new house to sink down. Isn’t it bad? Mrs. Hattie Sapp is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Eli Adams, near Pelham. Mr. John Adams was heye last week, helping Dr. Sapp on his house. Sapp and Gaynons are going ahead with the turpentine still. They are putting it up at Vada. Tfiere are two more houses erected at this place. Teople who are looking fora new home, come to Vada. It is sixteen miles to Bainbridge and eighteen to Camilla and Pelham. Look out for a railroad some day, The people of this settlement are going to rebuild old Mt. Pleasant church. Let the good work go on. They will start to hauling lumber and brick next week. When we get it built, Mr. Editor, come down and hear Bro. Sullivan preach. Tne deputy sheriff of Decatur passed through here the other day. Look out boys when shoot¬ ing alongpublicroads and build¬ ing fences across to block them up. Where is old Ruff? Come out • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA4 e AAJU.J TO THE PUBLIC. I beg to announce that I have associated Mr. John C. Wilson with me in the mercantile business under the firm name and style of J. B. Wilson Co. I am grateful to the public for past liberal patronage and ask for the ii6W firm your continued patronage, We shall at all times keep a large and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware and Plantation Supplies, And will sell at prises that will warrant your calling and looking through our ’stock. When in need of anything call on us at our new place—the (old) BRIMBERRY STORE ON BROAD ST- — We will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote you lowest prices. Our ’phone is No. 48. T§§et- J. B. WILSON. wwT rr wwr yt rvvrtnrvv ttvtvttttwvtvtvttttttttv' frfrrrwrr%rwrr rrw r w rwrw r r rr9 Press this on your Memory We not only guarantee to give satisfaction but we live up to our punntrr Our Stock is Complete in every detail and we want your Business. HOW ABOUT THAT GARDEN?—We have just received ........a new line oi MAY’S NORTHERN GROWN SEED. Perry’s Pharmacy, j - Phone 30. jh Camilla, Georgia. Pelham, Georgia.* JMl of the creek and shake off the old time rust and get ready to hammer them old rusty plows for the folks on the pimples; come out.and let the sun strike you on the back. Rev. M. P. Cutnbie was called to Hopefui Saturday to hold funeral services of Mr. Henry Huttoe’s child YVe welcome Mr. Allen as our editor and wish him much success Violet. Jast One Minute. i One Minute Cough Cure give relief in one minute, because it kills the microbe w hich tickles the mucous membrane, causing the cough, and at the same time clears the phlegm, draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the effected parts One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs wards off pneumonia and is a harmless and never fail¬ ing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and croup. One Minute cough cure is pleasant to take, harmless and good alike for young and old. Sold by Lewis Drug Co DeWItt’s » Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. Do You Want the best. Try a setting of our peerless Brown Leghorn eggs They are bred with especial care to greatest egg production. Should advise ordering at once as early hatch¬ ed birds are the most vigorons. Price per setting of 15 SI.25 Address Miss Flora Monis Peerless Dairy Farm. Pascal Ga. A man who gave his name as C. Dost Mohammed, with the claim that he was a Moor, worked both the white and colored people of Dublin recently, as a fake mis¬ sionary. To the negroes he represented that he wanted to build a school in Africa. To ihe white people he claimed that he was anxious to finish his eoucation at a Louisville, Ky., Rheological school and then return to his home in Morrocco and convert his heathen country men. In both instances he “pulled” the people for neat sums of money and then left for parts unknown. Notice. All parties indebted to us on op. en accounts or notes are requested to make prompt settlement, so as to avoid cost of collection. / We appreciate your trade but the years business must be closed up. Camilla Supply co.