The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 05, 1904, Image 5

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    ...Local News...
Oa the Wayside. '
Spite ot every crimson Ciiorn
Round our pathway springing,
* Be glad It there one Sower Is bora—
.One mockingbird is singing'.
P» L* S.
| - i ■ r ■■■■■,■■ i
Judge I. A. Bush visited Alba
•s ny Monday.
-* 3ee Council proceedings else¬
where in this issue.
£ Car of brick just received.
fn J. F. Clark.
| Terrace the c6urt house square
i and sod it to Bermuda grass.
See Bailey’s “bowl ad.” and
just for (pot) luck, go buy one.
Mr, I. Maples, of Maples,
among Tuesday’s visitors to Ca¬
Mr. Oscar Twitty, of Cairo,
shaking hands with friends in
Camilla this week.
‘ A magnificent line of
linen and towels just in.
Camilla Supply Co.
Mr. J. A. Kirbo, of west Mitch¬
ell was among Wednesday’s
itors to this office.
Messrs. J. R. Pinecn and E. B,
Brooks, of Ba,conton, were
Camilla Wednesday.
Dr, J. W. McClain and Mr. T.
J. CHt, represented Pelham in Ca¬
milla on last Tuesday.
15c a pair for good knee
at the Cincinnatti Bargain
next to the Bank.
Editor H. H. Merry and Rev.
W. L. Curry, of Pelham, were vis
itors in town Monday.
Mr. J. W. Law, of' near Pel¬
ham, was a pleasant visitor at
Enterprise office Tuesday.
The Lewis Drug Company have
an attractive new
in this issue of the Enterprise.
My ’phone is now in and I am
in business to please you.
42 and see, J. F. Clark.
Mr. J.-F. Clark; the Cincinnati
Bargain House, and I. Berman,
have new advertisements in
Mr. E. L. Whitworth* of Camil
la, was greeting the grocery
of Cairo last Friday.—Cairo
Did you get the fine 50c
of tobacco at 25c per pound at
Cincinnatti Bargain House?
Messrs McCree and McNeill,
prominent turpentine
at Branchville, were in
on business last Tuesday.
Mr. Edward Hughes, one
Mitchell’s pioneer citizens, was
pleasant visitor to the
office yesterday morning.
Mitchell county deserves and
should have a better looking
than the little ‘‘hot house”
now answers for that purpose.
NOTICE:—One good family
and farm horse for sale on
terms, Apply to
T. B. Beck.
Mr. Robt. L- Hoggard, is
for the Prudential Life
Company, and wants part of
business. See his
in another column.
Would it not be a good idea
the new Council to ‘‘get a
on the Street committee,”
have them give the town an
hauling and cleaning up for
spring time.
Mrs. James Fleming and
ren of Baker county, were
guests of Mrs. W. W. Cullens
last Sunday. They left
morning for Boston, Ga.,
they will visit friends.
What do the County Commis¬
sioners think about having
jourt house overhauled
inted. It should be brightened
and made attractive to the eye
e stranger that may come
ng us.
We have some very interest¬
ing matter that we are forced
to leave over until next week.
There will bo services at the 1
Baptist church nezt Sunday con¬
ducted by Rev. W, L. Curry, of
See schedule of the Flint Riv¬
er & North Eastern railroad on
eighth page. This road was fin¬
ished Wednesday and connects
Pelham with Tichnor.
The citizens of East End are
making an effort to have Steph¬
ens street, extended East across
the railroad to Franklin street.
This extension would be a great
convenience to visitors to Camil¬
la from the southeast.
A performance of the Victor
Talking Machine will be given at
the Auditorium on Monday even¬
ing, Feb. 15th, to which the pub¬
lic is invited. A part of the pro¬
ceeds of the evening’s entertain¬
ment will be given to the High
One of the oldest residents of
Mitchell county, Mrs. Barksdalo,
whose home was near Baconton,
died last night. She was 86 years
of age, and was well known and
greatly beloved in that part of
the county in which she lived.—
Monday’s Albany Herald.
The beet physic. “Once-tried
and you will always use Cham¬
berlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets,” says William A.Girard,
Pease, Vt. These Tablets are
the most prompt, most pleasant
and most reliable cathartic in use
For sale by Lewis Drug Co.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage, on the 17th inst., of
Miss Clara Agne* daughter of
Mr.and Mrs. J. L. Curry, ahd Mr.
Joseph Norman Biaum, of Bain
bridge, Ga. The bride to be was
a former pupil in the Camilla
High School and her many
friends here extend be3t wishes
and congratulations.
Mittle Myra Grace, the six¬
teen months old babe of Mr. and
Mrs. B. F. Collins, was buried
on lastMonday afternoon. The
funEral was from the Baptist
uhurch, Rev. C. T. Clark, offi¬
ciating. The Enterprise ex¬
tends sympathy to the sor¬
rowing parents in the loss of
the little one that has gone out
from their home never to return.
Mrs, Barksdale Dead.
Mrs. Isabella Barksdale died at
her home in Bacon ton oa last
Sunday night and was buried at
Mt. Enon church on Monday.
She was the mother of the two
Mrs. Shanklin and of Mr. G. H.
Reynolds of Bacontoh. She was
a Bplendid specimen of the good
old mothers of the South, a genu¬
ine Christian, universally respect¬
ed and beloved.
She was a native of South Car
olna and was 87 years old. Her
husband atended to business for
Jno C. Calhoun and it was inter¬
esting to hear the old ladji tell of
the great philosopher-statesman.
Her former pastor, Rev. J. L.
Underwood, officiated at the fun¬
eral services, The Enterprise
extends sympathy to the family.
A Sad Accident.
On last Sunday morning, out
at the Flint River Ginnery, a
little three year old child of Mr.
James Hall, was so badly burned
that it died at 5 o’clock Monday
It was buried from Hopeful
church at 10 o’clock Tuesday.
A child of Mr. Burrel Win¬
gate was buried at Hopeful
church on Friday of last week.
The Enterprise extends con¬
dolence to the grief stricken
Pine Cliff Dots.
Editor Enterprise. —I will
give you a few notes from our
community, though I cant tell
you anything only what I see on
traveling around and about.
Everywhere I go I see more new
buildings for tenants and new
fences, principally wire fencing,
than heretofore at this season of
the year, everywhere you go you
will see the work of the two
horse plow.
• Mr. David Argo, who formerly
lived in our midst has come back
and is living on what is known
as the Oochran Tippet place.
Mr. Argo is a good* farmer and
neighbor and we extend to him
and family a hearty welcome to
our midst.
Mr. Augustus Crosby and fam¬
ily, who about one year ago went
from here to South Carolina, has
moved back to Mitchell county
and bought himself a home hear
Pine Cliff.
Pine Cliff on last Sunday elec¬
ted new Sunday School officers.
Mr. Jack Bell who once lived
in our community has come back.
You are.right boys, come back,
we have the best community
there is in Mitchell county if
you could only get rid of the
“Coon.” But I am here to stay
and you will have to put up with
Mr. Joe Haircloth is living on
the Adams place. Mr. Faircloth
is a good neighbor I know for I
never see him only in town on
Mr. D. C. Ramsey has gone
back to the old farm and is mov¬
ing things around much.
Mr- Clifford Stamper is farm¬
ing with Mrs. S. J. Joiner this
Mr. W. L. Campbell, who has
been logging for several years,
is at home farming this year,
Mr. H. D. Culpepper is suf¬
fering very much with a lame
Mr. A A. Bullard now has a
new chimney, organ and a par¬
lor. What next?
The newly elected officers of
tP e Pine Cliff Sunday School,
failed to putin their appearance
on last Sunday evening.
Mr. T. B. Beck has bought
the Bryant Beck place in our
community and will put it in
pecan trees.
There is no smallpox in our
community, everybody seems to
be enjoying good health.
Mr. Editor, if any of the read¬
ers of the Enterprise would
like to crack some walnuts come
out to the Coon’s” den and get
you a lot of them, as we have
lots of them to give away.
Flint River Coon.
Have you heard about Bailey’s bowls. Bowls lor sale at Bailey’s
-----—-—------------------------ *
© *15 Bowls.
fD S U Wnietinwcf
cr f dilo lllighl
vj (a f .
p £
s 2
crq n We request that every lady young CO
P and old call to see our line <L>
CO ^..... of-
c t
ta WAIST1N08 £
f-. o
7T Our line of shoes they have been before., We
(n are as never £
. call your special attention to these because we used £23
•< Wisdom----Prudence... and Liberality. V,
.. JU
• *—
'A -toll, ln this Selection. — CQ
i Get busy and get a yellow CO e«
&a bowl at Bailey’s- Yours Very Truly. £
00 O
<r J. II. Bailey. a
<« <u
t/3 Cu
A bowl, a yellow bowl at Bailey’s. Remember Bailey’s bowls.
Blood and Bone Guanos, Charleston Acid,
Armour’s Guanos, Studebaker’s
Wagons, High Grade Bug
. . gies, Seed Oats . .
German Kainit.
JlfR (Goober, ©rorevtea ctttb
I. Berman,
At the Harrell Warehouse. Camilla, Ga.
xjbwtiiiib^ iiiiin!■■■■■■ mi £ am i|| a Pressing Club,
__Your Patronage Solicited by
A. W. WILLIAMS, Practical Repairer,
Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing
Gent’s clothing of all kinds. I dye any goods any color. Special ser- F 5
Ladies’ clothing specialty vice to all commercial travelers,
a Ail Work done under Guarantee. \
Millions of Policy Holders,
Millions of Assets,
-^Millions for Surplus..-
A Weekly saving of $1 will pay for a 3>2,UOU. profit
sharing policy for a man 32 years old. The insured
man demonstrates his affection for his family in a
practical way. A month from now you may not be
insurable, why wait? The Prudential has never been
known to contest a just claim. If you are contem¬
plating making an application for life insurance, see
or write
Robt. L. Hoggard, Camilla , Ga .,
For Insuranoa tHat Injures* ijf" _