The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 12, 1904, Image 5

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®S»93BSOS9B« *® B® -••Local News... Mr. Leon Perry spent in Newton. Mr. B. W. Davis, Jr., last Sunday in Macon. Misses Fleming and Ledbetter were in the city Saturday. Messrs. McCabe and Branham drove over to Newton Sunday. Mr. Armond Baggs, was a vis¬ itor to Albany last Sunday. Car of brick just received. J. F. Clark. Mr. 2. T. Norton, of Pelham, spent last Monday in Camilla. Messrs C. M. Baggs and Dr. D. A. Spence, of Pelham were in the city on last Sunday. A magnificent line of table linen and towels just in. Camilla Supply Co. The big county oratorical, el¬ ocution, and music contest is in¬ teresting many of the High School pupils. Mr. Eugene Kolbie, of the Cairo Messenger, was shaking hands with friends in Camilla last Monday. 15c a pair for good knee pants at the Cincinnatti bargain House next to the Bank. Miss Calista Bush returned to Macon on last Saturday to resume her studies at Wesleyan Female College. Short skifts and knickerbocker pants are best suited for the con¬ dition of Camilla's streets and sidfc walks just now. My ’phone is now in and I am in business to please you. Call 42 and see, J. F. Clark. Mr. A. P. Spence, lepresent ing the Truitt-Silvey Hat Co. of Atlanta. Ga., spent last Sunday in Camilla with home folks. I»lr. Tom Acree, of Camilla, passed through the city yester¬ day en route home from Jack¬ sonville.—Timea-Enterprise. Did you get the fine 50c grade of tobacco at 25c per pound at the Cincinnatti Bargain House? Misses Gussie and Rosa Har¬ rell, who have been on the sick list for several days are now fully recovered and able to be out among their friends again. Mrs. R. W. Woodham and Mrs. C. P. Brown of Hawkinsville, are in the city this week, the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green Spence. Mrs. A. P. Spence and little son, of Camilla, are visiting the family of Col. Terrell this week. —Whigham Correspondent Bain bridge Search-Light. Miss Lawson Spence one of Ca¬ milla’s moat accomplished teach¬ ers in the High Sohool, spent last Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. R.G. Riley in Alba* ny. Messrs Rachals & Holton have planted a nice advertisement in the columns of the Enterprise. Read it and if you want building material of any kind remember they have it for sale. The inclement weather for the past week is causing quite a lot of sickness from colds and bil liousness. It is to be hoped that no serious sickness may oc¬ cur among the people. 1 Col. O. E* Cox, an experienc¬ ed telephone man of Camilla, has accepted a position in this city, with the Cairo Telephone Co., as superintendent of the construc¬ tion department.—Cairo Messen¬ ger. Camilla has as pretty streets while they are dry «s can De found anywhere, but what a dif¬ ference after a week of rain. This condition can, with a work and a small outlay of be changed and the streets side walks made to look nice the time whether wet or dry. Mr. Drury Ledbetter, of ton, was over shakinghands Camilla friends yesterday. Mr. Jonah Palmer, of Pelham was a pleasant visitor to the terprise offioe yesterday ing. Those government seed rapidly being called for and you have not had any call and get some of them they are all gone. Commencing tomorrow (Fri¬ day) we will have every Friday fresh cream bread from Albany for sale at 10c per loaf. Lewis Drug Co. J. W. Butler & Co., are among the latest to plant an advertise¬ ment in the Enterprise. They offer two special drives, this week that will catch the public. See their ad. Messrs. Baggs & Perry greet the readers of the Enterprise with a half page advertisement this week. This firm is com¬ posed of young men who are hustlers for business and know how to please their customers. The streets of Camilla for the past week have presented a very uninviting and disagreesble ap. pearanee, even some of the side walks in the business part of town are almost as sloppy as are the middle of the streets. Hollingsw orth-York.—On Thursday afternoon of last week Rev. W. L. Curry officiating, Mr. J. L. York, of Albany, led to the altar iu marriage Miss Laura Hollingsworth, of Pelham. The Enterprise extends congratu¬ lations. The best physic. “Once tried and you will always use Charm berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets,’’ says William A.Girard, Pease, Vt. These Tablets are the most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic in use For sale by Lewis Drug Co. The two vacant stores on the south side of Broad street are being cleaned out ready for occu¬ pancy. - One will be occupied by Miss Clara McElveen, who is now in Quincy, Fla., but will open a nice line of millinery in Camilla on or about the first of March. The other will be occupied by Mr. J. T. Owen with a nice line of Merchandise. A real estate deal was closed this week winch tranfers the old Beunett home place, containing sixteen hundred acres of land to Messrs. McRee & McNeill. The Enterprise is not informed as to price paid, but the deal means the establishment of a fine tur¬ pentine plant near town to be followed later by an up-to-date sawmill, etc. The Baptist pulpit in Camilla was ably filled on both the 5th Sunday in January and the first Sunday in this month. On the 5th Sunday Rev. E. S. Atkinson of Vienna, was greeted by large congregations, both morning and evening, who listeued with rapt attention to his splendid ser¬ mons, while on last Sunday they were entertained and edi¬ fied by Dr. Gurry of Pelham, who all love and honor. Gen. John B, Gordon’s Own Book. MEMORIAL EDITiON AGENTS Wanted in every and county. 100,000 copies will be sold. Agents should ap¬ quickly for territory. The Martin & Hoyt Co., Atlanta, Ga. NEW FRESH STOCK. * m Shredded Whole Wheat « Try it. m 9 ■m * 9 u Oatmeal and Finest lot a Crackers V 9 in town. o m 9 Full line of Groceries. Quhk Sales, Small Profits . 2 Prompt service. Phone 42. J. F. CLARK. Easy ^ Pill Easy to take and easy to act Is that famous little pill DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. This is due to thd fact that they tonic the liver in¬ stead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu¬ monia and fevers. rSEPARED OSLY BY E. C. DeWITT A CO., CHICAGO $ Don’t Forget the Name, Early Risers SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CO | Up*to*date Goods at the \ \ Old Reliable J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, * Georgia. $ ......i comm like o? ...... Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Plate Wares, • # Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinda of Repairing Watches, Clocks, , > Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri- 4 ces. I respectfully solicit a portion of J the public patronage.' , J. W. Joiner, i 7 i Washington St. * ALBANY. - - GA 1 £ Do You Need a S 3 Booting*? H % . If so call on J. H. BAILEY And he will serve you with S3 Pats, Yicis and Calf Skins. .YOUR CHOICE.- Blood and Bone Guanos, Charleston Acid, Armour's Guanos, Studebaker’s Wagons, High Grade Bug . . gies, Seed Oats . , German Kainit. ©pohs, ©ron'vie® anb 4 . - <gm*m iTntppiu'p, -~^See I. Berman, At the Harrell Warehouse. Camilla, Ga. j Notice! .THE. ^ Camilla Pressing Club, ! ^ FIRST-CLASS WORK __Your Patronage Solicited by A. W. WILLIAMS, Practical Repairer, Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing Gent S clothing Of all kinds, {/ill vl vloe I dye any goods any color. Special ser Ladies’ clothing a specialty, w,TT ro,a ’ travelera - All Work done under Guarantee. Tie Pmisnlial Lile Ins, Ci. Millions of Policy Holders, Millions of Assets, Millions for Surplus. A Weekly saving of $1 will pay for a $2,000. profit sharing policy for a man 32 yeais old. The insured man demonstrates his affection for his family in a practical way. A month from now you may not be insurable, why wait? The Prudential has never been known to contest a just claim. If you are contem¬ plating making an application for life insurance/ see or write Robt. L. Hoggard, Camilla, Ga., Pot* Insuranoe.that Insures.