The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 12, 1904, Image 6

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Washington Letter. Special Correspondence of the Enterprise. Washington, P. C. Feb' 0, ’04. The principle subject of po¬ litical discussion,in the national capital at the present time is so-called Foraker bill, which aims to relieve the trusts and the mergers of any control or limi¬ tation by the government and everywhere regarded as the ministration’s bid for the sup¬ port of the great corporations in the coming presidential election. This bill shows the lack of sin¬ cerity on the part of the Repub¬ lican party in their alleged against the trusts as does noth¬ ing else that has come to the sur¬ face lately. The administration has been active in getting before the people of the country and touting itself as an anti- trust ad ministration, telling in flaring headlines in the gcod Republican papers how the Attorney-Gen¬ eral was going to smash the trusts to smithereens- It would like to get the people to believe that it intended to do some¬ thing for them in the way of trust busting, but so far it has only worked with its mouth and has done nothing in the courts of the country, notwithstanding the fact that an appropriation of a half million dollars has been made for the special purpose of prosecuting the trusts. The fund has not been used and will not be for that purpose. More similies, drawn from che nation* al game of poker, that fit the po¬ litical situation, have lately been coined, most of them by the re¬ doubtable Mark Hanna, than at any period in the political histo¬ ry of the country. The one that fits the present situation in the politics of the nation is that the present play of the republican party is a huge “bluff” so far as it intends to wipe out the crimi ha! trusts of the country. (Senator Foraker, besides be¬ ing the Ohio manager of the President’s campaign for elec¬ tion to succeed himself, is, with the Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge his spokesman in the Senate of the United States and no man who knows how things are done in Washington considers that there would be the remotest possibili¬ ty ol Senator Foraker offering such a bill without the Presi¬ dent’s direction. Following, as it did, the visit to Washington of the trust mag - nates, whose mergers and Com¬ bines are menaced under the Shemau law, the Northern Se¬ curities merger, now fighting for life in the Supreme Court, and the coal trust, brought to bay by the suit started by William Ran¬ dolph Hearst before the Inter¬ state Commerce Commission— the significance of Senator Fora ker’s effort becomes manifest. Not in years has anything hap¬ pened to bring, ,T. Pierpont Mor¬ gan, H. C. Frick, J. W. Gates, President Cassatt of the Penn¬ sylvania Railroad, and President Stillman, of the National City Bank, all to Washington togeth¬ er. The presence of Cassatt and Stillman at the W bite House din¬ ner emphasized the view of the situation that the Foraker Bill was the administration’s tender in exchange for the help of the trusts in the next election. Not in a generation has a bill intro¬ duced in Congress .provoked such a feeling of alarm and in¬ dignation us this has done- Com¬ ing at a time when the people are marshaling all that is left to them of power to check the pow¬ er of the rapacious combinations ar d when the worst of these are under fire, the proposition to un¬ do all that has been done for the protection of the country against these preoatory organizations, the Foraker Bill is doubly alarm¬ ing, and the fact that it is pre¬ sented by the spokesman of the President intensifies the feeling of dismay. The comments of the Demo¬ crats in the senate and House of Representatives indicate how clearly the danger is realized and jbow unanimous is the condem¬ nation of the measure among those on whom will fall the bur¬ den of the fight to prevent the enactment of this measure into a law. The Foraker proposition is regarded as a throwing aside on the part of the Republicans, any pretense of opposing the trusts and the notification that p r os iiective contributions of Wall Street to the Republican campaign fund are deemed of more importance than the sym¬ pathy of the people who are fighting for de’iverance from the mergers and illegal combinations of railroads with the aggrega¬ tions that control production, such as the coal trust aud the beef trust.—C. A. E, A cure for Eczema, My baby had eczema so bad that its head was a solid mass of scabs, and its hair all came out. I tried many remedies but none seemed to do any permanent good until I used DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve The eczema is cured, the scabs are gone and the little one’s scalp is perfectly clean and healthy and its hair is growing beautifully again. I can¬ not give too much praise to De Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve Frank Farmer, Bluff Citj , Ky. In buying Witch Hazel Salve look outfor counterfeits. DeWitt’s is the original and the only one con¬ taining pure witch hazel. The name E. C. DeWitt & Co., is on every box. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. HAD GOLD TOSELL T can give chapter and verse iot dozens of atrocities which prove conclusively that Colombia has no title to be dealt with by the United States or any other power as a civ¬ ilized nation. Here is one typical story: A named Theophile dentist Bor faro came to me one day and asked if I wanted to buy some' gold. I said yes, and be unwrapped a bundle and showed me about a pound of gold tooth fillings, some of which had fragments of teeth still stick¬ ing in them. “Where did you get them?” I ask¬ ed in horrified amazement. “I got some of them in the fight at San Jose,” he replied, “and the rest were got by a government colo¬ nel in the last engagement at Buena¬ ventura.” “But how did you got them out?” “We just knocked them out with bayonets and the butt ends of ri¬ fles. The soldiers-did that to all the bodies, and I bought the gold for a mere trifle.”-—World’s Work. A Pig Sticking Incident. Captain James D. Fourth Graham, In¬ dian medical service, Bengal lancers, quartered at Allahabad, has sent to the Indian # Gazette an account of a pig sticking acci¬ dent which is probably unique. A lieutenant who was out pig sticking came up with the beast, which was on his off side, and stuck it. It swerved across to thp near side, and the spear, striking the pony’s oil shoulder, was wrenched out of the rider’s hand and also shaken clear of the pig. It was flung butt to the ground, and the point, rising in the air, shoulder, penetrated the ..pony’s near passed through its chest and ribs and out at the flap of the saddle. Thence it entered the fleshy muscles 'at the back of the rider’s left thigh, passing out about six and a half inches higher up. The pony stopped still, and the lance Was extracted after the shaft had beer, cut The lieutenant recover¬ ed, but the pony died of pneumonia a week later. _ .. LEARNE D SOM ETHING. "Have you any—aw—idea,” in¬ quired the tourist with the steamer •cap, side whiskers, cheek suit and guttural voioe, “what the circula¬ tion of the Daily Bread is ?” “No,” said the native, “but it’s way up in the tens of thousands and probably more.” “Thanks. Will you—aw—please toll me what a ‘cheap skate’ is ? The torn is new to me, don’t you know.” “A cheap skate may be a tight wad or a geezer that’s merely on his uppers, but in either case he’s a— well, he’s a cheap skate.” “I am not sure I quite compre¬ hend you, but he is an objectionable pea-son, is he not?” "Sure.” "That was my inference. A lad accosted me on the street a few min¬ utes ago and awsked me to buy a copy of the Daily Bread. ‘No, my hoy* I said, ‘I don’t wish it.’ ‘Aw,’ he said, ‘you're a cheap skate.’ So contemptuous felt' compelled was his tone that I though had to buy his paper, I no use for it.”—Chica¬ go Tribune. The scratch of a pin may cause the loss of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All danger of this may be avoided, however, by promptly applyingChamberlain’s Lain Balm. It is an antiseptic and quick healing liniment for cute, bruises and burns. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Leo’s Satire. The bishop of Gibraltar, whose death is just announced, was once the victim of the late pope’s gentle but peculiarly penetrating gift of sarcasm. He was admitted to an audience at the Vatican and, accord¬ ing to those present, seemed rather disposed to stand on his dignity. But Leo XIII. effectively nonplused him with the subtle opening, “I be¬ lieve, my lord, that I have the honor to live in your lordship’s diocese.” —London Chronicle. Pictorial Footwear. Hand painted stockings are the latest fashionable craze. No other stockings dress, are possible for evening and half the best dressed wo¬ men in London have already laid in a stock of both hand painted stock¬ ings and shoes.—London Onlooker. Citation. Georgia— Mitchell County. Margaret Harrell having made application for twelve months support out of tne estate of W. A. Harrell and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having.filed their return. All persons concerned are hereby inquired to show cause before tne court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in March 1904, why said application should not be granted. This Feb. 6th, 1904, J. 3. Wood, Ord. Pre ss this on your ............."" — Memory. Perry’s Pharmacy, Are the Leading Pharmacists of this section. We not only guarantee to give satisfaction but we live up to our guarantee,... ^^ 0 * Our S<nc kis Compete in every detai and we want your Business. HOW ABOUT THAT QARDEN?===We have just received ........a new line ol MAY’S NORTHERN GROWN SEED. ♦0<®>0<5K»«'04jQ$'0-S>0$0<®0$0«'0«>0*’0$0'S>0<$0$'03>0$>0'3>0$0<3>0>eO#0'6>0<S>0^0$-0«>0<$>0<S>0<£0<8>0<S>0<S>0<S> Perry’s Pharmacy, Phone O. - Two Stores; * Phone 30. Camilla, Georgia. Pelham, Georgia.* SgiS^fS bcssasE?! •mm* • AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAI «AAAJlAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA»AAAAA AAAAAAAAAaaaaa TO THE PUBL IC. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mmm a mm. - dwiMnirTa" mu m m m mEsm at I beg to announce that I have associated Mr. John C. Wilson with me in the mercantile business under the firm name and style of ___ J. B. Wilson Co. I am grateful to the public for past liberal patronage and ask for the new firm your continued patronage. We shall at all times keep a large and well selected stock of II ... Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware and Plantation Supplies, And will sell at prices that will warrant your calling and looking through our stock. When in need of anything call on us at our new place—the (old) ifcx BRIMBERRY STORE ON BROAD ST- ____ We will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote you lowest prices. Our ’phone is No. 4S. ->7§§e<-~ J- B. WILSON. Ill" ‘ < ■ • W7TTTVTV1 WWVVTW7WVVVVVT PETITION. A petition for an election to bo held in Mitehell county, (Ja., for the sale.of Alcoholic, Spirituous, Malt, or intoxicating liquors, un¬ der Section 1541, of the Code of Ga., having been, filed in my of¬ fice in accordance with law to be determined by the voters of said county as to whether or not said liquors shall be sold. It is therefore ordered that an election for said purpose, to be held on the 27th day of February 1904, at all of the election pre¬ cincts of said county under the same regulations as are prescrib¬ ed by law for holding elections for members of che General As¬ sembly. All persons qualified to vote for the General Assembly are qualified to vote in this elec¬ tion. All persons who ar© against the sale of intoxicating liquors as are mentioned in Sec¬ tion 1548 ef the Code, shall have written or printed on their tickets Against the Sale; and those who favor the sale of the articles men¬ tioned in said Section 1548, shall have written or printed on their ballots, For the Sale. Given under my hand officially this the 25th day of January, 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary.