The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 19, 1904, Image 7

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Birthday of a Great Work. George Washington’s birthday occurs Monday next, the 22d-On this day, five years ago, The Georgia Industrial Home, for un foitunate children, five miles from Macon, opened the doors of its first cottage, (Faith Cottage) with three children. The Home had no capital stock save the faith of its founder in God and human¬ ity, and since that time it has cared for over two hundred chil¬ dren, and now has one hundred and fifty under its protection. These child len came from more than forty counties in the Stateof Georgia, and this great home stands between these little ones and destruction. It is, tcday'the most remarkable, as well as the most pathetic charity in the State of Georgia. It, now re¬ quires an expenditure of nearly §10,000 a year to pay it's current expenses. Its miraculous suc¬ cess is a credit to our common humanity and expresses the faith of its founder, Rev. W. E. Mum ford. It is still struggling finan¬ cially and stands in actual need of const :nt help. It has been endorsed by every fraternity and every church as well as all classes of people in the state. Its founder Rev. W. E. Mumford has issued the following pathetic ap¬ peal which should reach all hearts, and it is to be hoped that many people in Georgia will, at least, find it in their hearts to send to him by postoffice order at Macon, Ga., on next Monday the sum of $1 as a birthday of¬ fering for each year this won¬ derful charity has existed, To all friends of Humanity: The miraculous success of the Georgia Industrial Home, for the orphans of living parents is at once a credit to our common hu¬ manity. Beginning its work five years ago, on simple faith in God through human hearts and hands, it has touched the lives of more than two hundred children and now has a family of more than one hundred and fifty and with its farm, stock and furnish¬ ings, is in posession of a plant representing an expenditure of more than §30.000. Its success is its highest and best recom¬ mendation. Our struggle for financial sup port is necessarily pathetic as we have no state or denomina¬ tional aid. The Home is five years old Monday, February 22, 1904, and we appealYo all the friends of in¬ nocent and friendless childhood in the state of Georgia to help lift us out of debt. Will you not be one who will follow the best impulses of the human heart and extend a hand of help on this fifth birthday of the sweetest and most marvelous charity in Georgia to the amount of five dol¬ lars at least? The children we are reaching and helping are ab¬ solutely without hope from any other source. Thanking you in advance for your interest in this matter, I i-emain, Yours for Humanity, ;W. E. Mumford. An Early Riser. A strong, healthy, active consti tution depends largely on the con¬ dition of the liver. The famous little pills known as DeWitt’s Little Early Risers not only cleanse but they strengthen the action of the liver and rebuild the tissues supporting the organ. Little Early Risers are easy to q,ct, they never gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to produce results that are satisfac¬ tory in all cases. Sold by Lew¬ is Drug Co, County Directory. Superior Court Officers. W N Spence, Judge. \V E Wooten, Solicitor General. E M Davis, stenographer. S E Cox, clerk. I Smith, sheriff. Court sessions Tuesday after 3rd Monday in April and October City Court Officers. I A Bush, Judge. SSBennet, Solicitor pro tem. S E Cox, t lerk. r Court sessions on 2nd Monday in January, April, July and Oc¬ tober. Commissioners —T. R. Bennett, Chairman, Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner, J. W. Everett, and J. G. Wood, clerk. Regular meet¬ ing second Tuesay in each month. Ordinary’s court every first Monday J. G. Wood, Ordinary. County Officers. J. L. Stewart, Tax collector. G. T. Akridge, Tax Receiver, jonah palmer, Treasurer. Samuel Lucky, surveyor. Green Spence, Coroner. Board of Education. .J P Heath, Chairman, Camilla, Ga. Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga. J T Glausier, Baconton, Ga. W E Davis, Meigs, Ga J B Lewis, Camilla, Ga. J 11 Powell, C. S.C. Camilla, Ga. Church Chimes. Methodist Church— Corner Harney and Stephens Streets— Rev. C. T. Clark, pastor. Preach¬ ing second and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock, a. m 7:30 o’clock p. m. prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 o’clock, I. A. Bush, superintendent. Ep worth League every Sunday af¬ ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Thepub liccoria'ly in vital to attend all church services. Baptist Church—B road Street. Sunday school every Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock; J. L. Cochran, superintendent. The general pnblic welcome to all services. Presbyterian Church - Broad St. Rev. Archie McLauchlin, pastor. Preaching on the third and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’¬ clock and at night. Prayermeet¬ ing every Tuesday night. Sun¬ day school at 9-30 a. m. All cor¬ dially invited to attend these meetings. fProfessional .I- CardsJ • ------------------- § J. L. UNDERWOOD, Real|| Attorney-At-Law >| Estate. ; f j O.Hee in Bennett’s Building, BroadS i S street f F. L. LEWIS, f ( Physician and Surgeon. ft i Office at Drug Store of Lewis Drugg i Co’s., during the day. Residence^ at night. Prompt attention given;?: to all calls. § S) ■5 :-IABush, | BUSH R D Bush & SONS, MEBush^ 1. A. >§ Attorneys-at-Law, §) Camilla, Ga. £ —----"- Commercial law a specialty. . . . | IjH. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. Hoggaad.^ I DASHER & HO 3GARD, '§ Attorn eys-at-Law, It Camilla, Ga. e --Office in Enterprise Building. § ir. Id. __:-g S A. SPENCE, Dental Surgeon, S Pelham, Ga. s; Office in new City Hall. § The best quality of work i ij reasonable charges. Your pz S tronage solicitated. Dr. J. L. Brown, I 1 Physician and Surgeon, I Camilla, Georgia, Residence phone 4. Office phone 30. : Lettuce Prevents Smallpox, Don’t forget that lettuce is a preventive of smallpox So far as it is possible for a human being to be protected lrom ©atching smallpox, lettuce is a protection. No need for vaccination what¬ ever. Any person who eats a small quantity of lettuce twice a day, morning and evening, is as well protected against'smallpox as it is possible for any one to be. To be sure, one ought to be clean, ought to live in ventilated rooms, and avoid dirt of all sorts. Also avoid contact with people who have smallpox. Foolish ex¬ posure to the contagion of small¬ pox is not to be thought of. But there is no need for vaccination, Go calmly on about ycur busi¬ ness. Provide a small quantity of lettuce morning and evening, and you can feel sure that you have protected yourself and your family in the best possible way against small pox. Lettuce is one of the oldest vegetable remedies known to the medical profession. Long be¬ fore it was used as food it was used as medicine. Many times it has been claimed that it has magical or miraculous powers to prevent contagious disease. We believe this is carrying matters too Mr. But lettuce does furnish the system exactly what is need - ed to protect it against the poi¬ son of sma’lpox. We defy any one to produce a case of smallpox that has been contracted hy any person who made daily use of lettuce as a food. If there is any such case on record, we would be glad to hear of it.—Medical Talk. Tendency of the Times. The tendency of medical science is toward preventive measures. The best thought of the world is being given to the subject. It is easier and better to prevent than to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous dis¬ eases that medical men have to contend with can be prevented by the use of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Pneumonia al¬ ways results from a cold or from an attack of influenza (grip) and it has been observed that this remedy counteracts any tenden¬ cy of these diseases toward pneu¬ monia, This has been fully prov¬ en in many thousands of eases in which this remedy has been used during the great prevalence of colds and grip in recent years and can be relied upon with im¬ plicit confidence. Pneumonia often results from a slight cold when no danger is apprehended until it is suddenly discovered that there is fever and difficulty in breathing and pains in the chest, then it is announced that the patient has pneumonia. Be on the safe side and take Cham¬ berlains Cough Remedy as soon as the cold is contracted. It al¬ ways cures. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. How to Make Money. Agents of either sex should to¬ day write Marsh Manufactur¬ ing Co., 5o8 Lake Street Chica¬ go for cuts and particulars of their handsome Aluminum Card Case with your name engraved ou it and filled with 100calling or business caids. Everybody or¬ ders them. Sample case and 100 cai-ds postpaid 40c. This case and 100 cards retail at 75 cents. You have only to show sample to secure an order. Send 40c at once for case and 100 cards or send 30c for 100 cards without case. $10 prize for every agent. Mention this paper. Georgia PECANS Paper Shell sm. Choice Lot of .young trees for Winter and Spring Beliv erv- One or two year old seedlings from finest ra¬ rities of nuts grown in my groves. Fine Trees* BfcfDDEJD AND GKARTRb from my very best varieties. 20,000 “Commercial” seedlings for budding and grafting. Call and see my groves and nurseries. Write for catalogue and tor Special prices on large orders. Gr. M Bacon Be Witt Ga. For Every Wound USE Dr. Tichenor’s Antiseptic Prevents Inf animation and Superration, t2ot a liniment nor a salve, jR pleasant, stainless liquid for Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea. 10c and 50c per Bottle, BRONCHODA Tor Zfyroat and Hungs. Expectorant. . . . Antiseptic. . . . Laxative. 25c at all Druggists. SHERROUSE MEDICINE CO., New Orleans, La. HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, > gS Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience. ^ Expert Handlers of __* Sea Island As well as Upland Cotton. Liberal cash Advances against consignments. Money loaned to cotton shippers on Approved se¬ curity. Large dealers in Sea Island and Upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. WRITE FOR TERMS, 126 East Bay St. Savannah, Ga. Atlantic Coast Line Ry. Co Florida and Cuba. * DOUBLE DAILY PASSENGER SERVICE TO Montgomery, Troy, Ozark Dothan, Elba, Bainbridge, Thomasville Valdosta, Waycross, Savannah, Charleston, Brunswick Jacksonville and all - Florida Points Through Pullman Cars on all through trains and to New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Washington,^Richmond And all points East over its own rails to Richmond and Norfolk. To St, Louis, Cincinnati, Louisville, Chicago Kc.nsas City, Birmingham, Nashvilie, New Orleans and ali points west and northeast. Lv. Camilla, northbound,............10:36 am...........6:04 p m Lv. Camilla, southbound,............8:45 am............5:00 p m Connections at Savannah with ocean steamship line and M & M T Co., for New York, Boston and Philadelphia. For further information call on or address W. W. Cullens, Ticket Agent, Camilla,JGa. T. J. Bottoms, Traveling Passenger Agent, Thomasville, Ga. H. M. Emerson, . Traffic Mgr., Wilmington, N. C, J. A. Taylerr, T, P. A., Montgomery, Ala. W. J- CaAIO, W. H. LEAHY, Qea Pass Agt Wilmington, N.C. Dhr, Par. 4ft., Savanna