The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 26, 1904, Image 2

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1 Professional Cards! fj.L. UNDERWOOD, Attorney-At-Law and Estate. •j Office in Bennett’s Building, Broad - S sireet. F. L. LEW is, | Physician anu Suroeon. Office at Drug Sioreof Lewis (Wi., dicing the day. I at night. Prompt attention given to all call*. _______ t 1, A. BUSH & SONS, , Attokneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. MBBI Commercial law a specialty. • • * g-H. 1 C. DASHER Dasher, Jr. & HO W. iGARD, H. Attorneys-at-Law, 5 Camilla, Ga. )§<>ffice in Enterprise Building. 4 D. A. SPENCE, Dentai. Suroeon, !$ Pelham, Ga. <5 Office in new City Hall. The best quality of work j$ reasonable charges. Your pa )| tronage Solicitated. a ; 5 .......... $ | Dr. J. L. Brown, |; | Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, t. Georgia, Residence phone Office phone 30. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Glebe. Hartford Fire. Home Insurance Co of N- Y. Greenwich dnsuranc 8 Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED Up-to-date Goods at the Old Reliable i J. W. Joiner’s X Jewelry Store, % % Albany, * Georgia. !! ......4 COMPLETE LINZ 0?...... ♦ Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ;; and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar- <> ! tides, Stationery, etc. Alt kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks, ♦ Jewelry at short order and at lowest prl- 1 ces. I respectfully sollolt'a portion of the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. * ALBANY, '-' 0 <£ 0 <$> 0 '$> 0 ‘$> 0 ‘$> 0 <J' 0 '*> 0 $' 0 $' 0 '®’ 0 $> 0 <e >0 Stanleys <s> Business <$> College, ❖ o thomasville, Georgia. 7B% O Watch this Space . $ ° Q , A magnificent line of linen and towels just in. Camilla Supply Co. The Farmer of the Future. Prom the Constitution. Practical fanners are some¬ times inclined to resent the ad¬ vice that they frequently see in the'newspapers with respect to their methods of doing business; and, at, first blush and super¬ ficially, it does seem a little pe¬ culiar that the editorial brethren should continue to pour forth advice that is rarely taken, and insist on writing agricultural es¬ says that are often ridiculed in a quiet way by those to whom they are addressed. It is a common saying that an editor can make ten crops with his pen with where his hand, he couldn’t it is rn^ke one and re¬ garded as presumptuous for a man who can’t lay off a piece of land for a crop, nor even run a straight furrow with a plow, to be telling the farmers what they should do and how they should economize- But the truth of the matter is that there are very few farmers who appreciate the real importance and dignity of their calling, or who try to do much more than make a living out of the ground. Indeed, we have heard of some who failed to make a good living, and who .were al ways in debt as the result of what they called hard times and bad crops. On the other hand, we have heard of some who persist in making good crops during the worst seasons, and who have full barns and overflowing smoke houses at a time when their less fortunate neighbors are pur¬ chasing their supplies in the stores. We believe that even an editor could manage a, farm well enough to make pretty good crops when the seasons are all propitious, when the rains come in the nick of time, and are suc¬ ceeded by just the right amount of open weather. We mention this possibility in order to sug¬ gest that it is not necessary to be a good farmer to make fail crops in seasons that are precise¬ ly suited to growing things. If the real truth were known, there is something serious and important behind all the advice — some of it futile, and some of it f( o'ish— that the editors arc in the habit of dealing out with a free hand. They have in their minds an ideal farmer, one who is thoroughly equipped for the great work of coping with the soil and who is a farmer from choice and not because he finds it nec¬ essary to make a living. V'e should expect such a man to have a good education, fortified by continuous study and investiga* tionjwe should expect him to be thoroughly in love with nature and all things that appertain thereto: we should expect him to have a thirst for knowledge that For BJvery Wound USE Dr. Ticlienor’s Antiseptic Prevents tnfammation and Superration, 12ot a liniment nor a salve, JR pleasant, stainless liquid for Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea, 10c and 50c per Bottle. BRONCHODA Tor throat and Lungs. Expectorant. . . . Antiseptic. . . . Laxative. 25c at all Druggists. Sherrouse Medicine Co., New Orleans, La. can only be acquired by with the soil and with the and open fields: we should ex¬ pect him to have a most voraci¬ ous appetite for experiment in all those things that concern his business; and, lastly, we expect him to be familiar with the simple laws and axioms chemistry that are important his domain. Perhaps it is too much to ex¬ pect, and yet we believe that time will come when a will possess all the accomplish¬ ments that are necessary in work, and that he will be a class business man besides. are coming upon new times new methods, and the oi these will produce new who will farm exclusively for immense profits that are to be coaxed out of the soil. Have You Indigestion. If y° u have indigestion, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will cure you. .It has cured thousands. It is juring people every yourself hour. Y T ou owe it to give it a trial. You will to suffer until you do try it. i s no other combination of gestants that digests and at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cures, strengthens and rebuilds. * Sold by Lewis Co. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Dicosts what you eat. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. - Independent Manufacturers ol FERTILIZERS ONE MILLION Tons Sold Last Year. Southern Manufacturers of Fer¬ tilizers for Southern Farmers, Planters and Truckers. FACTS The largest independent makers of Fertilizers in the world. The largest producers of material. RESULTS Better Fertilizers, Lower prices, larger sales. OUR REFERENCE The users of our goods. WE EMPLOY Thousands of men. Our customers run into the hundreds of thousands of satisfied, progressive Farmers. Write for free Booklet and Calendar for SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Atlanta, Oa. Memphis, Tenn. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. flontgomery, Ala. ' APPLY TO BERMAN, CAMILLA, Ga. Everybody come to^ A. B. Joiner’s -Andget that Tinware which is going at reduced prices, and must be sold at once. Think about those farming implements you need. Have you ever bad an Up=to=date Suit of Clothes? If not, call around and vre will get you one. Blood and Bone Guanos, Charleston Aeid, Armour’s Guanos, Studebaker’s Wagons, High Grade Bug . . gies, Seed Oats . , German Kainit. Dup (Boobs, (Buoccrtes nub ■farm Supplies, .See I. Berman, At the Harrell Warehouse. Camilla, Ga. Prudential Life Insurance! The highest class insurance in the world. Policies are as good as Government Bonds. The most profitable and safe investment offered to the public. Yon do not have to die to realize cash on your policy, but the longer you live the greater its value. A protection to the widow and orphan as the policy holder as an investment. SEE OR WRITE Robt L. Hoggard, Camilla, Ga., A7BRY <£s COMPANY 51 $ 58 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers “I" Saw Mills All ,, v - WM . ARI-n: ———a—-v‘§. ’ 5/‘_1‘\"\:":* I V\ ‘ I‘ll; > , N (T“\\ V 7522‘ - H ngTT-‘f"? \W . ma" “xiii; = ~ 4+3; Kfix 2 1 r' = ““3— r ~ ' — »- , 1: may M” W IE w ‘0 U i = ”3’ x 's. 2 LL .2. .c: 5.9. T: n: LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill S‘>oylies, Engine and Mill Repairs Send or Cal’g J jom ‘4': 4.: L N .u C O 2 E 3 GU (D 4-: V.) ‘63 .fl ,, v - WM . ARI-n: ———a—-v‘§. ’ 5/‘_1‘\"\:":* I V\ ‘ I‘ll; > , N (T“\\ V 7522‘ - H ngTT-‘f"? \W . ma" “xiii; = ~ 4+3; Kfix 2 1 r' = ““3— r ~ ' . »- , a may M” W