The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 26, 1904, Image 5

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• 161011^198119891998898989 ...LOCAL XEWS... Mr. Ode Cox has returned from Cairo. Mr. Ernest M. Davis visited Albany last Wednesday. Wood Earliest potatoes at Lewis Drug Co’s. Mrs. E. L. Whitworth visited Albany on last Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Palmer represented Camilla in Albany last Wednes¬ day. Drug Fresh Bread Friday.—Lewis Co. Mr. Eugene Kolbie, of the Cairo Messenger, Monday spent Sunday and with friends and rela¬ tives in Camilla. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bennett, of Albany, were ths guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Whitworth, the latter part of last week. Mr. Paul E; Haile with Mrs. J. T. Norris and Miss Carrie Woot¬ en, of Newton, were visitors to Camilla on last Tuesday. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and save money. J. F. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bush will return home today from a visit to Mrs. Bush’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. L. Wiggins, at Lumpkin, Ga. Judge W. N. Spence, of Ca¬ milla, was in the city this morn¬ ing on his way to points in the upper part of the state—Albany Herald. Mr. H, E. Pritchatt, of Dublin, one of the most prominent naval stores manufacturers in the state, was a visitor to Camilla the first of the week. Don't fail to get a boy’s felt bat for 10c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Mrs. J. T. Brooks, of Albany was a visitor in Camilla this week the guest of Mrs. W. L. Bennett. Mrs. Brooks was formerly a citi¬ zen of Camilla and speaks in the highest terms of praise df the good people here. Spring is the time to Brighten up and Beautify YOUR HOMBf 7 MB% sWe have just received a full line Paints, * Oils, Varnishes «•, and Enamels • for this work. We also have an extensive line of Paint, Tarnish and Whitewash brushes. We want you to call and examine our stock, jfc^Letus supplyyourwantst^^^x Try our Muresco for inside work. Anybody can use it on ceiled or plastered walls. All colors. We- are Headquarters for Garden Seetl. YOUR FRIENDS The Lewis Drug Co. . . _:w ,, Lost —Between Cochran Hotel and Camilla High School build¬ ing, one black opal stick pin Finder please leave at Cochran Hotel and be rewarded Well, it did rain just a little Saturday, Sunday and Monday, but the effects of it have all dis¬ appeared from the streets, not¬ withstanding they were so wet and sloppy Monday. .Messrs. J. F. Clark, the gro¬ cer,.Rob’t L. Hoggard, with the Prudential Life Insurance Co , Mr. A. B. Joiner have new al vertisements in this issue of the Enterprise. Everything you need when you go fishing, at Lewis Drug Co’s. Prof. R. L. Wiggins is again at his po3t in the Camilla High School after a week’s absence from sickness. Miss Ethel Perry presided over the 5.h and 6th grades during his absence. Mr. Z. H. Jones, of Pelham, was shaking hands with friends in Camilla last Monday. Mr. Jones is a candidate for repre¬ sentative as will be seen from his announcement in this issue of the Enterprise. Judge and Mrs. W. N. Spence and Miss Susie Spence were vis¬ and itors to Bainbridge last week were present at the Blaum-Curry wedding which occurred at the Baptist church in that city on Wednesday of last week, Miss Susie being one of the brides¬ maids. Mr. W. T. Christopher, with The lvemper-Gabhart Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, was among Wednesday’s visitors to Camilla. Mr. Christopher is an old Geor¬ gia newspaper boy and knows how to sympathize with those of us who can’t get out of the old rut. Miss Susie Spence of Camilla, daughter of Judge W. N. Spence and Miss Mabel Swanson, daugh¬ ter of the Hon. Ben Swanson, of LaGrange, are on a visit to the family of Mrs. John E. Donal-on in this city. They will be the re¬ cipients of many social attentions during their stay in Bainbridge at this lovely home.—Argus. A Monument to Gordon. | all Active over the steps State are to being raise fund,s taken with which to build a monument to the late Gen. John B. Gordon, commander-in-chief of the Con¬ federate Ceterans Association. Committees have been appoint¬ ed in every county to solicit con¬ tributions and Mitchells commit¬ tee consists of Judge I. A. Bush, Judge W. N. Spence and Mr. J. H. Powell, and either of these gentlemen are ready to receive your subscription to the monu mentfund To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 35c. ~^*7 - -‘49 | Bid you see It? Huh? | ____ _ tz. --; Well, Bill, # just call around an d sS see Bailey’s great shoe line. : ^3 Ladies, don’t forget we have got those fancy Waistings and Dress Goods. ^ --^^CalL and see — ^3 1 J. H. BAILEY, I Oh, say! We represent one of the greatest tailoring houses in the WORLD. ^3 A Little Infant Dead. Loney Austin, the little son of Dr, J. H. Green, of Hartsfiej J, died at his father’s home on the 18th instsnt, after a short illness. Loney was just two yea s and a little ovei three months old and had reached that age when his childish prattle brought st n shine into the home. He was the pet of his grandfather Mr. D. B. Davis, near Camilla, who is indeed sad¬ dened over the loss of his little grand-son. His death is the first to occur in his family of several sons and daughters all of whom are, if we mistake not, married and have families of their own To the sorrowing parents and relatives the Enterprise extends condolence. Another Brick Store for Camilla. Recently Mr. Eugene Wilson purchased a business lot on the South side of Broad street ad¬ joining the store of Mr. Arthur and excavations have been made for a neat building, fronting 27 feet and running back 70 feet, which, when cornple ei, will be occupied by Mr. B. B. Watkins with an up-to-date stock of goods. Miss Emma Cochran, accom¬ panied b.y Miss Kate, is off visit¬ ing the wholesale millinery houses getting the latest st yles in Ladies’ pattern hats, etc- and getting such other information as will aid her customers in buy¬ ing their goods in this line for the spring and summer wear.