The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, February 26, 1904, Image 8

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Tor Cotton,Corn and other crops use Baggs & Perry's cotton and corn producer, “ “ High Grade Acid. Blood and Bone, Upland Meal MfeSSie tSttftSsStt5?*,a'S?K=y~ *-*~55iK?rS --S TTTTTTTYTTTTTVVTTTVTTVTVy -TTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTT VVYV /VYVTYVTTTTYTTTVyTTTY* VY'»77fTTTTTY'fVYYY?TfYYYY?e'Tj7V V Pine Cliff Dots. There waft no preaching at Pint 1 Cliff ou last Saturday on account of the in¬ clemency of the weather. We are pleased to leant that onr neighbor, Mrs. Clifford Stamper, who has been quite sick for some time, is now improving and, we hope, on tjie road to a complete restoration to her usual good health. Dr. Curry Webb came down a few days ago to join his wife and baby, who have been spending some time here with her mother, Mrs. L. J. Joiner. Mrs. Dr, Ward, a sister of Dr. Webb came over front Hustler, Early county, and is the guest of Mrs. L. J. Joiner. Misses Katie and Mae Joiner enter¬ tained quite a crowd of young folks on last Thursday evening from 8 to 11 o'clock. , Mrs. Martha Thompson, of the Pleas¬ ant Hill settlement, is visiting the family of Mr. J. W. Beck and other friends in Pine Bluff. Mr. T. B. Beck; in a few days, will have put out about six hundred pecan trees on his place here. Tire burning off of turpentine woods, in this section has been the cause of some loss to the farmers and a great deal of hard work in keeping the tin' from doing much damage. Mr. J. W, Beck lost aljput 85 paimels of fence, Mr. J. W. Pope was awakened' just in time to save a tenant house which, if it had burned, would have also caused the,loss, of his dwelling. Don’t the oats look green since the advent of a few warm showers and the sunshine? Spring is near at hand, the trees, the little lambs and even the violets say so. What is the matter with all the old correspondents?* Friends, come out from your hiding places, and let us hear from you. If you are too busy, ask some one else to report the news from your neigh¬ borhood. Cohtiuue to give us the news from Bacon toil, School Girl, for we enjoy your spiev chats. I can imagine how nice it is to be a seuool girl or boy, for it was my misfortune to have the pleas¬ ure of being a school boy for only two short months, and when I see and read tire letters of people who are so much more competent to write than myself, I feel my incompeteney and almost say that I won’t try any more. But then I feel that it is a duty to help the editor of our county paper in giving the news of the county, for how can he print the news unless we send it to him from our different sections. Friends, lets put our shoulders to the wheel and help Mr. Al¬ len make the Enterprise not only a welcome visitor, but a necessity to every home iu the county. Take the Enterprise, ask your neigh¬ bor to take it, talk about our paper and say good tilings about it. You, probably, have never thought about how much good you can do. Tell about your neighbors goings and comings and all the little items of interest that may oc¬ cur in your section, then all will be eager to get the paper and read it, and soon it will he a weekly visitor to every homo in Mitchell county. With many good wishes for the editor and his force I am the Flint River Coon. . The editor thanks “Flint River Coon’’ for his friendly interest and the many good things he lias to say about the Enterprise. Pen Points From Pebble City. As I have not seen any anything from this section in a,long time I will endeav¬ or to scribble a little. Old Sol has onde more crept from be¬ hind the clouds, and shedding his radieneo upon the broad Earth, and the honey bees, sucking sweets from peach and other blossoms, make it^look like Spring time again. The farmers are a little late this year iu plowing on account of cold and min and other things Such as building and repairing fences, cow stalls, buggy shel¬ ters and gardens. I have never seen so much improvement,^generally speaking, going ou one spring as there is this. The ring of the saw and hammer'is heard on every side. Mr. A. J. Abridge,! who has been critically ill for about three weeks with carbuncles and abscesses, is, we are glad to report, a little better. D. H. Akridge was Confined to his bed last week, but is up at this writing. Mrs. B. 1‘. Ray and children were vis¬ iting her mother, Mrs. J. C. Cooper on the western border of the county Satur¬ day and Sunday, returning Monday. Mrs. M. C. Sloan, of Mt. Zion, is vis¬ iting relatives in the city this week. Mr. Ed Fussell carried a load of pork¬ ers to Moultrie today. He gets 7 coats per p und Daniel Akridge is to carry a j load Thursday at same price. A little child of T. M. Jones, out East of this plate, was severely burned a few days ago. Judge Covington, of Moultrie, accom¬ panied by Judge I. A. Bush, of Camilla, was with us last Sunday at Pebble City Baptist Church. Rev H. N. Burnette generously Judge Covington tendered his church and time to to make a temper¬ ance talk. After singing and prayer Bro. Burliette read some of the Wise Man’s sayings and* then called Judge Covington forty-five to the stand, who spoke about minutes to as attentive a crowd as I ever saw. And to say he made a splendid Judge speech but feebly expresses it. he would Covington have is a fine orator and been for the sanctity been applauded had it not that the people held for tiie day and the house. . Jr PITER. You Know What You are Taking When you take Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plain!v printed on every bottle showing that it is simply Iron and Qniuiife in a, tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the*Voters of Mitchell Count v. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Representative in the legislature for Mitchell county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary of said coun¬ voters ty and of will this appreciate, county. .the'support of the Z. H. Jones. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. To the Voters of Mitchell County. I respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Representative of Mitch¬ ell county in the legislature, subject to the white primary and earnestly solicit your I pledge support . If honored witlfeleetion to you my best efforts in tire discharge of the duties incumbent upon me. John M. Spence. FOlToBJDIN ARY' To the Citizens of Mitchell County. I hereby announce myself as a candi¬ date for Ordinary subject to a white pri¬ mary and solicit your support and votes. Yours respectfully, E. T. Cochran. foiTordinarm To the voters of Mitchell county. I hereby aimounce'myself as a candi¬ date for re-election as Ordinary of Mitch¬ ell county. I have faithfully and con¬ scientiously Ordinary tried to discharge mv duties as for the time I have been in office, and pledge myself should I be re-elected tliat I will do in the future as I have done in the past. Thanking un¬ friends for their generous support in the past and asking a continuance of same, I am Respectfully, J. G. Wood. A Mother’s Recommendation. I have used Chamberlain’s Cough ouugn Remedy ivemeuy for ior a a number numoer of ot years and have no hesitancy in .saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not words to express my confidence in this remedy.—Mrs. J. A. Moore. North Star, Mich.— For sale by Lewis Drug Co, The political pot has com me.iced to simmer and soon it will be boiling over with candi¬ dates. Bring on your announce¬ ments gentlemen. When you feel blue and that everything cvoiyiuiiig goes goes wrong, wrong, take laao a d 0M „I Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give you a relish for your food and make you feel that in this old world is a good place to live. For sale by. Lewis Drug Co, Lost or Strayed, From r.y home near Ransomo . Wingates, j on Thursday night of week, Feb. l*th. one large sized milk cow, with yellow neck and head, and has white and red spots on body, unmarked. She has a very large udder. Last information had of her she was at the Jim K Hilliard tolSr place. Any information leachng recovery wilt be liberally r warded by A. L. Camilla, Sanders,' Ga. _ CITATION. j J. B. Demand Petition for Specific anui<;! vs ® . !li Peformanee in Mitch i■ ver, ell eu Superior superior Court. Cc i & hf 1901. ' .v ui. .<*, uiiuatK, oamupj oifl vur : v You ------- are hereby 1 commanded be and to appear at the next term of said court, to he held in and for said county on Tues¬ day after the third Monday iu April next, to answer said petition: in default whereof the court will proceed as to i ustice s 1 mil appertain. Witness the Honorable ly. N. Spence Judge td said court. This 8th day Feb. 1901. 3 E. COS, Clerk. - | ilY STAND Is at the Depot. am there to furnish to the Public__^ Brick, Rough and Dressed Lumber At prices that are Fair. See me and save money. I carry a nice, new line of GROCERIES. My motto shall be: “Fair Dealing and Prompt Service.’’ Command me and your goods shall be delivered at your door. J. F. CTai k.