The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, March 04, 1904, Image 8

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• *. 4LZ /. A Ai.AA A A AA AAJ>. AAAAAA AA1 *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA <AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA cAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAAA 4AA «AAAiAiAAAiAAAAAAAA» cotton and corn producer, High Grade Acid. & Meal il/l 1 9 r^% c # 31 ^ 51 ESg f ^gf® ESp &e > y V- A BRILLIANT PROfiRAM. Many Excellent Attractions fur Chautauqua at Albany. The Program for the sixteenth annual session o£ the Georgia Chautauqua is announced. The program is per naps the most brilliant and varied of any in the history of this institution and em¬ braces the names of such men as Rev. 1. J. Lancing. D. D., Dr, John E. White, I). D., Joseph M. Terrell. Judge Emory Speer, Hon. J. M. Griggs, State School Commissioner \V. B. Merritt, Hon Guyt McLendon, Lieutenant Richmond P. Hobson, ex-Gover nor Bob Taylor and many others. The music will be furnished by a chorus of three hundred of the best singers of southwest Geor¬ gia, accompanied by a superb orchestra of ten pieces. This chorus will be thoroughly drilled by I)r. Palmer for two weeks pro¬ ceeding the opening of the assem¬ bly and may confidently be ex¬ pected to furnish its fuji quota oi pleasure to the thousands who annually come from a distance, to attend the Chautauqua. A Young Court. The new militia district (the 1603rd) in this county was re¬ cently organized and the first session of the justice’s court was held last Saturday. Justice Pomp Perkins and Marshall Shi ver were present and the docket was by no means cleared. A case of laborer’s lien was tried between Amos Cochran and Wilkes Mer¬ ritt. It was hard fought all the afternoon by the attorneys R. J. Bacon and Judge Underwood. Pei hap 3 no young justice over bad a case bristling with more points of law. The case will be appealed to ihe Superior Court. The court ground is at Alger postoffice near the residence of Mr. Lee Clarke. The business of the court and the prohibition election were held simultaneous¬ ly. Leap Year Party. Mr. and Mrs. friends Spence Perry en¬ tertained their among the hoys and girls rangiiig from 1! to 18 years of age with a Leap Year patty Friday evening of las! week. Enough said already to warrant It having been a success in every particular. Accompany¬ ing every gin *s invitation was the card of the young gentleman whose company she was expected to solicit for the evening. Right hero, we can imagine, is where some fun came in. We can picture in our mind’s eye the many Whispered consultations, with girlish heads together over desks, an! wouldn’t be surpis-d if the Prof, scored some bltck marks on that, to them, metnora ble Friday. 11 was arranged that the girls should meet at Mrs. M. F. Brimberry ’sand theboysat Mrs. Owen’s, two doors up the street, which they did and at tuo appoint edhour the girls marched overand away they all went to the party amid much merriment, each boy with his dainty escort. Arrived, the hours sped by on rapid wing. Many games were played, inter¬ spersed with music. As the evening advanced, the dining room was thrown open and everybody invited in where a dainty buffet supper was served. A feature of the evening was a contest taxing the memory and bringing out the descriptive pow¬ ers of each. In this Miss Mittie Lee Palmer \>on the prize, a box of bonbons, while Grover Coch¬ ran received a huge bunch of raisins tiedjjwith yards and yards of yellow ribbon. The party was given in honor of Messrs. R. S. and G. C. Cochran, kinsmen of Mrs. Perry. God bless our boj s and girls. When you see two men, says an exchange, with arms entwin¬ ed in sweet conversation, while one tells the other about his wife and children and o f her per¬ sonal matters, think not that it is the meeting of two long lost brothers or boyhood friends* One is a voter, the other a can¬ didate. Marriage at Baco Uon. On the afternoon of the 23th inst, at the resilence of the bride’s father, Mr. Walter Hearn, at Baeonton, Miss M. M. Hearn was married to Mr. E. H Mote, Rev. J. L. Underwood officiating. Quite a number of relatives and friends of both parties witnessed the ceremony and later in the evening gathered at the homo of the bridegroom to enjoy a recep¬ tion ten lered by Mr. and Mrs. Yarbrough. The groom is a step-son of Mr. Yarbrough and a promising y oung business man of sterling character. The lovely bride has a host of friends all around her as well as a! Camilla where she was a pu¬ pil,in the high school. The Enterprise extends hearty congratulations. Hoggard—Thomas. On Thursday cf last week at the home of Mr. L T. Norris, in Newton, Mr. W. H. Boggard was married to Miss Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thomas of Camilla. Mr. Hoggard is of the law firm of Hoggard it Dasher, and is an exemplary young man who bids fair to rise in his profession, while bis bride is one of Camil¬ la’s popular young ladies who is possessed of many womanly graces. The Enterprise wishes for the young couple a long and hap¬ py life,__ Can’t the property owners cf Camilla come together and have the town surveyed off into blocks so that streets will ran regular both north and south, and east and west? It is at least four or five blocks distance from the Court house square to tho depot and yet there is but one or two streets opened up from north to south in this entire space. It will not decrease, but will add to the value of your property and many nice resident lots will be made desirable and accessible to the home seeker. Baeonton is the banner prohi* bitbn district of the county. Richard B. Russell Offers; for Chid Just.ce. ; The people of the state were ■ not entirely surprised on read- j ing in the Daily Press a few days ; ago of the announcement of the j candidacy of Judge R. B. Rus-1 s<Jl! of Jackson County for the | high State. position of Chief Justice of j the For several years i ■lodge Russell has considered seat) \ entering the eSr.test fora upon this bench. He has been unusually suc cessful in the past in attaining Whatever position he offered for , land I as made many friends j over the State who will read with I pleasure his announcement, j ■ Judge Russell has held many prominent positions, having been a representative from “Clark county,, Solicitor General and Judge of the Western Circuit, j holding the latter positition at | this time- He is young and ac tive, and with Ids long exped¬ ience upon the bench would ren¬ der the State good service in the I position he now asks. | flY STAND Is at the Depot. am there to furnish to the Public Brick, Rough and Dressed Lumber At prices that are Fair. See me and save money. I carry a nice, new line of GROCERIES. My motto shall be: “Fair Dealing and Prompt Service.” Command me and your goods shall be delivered at your door. Phone 42. J. F. Clark. Nctice cf Flection. trailer and by virtue cf a resolution ; vd by the Mayor and Council of the town of Camilla, in jArru'wec cf an Act of the Lcgb-htt r.r-. approved August IS, l»33. an:! embodied hi the Georgia.Laws of tl«?8, pp. aoi-sio, inclusive, an election. "will be held a-t tho CourHiouse, in. Ca mill-i, Gu., oa th> L.-t Saturday in April, to-wit the 80di jiay of April 19C4, for the purpose of ascertaining whether or' .not tie provisions of said Act shall bo rati Sod and go into effect and for the pur¬ pose of electing nine members of the Boar l of Edn.^ion as Cleft iu said J. L. at Council, CITATION. J. B. IXvannrd Petition for Specific vs. Pi foxmauce iu Mitch¬ Sator.ei Shiver, ell Superior Court. Karl Shiver. Filed July 3rd, l'JOl. To the defendant, Samuel Slaver: Yon are the hereby commanded of said to be and appeal- at next term court, to be held in and for said county on Tues¬ day after tho third -aid petition: Monday in in default April next, whereof to answer the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence Judge of said -ourt. This 8th day Feb. 1004. S. E. CON, Clerk.