The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, March 18, 1904, Image 2

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1 8 Professional Cards.! 4 ■': _ ■ % J. L. UNDERWOOD, Attokney-at-Law and Reai.j *5 Estate. Estate. ; '■?: Office in Bennett's Building, Broad} 5 ------- street. f -t Ti -.L. LEWIS, C "? Physician and Surgeon. ® Office at Drug SiOreof Lewis Drug? («’»., during the day. Residence j 4 at night. Prompt attention given;. | “ to all calls. i A Bush, R D Bush M E Bush 1. A. BUSH & SONS, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Camilla, Ga. Commercial law a specialty. I. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. Hoggaad.j DASHER & HO IGARD, | Attorneys-at- La w, Camilla, Ga. $. <ffice in Enterprise Building. I). A. Dental SPENCE, Surgeon, | Pelham, Ga. 6 { Office in new City Hall. gj The best quality of work atir reasonablo charges. Yonr pa-f! tronage solicitated. Dr. J, L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Georgia, i Hesldenoo phone 4. Office phone 30. fi. 1 ; i’i Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. I ey>resents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Live-pool and London and Globe. Hartford hire. Home Insurance Oof N- Y. Greenwich Insuranc 3 Co YC'JR BUSINESS SOLICITED 1 > | 1 llp*to=date Goods attbt !; I Old Reliable J. W. Joiner’s ♦ « Jewelry - » Store, o v Albany, ■ Georgia. II i ......A COUPLETS USE OF...... t * Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver j; and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar- «> tides, Stationery, etc. A’.l kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks, ,, Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri- < > I respectfully solicit a portion of T 4 the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. ALBANY, - - GA ^>0 * 0 «o<$>o^>o<$>o^o^of'0 * o O <£ <£ o IXIt'll A o 4 Ul $ 0 a ' o 1 o 6 Attsttu’es « o <$ o o € o fficllcflc.. c <5»> <? G o $ <*> o o <?> « <♦> o Tlnmasville, Georgia, 6 \ o <$> o <0 o <♦> o 7W\ <.-> o «> o X’> o s I t-gard Miss Nellie Jones. ^ <s> 1 mer student of Stanley’s c s E isiness College, as one of c $ o thj best stenogra pliers for her o ;.n l experience I have seen £ c 1 her work compares fav- <t « iblv witli operators of long £ 0 or q experience v '.'.truruw- in I 11 both --V-- 11 neatness ^ c * ail accuracy and certainly ‘ o 1 t* s; ik< well for your school. £ C. I. McGKHEE, o | £ Agent F. 0. & P. R. R. £ 0-yo$'0<$04>0$0<$0'$0<S>0<$>0<S>0<J <$ O $> 0 $ Kodbl Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. The South’s Growth. Errm time to time the true in¬ dustrial conditions of this sec¬ tion of our country are being brought to the attention of the world. Itisnxtan unfreqnent thing for the great New York dailies as well as those of other sections of the country to devote much space to southern develop¬ ment and progress. The following statement of facts should be a gratifying one. It is from the columns of the New York Sun : “With 10,000,000 bale cotton crops at good prices, a 25,000,000 ton coal output, a 2,500,000 ton pig iron production, to say noth ing of lumber, tobacco, fruit and other crops and products, the southern states are creating con¬ ditions unknown in their prev¬ ious history. While the measure of prosperity has varied in the different lines, all have contribut¬ ed to an unprecedented activity and a substantial increase in general wealth. Manufacturing enterprises have taken the place of the old time plantations and have established new channels of employment for the people. The south has prospered and its prosperity continues. The re¬ sults of all this are manifest not, alone in the cities, but in almost every town village and hamlet New buildings appear every¬ where- Sewer systems, water works, electric plants for lighting and for trolley lines are fast be¬ coming as much of a necessity as they are in the north and west, and the south lias the money to pay for them. Municipal bond issues have reached a huge ag¬ gregate. and have, in general, found ready sale at good prices, often in the immediate local mar¬ ket. Southern ports have done an enormous increased business, and southern railways have been hard pressed to handle their traffic. The establishment of these new conditions upon a foundation of unquestionable firmness opens a broad vista The south has not yet been an objective point for the home seeker, to whom it really offers so much that a day will soon come when its many advantages for settlers will cam m and wiier attention and draw it to a few millions of those whose industry would contribute still further to southern development and pro¬ gress.” Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper reme¬ dies at hand. A physician should always be called. It should be borne in mind, however, that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of cold or from an attack of the grip, and that by giving Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the threatened a tt ack of pneumonia may be warded off. This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumo¬ nia with the best results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders, Ala., who is also a druggist, says of it: "I have been sell¬ ing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and prescribing it in my practice for the past six years. I use it in cases of pneu¬ monia and have always gotten the best results. ’’ Sold by Lewis Drug Company. The papers all over the state are complaining that the Calvin vagrauc.) law is a dead letter. It is not so in Thomasville-—Times Enterprise. Wakeful Children. For a long time the two year old child of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 511 N. Tenth St,, Harrisburg, Pa. would sleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents. Her mother concluded that the child had stomach trouble, andjgnve her half of one of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets, which quieted her stomach and she slept the whole night through. Two boxes of these Tablets have effected a permanent cure and she is now well and strong. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Railroad Earnings in the South. From the Macon News. If trade is good and the coun¬ try prosperous the earnings of railroads will show the fact. The railroad is a sure barometer of the true true condition of com¬ mercial, industrial and agricul¬ tural affairs. That prosperity continues in the south is evidenc¬ ed by the .financial reports of the railroads in this section. They show there has been no decrease in the monthly earnings, whereas receipts of northern railways have fallen off. We take' two roads as illustration: In Janu¬ ary the earnings of the Pennsyl¬ vania railroad fell off Si,093,300 gross creating a net decrease of 81,223,000. The Southern rail¬ way is a splendid indicator of the South’s progress and prosperity. It always affords us great pleas¬ ure to note the success of the Southern railway. It is a liber¬ al, enterprising and public spir¬ ited corporation. The policy of the management is broadminded, and the company keeps equal step with the South in the march of improvement, development and prosperity. Do You Want Strength. If yon want to increase yonr strength yon nmst add to and not take from the physical. In other words, the food that yon eat must be digested, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the intestines. Kcdol Dyspepsia Cnre adds to the physical. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of digestants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of its health and strength-giving qualities Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The state democratic executive has said there must he no vote buying in the coming primary, and such conduct Mill the guilty party. The Name Witch Hazel. name Witch Hazel is much abused. C. DeWitt& Co., Chicago, are the in¬ of the original and only genuine Hazel Salve. A certain cure for Bums, Bruises, Eczema, Tetter, etc. There are many counterfeits this salve, some of which are danger¬ while they are all worthless. In buy¬ Witch Hazel Salve see that the name C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, is 011 the and a cure is certain. Sold by Lew¬ Drug Co VIRGINIA - CAtttlLIM/ CHEMICAL CO. j Independent Mamifactu ers o* ! FERTILIZERS f [ « t«o ;» b r fust s *40 d ” !' 1 « » r». » * , r * m 111 r 1 < s a * ul, Ul, su 31. n <1 i I p I' t» p r ‘ 1 1 io . lb i URIi-T, Hi:.- fe>T I - m i HuAHiiSI. ONE MILLION Tons Sold Last Year. Stsnthcm Manufacturers of Fer-j tdizi-rs foi S'i»thern Fane rs, ( Planters and Truckers. I-ACTS The nmkeis largest id Fertilixeis independent in, the woi Id. 1 lie largist peoducers of nmieiiiil- ; kCSULTS Better Fenilizers, Lower prices, larger sales. OUR RHFERBNCE The users of our goods WE EMPLOY Thousands of men. Our] the customers run into hundreds of thousands of tj a t i s fi e d, progressive Farmer?. Write for tree Booklet and Calendar lor 1904 . SAVANNAH, GEORGIA! Atlanta, Ui. Memphis, Tenn. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va.J flontgcmery, Ala. APPLY TO I. BERMAN, CAMILLA, GA. fust a minute! Now is the time to geT your Spring Clothing And you had better not wait Until it is too late. Come and let me order your suit at once so it will be here in time. I am in the busi¬ ness and want to do your business so see me before you order. L A. B. JOIMEB. Fire destroyed my entire store and stock of goods. Partly Insured. Will rebuild in 70 days or sooner. Notice! All parties, everyone, owing me please come up like a man and settle up. I need and must have all my funds, See me at the Harrell warehouse or B. Lubin’s store. I. Berman. Prudential Life Insurance! The highest class insurance in the world. Policies are as good as Government Bonds. The most profitable and safe investment offered t* t he public. You do not have to die to realize cash on your jiolicy, but- the longer you live the greater its value. A protection to the widow and orphan as as well as the policy holder as an investment. ’ SEE OR WRITE Robt. L. Hoggard, Camilla, Ga., 1 AVERY c& COMPANY SI cj- S3 S, Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Boilers Saw Mills All Kinds of Machinery. i m a % ‘ .E 1 C :3 u; -V .2 I— u: .2 .Q S '5': a: LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, , Steam Governors Mill S‘>wiles, Engine and Mill E&pairs Send or Cat’$ SQWKWK '57—“1‘7‘28. {ii-f ., : fiag‘fifi‘xw‘V‘W ‘ 3 5 P”)? gyfig/ 7 ' ) 3.. I i. v.3 .« V L“); I \33‘1215: "k \‘3'!.¢/" Mfr! ‘rr 5 - . _' \‘\‘\' ', .2» «9‘ 1" l» ‘ . «if... - - M‘Wnm E . I i .. ' 2:: £2." ICU {.14 i2 K: a ‘E I; a: _-EW {:75 CD Q3 ,,