The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, March 25, 1904, Image 3

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County Directory. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. W. N. Spence, Ju lge. W. E. Wooten, Solicitor General. E. M. Davis, Stenographer. S. E. Cox, Clerk. I. Smith, Sheriff. Court sessions Tuesday after 3rd Mon¬ day in April and October. CITY COURT OFFICERS. I. A. Rush. Judge. S. b. Bennett, Solicitor pro tem. S. E. Cox, Clerk. Court sessions on 2nd Monday in Jan¬ uary, April, July and October. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. R. Bennett, Chairman, Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner, J. W. Everett, and J. G. Wood, Clerk. Regular meeting second Tuesday in each month. Ordinary’s court every first Monday, J. G. Wood, Ordinary. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. L. Stewart, Tax Collector. G. T. Abridge, Tax Receiver. Jonah Palmer, Treasurer. Samuel Lucky, Surveyor. Green Spence, Coroner. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. P. Heath, Chairman, Camilla, Ga. Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga. J. T. Glausier, Bacontoii, Ga. W. E. Davis, Meigs, Ga. J. B. Lewis, Camilla, Ga, J. H. Powell, C. S. C. Camilla, Ga. City Directory. Mayor—J. H. Palmer Mayor Pro-tern—M. C. Bennett, Couucilineu—M. O, Bennett, H. C. Dasher, Sr., A. B. Joiner, F. S. Perry, J. C. Turner, C. E. Watt. Clerk—J. L. Cochran, Treasurer—C. L. Taylor. Marshal—J. K. Hilliard. Night Policeman—Raymond Cochran. HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. W. Butler, ,T. L. Cochran, F. L. Lewis, A. R. Patrick, J. H. Scaife, W. N. Spence, J. 0. Turner. Secretary and Treasurer, C. L. Taylor. Church Chimes. Methodist Church— -Corner Harney and Stephens streets—Rev. C. T. Clark, pastor. Preaching second and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock, a. m.. and ? :80 o'clock p. m. Prayer meet¬ ing every Thursday evening at 7:30 o’clock. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 o’clock, I. A. Bush, sup¬ erintendent. Epwbrth League every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. The, public cordially invited to attend all church services. Baptist Church— Broad street, Sun¬ day school every Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock; J. L. Cochran, superintend The general public welcome to till sendees. Presbyterian Church— Broad street. Rev. Archie McLaucblin, pastor. Preach ing on the third and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock and at night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday school at 9-30 a. in. All cordial¬ ly invited to attend those meetings. Happy, Healthy Children. Any child can-take Little Early Risers with perfect safety. They are harmless never gripe or sicken, yet they are so cer¬ tain in results that robust constitutions requiring drastic means are never disap¬ pointed. They cannot fail to perform their mission and every one who uses DeWitt’s Little Early Risers prefer them to all other pills. They cure hillionsuess. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Easy ^ Pill 1 Easy to take and easy to act is that famous little piil DeWitt's ■ Little Early Risers. This is due to the fact that they tonic the liver in¬ stead ofpurging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even the most delicate lady, and yet they are so certain in results that no one who uses them is disappointed. They cure torpid liver, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneu¬ monia and fevers. PSePACSO cI-Y BY E. C. DcWITT A CO,, CHICAGO $ Bsn't Forgd the Kame. ^ Early Risers SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CO The Builders. In every city, town and county that is progressive and prosper¬ ous there will bo found one or several busy, hustling, energetic citizens who for want of a better term may be called promoters. Imbued with civic pride and pa¬ triotism, they are always looking out for something to help the community and make it better and richer; and once they find a promising scheme they study it and talk about it until their fel¬ low citizens become interested in the matter and take it up. Many men have become conspicuous not only in their own community but throughout the state, for their pertinacity in talking up and promoting the advantages and resources of their sections. Among the class of men we have in mind is Judge Joseph Tillman, cf Quitman, Ga. For thirty years or more he has been an enthusi¬ astic and energetic laborer in tire good work of making “two blades of grass grow where one grew be¬ fore” in South Georgia and Flor¬ ida, and it is safe to say that in that time he has done more for the advancement of the section materially than any other one man. He is a veritable walking encyclopedia of facts and figures respecting the section he is so fond of promoting and it is al¬ ways a pleasure to impart infor¬ mation to. others. Judge Tillman still prosecuting the good work, 13 now laboring to secure the active co-operation of the railroads and land-owners in bringing capital and home seekers into lower Georgia. It. seems that he ought to have very little difficulty, if any at all, in getting that co-operation. It is certainly to the interest of the 'railroads and the landowners to have the country developed,-i Ev¬ ery white se+tler brought into the section means an increase of bus iness for the railroads and high¬ er values of real estate in after years. But immigrants of the desirable sort Will not come into a section unless it has induce¬ ments to offer, and those induce¬ ments must be clearly demonstra¬ ted in facts and figures before the removal occurs. Therefore, in aiding Judge Tillman the in¬ terests referred to will a-dually be aiding themselves at the same time. Lower Georgia needs thousands more of white settlers —the thrifty farmers and build¬ ers of Germany, Scandinavia and ! the North and West of Europe i genera'iy. The railroads and the landowners can assist mighti¬ ly in forwarding the movement to get them here; and the sooner we get them the better it will be for all hands.- Savannah Morn¬ ing News. State of Ohio, Or nr or Toledo, ( L ccA s County. / Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of t he firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the j City of Toledo, County and State afore siid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot lie cured by die use -of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, tills 6tli day of December, A. D. 1886. [seal.] A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's, Catarrh Cure is taken internal¬ ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tire system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa¬ tion. Georgia’s share of the army and navy bill just passed will amount to $5,000,000. You Know What You are Taking When yon take Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing tlrat it is simply Iron and Qninine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. 50c. In Memorium. In memory of our beloved brother, J. C. Cooper, who de¬ parted this life Feb. 1, 1904. Ho was born Dec. 29, 1845 and was married to Miss Carrie Seag ler March 3,1870. He joined the Baptist church in the A. D. 1876, and lived a consistent member of the church until his death. He was loved and honored by all who knew him, and his death is dee; - ly regretted by his many friends. The family has our deepest sym¬ pathy in this great bereavement. Verily the Lord hath all seasons for his own and we humbly bow in submission to his will, know¬ ing that he doeth all things well, and that ere long we will all be gathered home through Jesus ' hrist our Lord and Savior. Be it therefore resolved by this church: 1st. That we extend to our beloved sister and children our heartfelt sympathy in this, their , affliction assuring them of our prayers that our Heavenly Fath¬ er may uphold, support and com¬ fort them. 2nd. Resolved that a page in our church book be dedicated to his memory and that these reso¬ lutions be-published in the Ca¬ milla Enterprise and a copy be presented to the bereaved wife. Read and approved by the church in conference this 19th day of March 1904. H. W. Sullivan, Mod. A. A. Bullard, Clerk. WANTED. Wc would like to ask through the col ums Of your paper, if there is any per¬ son who has used Green’s August Flower for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Liver Troubles that has not been cured—and. wo also mean their results, such as sour stomach, fermentation of food, habitual costiveness, nervous dys¬ pepsia, headaches, despondent feelings, sleeplessness—in fact, any trouble con¬ nected with the stomach or liver? This medicine has been sold for many years in all civilized countries, and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our hooks free of cost. If you never tried August Flower, try a 25c bottle first. We have never known of its fail¬ ing. If so, something more serious is the matter with yon. The So cent size lias just been introduced this year. Reg¬ ular size 75. At all Druggists. G. G. GREEN, Woodbury, N. J. — ——-»>- • —i Negro Man Kills Woman in Coiti Blood. From the Pelham Journal. On Tuesday afternoon late an altercation occurred between a negro man and negro woman at the house of Henry Patterson on Railroad street and as a result the woman was killed by a pistol wound. She was wounded twice, the fatal bullet entering the back beneath the shoulder blade and the other entering the side. She died shortly after being shot. The man escaped and efforts to track him with blood hounds proved futile. They were both strangers in Pelham. The woman’s name is said to have been Emma Jones and her slayer, Jim Harris. There were one or two eye wit¬ nesses. One cf the eye witnesses stated that Harris came to town and tri'd to get the woman to go with him and when she refused he took the child out of her lap, jerked 1 er up by her arm and, whipping out his revolver, shot her twice in rapid succession. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured William Shaffer, a brakeman of Den uisou, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu¬ matism. “I used many remedies,” he says. “Finally I sent to McCaw’s drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week’s time was able to go to work as happy as a clam.” For sale by Lewis Drug Co. DeWTttslMSalve For Piles, Burns, Sores. Our Spring and Summer opening of our Millinery Goods will take place on tlxe SSnci and 23rd Inst., NextTuesday anti Wednesday. The ladies of Gar; ilia and Mitchell county are repect fully invited to call and look through my stock which has been carefully selected to suit the taste of all. I have a beautiful line of pattern hats I think I can trim hats to fully meet your wishes. I have grown up rig here in your midst and would ask for a liberal shire of your patronage. Respectfully, JSmmit Cocliran. For Rvery Wound USE Dr. Ticlienor’s Antiseptic Prevents Tnfammation and Superration, Pot a liniment nor a salve, .71 pleasant, stainless liquid for Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea. 10c and 50c per BoRle. BRONCHODA Tor throat and Lungs. Expectorant. . . . Antiseptic. . . . Laxative. 25c at all Druggists. SiiEKiiousE Medicine Co., New Orleans, La. M otice! Look Tliiss Way. 1 have formed a partnership with Mr. D. B Holton in the matter of Collections, Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles, Brackets, Banisters, Columns, Brick and all kinds of finishing material to build a dwelling, and we therefore solicit your collections and trade. We guarantee prices and just Treatment. J Looking closely to the interests of our customers in points of collections and sales. We sell strictly for cash as we pay cash for all Ma¬ terial. Yours for Business, Itaclaals & Holton. HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, gg Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience. §§ Expert Handlers of Sea Island As well as Upland Cotton. Liberal cash Advances against consignments. Money loaned D cotton shippers on Approved se> curity. o Large dealers in % Sea Island and Upland Bagging, y Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. C > WRITE Bay RITE St. FOR FOR TERMS, TERMS, u 126 126 East East 1 Savannah, Ga.