The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, March 25, 1904, Image 5

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...Local News... “Oh, we judge each other harshly. Knowing not life’s hidden force.; Knowing not the fount of action Is less turbid at its source, Seeing not amid the evils All the golden grains at good; *, Oil. we’d love e.ioli other better, If we only understood.” Rev, R. L. Rachals visited out in the 12th district yesterday. Col. E. M. Davis went up to Albany WeJnesday morning. Received one car Lime and De¬ ni ; nt. A. R. Patrick, lm Col. W. S. West, of Valdosta, was a visitor to Camilla Wednes¬ day. Mr. R. J. Taylor lost a tenant house by fire last week. No in¬ surance. Men’s Linen Collars, the latest style, 3c. at the Cincinnati'! Bargain House. Mrs. Elizabeth Culpepper is visiting Miss Janie Spence this week. J. H. Bailey and the Cincinnati Bargain House have new ad’s in this issue. Don’t fad to get a f>0c pound of tobacco for 25c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Look out for the Chautauqua Program in next week’s issue of the Enterprise. Mrs. Marion Collins left last week for a visit to relatives and friends in Kentucky. Hofmayer, Jones & Co., of Al¬ bany have an attractive adver¬ tisement in this issue. Golden Dent, Maryland White and Hickory King Early Amber corn seed at Lewis Drug Co. Mr. T. O. Perkins, of Nash¬ ville, Tenn., representing the manufacturers of thermal route mail boxes, spent Saturday and Sunday last in Camilla. We want to call Special to Me several kinds, of Goods we are handling! IT"Iin. Pine Candies: We keep in stock fresh goods from Nunnally and Lowney. These are good goods and whenever you wish nice candy ’phone or call and see our line. Our soda fountain is now ready and we are going to give our customers the purest and best sdda water and cold drinks of all kinds that we can make. We will be pleased to serve you at all times. ©ur Cigar anil Tobacco JLinc: Is as complete as we can make it. We are making a special effort to buy high cigars and tobacco and if the goods "are on the market, you can get them from us. Give us a trial for good cigars and tobacco. Ill the Paint Une wo iiavc Everything You Yccil From a box of enamel to paint for painting a house. We will he glad to have you call and examine our paint stock and let us explain our line of goods to you. They are the best can buy. We have at last succeeded in getting a supply of School Booksjand can now supply your want s in this line. Our stock of Box Paper and Stationery is up-to-date and a large assortment to select from. Call and see us. , YOUR FRIENDS The Lewis Drug Co. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and save money. J. F. Clark. The Enterprise office can do your job work for you. Good ma¬ terial and good work assured. Mitchell county needs and .must have a jail building and the best way to get it is to vote for bonds. Mrs. bessie Fussell and Miss Bell Sanders, of East Mitchell were among Wednesday’s shop¬ pers in Camilla. The workmen are busy this week repairing the plastering in Camilla’s handsome Methodist church building. Mr. R. B. Wingate and liitle son, were appreciated visitors to the Enterprise office last Wed¬ nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Strip¬ ling are rejoicing over the arrival of a little girl at their home Wednesday night. If it’s a bilious attack, take Chamber laiu’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is.certain. For sale by Lewis Drug Go. All are invited to our big sale of men’s hats Saturday. $1.50 hats will all go for 50c only at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Remember that the election for bonds with which to build a neat, up to-date jail for Mitchell coun¬ ty is to be held on April 20th. We have just received a line of lady’s slippers that is going at a low rate, so come in and get your pick first. A b. Joiner. Spend ypur money in Camilla. It will be of benefit to you in many ways and her merchants can supply your every want A gentleman, who was a stran . ger in this part of the state, ex¬ pressed surprise at the showing made in education and religion as evidenced by the handsome school building and churches. Mrs. T. J. Bottoms and Miss Minnie Bottoms, of Thomasville, spent last Tuesday in Camilla, the guests of Miss Willie Bot¬ toms. Mr. Sam Cox, Col. A. S. John¬ son, Col. Benton Odom and Mr. J. T. Morris, of Newton, were pleasant visitors to Camilla last Wednesday. Tuesday and Wednesday of thi3 week were the opening days at Camilla’s millinery stores and the displays made by each ware all that one could as^ for. In¬ deed the Misses Cochran, Baggs <k Perry and Miss Elveen each I Don’t Forget J. H. Bailey is in The € Grocery ! 5a.-'' - And sells those Goods G&*-- direct from New York. Our goods are the best. We have a telephone; if you have 5^: none, send us your order. Yours Very Truly, KV-'- J. H. Bailey. fflaiuiimaUiUinaiaiamiiuui«Kitma fflr have complete lines in Millinery and the showing they made would do credit to any city. Camilla’s ball team went down to Pelham last Friday afternoon and crossed bats with that little city’s team. The game which was a very slow one was won by Camilla. Let every body come out Fri¬ day evening, April 1st, to the High School Auditorium and have a merry time at a Spelling Bee ! proceed 3 to be used in repairing I High School piano for com I menccment. Miss Florine Westberry, of Sylvester, and Mias Belle Armor, of Greensboro, vho have been the guests of Miss Susie Spence for a couple of weeks and who were the recipients of many at¬ tentions while in the city, return¬ ed to their homes Wednesday morning. The local contest for place in Albany Chautauqua will not take place on the 26th inst., as sug¬ gested WW in the Enterprise some i contest Wl11 bo named later. J. H. Powell, C. S. C. March 22, 1904.