The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 01, 1904, Image 3

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County Directory. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. W. N. Spence, Judge.' W. E. Wooten, Solicitor General. E. M. Davis, Stenographer. S. E. Cos, Clerk. I. SmitE* Sheriff. Court sessions Tuesday after 3rd Mon¬ day in April and October. CITY COURT OFFICERS. I. A. Bush, Judge. S. S. Bennett, Solicitor pro tern. S. E. Cox, Clerk. Court sessions on 2nd Monday in Jan¬ uary, April, July and October. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. R. Bennett, Chairman, Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner, J. W. Everett, and J. G. Wood, Clerk. Regular meeting second Tuesday in each month. Ordinary’s court every first Monday, J. G. Wood, Ordinary. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. L. Stewart, Tax Collector. G. T. Abridge, Tax Receiver. Jonah Palmer, Treasurer. Samuel Lucky, Surveyor, Green Spence, Coroner. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. P. Heath, Chairman, Camilla, Ga. Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga. J. T. Glausier, Bacon ton, Ga. W. E. Davis, Meigs, Ga. J. B. Lewis, Camilla, Ga. J. H. Powell, C. S. C. Camilla, Ga. City Directory. Mayor—J. II. Palmer Mayor Pro-tem—M. C. Bennett. Cguucilmen—M. 0. Bennett, II. C. Dasher, Sr., A. B. Joiner, F. S. Perry, J. C. Turner, C. E. Watt. Clerk—J. L. Cochran. Treasurer—C. L. Taylor. Marshal—J. K. Hilliard. Night Policeman—Raymond Cochran. HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. W. Butler, J. L. Cochran, F. L. Lewis, A. R. Patrick, J. H. Soaife, W. N. Spence, J. ( '. Turner. Secretary and Treasurer, O. L. Taylor. C,lurch Chimes. Methodist Church— Comer Harney and Stephens afreets—Rev. C. T. Clark, pastor. Preaching second and fourth Sundays in each mouth at 11 o’clock, a. m., and 7:30 o’clock p. m. Prayer meet¬ ing every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 o’clock, I. A. Bush, sup¬ erintendent. Epworth League every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock. The public cordially invited to attend all church services. Baptist Church—B road street. Sun¬ day school every Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock; J. L. Coeltran, superintend¬ ent. The general public welcome to 'till sendees. Presbyterian Church— Broad street. Rev. Archie McLaucMin, pastor. Preach¬ ing on the third and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock and at night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday school at 9-80 a. m. All cordial¬ ly invited to attend these meetings. WANTED— Several Industrious Per sotis in each slate to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profitable line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash salary of §24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in each week. Experience not essential. Mention ref¬ erence and enclose self-addressed envel¬ ope. THE NATIONAL, 333 Dearborn St., Chicago. Early P Risers ^ THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. B For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun¬ dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris¬ ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DeWitt’s Little Eariy Risers are un¬ equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that i t is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They If are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. I prepared only by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago SOLD BY LEWIS DRUG CO South Georgia’s Growth. Comptroller General W. A. Wright has recently made a trip through South Georgia and a portion of Florida, and he was suprised at the evidences of thrift and material growth that he saw on every hand. He is thus quoted by the Atlanta correspon¬ dent of the Macon Telegraph: “In my opinion the day is not far distant when south Georgia will be the most prosperous sec¬ tion of our state,” said Comptrol¬ ler General Wright today. “It may be that already, but if it is not, it will be that way soon. Vi hy, I never saw the like of in¬ terest being taken in south Geor¬ gia and the northern part of Florida in stock raising. North¬ ern and Western people are going there and fencing in thousands of acres and stocking them with cattle. They buy the old lands cheap and run wire fences around them. “These investers say they can raise cattle at a very nominal cost and that Cuba offers a good market for every hoof offered for sale. The grazing is fine and water in abundance. South Georgia in my opinion offers the best inducements of any place that I know for this industry. When I looked out of the car window and saw the large ranges dotted with sleek cattle I felt like I would like to live in that sec¬ tion of the state and be a cowboy the balance of my life.-” Beware of Oiatm.ats for Oatirrh tint Con¬ tains Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell anrl completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never ho used except on prescrip¬ tions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ton fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., con¬ tains no mercury and is taken infernally acting directly upon the blood and mu¬ cous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.„J. Cheney. & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by ail Druggists, 75c per bottle. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa¬ tion. Col. R, F. Crittenden Will Head South Georgia Brigade. Savannah, Ga., March 22.— General P. A. McGIashan, com¬ mander of the Georgia division of Confederate veterans, has ap¬ pointed Col. R. F. Crittenden, of Shellman, brigade commander for Southwestern Georgia brig¬ ade. The appointment is made to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Colonel C. M. Wheatley. The Best Family Salve. • DeWitt’s Witch Hazel gives instant re¬ lief from Bums, cures cuts, bruises, sores eczema, tetteFaud all abrasions of the skin. In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine DeWitt’s and a cure is certain. There are many cheap counterfeits on the market, all of which are worthless and quite a few are dangerous, while DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve is perfect¬ ly harmless and cures. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. An 11 year old boy, named Henry M. Mann, through grief over the loss of a pet bird which escaped from its cage, shot him¬ self through the heart with a pis¬ tol and died in a few moments. He was a son of T. 'C. Mann, of Abbeville. Serious Stomach Trouble Cured. I was troubled with' a distress in my stomach, sour stomach and vomiting spells, and can truthfully say that Cham¬ berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets cured me—Mrs. T. V. Williams, Laings burg, Midi. These tablets are guaran¬ teed to cure every case of stomach trou¬ ble of this character * For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Jump on Hearst and Pound Him. Macon News. That’s right jump on Hearst and pound him. And’for the fol¬ lowing reasons:— (1) Mr. Hearst three times sup ported Mr. Cleveland. (2) . Mr. Hearst twice supported Mr. Bryan. (3) During the two last presi¬ dential campaigns when the na¬ tional Democratic committee was vainly appealing for money and the trusts and combines were pouring thousands into the Repnblican campaigns, Mr. Hearst, through the New York American. agreed to give an additional dollar for ev¬ ery dollar contributed through the American to the Democratic cause, and in this way the na tionaT Democratic party raised over two hundred thousand dol lars, Mr, Hearst contributing half of the amount. (4) Mr. Hearst’s [ apers were loyal toMcClellan, the Democrat¬ ic nominee for mayor of New York in the recent contest and his were the only papers in New York of prominence that sup¬ ported Tammany in its recent great fight. He not only suppor ted the ticket, but contributed liberally of his means touts suc¬ cess, while Mr, Cleveland’s friends, including all the other great New York dailies, which are now proclaiming aioud Mr. Cleveland, and which immediate¬ ly after the New York cam¬ paign claimed that the victory was a Cleveland victory, fought the ticket bitterly and lent all their great power and influence to Low and his Republican allies. Are You a Dyspeptic? If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself anrl your friends to get well. Dyspepsia'annoys the dyspeptic's friends because bis disease sours bis disposition as well as his stomach. Kodol Dyspep¬ sia Cure will not only cove dyspepsia, in¬ digestion and sour stomach, but this pa¬ latable, reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive appa¬ ratus, and sweetens the life as well as the stomach. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure the food you eat is en¬ joyed. It is digested, assimilated and its nutrient properties appropriated by the blood and tissues. Health is the result. Sold by Lewis Drag Co. The storm sufferers of Gaines¬ ville, Ga., as is shown by the chairman of the relief committee, received donations amounting to §55,924.07. His report shows further that the total number killed,, including those who died from the effects of the storm, was 112, and that the total number wounded was 322. Sciatic Rheumatism cured. “I have been subject to sciatic rheu¬ matism for years,” says E. H. Waldron, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. “My joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discomfort. My joints would crack when I straightened up. I used Cham¬ berlain’s Pain Balm and have been thor¬ oughly cured. Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many mouths. It is certainly a most wonder¬ ful liniment.” For sale by Lewis Ifrug Oo. A man wno prefers the city weekly to a home paper because “it’s got more in it” reminds us of a man who picked out the largest pair of boots in the box because they cost no more than those that fitted him, says an exchange. Good for children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cougli Cure gives immediate're lief in all cases of Cough, Croup and La Grippe because it does not pass immedi¬ ately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and cures permanently by en¬ abling tlie lungs to contribute pure life giving and life-sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. LADIES We want to call your attention to one of the most up-to date line of —— ^ __ Lawns, Percales, Piques and . . . . Madras. . . . on the mark b for the summer, and will take pleas¬ ure in snowing: you through them, so call in and see us before you buy. .Gentlemen,. W5 also have a special line of hats that we will take 1 pleasure in showing you. Yours truly, A. IS. JOS WE It. For 15very Wound USE Dr. Ticlienor’s Antiseptic Prevents Tnfammation and Superration, Pot a liniment nor a salve, ft pleasant, stainless liquid for Wounds, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Colic, Cramps, Diarrhoea. 10c and 59c per Bottle. | BRONCHODA Tor throat and Lungs. Expectorant. . . . Antiseptic. .... Laxative. 25c at all Druggists. 8 he hug use Medicine Co., I New Orleans, La. 1 Notice! 1 Look Thi® Way. 1 have formed a partnership with Mr. D. B Holton in the matter of Collections, Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantles, Brackets, Banisters, Columns, Brick and all kinds of finishing material to build a dwelling, and we therefore solicit your collections and trade. We guarantee prices and just Treatment. Looking closely to the interests of our customers in points of collections and sales. We sell strictly for cash as we pay cash for all Ma¬ terial. Yours for Business, Radaal& <& Molton. HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, gg Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience, gg Expert Handlers of ^g^ v Sea Island As well as " Upland Cotton. Liberal cash Advances against consignments. Money loaned to'cotton shippers on Approved se¬ curity. Large dealers in Sea Island and Upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. WRITE FOR TERMS, 126 East Bay St. Savannah, Ga.