The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 15, 1904, Image 4

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~£g3^ fP Jg WISE BTJYE § Pfe a i^i! Will find it to their interest to go through our immense lines of each ‘‘Department/ We are daily receiving the latest fads in Dress Fabrics anrl Notions. See our White Goods, Embroider¬ ies, I aces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. See Our Sterling Sliver Jewelry Yovellies. Paint Department. Hardware and Furniture. Clothing and Gent’s For a number of years we have been These “Specials” with Furnishing Goods. thesole agents for the celebrated are us: “Harrison Paint” Harness and Saddles, Tools lor Our new line of Hats, Shoes, Neck¬ farmer, wear, Collars a fid Shirts command at¬ 2&£ A paint with a reputation gained from carpenter, blacksmith and tention— ook through our clothing an experience in paint making of over gardner. and see if we have what you want. 7H8% one hundred years. We think it the Remember that we are sole agents for best in White Lead, 1\eady Mixed lied Room Suites..... SCO and down. the largest clothing estabiisnment in Dressers..............$5 and the world and have experts to take Paints, Enamels, "Zincs and up. your measure. Colot's. Tables, Chairs, Safes, Hat Racks. See us before you paint your house, fence or Writing Desks, Dining Tables and Don’t forget our Mattings Rugs burn. everything for the home. and other House Furnishings. Call for DeSOTO Flour. It has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of flcor s^ace in an effort to have what our customers want. We thank all for the liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper togetner. US CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R. BENNETT, President. Vice-Pres- and Gen. Mgr. CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PJELISHED EVERY FRIDAY WALTER A. ALLEN KUITOll AND PCHLISHKIl Entered at Camilla, Ga-, post uf fice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES! ONE YEAR - - - $1.00 SIX MONTHS - - - .50 Advertisements and must reach us not later than Wednes¬ day noon, to insure publication. All communications or other articles ad¬ vocating will bo charged anybody's for candidacy the rate for of office 5e at per line. "Local Lines,” 5c per line for each in¬ sertion. A idross all business communication and make all cheeks payable to W. A. Allen, Camilla, Ga. Editorial and news items should be ad¬ dressed to The Enteupuise, Camilla. Ga. Estimates for advertising furnished on application. All advertising contracts due after first insertion, unless other¬ wise stipulated. Official organ of Camilla, Ga., • • And Mitchell county • • TELEPHONE NO. 64. FRIDAY, AIRIL 15, 1904. Mitchell county is one of. the best in south Georgia or any other state for that matter, and can furnish homes for all good people who will come to this fa¬ vored section. The Lyons Progress published at Lyons, Ga., together with the post office, four or five stores and the Seaboard Air Line railway’s depot was destroyed by fire re¬ cently. The Progress says that they will rise again in better and more substantial form. The Times Enterprise says: “We have heard aiguments against everything under the canopy of hpaven but never a sound one a£a : nst good schools or good roads.” Mitchell County’s New Jail. There is not a voter in the county, who has any county pride, but what will acknowledge that the present little dilapidated coup that gbe s by the name of county jail is an eye-sore to the average citizen and that it is in¬ adequate and un°afe to meet the demands made upon it. Not that crime is on the increase, but rather that our population is rap¬ idly growing arml therefore the demands are greater upon the county and while there are com¬ paratively few criminals, yet those who are charged with grave offenses have to be taken out of the county to more secure places of incarceration, thus entailing much unnecessary expense upon the county for which there is no return. That a jail must be built no one will deny. That it should be one that will reflect credji upon a prosperous and progressive coun¬ ty all will admit. The only question that must be determined by the voter, is, shall it be built by direct taxation or by the issuing of bonds'? Our servants, the county com missioners, all of whom are ex¬ perienced and progressive busi¬ ness men, chosen to serve the county because of their fitness for this duty have made a thor¬ ough investigation upon the sub¬ ject and they unanimously re¬ commend bonds as being the best and most economical way of accomplishing the desired result. The jail must and will ba built that much of the question has been determined by your com¬ missioners because necessity de¬ mands it and now it is with you voter whether it shall be done by the levy of a direct tax upon your property to meet the de¬ mands in one year, or whether you will have bonds and thus have the expense divided out ov< r a number of years and in such small amounts as to not be materially felt by any tax pajer. It is for you to determine on next Wednesday ley your vote whether you prefer to take from your pockets the whole amount in one year and deprive yourself of the use of that money altogeth¬ er, or whether you will borrow from outside capital the amount required at a very small rate of interest and have the payments of same extending over a long term of years to be participated in by every new citizen who may make Mitchell county his home as well as the young and active generation that is now coming forward to grow uf and take your places in a short time. It is simply a business proposi¬ tion and should be met in a busi¬ ness way and all the argumenls of sound business call for bonds and the Enterprise believes that it will be your pleasure to vote for bonds on next Wednes¬ day. The Ice Plant a Certainty. Parties representing the man¬ ufacturers of machinery for mak¬ ing ice were in Camilla this week and closed a trade with the Mitcn ell County Manufacturing Com¬ pany for a plant which will be installed just as soon as it can be shipped here and the people of this section can rest assured that they can get all the iee they want this summer right here at home without having to pay freight on it. ‘‘I lave used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfacto¬ ry results.” says Mrs. F. L, Phelps, Houston, Texas. For indigestion, bil¬ iousness and constipation these tablets are most excellent. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. neWItt’sTfJht Salve For Piles, Burns, Sores. Mill and Factory Sale. The Enterprise is pleased to announce that the enterprising firm of B iggs & Perry, two of Camilla’s hustling young busi¬ ness men have arranged for a Mill and Factory sale at their extensive department stores to begin on Saturday April 23rd and last for ten days during which time some of the ran st bargains will bo offered to the people of Camilla and surround¬ ing country that has ever been offered them before, and to ad¬ vertise this big sale more exten¬ sively, the Enterprise job office has turned cut five thousand large full double page bills enum eiating many useful and neces¬ sary articles of merchandise that are offered at astonishingly low prices. The Enterprise takes a three¬ fold pride in this big sale, first, it brings right here to the yery d >jrs of the people of Mitchell county the advantages offered by the big department stores of the large cities where they have spe¬ cial bargain days in which the people can supply their wants with a comparative small outlay of money. Second, it shows to the world that Camilla is right up in the procession of up-to-date towns and that she has business men who are not slow to see and grasp Che opportunity to push their business, advertise their town and benefit their fellow citi¬ zens by placing within their reach merchandise at the lowest possi¬ ble prices. Third, it gives the Enterprise an opportunity to show to the people of this section of the country that it is not necessary to send away off to some large city for large advertising bills or other printed matter that may be needed by the business men of this section. It illustrates the fact Camilla is not a dead town by any means, but is more enterprising a. d prosperous than at any stage of her past history, even in the palmiest days of the bar room or dispensary period, for is it not a fact that a majority of the peo¬ ple now have money with which to buy, not only the real necessa¬ ries of life, but are providing themselves and their families with[t ie comforts, and, in many cases, the luxuries of the age. We congratulate the people of Mitchell county that this oppor¬ tunity is placed within their reach, and M sire. Baggs & Perry upon their enterprise and wish for them all the success their venture may merit. The following new industrial organizations were formed in this state last week: Camilla—An ice plant and doubled the capacity of her oil mill and ginnery. Quitman—Cotton gin. Watkinsville—Hardware com¬ pany. Carrolton—-Ice factory. Valdosta—$30,000 turpentine plant. Columbus—$250,000 cotton mill. W’atkinsville—$20,000 oil mill (near) Albany—Gin brush factory. Dalton—Cotton gin; oil mill. Brunswick—Shingle mill. Nothing Equal to Chamberlain’i Colic, Chol¬ era and Diarrhoea Eemedy For Bowel Complaint in Children. “We have used Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in our family for years,” says Mrs. J. B. Cooke of Nederlauds, Texas. ”We have given it to all of our children. We have need other medicines for the same purpose, but never found anything to equal Cliamberiaiu’s. If you will use it as di¬ rected it will always cure.” For sale by Lewis Drug Co.