The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 15, 1904, Image 5

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.••Local News. Received o ie car Lime and Ce¬ ment. A. R. P.vraicK. lm This is March weather and one has to hold on to his Easter hat to keep it from blowing away. Have you seen those beautiful Easter stick pins at C. L. Tay¬ lor’s? Rev. C. T. Clark is off this week helping Rev J. M. Poster in a protracted meeting aCSpark®, Ga. Mr Z. H. Jones, candidate lor representative, was a pleasant visitor to the Enterprise office last Monday. Men’s Linen Collars, the latest style, 3c. ac thj Cincinnatti Bargain House. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cox, who left Camilla several veeks ago, ostensibly for Washington State, returned last Sunday. The new plastering for the Methodist church will be finished op this week. Tho main audi¬ torium of the church has been finished and looks very neat. See our Easter line of ties, th-.y are beauties. Camilla Supply Co. As a result of the series of meet¬ ings held at thi Baptise church by evangelist Briggs, the past week; there were three accessions to the membership last Sunday evening. beautiful patterns of Cut Glass, Sterling Silver and Quadruple Plate ware for bridal presents just received at C, L. Taylor’s. Rev. W. A.- Huckaby, agent for the Methoiist orphans home at Macon, tilled the pulpit in Camilla on last Sunday morning and evening preaching interesting sermons at beth ser¬ vices. A liberal collection for home was made. Make early selection from They Sterling Silver Jewelry Novelties. are the extreme agonies of the season just in with Fans and Belts. Easter is here. Camilla Supply Co. When You Ueed Anything in the CALI Mr. Ira Spring, of Will n^harr, was here Monday. Miss Leila Walker entertained few of her young friends at the home of her parents on Sco’.t street Monday evening. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and sa\e money. J. P. Clark. Mr. W. T. Arrington is here with his ait lry-go-round and is furnishing amusement for crowds of young people every evening. The Enterprise understands that while several small colored children were playing around an old well at Holton & Harrell’s lumber yard last Sunday, oneun deitiok to jump across but failed and before help could reach him he was crowned. If it’s a bilious attack, take Chamber- 1 tin’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by Lewis Drug Oo. < Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 25c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. LOST. Between the residence of Mr. H. B. Rivers and tho Kemp school hou»e, one ladies’ gold watch with b-ooeh A liberal re¬ ward will be paid fur its return to the undersigned or to tnis office. Miss Zula Wilson. Finecliff Dots. The rain we had 'ast week was very much appreciated by the farmers, as the crops of this section were nee,ding rain badly. Mr. A. A. Bullard and R. J. Taylor killed a hawk one day last week that measured nine feet from tip to tip, so says the coon. The ccon says he is going up to Baconton some day soon and he hopes to get a peep at “School girl.’’ We are glad to know that Mrs. Crowford’s little boy, who has been very sick with pneumonia is now rapidly improving. One of Mr. H. D. Culpepper’s mules happened to bad luck last F iday n’ght by getting in a wire fence and being torn and cut badly. Mr. Andrew Spence visited Pinecliff Sunday. Mr. C. V. Stamps is visiting rulat ves at- Cedar Springs now. Mr. T. B. Beck was out among kin folks one day last week. All of Mr. L. A. Collin’s fam¬ ily are sick with the measles. Though they are all doingwellMr. Collins is using lots of whiskey. He sits in the corner and drinks the whiskey and shakes the bot¬ tle at the sick ones. We are glad to know that we have one man in our midst that, though he has the “Dr.” tacked to his name, can pull the line behind the plow as well as a tooth sv Loca I b The merry-go-round is in town City Court was held Tuesday, everybody is taking a ride on but it is rumored that so many some sort of a monster. candidates, wanted to shake J. H, Bailey is selling few hands vi h the prisoners that a Judge Bush forced to ad¬ shoes which cost him anywhere was from two to three dollars for one journ, dollar per pair. Bailey’s yellow bowls, 25c, The baseball is here Toe Oratorical conteet this soasen or evening. We all want to out is it not? Things are so quiet go that don’t know whether and hear Col. Pete. we the boys have abandoned the dia¬ J. H. Bailey’s plows aie here mond or not. Aplenty of styles and quinti ti 33. Get a lawn dress at Bailey’s It is rumored that there is to Bailey’s lawns are fresh and be no school during the Chautau¬ new. week. qua C>~ TtMmmwmmmmmmwi and the beauty of it is he di n’t mind it. Mr. B. A. Culpepper, of Ca¬ milla, came out to see his mother Saturday and on Sunday wa3 looking around for a drink of good water, so he decided that Messrs. Joe Beck and Joe Kirbo had the best in the county. Hoping for the Enterprise much success. Jane. Mt. Zion Dots. Our farmers are very busy finishing up their planting. Cotton chopping will soon be on hand. We have been having some nice rains which were needed to bring up the crops We had preaching at Mt. Zicn church on the first Sunday, by Rev. S. J. McLeod, of Valdosta,. editor of the Pulpit and Pew, He preached a fine sermon to a large and appreciative congrega¬ tion. The committee to arrange the program for our anniversary, which will he held on Saturday before the first Sunday in June, met last Sunday. Your scribe is not posted yet as to the program, but you can rest assured they will make it as interesting as possible. Revs. Wm. Hurce, G. T. West, J. A. J. Dumas and others will be invited. Everything is very quiet in our section except politics. There are so many candidates passing that we farmers dare not shoot the birds that are pulling up our c rn for fear that we will hit one of them, Hurrah for them all. With best wishes for the En terprise I am Red Fox.