The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 15, 1904, Image 8

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Stock Now Complete. Our dress goods department consists of all the new wears for this season. ^ We have secured special values in India Li * II1L“ vICuUlICS Persian Lawns, Checked Nainsooks » nonSj and Organdies. Our line also comprises all the novelty goods csJ §«, in white, including mercerized and other new goods with ""ff 3 ’® new designs for this season. To begin the season we are selling 100 pieces of A. F. C. Ginghams at 10c a yard, regular price I2+c All the new designs in figured Batiste, New Silk effects for shirtwaist suits and other dependable merchandise. W fewest an< l prettiest goods in line are now on sale ^ h II l 11 rvLi* special prices. Ask to handsome line a t see our of all-overs in white champagne. Varied assortment of neat and swell edges and insertions in embroideries and laces. 5W j| ?5 > Observe the snowy whiteness of our table linens. If you wan’t stylish and up-to-date goods make your purchassi at^ BAGGS &, PERRYS J ©'V\<§L Department Store. i OUR CANDIDATES. Choose From Among Them Whom You Wish for Public Servants. Ere another issue of the En¬ terprise is published the Primary will have been held and the sue pense of the candidate will be at an end. All cannot be success fu*. Some must go down in de¬ feat at the polls. To all the En¬ terprise would say, be prepared to meet success or defeat in a manly way and not allow your¬ selves to be carried away with success, or depressed because of defeat. Look on the bright side of life’s picture and be cheerful under all circumstances. If you are numbered with those who are successful in the race it will be because a majority of your fel¬ low citizens believed that you were fitted for the office and therefore gave you their suff¬ rage and it will behoove you to acquitt yourselves like men and under no circumstances allow yourselves to betray the trust confided to your keeping. If you are not successful re¬ member that a public office is the gift of the people and that this was not the time when they would honor you with a public trust and that your future suc¬ cess would largely depend upon the manner in which you deport yourself under the severe trials of a defeat. In justice to those who have presented their claims for office before the people in the columns of the Enterprise we call special attention as to who they are as best we can, and the office they ask at your hands. For the office of Senator from this district, Messrs, .l-udson L. Hand of Pelham, and Mr. I. ples, of East Mitchell, are con¬ tending for the honor. Mr. Hand is a man who has made a success of life and from a small begin¬ ning has built up a splendid bus¬ iness and commands the respect and confidence of his fellowman in every walk of life at the same time his opponent, Mr. Maples has also made a success of life in all ;that surrounds a sturdy farmer and his fellow citizens have already shown their appre¬ ciation of his worth and merit by honoring him as their present representative in the legislature where his record stands out as public property and is not assail¬ ed. Next in order will be found Mr. Z. H. Jones, Dr. J. M. Spence and Df. H. C. Dasher, contending against each other for the nomination at your hands for representative of Mitchell county in the legislature. Mr. Jone3 of South Mitchell, is mak¬ ing a clean canvas and is making friends wherever he goes, his neighbors speak well of him and that is the best recommendation a man can have, while Dr. Spence and Dr. Dasher are both citizens of Camilla and are known and respected throughout the county in which Dr. Spence was born and raised, while Dr. Dash¬ er served you honorably for thir¬ ty years in the office of Ordinary We believe that your interest and the interest of Mitchell county will be safe in the hands of eith¬ er of these gentlemen. Take your choice. For Ordinary you will find that Mr. Edwsrd T. C:chran is making the race against the present incumbent, Mr. J. G. Wood. Mr. Cochran is a man of fine character and excel lent qualifications and would j doubtless make you an able of- ficer if honored with the ' tiusi while Mr. Wood who is now fill¬ ing his first term as your servant in that office, has already ex¬ emplified his qualifications for the office and again asks for your endorsement of his candidacy and it is for you to say on next Wednesday who it is that you will have to serve you in that office for the next four years. For clerk we present the names of Mr. Judson L. Green, a suc¬ cessful young business man of Pelham, born and raised in the county and Mr. Thomas B. Beck one of the county’s best known farmers and citizens who are asking for the nomination at your hands. Choose ye whom you will have to serve you as clerk of the Superior Court. For* sheriff, we have but one name to present, that of Mr. 1. Smith who asks for re-election to the offioe he has so ably filled in the past. For Tax Collector we have on¬ ly one name to offer you as an¬ nounced for that office, that of Mr. D. W. Faircloth, an old and honored citizen of Mitchell, who is fully qualified for the office and will serve you faithfully if honored with the nomination. For Tax Receiver we present the names of Messrs. G. T. Akridge, J. J. Bradford and W. B. Whitley three of Mitchell’s sterling citizens either of whom if honored with the office will make you a faithful servant. Mr. Akridge is the present in cumbent and has already exem plified hi. fitness for the plaoe he asks. Mr. Bradford is one of your best citizen's and makes fliends of all with wnora in contact, while Mr ( Whitley is most appreciated by j those who know him best, for his | worth and ability. One of his neighbors speaks thi3 of him. “I have known Mr. Whitley inti¬ mately for twenty yea> s, and have never knovn or I ea d of his do¬ ing one small oT ungentlemanly act. He is honest and fully qualified for'the office he seeks.” For the office of Treasurer we p -esent the names of Mr. Jonah Palmer, the present incumbent, and Mr. J. L. f ’ochran, who atk that you give thim the nomina¬ tion. Both are perfect gentlemen and fully qu lifted to fill the of¬ fice with credit to themselves and the people they would serve, It is like placing two articles of equal merit before a man and telling him to choose the best It’e hard to do, but then you must decide the question for yourself next Wednesday. The last the Enterprise has to offer you in the way of an nouncements is that of MeesrB. W. M. Faircloth and B C. Davis, who offer for places on the Board of County Commissioners for Roads and Revenue, both popular and progressive citizens of their respective sections and if honored with your suffrage will exert themselves to represent the interest of the entire county in the discharge of the duties of tne office. Now, voters, here they are, choose ye, on next Wednesday at the Democratic primary whom ye will have for your public ser¬ vants. It is not our privilege choose for you and we would if we could. It is a matter every voter must settle for him self. A . cure . or u Headac , , e. & j j faewsy feeling should take one or two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers iiight morning. These famous little pills famous because they are a tonic as well | j ^ ^LdTe^iM^ their toinc effect upon the liver and t bowels. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The Republicans of tie Sim tenth Wal¬ have nominated ton a negro barber of Augusta to run for congress against Con¬ gressman T. W. Hardwick the Democratic incumbepL Petition for Charter. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. To the Superior J. Court GoLette, of said county: The petition of T. Janies Daniel and Mack Adams shows: 1. They desire for themselves, their associates and successors to become a body corporate under the name and style of •‘Independent National Real Estate Benevolent Society.” 2. The term for which petitioners ask to be privilege incorporated of renewal is twenty the years, end with of the at that time. 3rd. The object of profit the proposed cor¬ poration is pecuniary and gain to its members. Petitioners propose to up¬ hold the standing of its members in the business world and to operate a benevo¬ lent. society, and ask power to buy and sell realty and personalty, to stand se¬ curity for its members and others and receive consideration for same, to con¬ duct a general mercantile and agricultu¬ ral business and assist its members in the same, to sue and be sued, have a corporate seal, and liave all powers iuci deut to the busines# and pursuits above set forth. 4th. Petitioners desire incorporation with One Hundred Dollars capital stock divided into shares of the par value of four dollars each. Teu per cent, of said capital stock has actually the been paid in. Petitioners desire right to increase said capital stock from time to time not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars. 5th. The principal office and lodge of said corporation is to be at Baconton, said county, and petitioners ask power to establish branch offices and lodges wherever they may from time to time see fit. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. J. T. GoLette, ) Jas. Daniel, > Petitioners. Mack Adams, \ Filed in office tliis April 13. 1904. S. E. Cox . Clerk. _____ CITATION^ Lutif. Poitiyint ) Petition for divorce vs. / In Mifcliell Super Tom Poitiyint. ) ior Court, You are hereby commanded to be and suffifor saidcounty* o^Tues” day after the third Monday in April next to answer said petition; in default whereof the court will proceed as to jus¬ tice shall appertain - Witness the Honorable W. N. Spence Judge of said court. This 8th day of February, 1904. S. E. Cox, Clerk.