The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 22, 1904, Image 1

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Camilla Vo 1 2 No S2. The Cincinnati Bargain House saves you money on every purchase you make, and this positive saving you can take with you. Best Men’s all-wool suits. $2 and up. All-over lace, black or white, ir>c a yd Black lace, 1 to 3 inches wide, lc a yd Ladies’ fancjf hose, 3c a pair. Call and examine our stock. We may have just what you want at half the price you pay elsewhere, We take pleasure in showing you whether you buy ot simply look. Cincinnati Bargain House *214-*216 W 5th st. and 115 E. Court st Camilte Branch next to Bank. B, Lubin, Manager. -GO T05 Butler Heath & Butlers' SEED PEANUTS, SEED OATS, WIRE FENCE, WAGONS. BUGGIES. Sir, Heats & Sir Phone 10. Camilla, Ga. rz i Hofmayer, Jones & Co., ' Come to Albany During - Chautauqua, - - APRIL -24-th TO MAY 1»t. ; ' ; Take advantage of the cheap rates—one fare for - round trip—and enjoy the splendid programme pre¬ ; pared fer the Sixteenth Annual Assembly of the Geor¬ ; Chautauqua. Eyery feature dettei than ever. ’ gia While in Albany? we invite you to make our store headquarters. Ample arrangements have been made ; to make your stay with us a pleasant one. 1 Hofmayer, Jones & Co’s. Metropolitan Department • Store is an attraction in itsself worth travelling miles i to see. : Special Displays During ; - 1 Chautauqua Week. ; ' ; 1904 Newness Prevades the Whole Store. 1 l\eady-to=ueav Garments. millinery. IV.en’s Tinnisbinqs. Dress Tabrics and Jlccessories. mattings, Hugs, Lace Curtains, etc. . Jones & Co., Albany, Ga. Hofmayer, CamUla, Ga., April 22, 1004, Heath’s Cotton and Corn Fertilizer, Heath’s High Grade Acid, German Kainit, Cotton seed Meal, Georgia State Grange. THE PRIMARY IN MITCHELL Was Warmly Contested, But Passed Off Quietly. The polls at Camilla wore ed promptly on time with .1 udge J. H. Scaife, Mr. I). B. Holton and Mr. C- E. Watt as managers, and the contestants, either in person or by representative at once lined up for the battle yl ballots and from then until the close of the polls at six o’clock in the afternoon a steady stream of voters were to be seen going and coming from the voting place. The tickets were lengthy ones and it required a consider¬ able lot of skill for a voter to get it just right and scratched to his notion and this naturally took up a lot of time and made the l old ing of the election much more tedious than it otherwise would have been. Everybody seemed to be in good humor and little or no fric¬ tion occured throughout the day, which it is said was in marked contrast with former occasions of this kind held in the county, which shows beyond that old customs are passing away and better times in every respect are here. “Jofm Bar¬ leycorn” was very little in evi¬ dence and the candidates and their friends are to be congratu¬ lated that this was true. The election at each precinct as far as the Enterprise is in¬ formed, was conducted in a quiet and orderly way. and no ill feel¬ ing seemed to be made manifest on the part of any one. -It was, in reality, a friendly contest be¬ fore the people of the county for the different places sought. All wore white men and democrats and it is to be presumed that the people have expressed their choice, without bias! as to whom they wanted as public officials for the next two years and it is to be hoped that the successful candi¬ dates will so conduct themselves in the administration of the office to which they have been selected as to merit .... the esteem . of, , , only their immediate friends and supporters, but of the entire county. The vote as polled is a3 fol¬ lows : For Governor JOSEPH M. TERRELL............... 1471 For Secretary of State, PHILIP COOK.......................... 1471 For Comptroller General, WILLIAM A. WRIGHT............... 1471 For State Treasurer, ROBERT E. PARK..................... 1471 For HART...'.................... Attorney General, JOHN 0. 1472 i ! For State School Commissioner, WILLIAM B. MERRITT............ 1472 For Commissioner of Agriculture, O. R. STEVENS ........ 1472 For Prison Commissioner, JOSEPH S. TURNER..................598 JUDSON M. STRICKLAND......... 720 For Chief Justice of Supreme Court. j THOMAS J. SIMMONS ..........967 RICHARD B. RUSSELL...............084 For Associate Justice of Supreme Court, WILLIAM H. FISH................... 1467 BEVERLEY D. EVANS...............1460 JOSEPH R. LAMAR.................... 1471 For Congressman, From 2nd Congressional District of Ga. JAMES M. GRIGGS................... 1471 For Superior Court Judge, Albany Circuit. W. N. SPENCE...........;............. 1892, For Solicitor General, Albany Circuit, W. E. WOOTEN.................. 1471 For State Senator, 8th District, I. MAPLES...................................646 J. L. HAND........................ 810 For Representative, H. 0. DASHER, SR......................613 ’L. H. JONES................................ 183 J. M. SPENCE..............................681 For Ordinary, J. G. WOOD.............................994 EDWARD T. COCHRAN..............435 For Clerk, S. E. COX...................................... 570 J. L. GREEN...............................740 THOS. B. BECK........................... 130 For Sheriff. I. SMITH..........................;......... 1445 For Tax Receiver, G. T. AKRIDGE........................... 732 J. J. BRADFORD.......................... 582 W. B. WHITLEY........................143 For Tax Collector, » J. L. STEWART..........................788 D. W. FAIRCLOTH.......................723 For County Treasurer, JONAH PALMER.'.........................978 J. L. COCHRAN........................*... 493 For County Surveyor. S. B, LUCKEY........................... 1474 For Coroner. GREEN SPENCE..................... 1,172 MARTIN JONES.........................280 For County Commissioners. J. W. EVERETT....................... 1,057 A. B. JOINER.............................459 WYATT ADAMS.. - .......................£49 T. R. BENNETT........................ 1,010 L. G. COLLINS............................758 W. M. FAIRCLOTH.....................586 B. C. DAVIS. ............................ 503 J. J. GRINER..............................744 The successful candidates for county offices are: J. L. Hand, for Senator ; J. M. Spence, for representative; J. G. Wood, for Ordinary; J. L. Green, for Clerk; I Smith, for Sheriff; G. T. Abridge, for Receiver; J. L. Stewart, for Oolleotor; <Tonah p a i„ ieri f or Treas , nrer . g g Lncky, for Surveyor; Green Space, for Coroner, and ,T. W. Everett, T. R. Bennett, L. G. Collins and J. J. Griner, for Commissioners of Roads and Revenues. If it’s a bilious attack, take Chamber¬ lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. $iOO ti Year Sugar 20 pounds for $1.00 • • •AT•• • J W BUILER & CO’S. 500 dozen Dress Buttons worth. 25c at 10c per dozen. One case of ladies’ overshoes tit 10c per pair. Rice 25 Pounds for $1,03 ••*AI••• J W BUTLER & CO’S. State Primary. The result of the state prima-y on Wednesday resulted in tlie re-election of T. J. Simmons, as Chief Justice over his opponent. Judge R B. Russell, while the contest for prison commission *r shows the re-election of Jos. S. Turner over his opponent J. M. Strickland. All the other state officers were re-elected without opposition. In the Second district Judge J. M. Griggs was re-elected without a contest, as was also the case in the Albany circuit, with Jud e W. N. Spence and Solicitor \ . E. Wooten. A deserving compli¬ ment to these worthy officials. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggists refund the money if it fu-iis to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25e IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE