The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 22, 1904, Image 6

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[Professional Cards| . L. UNDERWOOD, Attobkey-at-Law Rkai.w § and Estate. 5. Office in Bennett’s Building, Broadj-j street. g Jp. L. LEWIS, I Physician and Subgjeow. gj Office at Drug Store of Lewis Drtig5.1 Co’s., dmiog the day. Residencef) at night. Prompt attention given£t _____§ to all calls. ft I T | A Bush, BUSH It D Bush A SONS, M F, Bush^ 1. A. ® AttobnEys-at-Law, ' s) Camilla, Ga. j-j Commercial law a specially. . . 5H. C. Dasher, Jr. & HO W. JGARD, H. Hojgaad.^ | DASHER J Attouneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. sOffice in Enterprise Building. ID. A. SPENCE, Dental Surgeon, Pelham, Ga. Office in new City Hall. The best quality of work at reasonable charges, Your pa _§l tronsge solicitated. Dr. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, f| Camilla, Georgia, 0 ! Residence phone 4. Office phone SO. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. Pep resents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe, Hartford Fire. Homs Insurance C<>of N- Y, Greenwich Insuranc 8 Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED ♦ | J Zlp-losdate Goods at the Old Geliabk | J. W. Joiner’s | Jewelry Store, Albany, Georgia. ......A COMPLETE LIKE 0 1 ...... Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,, Silver and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. , All kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks. prf ► Jewelry at short order and *t lowest ‘ I respectfully (solicit portion of 1 cos. a the public patronage. J. W. Joiner, ♦ Washington St. ♦ ALBANY, - - GA ♦ ❖ «'0<J>0<^0<$0<£0<S>0$-C , *>CHk'0 j:0<®-0;j>0<S>0 \*» ♦ « o o I Stanle y’s <s> $ Business ^College, o « c * J Thoinasville, Ga. $ and Macon, Ga. o « o <f o €> o Special low rates to those who en- o $ o ter by June 1st. f § o Students'assisted to positions. 6 o Every Graduate has a good posi- ® o turns. 6 n ® “ For full particulars address 9 iCi W. H. Stanley, President, t 3 t m $ 0 $'0$>0<S>0<S>0S>0#0'i'0<$>0$>0<$0®0<®'0<$ SUNDAY SCHOOL. Call Issued for State Convention. The thirty-first annual conven¬ tion of the Georgia Sunday School A&sociation will be held in the city of Macon. There will be a very large attendance of Sunday school workers. President George Hains of the Georgia Sunday School Associa¬ tion, has issued his official cal! for the state convention, which will be of interest throughout the state: “To the Sunday School Workers of Georgia: “This is the official call for the thirty-first annual convention of the Georgia Sunday School As¬ sociation, the same will be held (D, V.) in the city of Macon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day, September 13, 14, and 15, A. D., 1904. “Each county in the state is entitled to ten delegates in addi¬ tion to the county president and the county treasurer, who are delegates ex-officio, the delegates, unless selected at the county con¬ vention should be appointed by the county executive committee and the officers of the county association, and they should bring with them certificates of such election or appointments. “The convention will be held in the large new auditorium which is being built in Macon. The state executive committee will endeavor to make .this the most interesting and progressive con¬ vention that has yet be*n held in our state. Sunday school work¬ ers of national and international repute will be on the programme and topics of deepest interest to the state work and county work in general will be discussed. “In addition to the considera¬ tion of the great work in our own state, this convention will receive a report from the World’s Fourth Sunday School Convention, which was held in the city of Jerusalem, April ]8, 19, 20, 1904. “We most earnestly urge the hearty co-operation of all pastors and Sunday school workers of the state in giving the greatest publicity to this, the thirty-first annual Sunday school oonven vention and praying that the Master will bless every Sunday school in our beloved state, in teehalf of the executive committee. (Signed) “George Heins. “Chairman.” CAUTION! This is not a gentle word—but when you think liow liable you are not to pur¬ chase the only remedy universal!.' known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine in the world since 1888 for the cure and treatment pi Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popu¬ larity all these years, you will he thank¬ ful we called your attention to Bos ehee's Rermau Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps, but for se¬ vere coughs, bronchitis, croup—and es¬ pecially for consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing du¬ ring the nights and mornings, there is nothing like German Syrup. The 25c size has just been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. At all druggists. Lewis Drug oo. The South raises §400,000,000 worth of cotton each year. My, but wouldn’t we have a big bunch of money for Christmas if we raised our own supplies!—Nash ville Herald. A cure for Headache. Any man, woman or child suffering from headache, billiousness or a dull, drowsy feeling should take one or two of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers night and morning. These famous little pills are famous because they are a tonic as well as a pill. While they cleanse the sys¬ tem they strengthen and rebuild it by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. 1 J. B. Wilson Co., Are offering splendid bargains to the public in Hardware and Plantation Supplies* A full line of Cutlery. See our line of Stoves: all sizes and prices to suit the times. A full line of Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings. We want your trade and will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote you the lowest prices. Our ’Phone is No. 48. J. B. Wilson Company. *<*M* M-H* FOR SALE:— 500 acre farm near Camilla. TO RENT:-- 50 or 75 acres south of Camilla T. L. Underwood. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. WORLD’S FAIR ROUTE Will sell daily during March and April .. Cheap Tickets . ...TO... California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Colorado And other points in the West and Northwest. No Transfers. Free Chair Cars Double Track Railroad. For Guide Books, Rates, and all information Address Fred I>. IVlilicr, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. VIRGINIA-CAROLINA CHEMICAL CO. ImLprnltn'. Wanufac'.u ers o* FERTILIZERS. Lis s* k t.o o h r iu-t.9 2 n d '* Tu > i ft, r m >i ca Ml, sc n i ■ lo i, * h HJRBST, Bfc>T * nJ CHEAPL5T. ONE MILLION Tons Sold Last Year. Southern Manufacturers of Fer¬ tilizers for Southern Farmers, Planters and Truckers. 1 ACTS The largest independent makers of Fertilizers in t he woild. The largest producers of material. RESULTS Better Feriilizers, Lower prices, larger sales. OUR REFERENCE The users of onr goods. WE EMPLOY Thousands of men. Our customers run into the hundreds of thousands of satisfied, progressive Farmers. Write for free Booklet and Calendar for 1904. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Atlanta, Qa. Memphis, Tenn. Charleston, S. C. Richmond, Va. flontgomery, Ala. APPLY TO I. BERMAN CAMILLA, Ga. Hah igb Lamar, The Leading Blacksmith, Corner Scott and N. Broad Sts. Is prepared to do first-class work iii^ Blacksmithing. Horseshoeing, and General Repairing. . . When in need of work call on me. -‘-■f Prudential gas.** pc-' ..*■ Life - • * * Insurance! The highest class insurance in the world. Policies are as good as Governinen^Bonds. The most profitable and safe investment offered to the public. You do not have to die to realize cash on your policy, but the longer you live the greater its value. A protection to the widow and orphan as as well as the policy holder as an investment. SEE OR WRITE Robt. L. Hoggard, Camilla, Qa., AVERT c3i COMPANY 51 cj- 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, All Boilers = Saw Mills Kinds of Machinery. v y-d LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth T-ocks, Steam Governors Mill Supplies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or Cat’ll