The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, April 29, 1904, Image 8

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The Greatest Sale Known To The Trading World Mr* Walson has had the Syndicate Co., of New York, to ship several thousand dollars worth of Embroidery, Laces, Underwear for Saturday and Monday’s Sale. See what we have. BAGGS & PERRYS J II DEPARTMENT STORE. 1 Piaecliff Dots. I thank School Girl veiy much for her kind invitation to visit Baconton sometime, hope I can visit there soon. Coon and “Aunt Jane” would be pleased to have you visit us, School Girl, We are sorry to learn that Mr. Augustus Crosby is very sick at his home. We hope he will soon be well. “Coon” is hunting and shear¬ ing his sheep this week. Miss Daisy Joiner vacated her school for this week. She will attend the Chautauqua. That same young man was very behooving around Pinecliff Sunday. The good water out here must be very beneficial to his health as well as it makes him like the girls. Ask Miss Daisy Joiner how she likes the “bachelor” and al* so ask her how she likes to ride in a new top buggy. “Coon” and little daughter made a business trip to town Saturday. \ A certain fellow from Bait, Ga.. gave us the following anec¬ dote, just to show us something about camp life. *' ‘We were in the woods one day hauling, when we heard something that sound¬ ed like music, we turned to see what it was and discovered the car on fire, and the music was chinches, coming through the woods singing, “God be with you ’till we meet again.” Mr. C. V. Stamper, of Bah cock, was over on a visit Satur¬ day and Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Bullard is taking music lessons from Miss Toy Beck. Mr. Tom Beck was out last week looking after his pecan trees. We wish him much suc¬ with them. We are sorry to say our Sun¬ day School is about to break down on account of measles. Mr. Frank Beck has bought some sheep to raise for sale. M r. Beck says he has forty or fifty head of goats he would like to sell if anyone wants to buy. Mrs. Addie Beck was sick last week but we are glad to say she is well enough to’be up again. Henry Anthony, colored, liv¬ ing on Mr. Prank Beck’s place, was shot through the hand last week while out rabbit hunting. If arfyone wants to know how to raise ducks just ask Miss Toy Beck. Come again “Jupiter” and “Violet”; we like to read your letters. If I escape the waste basket I will come again. Aunt Jane. Tax Payer Wants Information. Camilla, Ga., 4-26-’04, Editor Enterprise: I am only exercising that right that belongs to every tax¬ payer of the county, to call on any and every officer in the coun¬ ty to give an account of his stew¬ ardship, that the taxpayers may know they are looking well to the best interest of the county. Therefore, as a taxpayer, I call on the county com missioners to explain and to show by what authority the clerk of the court of county commissioners gave a certain physician an order on the county treasury amounting to four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and seventy-five cents (§497.75) for medical service. We hope these public servants of the people will be able to make a full and satisfactory ex¬ planation of the whole matter, giving the law and the facts and make it clear that there was nothing wrong in the transaction. Yours Truly, W. L. Scaife. A ConijjarisdnSjWith a Moral. I Editor Enterprise: The following is illustrative of way of many of our farmers: “A man once had a son who was a fool, but he didn’t want to find it out if possible so he decided he would take him away from home and put him in a school where he might learn some sense. To reach the school it was necessary to travel part of the way ou a boat and the father of the boy bought some cigars and when they had gone aboard the boat he placed his son on a box on the lower deck and told him to smoke his cigar and not say a word to anyone and no one then would discover his con¬ dition. The father then went out upon the deck for a while, but he had not been gone long before one of the hands on the boat spoke to the boy: saying, “good morning.” The boy made no reply. The man repeated his salutation two or three times, and getting no reply, said, “You must be a-fool not to speak.” The boy then called loudlj to his father on the upper deck: “Ho! ho! papa, they have found out I am a fool at last.” Now, that is the way it is with us farmers, the merchants know that we are all fools. Why? Be¬ cause we go to them for everj - thing we want, when we could change the programme if we would go to work and raise plen¬ ty of hogs, corn, groundpeas, sugar cane and all other home supplies. A word to the lazy farmer. I chopped out fifteen acres of cot¬ ton last week, while some farm¬ ers have not yet planted their cotton crops. They say they are waiting on the moon and let the seasons for planting go by and the land becomes too dry. Stop being a fiol waiting on the moon to plant cotton. Put your seed in the ground and not in the moon, then work it in time. I make ten bales on sandy land, but I plant in March in the ground and not in the moon. My crop is looking well and my cotton has five leaves on it I do not wait on the moon. Work and rain make the crop, while standing around waiting on the moon only makes grass and weeds. Yours truly, I. C. Raeklej*. Proceedings of County Commis¬ sioners’ Court. The Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment. Present T. R. Bennett chairman, Wyatt Adams, J, W. Everett, A. B. Joiner and J. G. Wood. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Dr. F. L. Lewis was elected county physician for the ensuiug year, salary #70 for the year. The following road commissions were elected to wit: 1603 Dist. G. M. Henry Crosby and T. E. Clark; 1548 District Elias Faircloth to fill the naexpired term of Lee Clark; 791st Dist G. M„ A. E. Strickland was elected to fill the unex¬ pired term of J. M. Smith. The following report was made by Jonah GEORGIA—Mitcheil Palmer county treasurer. County. To the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of said County: I beg leave to make'the following re¬ port as Treasurer of said county from Jan. 12, 1903 to Jan. 12, 1904. To ain’t on hand last report #3,464.37. “ “ received from J. L. Stewart Tax Collector #11,632.07. To amount received from I Smith, sheriff #1,440.60. To amount received from Higgston Lumber Company #2,301.42. To amount received from J. G. Wood Ordinary _ #9.19. To amount received from W. H. Cul¬ pepper, road fines #14,00. To amount received from S. P. Palmer road fines #5.00. Total * #18,866.65. Cr. By amount paid out, bailiff and witness fund #3,151.13. By amount paid out, county officers fund #2,737.92. By amount paid out, jury fund #1882.00 By amount jMiid out, public improve¬ ment fund $2,086.98. By amount pud out, pauper fund #290.06 By amount i>aid out, city court officers $13.99. By amount paid out, convict guard #2,301.42. Total #12,464.10. To amount on hand #6,402.55. GEORGIA—Mitchell County: In person appears Jonah Palmer, Treasurer of said county, who on oath says that the above report is true and correct to the best of his knowledge. Jonah Palmer, Treas. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Jan. 12, 1904. J. G. Wood. Ordinary. The following accounts were presen¬ ted, approved and ordered paid towit; M. E. Bush, printing account # 6 00 M. E. Bush, publishing proceed¬ ings Com’re. Court 7 50 Lewis Drug Co., drugs 56 15 Dr. F. L. Lewis, County Physician account for year 1903 100 OO Dr. F. L. Lewis, services at execu¬ tion of Bill Hardy, 10 00 Dr. J. M. Spence, services at exe¬ cution of Bill Hardy, 10 00 I. Smith, sheriff acct. 88 40 I. Smith, jail acct. 17 10 Camilla Supply Co., mdse, 3 70 J. O. Faircloth, lumber, 6 00 Perry’s Pharmacy, mdse, 6 75 Joe McLendon, acct, 1 00 Everett Mercantile Co., 1 25 D. C. Culpepper, work on bridge 12 00 Thomas F. Dyson, acct, 75 J. G. Wood, stationery, etc. 6 25 Total Amount $282 91 The commissioners adjourned to meet on the 26th, inst., to examine the couu* ty treasurer’s books for the year 1903. J. G. Wood, Clerk. January 26th, 1904. The commissioners met for the pur¬ pose of investigating and examining the books of the county treasurer. Present T. R. Bennett, Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner, J. W. Everett and J. G. Wood. Upon investigating the same, they were found to he correct as per report made at last meeting January 12tli, and also neatly kept. The commissioners then adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting on the second Tuesday in Februarv ^§04. J. G. 4 , Clerk.