The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 06, 1904, Image 8

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Of up-to-date merchandise; we call your special attention to our ffiassg- large stock of i g General Merchandise. Our line comprises every department. Dry Goods. Clothing. Embroidery and Lace. Hardware. All the New Goods for Sum¬ A1ready ”'a large number of All new and attractive pat¬ The leading Hardware House / mer at reduced prices. Suits and extra pants for men on terns. in Georgia. hand. / ill} Supply C still coming. Millinery. • . j Hats. .......- Muslin Underwear, Groceries. s! \ ( We guarantee satisfied custo¬ ! i A full stock of New Millinery / to select from. No way to keep us from selling mers. All underwear well made. Banner Flour, the best on ; the hats. We have them. the market. / \ Shoes. Umbrellas. Furniture and A 1 ways headquarters for Foot¬ Too many kinds to mention; Mattings. wear. will sell at reduced prices. Several cars to select from. It . .....-........ .. . - Council Proceedings. Camilla, Ga., Maj 3.—Council met in regular session. Present, Mayor Palmer: Coun* oilmen Bennet, Dasher, Spence, Watt, Turner and Joiner. Minutes of previous meetings j read and adopted. Street committee reported ad¬ versely as to closing street run¬ ning between lands of W. H. Culpepper and G. J. Stripling. J On motion council accepted re¬ port and action of said oommit tee and ratified same. Sewerage committee asked for more time On motion same was granted. On motion matter of dispute between Town Council and W, L. Scaife as to certain street be deferred to sometime in in the future. On motion account of Editor Allen, Camilla Enterprise, for publishing school district elec¬ tion was ordered not paid. May¬ or and Council concuring in opin¬ ion that this work would come under original contract. Bond of city marshal was accepted and night policeman instructed to get additional security on his bond the following report of city mar¬ shal was approved. To the Hon. Mayor and Councils I bee leave to make the follow¬ ing report: Fines collected for the month of April, W. T. Spence $9.25; John Wood §5; Lewis Thomas 815; Total $25.25. All of which has been turned over to Clerk of Council. J. K. HilPard, Marshal. Treasurer’s Report. Camilla, Ga., May 2, ’04. To the Hon. Mayor and Council of Camilla:—! hereby submit my quarterly financial report found below. Respectfully submitted, J. L. Cochran, Treas. General Fund Receipts. To balance on hand January 29, 1904, $862 46 To amount received from Clerk since Jan. 28 to date $305 63 Total to be acc’t’d for $1168 09 General Fund Disbursement. By amount paid out on vouch¬ ers $859 01 By bal. on hand Apr, 30, $509 08 $1168 09 Street Fund Receipts. fo bal. on hand -— To amt. received from clerk from Feb. to Apr. 30, 1904 63 10 To amt over-drawn to April 30 f f 6 00 $60 19 Street Fund Disburs'emeift. ' By amount over-drawn Jpffuary $2 29, 1904 79 By amount paid on vouch¬ ers from Feb. 1, to Apr. 30,1904 57 79 $69 79 There being no other business council adjourned. J. L. Cochran, Clerk. -4-m' That Mill and Factory Sale. The Mill and Factory Syndi¬ cate Sf«l3 conducted at the de¬ partment stores of Messrrstffiaggs & Perry, which closed last Mon¬ day, proved a success in every particular and marks a new era in business niethods in Camilla. ' Messrs. Baggs & Perry, both express them¬ selves as being well pleased with the results of-the sale and it can \ v> ' not be otherwise than that those who took advantage of the sale, are pleased with their pur¬ chases. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails .0 cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on < ach box. 25c Communicated. Mr. Editor: —Will you be kind enough to allow a few words from one who was there, about tne Chautauqua? Of course everybody knows it was the record-breaker in at¬ tendance and door receipts. The Auditorium was filled when Bob Taylor began his address, and an audience not much smaller, greeted Mr. Hobson. All the addresses, entertainments, phys¬ ical culture exhibits, and espec¬ ially the sermon of our Geor¬ gian, Dr. Bradley, were after a high standard. Miss Pace gave evidence anew of the wonderful powers of the human voice when j properly, trained under skilled vocalists. ; But, sir, the time of chief in terest to myself, and to every other loyal Camillaite, was when our young friend, Miss C la ra „ the r fee man, came upon, amidst encouraging applause took her seat gracefully at the Grand piano and with all the ease and dexterity of a veteran, executed her difficult, technical piece of music with scarcely the slightest shortcoming from be ginning to end, then, under’ COV of , . bouquets and , er numerous doubled applause, modestly re tired from the stage. It was a very few who doubted for a mo ment that she had captured gold medal, and the decision of the judges, a little later, in her favor was received with entire satisfaction. Not a complaint haareackeJ the ear of the wri¬ ter. We are proud of Miss Ftee man, we are proud of her teach - er, Mrs. Clara Twitty. Miss Freeman came to Mrs. Twitty at , the ,, , beginning . . of the fall term of our school, almost ened in her music study. three years she had been with¬ out definite instruction. During the past nine months our splen¬ did music teacher has brought her to the championship of S >uth west Georgia in ability in in¬ strumental music. Hurrah for Miss Freeman, her teacher and ttm Camilla High Scnool. A Visitor. PETITION TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Dougherty Comity. To the Hon. W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said county. The petition of Oscar J. Neundorfer shows: 1. That he is the natural guardian of Willie Oscar Neundorfer, having given bond as such in Dougherty County, Georgia. I 2. That he desires to sell for reinvest¬ ment, at private sale, the following property, the same being all of estate of j said ward towit: An undivided, one , eighth’s interest in all of lot of land No. ! threo 1,Tmdred aild ^uety-six (386) »» i | ? tv, 16 Georgia, “ (10) except twelve of Mitchell and eighty- Conn s j x one hundredths (12.86) acres iii the ’shape of a trapezoid, in the northeast ‘ corner of said lot, heretofore sold off to T K ' Badey: a,ld thirty-seven and one half (37 1-2) acres, more or less, also in the shape of a trapezoid, in the north¬ east corner of said lot, heretofore sold off toJ. P. Heath; and twenty-five (25) I acres, more or less, in the shape of a par ! I 'datagram, lot, heretofore cut off of sold the south end of said to J. L. Under j vood; the part of said lot liereby con . veyed being all of said lot e ceept the three parcels heretofore mentio :ed, and sai d pert 1< reby conveyed b ing and coutaiu ing two hundred and eighteen and eighty-fh e one-hundredths (218.85) acres, more or less; being bounded by the lines marked and established around the same in the survey made about the year 1887, by J. L. Stewart, County Surveyor, and the processioners of said county; the land hereby conveyed be¬ ing the part of said lot bought by W. H. Hoggard, Sr., from M. S. Poore, on I November 25th, 1873, and described in i rhe deed frcan said Poore to said Hog ! gard 884116 balanceoflot limd ! three hundred and ninety-six (396) , the tenth (10Hl) distric j of | County, Poore from Georgia, Elijah purchased Adams by M. S. and ing two hundred and seventy-nine (272) acres, more or less. Also twenty (20) acres of land in the northwest corner of lot of land number three hundred and sixty-five (365) in the tenth (10) district of Mitchell County, Georgia; said twenty (20) acres being bounded on the east by the Atlantic Coast Line Rail Road [formerly known as the S. G. & P. R. R. ] and commen¬ cing at the Northern boundary of said lot number three hundred and sixty-five ()K'>5) and embracing all of said lot west of said railroad, extending far enough south to embrace twenty (20) acres, the south line thereof running due east and west and being the north line of land owned by J. L. Uunderwood; both ot said parcels hereby conveyed being known as the W. H. Hoggard place south of Camilla, Ga. 3. Said laud pays very little rents and is a source of expense for taxes. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of said sale in real estate in Al¬ bany, Ga., where both petitioner and his ward resides, and where he can give said investment his personal attention. • 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make this application has been published once a week for four weeks as required by law Oscar J. Neundorfer, Guardian of-Willie Oscar Neundorfer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of April, 1904. R. P. H.«x, Clerk Superior Court, Dougherty County, Georgia. GEORGIA—Dougherty County. Office of Clerk Superior Court, qf said county. I, R. P. Hall, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original petition, now on file in this of¬ fice. "Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture this 30th day of April, 1904. R. P. Hale, C. S. C. D. C., Ga. Notice. Ail parties owing business tax for the present year are request¬ ed to settle same immediately and save costs. Also I am ready to recieve returns of property ad valorem. J. L. Cochran, Clerk of Council. KodoS Uyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat,