The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 13, 1904, Image 4

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#«g WISE BUYERS Will find it to their interest to go through our immense lines of each “Departments We are daily receiving the latest fads in Dress Fabrics and Notions. See our White Goods, Embroider¬ ies, Laces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. mm ffi3*sr §ee Our sterling Silver Jewelry Novelties. Paint Department. Hardware and Furniture. Clothing and Gent’s For a number of years we have been “Specials” Furnishing Goods. the sole agents for the celebrated These are with us: “Harrison Paint” Harness and Saddles, Tools for Our new line of Hats, Shoes, Neck¬ 3S£ A paint with a reputation gained from farmer, carpenter, blacksmith and tention— and wear, Collars if 00 k and have through Shirts what comman'd our clothing at¬ |3®5 one an best experience hundred in White years. in Lead, paint We making Wady think of Waxed it over the Dressers..............$5 gardner. Bed Room Suites..... §60 and and down. Remember the the largest world see we and that clothing have we are establishment experts sole you agents to want. take for in aKjl si ' Paints, Gnamels, Zincs and up. your measure. ! Sec us barn. before Colors. you paint your house, Hence or everything Writing Tables, Desks, Chairs, for the Dining Safes, home. Tables Hat Racks. and Don’t forget and other our Mattings House Furnishings. Rugs ! Call for BeSOTO Flour. !t has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of floor space in an effort to have what cur customers want. We thank all for ihe liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper togetner. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPAN Y. J. C. T. TURNER, R. BENNETT, President. Viee-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. J. B. LEWIS, Secretary and Sales Mgr. CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY* WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AM) 1H UI.ISHKH Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR - - -■ $1.00 SIX MONTHS - - - .SO Official organ of Camilla, Ga., • • And Mitchell county • • Advertisements and must reach ns not later than Wednes¬ day noon, to insure publication. All communications or other articles ad¬ vocating anybody's candidacy for will be charged for at the rate of per line. “Local Linos,” 5c per line for each in¬ sertion. Address all business communication make all checks payable to W. A. Allen, Camilla, Ga.' Kditorii 1 and news items should be ad¬ dressed to The EnteUpuisk. Camilla, Ga. Estimates for advertising furnished application. All advertising unless due after first insertion, other¬ wise stipulated. TELEPHONE NO. 64. FRll AY, MAY IB, 1904. An exchange says: think of it. Gorman and Folk. Wouldn’t they turn the out ? ” In the contest for the Judge ship of the Blue Ridge circuit the State Democratic executive com¬ mittee decided in favor of Judge Gober, who was nominated on the face of the returns. Agreeable to the report made out for the Journal of Com merce, it is estimated that acreage planted in cotton about year lias been increased 10 j^er cent over last year’s crop. Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets. For sjile by Lewis Drug Co. The Judiciary in Politics. ■Our esteemed contemporary, The Albany Herald, jumps on Judge W. N. Spence and con¬ demns him for dabbling in second congressional district politics, when in fact, under the law as it now is, every judicial office in ■ho state is a political office over which candidales may scramble and fix states to their heart’s con¬ tent, and in doing this it is but natural (hat aspirants should go into the field and do all the “log rolling’’ they can for their friends. The editor of the Enterprise is on record, however, as being opposed to this system and while editor of the Worth County Lo c.:!, opposed the idea of electing the judges and solicitors by the pipulai vote of the poople and gave as some of the .reasons for hi s opposition to .the system the very things that are now being condemned by the press of the state. No, brother Herald, don’t con¬ demn the Judge, but condemn the law that makes him a politi¬ cian. Let us go to work to get it repealed and in lieu thereof, let them be appointed by the Governor and after due notice is ser ved on the people in the cir¬ cuit to which ho is appointed and no valid objections are filed, then let his appointment be confirmed by the Senate. This or some other like plan is the only way that the judicial ermine can be removed from the political mud puddles that are to be found in every county, circuit and district in tho state. Commencement. [1 & of th^Camilla High School will be held on the 30th and 31st of May. The program cf Monday night the 30th, will consist of a produc¬ tion of Longfellow's Hiawatha by the Intermediate and Grammar Grade pupils. On Tuesday night the 31 st of May the graduating exercises will be held at which time Hon. Walter Park of Blakely, will de¬ liver tho diplomas. The music during the entire time will bo furnished by the pu¬ pils of Mrs. Clara Twitty’s class. An admission of 10c will be charged to be used towards de¬ fraying expenses to the purchas¬ ing of new books for the school library. A Word to the Wise. It is impossible to estimate the value of a newspaper to a com¬ munity. Put this question to yourself, “Would I be willing to live in Mitchell county if I knew it would have no newspaper pub¬ lished within its borders for the next ten years ?’’ Every sensi¬ ble man would move somewhere else if he could. Nobody wants a dead county. Any old citizen who knows the history of this prosperous county will tell you that newspapers started the county on the up grade and have kept it there. Now the writer wishes in the public interest to make a simple suggestion. It is this—foster the interests of your home paper. Patronize it liberally every way, subscribe to it yourself and have it sent to all your friends at a distance. If you are a business mar. give it all your job work and advertise everything you have to sell. The writer will add his great gratification at the recent ’'im¬ provement in the general makeup of the Enterprise— so newsy, so clean, sc sound, so neatly printed, and so promptly mailed. He has known Editor Allen’s great worth as a man for years, and knows what he has done for Worth county as an editor. Mr. Allen and his excellent family are a great acquisition to our so¬ ciety, and the county paper could not be put into better hands. Work for it, everybody. J. L. Underwood. The Sunday School Picnic. The committee appointed to ar¬ range for a Union Sunday School picnic met last Wednesday after¬ noon and fixed the da f e for the Picnic for Friday May 20, at Rock Lake. Mr. John C. Wilson was ap pointed chairman of the table committee. Dr. J. L. Brown, was made chairman of the refreshments committee, who will see to it that plenty of refreshments will be furnished free to all who attend. Mr. Joseph H. Hilliard was ap¬ pointed chairman of the basket transportation committee, who will see to it that all baskets are taken to and from the Lake free of cost to the owners, and all parties who want their baskets taken to the grounds must report same to him on Thursday after¬ noon, May 19. Let all Camillaites turn out and let us have one grand gala day together in an annual union pic¬ nic dinner. T. R. Bennett, j J. H. Hilliard, | J. C. Wilson, i J. Jj. Brown, j- Joint Committte J. G. Bailey, of Arranegmen', Jesse J. Perry, B. Lewis, The Ice Plant. The brick building for Ca¬ milla’s ice plant is completed and the machinery with which to manufacture ice has been ship¬ ped from the factory and will be¬ gin to arrive in a few days when it will at once be placed in position and put to work man¬ ufacturing- a prime article of artesian ice. The management is satisfied that they will, inside of thirty days now, be ready to supply all demands for ice and furnish cold storage for all who may need it. Mr. E. R. Wilson is opening up a nice line of general mer¬ chandise this week in his hand¬ some new store on Broad street. Mr. B. B. Watkins will have charge of the business as man¬ ager, and as they expect to do a strictly cash business and pay¬ ing cash for their goods, with no house rent or clerk hire to pay, they expect to give their custom¬ ers the benefit of this saving in very low prices for the goods they sell. Commissioners’ Proceedings. Commissioners April 12th, 1904. met a.s per adjourn meat. Present; T. R. Bennett, Wyatt Adams, J. W. Everett, A. B. Joiner and J. G. Wood. The minutes of last meet¬ ing were read and approved. A petition was presented to discontinue a portion of a certain new road from the Maples crossing in the 10th district running east which was deferred until next meeting of the Commissioners’ court. On motion it was ordered that the jani¬ tor open the court house doors at sunrise and close them at dark. On motion T. R. Bennett was authorized to havelocks put on the court honse doors. C. T. Sullivan was appointed road commis¬ sioner in 1299th district G. M. to till out the unexpired term of Henry Parker deceased. It was requested of'the com¬ missioners by petition that a certain toad in the county he established as a public road, ordered that steps be taken, for the granting of the same. By resolution the bid of C. B. John stoue of $400.00 for painting the court house was accepted, and said Johnstone given contract to finish same as per agreement and a committee consisting of T. R. Bennett and A. B. Joiner was ap¬ pointed to supervise and advance funds as the job progressed, also said commit¬ tee to have necessary repairs made to court house. ed The and following ordered accounts were present¬ S. paid: G- Griner for lumber $5.90 Pelham Hardware & Supply Co. merchandise " .60. H, B. Tucker, guarding prisoners 1.50. C. D. Crowe, coffin for pauper 6.50. Dr. Perry Lastiuger, Lewis, services as bailiff 2.00 F. L. medical account 96.25. W. A. Faircloth, deputy sheriff account 3.00. I Smith, sheriff account 25 59 . . I Smith, sheriff, jail account 53.50. Camilla Supply Co., m’d’se. 21.68. Green Spence, coroner 41.40. Holton & Harrell, lumber 5.98. W. A. Allen, editor, account 26.10. A. B. Joiner, merchandise 5.90. the There commissioners being no other Business on tiand Tuesday adjourned to meet on the second. in June next. J. G. W«vvn iHiO, C” -i, P ,