The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 13, 1904, Image 8

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Of up-to-date merchandise; we call your special attention to our — - large slock of -=as^^ General Merchandise. Our line comprises every department Dry Goods. Clothing. Embroidery and Lace Hardware. All New Goods for Sum Already a large number of All new and attractive pat¬ The Kter at reduced prices. Suits and extra pants for men on terns. leading Hardware House hand. Supply still coming. in Georgia. Millinery. Muslin Underwear. Groceries. A full stock of New Millinery We guarantee satisfied custo¬ to select from. No way to keep us from selling mers. All underwear well made. Banner Flogr, the best the hats. We have them. on the market. Shoes. Umbrellas. Furniture and , Mattings. Always headquarters for Foot¬ Too many kinds to mention wear. will sell at reduced prices. Several cars to select from. DEPARTMENT STORE Communicated. Camilla, Ga., 5-10-’04. Editor Enterprise; Sometime back I asked the Commissioners Court why they had paid a certain physician a amount of money for med¬ service in smallpox cases, other physicians have done practice and have not on tha county for pay. I see Mr. Editor vou have come their assistance saying, '‘The authorities have spent a of money and used every pre¬ except establishing a pesthous?, in trying to and stamp out that loath¬ some disease, smallpox, and have been reasonably successful.” Now, Mr. Editor, this is the base of my inquiry. Have they used large amount of money for the purpose of stamping out the disease or have they paid it to a physician simply foi practice in private families. Where do they get the authority to pay any phy¬ sician for practice in private families. A pauper can claim medical attention free when he is sent to the poor house, and the physician is it under contract with fhe county to attend them. It is a well known fact that the county commissioners have no authority to pay any physician for private practice oct the county treasury. The county must first take charge of the sick person and isolate him, and then the county bound to furnish him every nec¬ essary attention, including medi¬ cal service. Where have they taken charge of a single one of these cases, and isolated them, paid for nurses, guards, quarters and other necessary expense. It nowhere appears where they have paid out one cent except to the physician, and to him they seem to have thrown the treasury doors wide open. The Chairman of the Board tells this physician to go to see these reported cases of smal'pox miles away, he goes, finds a case of so galled smallpox. At the wind up he goes before the Board with two bills amounting to nearly $500, no names, no items, the Chairman says we will have it to pay and the Clerk writes the check. I do not inti¬ mate that these gentlemen have intentionally done wrong, but from the lights before me I must say they have carelessly or ig¬ norantly done the taxpayer wrong. I would like to give you my knowledge of this disease. You hear one physician say it is smallpox, another it is not small¬ pox My position is they are both right, and both wrong, It is smallpox and it is not smallpox There are two types of this dis¬ ease, differing only in degree. Variola, or smallpox and varicella, or chicken-pox. There is another type, varioloids, but it is not properly a human disease, being dei ived from the lower animals. Varicella or chieken-pox is very mild, spreads slowly, seldom at¬ tacks mere than two or three in a large family, very rarely if ever proving fatal. Sometimes it develops a severe case from which it spreads more rapidly, but the new cases most always assume the mild type again, the severe seldom proving fatal. With ordinat-y care the community can prevent its spread. There is generally nothing the county 7 au¬ thorities can do in these mild types. Variola or smallpox is the se¬ vere type of the disease, spreads rapidly, nothing but the most active vigilance and heioic effort can check it. Isolation and burning every thing in its track is the only means of stamp¬ ing it out and it nearly always proves fatal. These are my views, they may or may not be correct, the sci¬ ence of medicine is not a fixed science buta comparative science. These are the views I have ac¬ cepted from study and experience with the disease in the army. I agree with you, Mr. Editor, the commissioners have done all they could do for in this mild type of the disease there was nothing they could do but advise the people to be vaccinated. We, the tax-payers, would not object to any reasonable amount of money being spent to stamp out this disease in its severe type, provided it was spent with wis¬ dom and common sense. W. L, Scaife. Union Meeting. The Union.meeting of the Tuck¬ er Association will convene at Harmony Chuteh Friday before the fifth Sunday in May. The meeting; to be opened by prayer service by Bro. Albert Ott at ten o’clock a. m., Alter¬ nate, Bro. David Jones. Introductory sermon by Bro. S. O. Thomas at 11 o’clock a. m. Alternate Jesse Alligood. Adjournment for dinner. At 1:30 the brethren to meet and organize. Queries to be discussed: First, “Do the churches of our association measure up to the example set by the Apostolic churches in the support of the gospel at home and in the spread of the gospel in foreign parts?” The discussion opened by Bro. Jack Cone. v Query Second, “Is not th6 in terest in our annual protracted meetings declining and ought the meetings to be up?” The discussion to be led by Bro. J. W. Daniel. W. E. Davis, Chr. Ex. Com. West Mitchell Dots. Dear Enterprise:—! have been so very busy since my last communication to you until I have not had time to send you any news. I am glad the Coon and Jane have kept up the river news or a part of it at least. We are still having cool, dry weather, but the crops do not 3eem to be suffering on account of the drouth. Gardens are needing rain very baoly. Miss Lurr.mie Mathis of Flint, spent a few days with Mrs Join¬ er and family last week. Dr. L. C. Ward and I. F. Cole¬ man of Kestler, Ga., visited the Loctor’s bfother-in-law, Dr. Webb, and Mr. Coleman visited his aunt, Mrs. L. J. Joiner last Friday. WhUp here they paid a flying visit to Camilla returning to Kestler Saturday morning. The services at Evergreen Sun¬ day were very affly conducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Bluett. Our Sunday School is contin¬ ually improving since the mea¬ sles have been stamped out. Who was that riding in an au¬ tomobile accompanied by Cull Campbell last Sunday p. m.? (C) he made an extended to Fairview from 4 p. m. until 10 p. m. Misses Odessa Harrison, Toy Beck, Lautry Campbell and Mae Gauldin, accompanied by Messrs. Bullard, Cooper, Pope and Beck spent Sunday p. m. very pleas¬ antly at Mrs. L. J. Joiner’s. Mrs. W. C. Webb and sisters spent Tuesday with Mrs. Howard Culpepper. We are glad to welcome to our community Mr. Will Benton, of Douglassville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Culpepper spent part of last week with Mrs. Culpepper's father, Mr. Maples, and while there she was sick a few days, but we are glad to know she is entirely convalescent. When wanting Mr. Dave Argo call at the residence of Dr. Pc sey. ___ What was it, Mr. Howard Cul¬ pepper, that frightened your mule last Sunday night? Mrs. Lee Campbell is on the sick list this week, but we hope she will soon be well again. Mr. C. Y. Stamper made a fly¬ ing visit to West Mitcnell last week. Mrs. L. J. loiner and little daughter, Mae, made a business trip to Camilla last Thursday. I am going over soon to get Aunt Jane to learn me how to raise poodle ducks. Mr. D. C. Ramsey visited reia* tive° at Flint last Saturday. What young man was it that brought Mae Joiner from Flint last Sunday? Come again R. M. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Belle are rejoicing over the arrival of their first baby girl. Everything is calm and serene. Wishing the Enterprise much success, I am Yours truly, Henrietta. On last Monday afternoon near Montrose in Laurens county, William Frank Pearce, constable of Harvard district, was shot and killed, by a negro, named A.shley Jones. The negro had been ar¬ rested by Fearce and Constable Raffield of Dublin. Suddenly the negro snatched from Constable Raffield his pistol and shot Pearce dead. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is oi each box. 23c