The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 27, 1904, Image 2

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Louisiana’s New Governor Dis¬ cusses the Race Question. Baton Rouge, La , May 16-—In the presence of a multitude of Louisianans gathered in the grounds of the State Capitol to day, Newton C. Blanchard was inaugurated as Governor and Jared Y, Sanders as Lieutenant Governor. In his inaugural address, Gov. Blanchard, speaking on law and order, said: 1 Mob law in con¬ travention and defiance of the law 1 will not be tolerated. Lynch¬ ing will not be permitted un¬ der any circumstances, if it be possible for the military, at the command of the Governor, to prevent it. Sheriffs will be held to the strictest accountability under the law for the safety from mob violence of persons in their custody.” On the negroquestu n he says: ‘‘The negro is here- He is a man and ac.tizen. He is useful and valuable in his sphere. Within that spere he must be guaranteed the equal protection of the law and his education along proper lines—mainly agri* cultural and industrial is at once a duty and a necessity. He must be protected in his right (o live peaceably and quietly in his right to labor and enjoy the fruits of his labor. He must be encouraged to industry and taught habits of thrift “No approach toward social equality, or social recognition will ever be tolerated in Louisi¬ ana- Separate schools, separate churches, separate cars, sepa¬ rate places of entertainment will be enforced tog. Racial distinc¬ tion and integrity must be pre¬ served. But there is room enough in this broad southland with proper lines of .limitafcun and demarcation for the two races to live on terms oi mutual trust, mutual help, good under standing and concord. The South asserts its ability to han¬ dle and solve the r.egro .question on humanitarian lines--those jf justice and of right We brook no interference from without- It is up to the South to so handle and solve it as to furnish m oc¬ casion for such inteiferenee.” A Cure for Piles. “I had a had case of piles,” says G. 1?. Garter, of Atlanta, Ga., “and consulted a physician who advised me Salve.' to try a box of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel I pur¬ chased a box and was entirely cured. It is splendid for piles, giving relief instant¬ ly, and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers. ’ * DoWitt’s'Witch Haael Salve is unequaled for its healing qualities. Eczema and other skin diseases, also sores, oats, bufns and wounds of every kind are quickly cured by it. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Georgia Industrial Ho r ne. The Founder and management of the Georgia Industrial Home for unfortunate children, request the people of the State to remem¬ ber the Home on Tuesday May blst, and give one day’s income or salary to this great work. The Home has now about lot) children p'om all sections of the State -»fed in five years has touched the lives of more than 200 and at present is' in absolute need of -special assistance by reason of an epidemic of measles and its growing and increasing necessi¬ ties Many friends in Georgia of in¬ nocent and suffering childhood will remember this appeal and give at least one day’s salary or income to the noble cause. All remittances should be forwarded by check or Post Office Order to Bev. W. E- Mumford, President Georgia Industrial Home, Macon, fia. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digotts what you eat. Getting Tired. We, all of us, get tired of do % tired of doing the same things over and over. The topical song “I’m tired” voices the cry of a great majority of the people. But we are adjured nob to’ weary in well doing, and wej should keep plugging away at all 1 our endeavors, great Newspaper and small-j and not get tired. people realize what getting tired means. They put a tremendous amount of energy, and force and determ:nation into werk that is only for a single day. The prin¬ ted page is at once the fruition and destruction of their labors. Then it is all to do over again next day. But they keep cn do¬ ing it no matter how tired they are One of the things they do is to give a town their best endeavors and to push and to boost and to pull in season out of season with¬ out reward for the community in which their lot is cast They get tired, of course they do, and you get tired, of course you do. But there is no more excuse for stop ping, just because you are tired than for stopping breathing,’be¬ cause we had drawn so many breaths. So keep on plugging and after awhile may bp you’ll get your second wind and not be tired any more. All of these remarks apply to Thomasvtile.—Tirnes Entorprise. Ladies and Children who cannot aland the‘shocking strain of laxative syrups and cathartic pills are especially fond of little Early Risers. Alt persons who find it necessary to take a liver medicine should try these easy pills, and compare the agreeably plena ant and strengthening effect with the nauseating and weakening effects of other remedies. Little Early Risers cure bil¬ iousness, constipation, sick headache jaundice, malaria and liver troubles. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. A solid train load of cattle was recently shipped from a South Dakota ranch, direct to the Liver¬ pool market. The average weight of the 400 steers was 1,710 pounds, Lewis Drug Company do not hesitate to recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to their friends and cus¬ tomers. Indigestion causes more ill health Hum anything else. It deranges the stomach, and brings on all manner of disease. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure di¬ gests what yon eat, cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach disorders. Kodol is not only a perfect digestant but a tissue building tonic as well. Renew¬ ed health, perfect (strength and increased vitality follow its use. While visiting friends at a boardinghouse in Cardiff, Pa. Frank Paul quarreled with an Italian, who killed Paul’i wife. An hour later Paul filled the Ital¬ ian full of lead. Whooping Cough, “In the spring of 1901 my children had whopping cough,” soys Mrs. D. XV. Capps, of Capps, Ala. “I used Cham¬ berlain's Cough RemMv with the most satisfactory results. I think this is tlie best remedy I have ever seen for whoop¬ ing cough.” This remedy keeps the cough loose, lessons tho severity and frequency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu¬ monia. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. The uommeneementexereisesof tho schools and colleges are now on and soon the students will be r^ady for picnic 3 and other frolics such as are sure to follow- their release from studies. Cured His Mother ol Bheumatism. “My mother lias been a sufferer for many years with rheumatism,” says W. H, Howard, of Husband, Pa. “At times she was unable to move at all, while at all times walking was painful, I pre¬ sented her with a bottle of Chamber¬ lain's Pain Balm and after a few appli¬ cations she decided it was the most won¬ derful pain reliever site had over tried, in fact, site is never without it now and and is at all times able to walk. An oc¬ casional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerlv troubled with.” For sale by Lewis Drug Co. In Ee3 Moine3, Iowa, E. L. Dubois, a prominent contractor, claimed to be his widow. To Cure a Cold in One Day in Cores Two Grip Days. rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £(%// “ w5c» Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. ThlS signature, ©OX. Press this on your Memory. Perry’s Pharmacy, Are the Leaoing Pharmacist® of this section, We not only guarantee to give satisfaction but we live up to our guarantee.. . 1 Our Sotck is Complete in every detail and we want your Business. o*o •>3 ^o*o 3>0 'So€ , o^o®g<?o-s>c'So# ».o$"5$o$o$og'o$o$o$o®o$o$o$oro'$oftQ<s>o<»n^o«o$o<&o4 HOW ABOUT THAT GARDEN?-—We have just received ........a new line of MAY’S NORTHERN GROWN SEED o$o$o$o.»o, v $o^o$o$o3>o$>o$o$o^e*o<g>o$>o$oi>o<$o$o$o<$'0'$>o$o<^o$p® Perry’s Pharmacy, l*lboixo O> Two Stores: Phone 30. Camilla, Georgia. Pelham, Georgia. wmwss&m *w m m»ae mKr^mar 0 , 000 . 0 © Sash given Away to Users of son COFFEE We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee . Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but III Additionlo the Regular Free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $30,000.00 Grand Prize Contests, which will £*a*ce some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be -TWO GREAT CONTESTS The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Lonis World’s Fair; the second relates to Total . ote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making $ on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a zstrxm Land First Priza of $ 5 , 000.00 to contests, the one who and is thus nearest your estimates correct have on both two Opportunities of winningabig cash prize. , jjpive Lion-Heads SI M Printed blanks to l cut from Lion vote on found in Coffee Packages and a every Lion Coffee Pack¬ a cent stamp entitle you age. The 2 cent stamp (in addition to the reg¬ covers the expense of ular free premiums) our acknowledgment to to one vote in you that your es¬ either contest: 1ML» timate is recorded. WORLD’S FAIR CONTEST PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST v.' iat will be the total July 4th attendance at .the St. Louts What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (votes World's Fair? At Chicaeo, July 4.1893, the attendance was 283.2/3. for all candidates combined) at the election Novembers, 1904? In For nearest correct estimates received in Wooison Spice Com¬ 1900election, 13,959,653 people voted for President. For nearest cor¬ pany’s office, Toledo, Ohio, on or before June 30th, 1304, we wi!l rect estimates received In Wooison Spice Co.'s, office, Toledo. O., (rive first Wire for the nearest correct estimate, second prize to the on or before Nov, 5,3904. wc will give first prize for the nearest cor¬ next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: rect estimate, second prize to the next nearest, etc..etc., as follows; 1 First Prize ..........s2.500.00 1 First Prlzo ............................*2,500.00 1 Second Prize ........ .......... 1 000.00 1 Second Prize 1,000.00 2 Frizes—*500.00 each ...........1.000.00 , Prizes— .......................... 5 Prizes— 200.00 2 *500.00 each .................1,000.00 10 Prizes— 100.00 5 Prizes— 200.00 “ 1000.00 ■ 20 Prises— 50.00 ........-1.000.00 10 Prize* 100.00 ................ 1 , 000.00 250 50 Prizes— Prizes— 20.00 lO 00 1 : 888:88 20 50 Prizes— Prizes— 18:88 : 2:500.00 i ;888:oo l. 1800 Prizes— 6.00 " .v.... g; 5S 8:g g 1800 250 Prizes— Prizes— 10.00 6.00 . “ _9,000.00 2130 fSIZES, TOTAL, *20,000.00 2139 PHIZES, TOTAL, * 20 . 000.00 Sistributed 4279—PRIZES—4279 to tho Public—aggrogating $45,000.00—in addition to which we shall give $5,000 to Srocers 1 Clerks (sea particulars in HOM COFFEE cases) making a grand total of $50,000.00. GQt&P LETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF LION COFFEE WCOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. As a result of an explosion in the Lake Shore Novelty Com about 20 badjy injured. 1 5,000 Japanese troops are re¬ ported = to have beei killed in a •* - «- - this week.