The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 27, 1904, Image 4

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WISE BUYERS daily Will receiving find it the to latest their interest fads in Dress to go through Fabrics and our immense Notions. lines See of each White ‘‘Department.’' Goods, Embroider¬ We are |||| mk our ies, Laces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. See Our Sterling: Silver Jewelry Novelties. Paint Department. Hardware and Furniture. Clothing and Gent’s For a number of years we have been Furnishing Goods. the sole agents for the celebrated These are “Specials” with us: “Harrison Paint” Harness and Saddles, Tools for Our new line of Hats, Shoes, Neck¬ wear, Collars and Shirts command at¬ A paint with a reputation gained from farmer, carpenter, blacksmith and tention— ook through our clothing 33K an experience in paint making of over gardner. and see if we have what you want. one hundred years. We think it the Remember that we are sole agents for Bed Room Suites..... S60 and down- the largest clothing establishment in best in Whitt Lead, fyady Wised Dressers..............$5 and the world and have experts to take Paints, Enamels, Zincs and up. your measure. Colors. Tables, Chairs, Safes, Hat Racks. Don’t Rugs See as before you paint your house, fence or Writing Desks, .Dining Tables and forget our Mattings 1 barn. everything for the home. and other House Furnishings. Call for DeSOTO Flour, it has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of floor space in an effort to have what cur customers want. We thank all for mm the liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper togetner. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R- J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Vice-Pres- and Gen. Mgr. Mgr. Secretary and Sales CAMILLA ENTERPRISE. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WALTER A. ALLEN EDITOR AND I’l'BUSHER Entered at Camilla, Ga., post of¬ fice as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR - - $ 1.00 SIX MONTHS - .50 Official organ of Camilla, Ga„ • • And Mitchell county • • Advertisements and Communications must reach us not later than Wednes¬ day noon, to insure publication. All communications or other articles ad¬ vocating anybody’s candidacy for office will be charged for at the rate of 5c Iter line. “Local Lines,” 5c per line for each in¬ sertion. Address all business communication and make all checks payable to W. A. Allen, Camilla, Ga. Editorial and news items should be ad¬ dressed to The Enterprise, Camilla, Ga. Estimates for advertising furnished on application. All advertising unless contracts due after first insertion, other¬ wise stipulated. TELEPHONE NO. 64. FRIDAY. MAY 27~ 1904. The case of the Worth comity court house has at last reached the hands of Secretary Cook and he will soon decide who shall have the court house After Jan. 1, 1905 no more fe¬ male voices will be heard in the Catholic church choirs. This or¬ der was issued by the Pope and effects all Catholics. L. W. James, the ex-eoimuer cial agent of the M. D. A S. rail read has plead guilty to burglariz¬ ing the company’s office in Macon and sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. Sick headache results from a disorder ed stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Communicated. Editor Enterprise:—I hear a low subterranean gowl-gumble like distant thunder portending the gathering of a storm. The taxpayers are certainly dissatis¬ fied with the action of the com¬ missioners, and they have asked them to give an account of their stewardship. The taxpayers want to know why they have paid one physi¬ cian nearly seven hundred dol ars of the people’s money. But they answered not a word. They are as silent as death. It is as the general pulse of life stood still—not a bugle note is heard. One man told me they said the taxpayer was too light—like the proverbial gnat on the bull’s horn. As much as to say, “the taxpayer might grumble much as they please, it did not disturb them.’’ Now the taxpayer came with another request: “Why was not the proceedings of the court pub l.shed until after the primary?” Let us see if this is again the proverbial gnat on a bull’s horn. Do you feel so securely seated in your royal chair of state that there is no power to unseat you. I am sorry to believe our govern¬ ment is fast becoming dominated by a moneyed oligarchy. But I am glad to sav it has not yet fastened its fangs on the vitals of our land. Now, when Lamar did something his people thought wrong, he had the n an hood to resign and go before the people and ask their endorsement of what he had done and tney endorsed him. Now, have these gentlemen got nerve and manhood to do like¬ wise. I am sorry to say I don’t believe they dare resign their nomination and go before the people on their record. If they haven’t got the manhood to re¬ sign, then I think the taxpayers ought to ask them to resign. In another matter the court re¬ minds me of what Uncle Johnnie said when he hired an overseer. The first year it was “your mules, etc.” The second year it was “our mules, etc.” The third year it was “my mules, etc.” This court is acting just as if the taxpayers were servants and they were Lord of Creation. They asked the taxpayers to au¬ thorize them to issue bonds. The taxpayers said “no.” They say by their action “you have acted the fool, and w r e will give you another opportunity to do as we order you. If you act the fool again w’e will make you sorry for it.” Mr. Editor, I am a friend to every member of the board. 1 haven’t a single unkind feeling for one of them. I write alone in the interest of Mitchell County and her taxpayers, not that I love Caesar less, but that 1 love Rome more. They are setting a prece¬ dent that is far-reaching and will bankrupt the county and enslave tne people. Fellow taxpayers, had I the power I would dip my pen in the liquid lightning and throw my voice in the bellowing thunder and ask the taxpayers to rise up in their might and shake this oligarchial bondage from hc-r like dew drops from the lion’s mane. Now’, if you rise up in your might and teach officers every¬ where that they are servants of the people and not masters, it would be a lesson that will sound along down the corriders of time. Then instead of reminding the taxpayers that they are but the gnat on the bull’s horn, they will be reminded of that fable, “When the gnat flew on the bull’s nose and stung him until he laid down, bellowed, pounded up the earth and threw his tail over his back.” I am unutterably opposed to any bond issue that saddles twen¬ ty-five thousand dollars debt on tne county and build an eight or ten thousand dollar jail. It is bad financially. Let them use a little economy and stop paying out money only for the public good, W. L. Scaife. LOCAL NEWS OVERFLOW. Mr. Hill Baggs left Wednesday for Starke, Fla., where he will ' assist his brother, D. b. Baggs in the drug business, Messrs. Holton & Harrell, who are handling all kinds of building material have just received a new supply of brick and lumber. Miss Calista Bush, who has been attending Wesleyan College at Macon, has returned home to spend the summer vacation. We are sole agents for Queen Quality Shoes for women. Per¬ fection in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. Messrs. D. D, Einstein and C. F. Kolbie went down to Pelham yesterday to take in the ball game between Cairo and Pelham. Messrs. Leon and Theodore Perry went down to Pelham Wed¬ nesday te see the ball game be¬ tween Cairo and Pelham Thurs¬ day. M t> vtr r\ - , v ‘under-' o . was here Suaday We j stand Britt is going to spend his ; spare time playing ball with Val dosta. j Every body should go out to j | Bennett’s hall tonight and see { I what advancement our colored! citizens are making on education¬ al lines. The editor-in-chief is o% T er in Worth county this week looking after business and taking in the f Commencement exercises of the, Sylvester Public Schools. Mr. John W. McNair, of Ca¬ milla, spent some days in Bain bridge last week. Time has dealt with this old friend of oar Argus. Kinderhearted, better people, obliging, generous and hospitable do not exist, than we right here in Camilla and through this favored section. Quite a crowd of the young peo¬ of Camilla, visited Pelham and Tuesday evenings in the Commencement ex¬ of that city’s fine school. Dr. I. A. Bush has returned Baltimore, where he has attending the University of ‘Dr.” has finished his course and is now out to practice. Just received at the Cincinnatti House eleven barrels of latest kind of fancy glass such as pitchers, tumblers, dishes, sugar dishes, tooth-pick holders, trays. All will go cheap. 9 uick and ^ et the first Messrs. Bennie and Willie George Palmer, James Jim Palmer and T. P. were in the city from Mitchell yesterday. The Enterprise Job Depart¬ has just turned out some for the Camilla High When 'us. Prm ““ S ° a " J ’ Mr. Twoie, a prominent trav man from Atlanta, was in city Wednesday. Notice. Ail parties owing business tax the present year are request¬ to settle same immediately save costs. Also I am ready reeieve returns of property valorem. J. L. C oehran. Clerk of Council.