The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 27, 1904, Image 6

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Professional Cards J, L. UNDERWOOD, Attorney-at-Law and E.-TATK. i Office iu Bennett’a Building, Broad \ street. f |F. L. LEWIS, Physician a no Surgeon. Office at Drug SiOreof Lewis Co’s., du i ig the day. at night. Prompt attention given to all calls. 21 A Bush, R D Bush M E Bush 1. A. BUSH k SONS, Attorneys-at-Law, Camilla, Ga. Commercial law a specialty. . fell. C. Dasher, Jr. W. H. DASHER & HO iOARD, Attorneys-at-Law, js Enterprise Camilla, Building. Oa. gOOice in 2 ID. A. SPENCE, Dental Surgeon, Pelham, Ga. «| Office in new City Hall. The best quality of work at i reasonable charges. Your pa-j tronage Solicit ate J. 1)b. J. L. Brown, | Physician and Surgeon, j| Camilla, Georgia, Residence phone ♦. Office phone 30. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire In¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe, Hartford fire. Home Insurance C»of N. Y. Greenwich Insurant Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED ♦ Up*io*date lieliable Goods at tbo | Old J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, | Albany^ ■ Georgia. ......A COMPLETE tWl OP...... t Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,; Silver and Plate Wares, « • Cutlery, Notions, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks, i Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri¬ ces. 1 respectfully tsolloit a portion of J the publics patronage. J. W. Joiner, Washington St. ALBANY, - - GA o <J> o A Great <s> o <s> o I | Stanley’s Business | Colleges at Thomasville, (ia. and Macon, tla. To be combined in One School at Macon. Special car. carrying 75 or more students, will leave Thomasville MAY 20th. Enter at Thomasville and enjoy tree ride to Macon Exceptionally low rates offered. o Write for Terms. | G, W. H. Stanley, President. Macon, Ga. Opportunities Still Plentiful, Fnm Ok? Savannah News. Yousag men nowadays are in¬ clined to jthe opinion that the opportunities for making fortunes are net a« great as they were a quarter of a century ago. Asa matter of faet there is plentj of evidence th&£ the avenues to fortunes are as unobstructed now as they ever were. Indeed, the demand for men who are uapable and reliable is sow greater than ever before, and where there is such a demand there are oppor¬ tunities for making fortunes. For instance, in the dispatches £ day or two ago] it was stated that Harry G. Selfriede, who be¬ gan his career in the store of Chicago at $10 a week had just bought out the dry goods estab¬ lishment of Schiesinger & Mayer of that city for So,000,000. Mr. Selfridge is still a young marr. His rise from a $10 a week clerk¬ ship was rapid because he applied himself to business. He was studying and working while oth¬ er young men in the same es¬ tablishment were having a good time. Of course he made sacri¬ fices, but every man who gets ahead in the world has to make them. Work, hard and steady, is what tells in the struggle for advancement in a' business or a profession. In the current number of the Outlook m'agizine there is an ac¬ count of the success of a colored man who is now about forty-five years of years of age, He was born a slave and is a pure-blood¬ ed negro, He went to Kansas from Kentucky about twenty years ago, and started life there with ninety cents in his pocket. He began aa a common laborer on a farm at forty cents a day. Being an exceptionally steady hand and a good worker his wages were soon raised to seven ty.ffve cents a day. Now he hao a farm of 500 acres in the Wyan¬ dotte Valley that i- worth all the way from $125 to S250 dollars an acre, on which he has built a man¬ sion with all the modern improve¬ ments. lie has besides a large general store, together with bank and mining stocks. He is otic of the rich men of Kansas. His crop of potatoes last year amount¬ ed to over 72,000 bushels. Chatham county nas thousands of acres of unoccupied lands that can be obtained at very reasona¬ bly low prices, and yet of the many thousands cf negroes in in the county thers are very few that have the energy or enterprise to make profitable farms out of this land. The opportunities for negroes of the county to make comfoi table little fortunes are here, bat the men to take advan¬ tage of them are not here. Wintersmith’s ©e (Eill GUARANTEED \ To CURE CHILLS DENGUE, AGUE, LAGRIPPE, BILIOUS FEVER AND AU MALARIAL ILLS. 50 c im*. At your Drug Store, mettoy re fiie/to* tf H 4eet ymt ae gee* ette* * >*tr trial. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Wilson Go Are offering splendid bargains to the public in Hardware and Plantation Supplies, m m A full line of Cutlery. See our line of Stoves: all sizes and prices to suit the times. A full line of Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings. We want your trade and will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote vou the WM jgg west prices. Our ’Phone is No. 48. J. Bi Wilson Company 1*1***!*>*/* f*/*!*^ I*/*/*/* Tax*Receiver’s Notice. THIRD ROUND. Pebble City May I (1. Maples “ 17. Pelham 18. Braiielivillc IS. Davis’ Mill 20 . Bacon Alger 26. ton 27. I will be in Camilla every Saturday until July 1st except May 14, which day I will be in Pelham. I will also be in Camilla court week. My books will /61ose July 1st. Abridge, Respectfully, C. G. T. T. R. M. Petition for Charter. GEORGIA— -Mitchell County. To the Superior Court of aaid county: The petition of J. T. GoLette, James Daniel and Mack Adams shows: 1. They desire for themselves, become their associates and successors (o a body corporate under the name and style of •‘Independent National Real Estate Benevolent Society.” which petitioners ask 2. The term for to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. ■ 3rd. The object of profit the proposed and gain eor poration is pecuniary to its members. Petitioners propose to up¬ hold the standing of its members in the business world and to operate a benevo¬ lent society, and ask power to buy and sell realty and personalty, and to others, stand and se¬ curity for its metekbers receive consideration for same, to con duet a general mercantile and agricultu¬ ral business and assist ts members in the same to sue and be ued, have a corporate seal and have ad powers inci¬ dent to the business and pursuits above set forth. 4th, Petitioners Dollars desire incorporation stock with * ,ie Hundred capital divided into shares of the par value of four dollars each. Ten per cent, of said capital stock has actually been paid in. Petitioners desire the right to increase said capital stock from time to time not to exceed Ten Thousand Dollars. 5th. The principal office and lodge of said corporation is to be at Bacon ton, said county, and petitioners ask power to establish branch offices and lodges wherever they may from time to time see lit . Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, with all the rights and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. J. T. GoLette, ji Jas. Daniel, :• Petitioners. Muck Adams. ' Filed in office this April 13,1904. 8. E. Cox, Clerk. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition. Two Trains Daily. THROUGTI SLEEPING CARS FROM Georgia, Florida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER Arriving St- Louis in the morning Season tickets with limits Dee. 15th, sixty days, fifteen day.- and 10 days. Two low rate coach 'excursions each mouth. For rates ffom vour city, also for book showing Hotels, Boarding Houses, quo¬ ting their rates, write to Fred D. -Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. Hah igh The Leading Blacksmith Corner Scott and N. Broad Sts. Is prepared to do first-class work in Blacksmithing. Horseshoeing, and General Repairing. . . I When in need of work call on me. Look Tliis Way. S Having purchased the interest of Mr, R. L. Rachals in B the Lumber and Building material Business, we have Iff ||| public formed with a co-partnership anything they and will in be all pleased to serve the gj want kin Is of Lumber, Mouldings, Brick and Lime |1 As well as .all others kinds of Building Material, jnch'din g Mantles, Boors, I Sash and Blinds..... M Call to see us and get prices. Yours for Business, 1 13 HOLTON & HAKRELL. I AVERY d& COMPANY SI S3_S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers mSZ EB Saw Mills All Kinds of c/j <L> GZ CT e us o ■ mm* U CD -a 09 cc LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Suoplies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or C'at’g III-’ " CT 3 ja GZ © s cC to CO 09 -Q