The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, May 27, 1904, Image 8

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'MI* Bargain Seekers and Buyers Of up-to-date merchandise; we call your special attention to our large stock of General Merchandise. Our line comprises every department. Turk Dry Goods. Clothing. Embroidery and Lace. Hardware. All the New Goods for Sum¬ Already a large number of All new and attractive pat¬ The leading Hardware House \t mer at reduced prices. Suits and extra pants for men on terns. in Georgia. hand. Supply still coming. Millinery. Hats. Muslin Underwear. Groceries. A full stock of New Millinery No We guarantee satisfied custo¬ to select from. way to keep us from selling mers. All underwear well made. Banner Flour, the best on the hats. We have them- the market. Shoes. Umbrellas. Furniture and Always headquarters for Foot¬ Too many kinds to mention; Mattings. wear. will sell at reduced prices. Several cars to select from. BAGGS & PERRYS DEPARTMENT STORE. #ICCC€ West Mitchell Dots. I did not send in any cation last week as I thought other writer would be on but as they did not write, will deavor to give you a few dots. Rev. Henry Sullivan ’filled regular appointment at the 3rd Sunday and Saturday fore. His sermons are interesting and very to hia hearers. There were eral visitors to hear him. again friends and we will welcome you to our church. Our community was well rep¬ resented at the Hopeful Friday and report the day pleasantly spent. ’Tis useless say anything about Hopeful sup¬ plying the needs of a hungry crowd, for as usual there plenty to eat and some to spare. Ice water and lemonade “free gratis” did much quenohing the thirst of the crowd, while some used “stump”. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Evans and Jim Baggs visited Dr. and Mrs. C. Webb at the home of Mrs. Lou Joiner a few days ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beck and children spent la9t Sunday at home of Mr. A. A. Bullard. Mr. D. C. Ramsey is now ing one of the largest and Georgia raised horses we of. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beck last Sunday at the home of Joe Faircloth. Dr. W. C. Webb made a busi trip to Camilla last Thursday. Miss Floience Davis spent day with Mias Kate Joiner Sunday. Mr. H. H. Collins and family Evergreen visited relatives in community last Sunday. Dave Arga, of Camilla, his mother Sunday. Mrs, Lee Campbell was a pleas¬ ant visitoi at Mrs. Lou Joiner’s Sunday evening. Messrs. D. C. Ramsey and Cull Campbell visited Hopbful Sun¬ day. Dr. aid Mrs. Webb spent the day at the home of Mr. Frank Beck last Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Beck has bean on the sick list lately, but we are glad to know she is convalescent. Mrs. Elizabeth Culpepper is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cal Hall, in Baker county. Mr. C. V. Stamper, of Bait, Ga., is a welcome visitor at Mr. Frank Beck’s. Mr. Owen Napier, of Nicholas ville, Ga., has moved back to our oommunitiy. Mr. Tom Beck was in our com¬ munity one day this week look¬ ing after his pecan farm and other business. Will close thanking Violet for her kind wishes. I am very anx¬ ious for Violet to make me a visit as I am very fond of violets, Henrietta. There is a movement on foot to form a new county for Georgia by taking a slice from Irwin, Dooly, Wilcox and Worth counties with Ashburn, which is in the north¬ east corner of Worth, as the coun¬ ty seat. Ttm has been talked of for some time but the movement seems to be getting some back¬ bone now and they may succeed. The Spring term of the Ca¬ milla High School closes today for the summer vacation- The closing exercises will be held Monday and Tuesday evening. To add new books to the school’s library, there will be a small ad- 1 mission of 10 cents charged.' Reserved seat tickets are on sale at the Lewis Drug Co. Baconton High School Exercises* On the night of May 20th a rare treat was given the Baconton people and of the community sur¬ rounding. It was occasion of the closing exercises of Baconton High School. Before the shad¬ ows of night began to fall people from all directions began to flow in, and by the hour appointed for opening, standing room in the ! auditorium was at a premium. I Prof. Whiteford and Mis* Col¬ | lins had cause for special grati¬ fication for the excellent manner in which the pupils acquitted themselves. The program was very fine, both in selection and execution, and the teachers show¬ ed rare ability and skill in the training of the children. AH deserve special mention, but in a manner rare, was ren¬ dered “Down at Aunty’s House,” by little Elizabeth Jackson, and the recitation, “The Raggedy Man,” by Lizzie Brown, would be hard to excel. The “Red Jack¬ et,” by Miss Alma Henley, and “Sheltered,” by Miss Fannie Flemming, wa3 of high order of merit. A play, with which the program closed, (except the delivery of medals) entitled, “SisterMasons” afforded a large fund of amuse¬ ment and side splitting laughter, and it is supposed by some that all the secrets of Masonry have been turned loose on the world. The exercises were interspersed with musical selections which were well chosen, and their ren¬ dition was so excellent as to show the faithfulness and efficiency of Miss Bacon in her training of the children. The Dr. Sharpe medal was won by Millard Winchester and Blannie Watson. These were delivered at the close of the exercises by Rev. C. T. Clark. Subscribe for the Enterprise- Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given of an intention to apply at the next session of the Gen¬ eral Assembly of the State of Georgia for the passage of a local or spec al bill, the title of which is as follows: “An Act to amend an Act, entitled: An Act to establish the City Court of Camilla, in and for the County of Mitchell, to de¬ fine its jurisdiction and jxjwers; to pro¬ vide for the appointment of a judge and other officers thereof, to define their powers and duties, and to abolish the present City Court of Mitchell County, and for other purposes, approved De¬ cember 15, 181)7, so as to provide that the judge and solicitor of said court shall be elected by the legally qualified voters of the county instead of being ap¬ pointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.” MM Everybody and the Children Will find it to their interest to go through and see the big values in Shoes, Ladies and Chil¬ drens’ Slippers, Hats and various other goods. Come and see for yourself and 3 be convinced that, we will save you money. Money is the best thing going, but it’s better coming. Yon will get all the money that is coming to you if you keep your business going with “C. T. Co.” Values. Call for HENRY CLAY Flour if you want the best. We liave a full and complete , i line of Groceries, etc. Call on us. We thank all for their liberal patronage given us in tue past and solicit a continuance in the future. CAMILLA TRADINCJCO. A. R. Patrick. M.TR. Freeman. Z. J. Arthur. Estrayed Mule. One medium s : zed dark brown mule, with white spots on hips and rump, about 7 or 8 years old, shod on fore feet and shows signs of having been worked to a tim¬ ber cart. Was taken up at my stables on Wednesday of this week. Owner can recover same by coming forward and paying charges. G. W. Swindle. You Know What You are Taking When you take Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simplv Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure. No pay. 50e. SO,000 Free Samples You Can Get One. BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and kidney and Bladder complaints, has met with almost instantaneous success be¬ cause it has made some noteworthy cures of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fir* Dept., writes: ** For months I suffered With my kid* Beys. I made every effort to get relief, but failed until I accidentally came in possession of a bottle of Black Weed. The relief obtained from its use was so great before half the first bottle had been used, that I put aside all other medicineB and am now sound and well, having been cured completely by Black Weed. ed. At At the the same same time time I I had had a an ag¬ gravated case of Catarrh of the head and throat. Black Weed has completely cured this, and my head is now as clear as a bell. BLACK WEED is sold by all drug¬ gists at $1.00 a bottle, or we will send prepaid upon receipt of price. Send Tour Name a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to¬ gether with our book containing valua¬ ble information and endorsements. Pleaee mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co., Atlanta. Go. __