The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, June 03, 1904, Image 3

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PETITION TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Dougherty After four weeks County. notice pursuant to Section 2546 of the Civil Code, a peti tion, of which a true and correct copy is subjoined, will be presented to the Hon. W. N. Spenee, Judge of the Superior Court, at Chambers, Camilla, Ga., on the 30th day of May 1904. W. N. Spence, J. S. C. A. C. GEORGLA—Dougherty County. To the Hou. W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said count}*. The petition of Oscar J. Neundorfer shows: 1. That he is the natural guardian of Willie Oscar Neundorfer, having given bond as such in Dougherty County*, Georgia. 2. That he desires to sell for reinvest¬ ment, at private sale, the following property, the same being all of estate of said ward towit: An undivided, one eighth’s interest in all of lot of land No. tliree hundred and ninety-six (396) in the tenth (10) district of Mitchell Coun¬ ty, Georgia, except twelve and eighty six one hundredths (12.86) acres in the shape of a trapezoid, in the northeast corner of said lot. heretofore sold off to T. E. Bailey: and thirty-seven and one half (37 1-2) acres, more or less, also in the shape of a trapezoid, in the north¬ east corner of said lot, heretofore sold off to J. P. Heath; and twenty-five (25) acres, more or less, in the shape of a par alelogram, cut off of the south eud of said lot, heretofore sold to J. L. Under¬ wood; the part of said lot hereby con¬ veyed being all of said lot except the tliree parcels heretofore mentioned, and said part hereby conveyed being and containing two hundred and eighteen and eighty-five-one-hundredths (218.85) acres, more or less; being bounded by the lines marked and established around the same in the survey made about the year 1887, by J. L. Stewart, County Surveyor, and the processioners of said county; the land hereby conveyed be¬ ing the part of said lot bought by W. H. Hoggard, Sr., from M. S. Poore, on November 25th, 1878, and described in the deed from said Poore to said Hog¬ gard as the balance of lot laud number three hundred and ninety-six (396) in the tenth (lOtli) district of Mitchell County, Georgia, purchased by M. S. Poore from Elijah Adams and contain¬ ing two hundred and seventy-nine (279) acres, more or less. Also twenty (20) acres of land in the northwest corner of lot of land number three hundred and sixty-five (865) in the tenth (10) district of Mitchell County, Georgia; said twenty (20) acres being bounded on the east by the Atlantic Coast Line Rail Road [formerly known as the S. G. & F. R. R.j and commen¬ cing at the Northern boundary of said lot number three hundred and sixty-five (365) and embracing all of said lot west of said railroad, extending far enough south to embrace twenty (20) acres, the south line thereof running due east and west, and being the north line of laud owned by J. L. Uunderwood; both ot said parcels hereby conveyed being known as the W. H. Hoggard place south of Camilla, Ga. 3. Said land pays very little rente and is a source of expense for taxes. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of said sale in real estate in A1 baay, Ga., where both petitioner and his ward resides, and where he can give said investment his personal attention. 5. Petitioner shows that notice of his intention to make tins application has been published once a week for four weeks as required by law, Oscar J. Neundorfkr, Guardian of Willie Oscar Neundorfer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30th day of April, 1904. R. P. Hall, Clerk Superior Court, Dougherty County, Georgia. GEORGIA—Dougherty County. Office of Clerk Superior Court of said connty. I, R. P. Hall, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original petition, now on file in this of¬ fice. Witness my hand and official signa¬ ture this 30th day of April, 1904. R. P. Hall, C. S. C. D. C„ Ga. CITATION* GEORGIA—Mitchell County. J. G Turner and T. R. Bennett, Exec¬ utors of T. R. Bennett, Sr., late of said county, deceased, having filed their pe¬ tition for discharge, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause against the granting of this discliarge at the regular term ot the Court of Ordinary for said connty tobe held on the first Monday in June, 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary. CITATION GEORGIA—Mitchell County. Notice is hereby given that the under¬ said signed lias applied for to the Ordinary of county leave to sell land belong¬ ing to the estate of Mrs. Mary Poore for the purpose of distribution. Said appli¬ cation will be heard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in June, 1904. This the 19th day of April, 1904. M. POORE, Adm’r upon es¬ tate of Mrs. Mary Poore. BOND ELECTION. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. At a meeting of the commissioners of roads and revenues for said county, held on the 10th day of May, 1904, the fol¬ lowing order was duly passed: Whereas, the interest of Mitchell Connty imperatively requires the erec¬ tion of a new jail, properly equipped, in said county and the interests of the tax¬ payers of said county may be best served by the issuing of bonds with which to secure funds to build and equip such jail in an amount not to exceed Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00). Now, therefore, It is ordered that the question of issu¬ ing such bonds of said county be sub¬ mitted to the qualified voters therein in accordance with law, and that the no¬ tice of said election shall be in the fol¬ lowing form, and said notice to be pub¬ lished in the newspaper in which the Sheriff’s Advertisements for said county are published, and calling said election to be held on the second (2nd) day of July, 1904. Notice of said election to he pasted at the polls for each precinct for four consecutive weeks, beginning on the 20th day of May, 1904. NOTICE OF ELECTION. To the qualified voters of Mitchell County: Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of July, 1904, an election will be held in the county of Mitchell, at which will be submitted to the qualified voters of said county for their determination the question whether bonds shall be is¬ sued by said county for the purpose of providing funds with which to build and equip a jail in said eounty. The amount of said bonds to be ($15,000.00) Fifteen Thousand Dollars, which are to bear date of June 1st, 1904, and tear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and the first day of January and July of each year; the principal to be paid on the first day of January, 1906, and Five Hundred dollars on the first day of January of each suc¬ ceeding year thereafter, up to and in¬ cluding the first day of January 1933, and One Thousand Dollars being the re¬ mainder of said principal, on the first day of January 1934, when said bonds are be fully paid off. Both principal and interest of said bonds to be payable in gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and fineness. Both principal and interest of said bonds to be payable at some financial institu¬ tion in the City of New York. The polls to be open at the various vo¬ ting precincts as follows: 1173 (list., Camilla 7 o’clock a. in. 1194 “ Pelham 8 “ 1299 “ Davis’ Mill 8 “ 1038 “ Branclivillo or Faircloth 8 “ “ 1548 “ Pebble City 8 “ 791 “ Maples 8 “ “ 626 “ Bacon ton 8 “ 1603 “ Algers 8 “ The polls to remain open from 8 o’¬ clock a. m. to 8 o’clock p. m. on that day, at all precincts, except Camilla, where they will close at 6 o’clock p. m. All those desiring to vote in favor of the issue of said bonds will do so by casting ballots having written or printed on them the words “FOR BONDS”: those desiring to vote against said issne will do so by casting ballots having written or printed upon them the words “AGAINST BONDS” Dated this the 10 dayof May, 1904. T. R Bennett, (L. 8.) Wyatt Adams, (L. S.) J. W. Everett, (L. S.) A. B. Joiner, (L. S.) J. G. Wood, (L. S.) County Commissioners. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. By resolution it was ordered that ad¬ vertisement for bids to build a new* jail be published as follows: Sealed proposals will be received by the Commissioners of roads and revenue of Mitchell connty, at the office of the Ordinary in the court house at Camilla, Ga., up to and including the eleventh day of July, 1904. First, For the furnishing of all labor and material with cell work and, Second. For the furnishing of all la¬ bor and material without cell work, ex¬ cept repairing and replacing of old cells: for a new county jail on a lot in the town of Camilla, Connty of Mitchell, State of Georgia, to be selected by said board of county commissioners in ac¬ cordance with plans and specifications to be on file after May 19th, 1904, in the office of the Ordinary at Camilla, Ga. The building to be two stories high, about 45x60 feet in size, constructed of brick, stone, terra-cotta and steel. The first floor will contain rooms for jailer, office and cell rooms. The second floor will contain rooms for jailer and cell rooms. Payments to be made as follows; 20 per cent, when the second floor is reach ed, 20 per cent, when the walls of the building are completed, 20 per cent. when the roof is completed; provided the building is let without ceil work. If the building is let with cell work, the above payments will be clianged to 15 percent, with 20 per cent, when cell work is on the ground. The remainder to be paid when the building is complete and accepted by said Board or their au¬ thorised agent. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent, of said bid payable to said commissioners, as a guarantee that in case the bid is accep¬ ted, lie will enter into contract at his hid, and give a good and solvent bond by or tlirough a surety bond company authorized to do business in the state of Georgia in an amount double his bid within twenty days after tiie contract is awarded him, and on his failure to com¬ ply with these terms, the said check to revert to and become the property of said eounty of Mitchell as liquidated damages. The right to reject any and all bids is nevertheless reserved by said Board of County Commissioners of Mitchell Coun¬ ty. T. R. Bennett, ) Wyatt Adams, / J. W. Everett, } ) L. S. A. B. Joiner, J. G. Wood, Petition for Incorporation. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. To tiie Superior Court of said County: The petition of A. R. Patrick, M. R„ Freeman and Z. J. Arthur, all of saidi state and county, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated under the name and style of the “CAMILLA TRADING CO.” 2. The term for which petitioners ask to be incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 8. The capital stock of the corpora¬ tion is to be Fifteen Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock from time (o time to an amount not exceeding Thirty Thousand Dollars. 4. Petitioners show that Ten Thous¬ and Dollars of said capital stock lias al¬ ready been actually paid in. 5. The object of the proposed corpo¬ ration is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a wholesale and rejail mercan¬ tile business, buying and selling for cash or on credit, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, notions, hate, and any other articles generally carried in a stock of general merchandise; groceries, hay, grain, cotton-seed, fertilizers; wagons, buggies, furniture, harness, saddles; hardware, glassware, crockery, etc: lumber, lime, brick and cement; horses and mules; and to buy and sell for cash or on credit any other article of goods and merchandise usually carried in a general store not specifically mentioned herein as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith; acting as general or special agents for other per¬ sons or companies- in selling or handling any articles or class of articles appropri¬ ate to a general mercantile business, or conveniently connected therewith, and to make contracts to act as such agents, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual, necessary and proper acts which pertain to or may be connected with the business of dealers in the arti¬ cles named; to buy and sell and to hold real estate incident to and necessary to the conduct and profitable management ’of said general mercantile business above outlined. 6. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be in the town of Camilla, said county and state. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law. This May 27, 1904. Ernest M. Davis, Petitioners’ Attorney. GEORGIA—Mitchell Connty. I, S. E. Cox, Clerk of Superior Court of said eounty, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing 'is a true and correct copy of petition for charter this day filed by A. R. Patrick, M. R. Free¬ man and Z. J. Arthur, as appears of rec¬ ord in this office. S. E. COX, C. S. C. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice is hereby given of an intention to apply at the next session of the Gen¬ eral Assembly of the State of Georgia for the passage of a local or special bill, the title of which is as follows: “An Act to amend an Act, entitled: An Act to establish the City Court of Camilla, in and for the Cotinty of Mitchell, to de¬ fine its jurisdiction and powers; to pro¬ vide for the appointment of a judge and other officers thereof, to define their powers and Court duties, and to abolish the City of Mitchell County, and for other purposes, approved De¬ 15, 1897, so as to provide that the judge and solicitor of said court be elected by the legally qualified of the county instead of being ap¬ by the Governor, by and with advice and consent of the Senate.’ flY STAND Is at the Depot. am here to furnish to the Public Brick, Rough and Dressed Lumber At prices that are Fair. See me and save money. I carry a nice, new line of GROCERIES. My motto shall be: “Fair Dealing and Prompt Service.” Command me and your goods shall be delivered at your door. J. F. Clark. FOR THE MAN AND FOR THE HORSE DR. TICHENOR’S ANTISEPTIC IS WITHOUT EQUAL FOR WOUNDS, BRUISES, SPRAINS, LAME JOINTS, STRAINED and SORE MUSCLES, also cures COLIC, GRAMPS, HEADACHE, NEURAL6IA and INDI6ESTI0N For COLIC and B0TTS In HORSES and MULES and for SCRATCHES and FOOT-EVIL it is a sovereign remedy Price; 10c. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle Sample Free Sherrouse Medicine Co. New Orleans HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, §§ Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience. |§ Expert Handlers »f ^ Sea Island As well as ’ Upland Cotton, Liberal cash Advances against consignments. Money loaned to’cotton shippers on Approved se¬ curity. Large dealers in Sea Island and Upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. WRITE FOR TERMS, 126 East Bay St. Savannah, 0a. Plint River & North-eastern Ry. Co. Effective February 4tli 1004, 10:00 n. m No. 3 No 1 Daily Niles Miles No 2 Daily No 4 A. M. STATIONS P M 10 30 0 Lv Pelham Ar 25 4 10 10 40 1 ACL Junction 24 400 1105 6 Cotton 18 3 18 11 10 2 Riley 15 3 13 11 13 1 Hinson 13 310 11 23 n Floride 11 3 00 1135 21 Akridge 9 2 50 1150 2 Sale City 6 2 35 12 00 1 Jonesboro 1 2 25 12 10 2 Tuton Junction 0 2 15 12 20 3 Port Arthur 3 2 10 12 30 3 Ar Tichnor Lv 0 2 00 Connections: No. 1 Pelham Ga., Atlantic Coast Line No. 2 Tichnor Ga., Georgia Northern Ry. . W. Byrd, Geh. Man. D. M. Rogers, Gen. Sn t