The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, June 03, 1904, Image 5

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'fTTTTTTVTTfTTTTTTfTTTTTTT • • ••Local News... •AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAaAA Globe & Mason Fruit Jars at Camilla Supply Co’s. Dr. J. P. Sharp was here from Bacoirion Sunday. Mr. Gordon Glausier, of Bacon ton, was here Monday. Miss Annie Collins returned from Bacon ton Sunday. Mr. C. A. Schneider was here from Americas Tuesday. Latest style ladies’ corsets at 29c at Cincinnati Bargain House. Mr. Morris Tift of Albany, was here on business Tuesday. Mr. Jamie Keaton was here from Pelham Wednesday. Miss Irma Lewis is the guest of Mrs. P. L Lewis this week. Mr- Emmstt McAfee, of Smith ville, spent this week in the city. Men’s Linen Collars, the latest style, 5e. ac thj Cincinnatti Bargain House. Miss Jamie T. Bullard is visit¬ ing Miss Annie Kate Holton this week. Miss Maggie Burnett is in the city visiting her sister Mrs. C. A. Roles. Mr. Lee Hand and sister Miss Emily, were here from Pelham this week. Write at once to Stanley’s Bu¬ siness College, Macon, Ga., for special low rates. Miss Rosa Hart, of Thomasvilie, was the guest of Miss Willie Bot¬ toms Tuesday. Miss Susie Spence left Tues¬ day for Atlanta to visit her aunt, Mrs. Susie Rayan Mr. McClellan, a prominent traveling man of Dawson was in the city Wednesday. Miss Caro Twitfcy, pf Pelham, is the charming guest of Miss Annie Grace Brimberry this week. We can furnish brick from one to one million. Any quantity wanted. Holton & Harrell. Mr. Lem Cochran spent Sun¬ day in the city, returning to Monday. Miss Clara McClain, of Pelham, attended commencement exer¬ cises here Monday night. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and save money. J. P. Clark. Prof. J. T, McRee, returned Tuesday from a pleasant out ; ng at Hampton Springs, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Sellars, of Faircloth were the guests of Mrs. W. B. Ward Wednesday. Mrs. D. A. Spence, of Pelham, was in the city Wednesday with her sister Mrs. J. H, Hilliard. Don’t fail to get a 506 pound of tobacco for 25c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Mr. G, B. Baggs has purchas¬ ed a handsome turnout. Look¬ out! Somebody is going to ride. Mrs. Hinton Brazier, of Hum¬ ber, Ga., is visiting her mother Mrs- W- R. C. Holton this week. Messrs. J. T. Holton and J. T. Collins attended the Holton-Bra zier marriage at Humber, Ga-, last Sunday. Messrs. Holton & Harrell, who are handling all kinds of building material have just received a new supply of brick and lumber. All crops and vegetation of ev¬ ery kind has taken on new life since the rains of the first of the week. At last the . drouth has been broken by splendid rain falls sev¬ eral afternoons and evenings of the past week. We are sole agents for Queen Quality Shoes for women. Per¬ fection in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. Mi. Geo. P. Butler, who is now in the livery business at Live Oak, Fla., spent this week in the city with his mother, Mrs. J. B, Butler. Lot Show Cases cheap, small Safe, $10, larger ones $20, $35, Desk SJ. C. J. Daniels, Atlanta, , : a. C. J. Daniels, Atlanta, Ga., is closing out Wall paper at cost, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8c, 9c, 10c, etc- per roll. Write for samples. Mrs. R. E. L. Spence and Miss Genie Underwood have returned from a visit to Mrs. C. S. Hodges at Cyrene, and relatives in Bain bridge. Mr. J. L. Palmer, Col. E. M. Davis and Col. S. S. Bennet, spent a portion of this week in Atlanta taking in the state con¬ vention. Having bought the Lewis Drug Go’s, interest in the laundry bus¬ iness. I will be pleased to have the patronage of all friends. C. C. Baggs. Mr. Faulton Shiver was at home this week, after spending sometime inPoulan. Worth coun¬ ty, Ga., where he has made some investments. Miss Pearl Ledbetter and Misses Flemming, of Newton, were the charming guests of Mrs. W. W. Cullens and Mrs. J. C- Turner this week Miss Clara Freeman, one of the honor graduates of the Camilla High School, left yesterday for home at Tolberton, Ga. She was accompanied by Mrs. F. L Lewis Col. Walter Park returned to his home at Blakely yesterday morning. Col. Park formerly taught school here and has many warm friends in Camilla were glad to see him again. Mr. Aubrey Allen, eldest son of the editor of the Enterprise, left last Tuesday for Maeon, where he will take a thorough course at Stanley’s Business School. Commencement exnrci-ea and school closings for the Sp ring term have been the order of the day for the past two weeks and now teachers and pupils arc happy in the enjoyment of their summer vacation. Seven weeks of dry weather a-companied by real cool nights has retarded the growth of crops NICELY BALANCED! Summer Warmth j i Refreshing Cool f Drinks. Woman’s tongue is still her power, And so, 'twill be till times’s last hour; Then be quick to tou ch her taste, Fancy fare, delie ious drink, haste r ° Lewis Dt *ug Company. Nunnally’s and Lowney’s Candy fresh every Friday. * no little, yet it was hot without its benefits, as it enao'ed the farmers to put their crops in ex¬ cellent state of cultivation. The Enterprise n pleased to know that Judge Spence, who was reported quite sick last week, was sufficiently recovered to be able to attend the state conven¬ tion. He will spend several days in North Georgia recuperating. Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and Hammock; the best on earth. Camilla Supply Co Miss Toy Spence, who is a 1901 graduate of Brenau College, Gainesville, is at home for the holi¬ days. She was accompanied by her mother, Mrs. W. N. Spence, who attended the commence¬ ment of that excellent school last week, Mr, W. H. Culpepper was here this week preparing to move his family to their new home in Al¬ bany, and while the good people of Camilla regret to lose these excellent people as citizens, they wish for them success and hap¬ piness in their new home. Just received at the Cincinnatti Bargain House eleven barrels of the latest kind of fancy glass ware, such as pitchers, tumblers, butter dishes, sugar dishes, spoonholders, tooth-pick holders, card trays. All will go cheap. Come quick and get the first choice. Mr. Meri Underwood is at home from School at Locust Grove, lie expects to attend Mercer University’s Summer School and enter the sophomore class next fall. These boys all say that it is a great comfort to them in their hard work away from home to read the new:,y columns of the Enterprise, Mr. T. W. Dollar of Coffee Springs, Ala., spent last week with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Mor¬ gan, in this city. Mr. Dollar is an old Georgia boy, but was on the sick list while here and did not get out to see much of the town which he had not visited be fore in eight years, but he still thinks it is a fine ol 1 town. Mr. Fred D. Miller, of Atlanta, the general traveling passencrer agent of the Illinois Central Kail road, better known as the Dixie Flyer, to St. Louis, Chicago and the Northwest, was a visitor to Camilla last week. Mr. Miller was accompanied by Mr. E. J Walker, Fla. Pass. Agent of the C. and St, L-, with headquar¬ ters at Jacksonville, Fla. Tor Sale. I hereby offer my new six room residence, on north side of Broad street, about half way between the court house and the depot, for sale. The build ug is new and well finished inside and out. For particulars call on 11 L. Raohals. Everybody and the Children Will find it to their interest to go through and see the big values in Shoes, Ladies and Chil¬ drens’ Slippers, Hats and various other goods. Come and see for yourself and he .convinced that we will save you money. Money is the best tiling going, but it’s better coining. You will got all the money that is coming to you if you keep your business going with ‘C. T. Co.” Values. Hour Gull for HENRY CLAY | if you want the best. We have a full and complete line of Groceries, etc. Call on us. We thank all for their liberal patronage given us in tne past and solicit a continuance in the future. CAMILLA TRADINCgCO., A. R. Patrick. M.'R. Freeman. Z. J. Arthur.