The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, June 17, 1904, Image 7

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Petition for Incorporation. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of A. T. Jones, W. A. West, H. T. Barnes, and H. H. Jones, all of said eonnty, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors, and assigns to become incorporated under the name and style of “SALE CITY GINNING COMPANY.” 2. The term for which petitioners ask to become incorporated is twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of said corpora¬ tion is to be Four Thousand Dollars (4,000.00), divided into shares of Twen¬ ty-five Dollars each. Petitionser, how¬ ever, ask the privelege of increasing said capital stock, from time to time, to not exceeding, in the aggregate. Twenty five Thousand Dollars. 4. Ten per cent, of said capital stock of Four Thousand Dollars has already been paid in. 5. The object of the proposed oarjxw ation is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to ac¬ quire, erect, own, stud operate ootton ginneries, for the ginnery of long mid short staple cotton, aud grist mills, saw mills, and other nulls and machinery that can be profitably operated in con¬ nection with said imtckiBcry specifically mentioned. Petitioners propose also to buy and sell and otherwise deal in cot¬ ton, cotton seed, oorn .and their products, of and to carry on the business ware¬ housemen, and to engage in other busi¬ ness of a similar nature to those men¬ tioned or that may be carried on profitably in connection with those mentioned, and to act as general and special agents for other persons and companies engaging in any of said business, and to exercise the usuid powers and to do all usual, necessary, and proper acts which pertain to, or may be connected with, the busi¬ ness mentioned. 6. The principal office and place of business of the proposed corporation will be in the Town of Sale City, in said county. to be made Wherefore petitioners pray a body corporate, under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges, and immunities, mid subject tolthe liabilities, fixed by law. This June 4. 1904. Sam S. Bennet, Attorney for Petitions. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Office of the Clerk of Superior Court. I, S. E. Cox, do certify that the fore¬ going is a correct copy of the petition for incorporation of the Sale City Gin¬ ning Company now on file in my office. Witness my official signature and seal, tins June 4, 1904. S. E. Cox, Clerk Sujierior Court. PETITION TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. To the Hon. W. N. Spence, Judge of the Superior Court of said county: The petition of C, R. Nesmith shows: 1st, That he is guardian of Erma Ulma Nesmith, having been heretofore duly appointed as such guardian in said county. sell for 2nd. That lie desires to rein¬ vestment at private sale the following property, the same being a part of the estate of the said ward, to-wit: That house and two town lots in the town of Pelham, said state and county, lying on the south side of Barrow Avenue in said town and known as lots No. Three (8) and No. Four (4), Block No. 16, ac¬ cording to survey of Thrupp and Avenue Thrupp, said lots facing on Barrow 200 feet, more or less, and extending back south 200 feet, more or less. 3rd. Said land pays very little profit and is a source of expense In the form of taxes, etc. 4th. Petitioner desires to invest the proceeds of said sale in certain other lands in the town of Pelham, Ga., which will yield a greater annual jirofit and be a better and more profitable source of income. '5th. Petitioner shows that notice of intention to make this application for lias been published once a week four weeks, as required by law. C. R. Nesmith. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 11th day of May 1904. C. M. Bawls, Notary' Public. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. After four weeks notice, pursuant to section 2546 of the Civil Code, a petition, of which the foregoing is a true and correct copy, will be presented of to the Hon. W. N. Spence, Judge the Su¬ perior Court, at his office in Camilla, Ga., on the 4tli day of June, 1904. C. R. Nesmith, Guardian Erma Ulma Nesmith. Notice of Local Legislation. GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Notice is hereby given of an intention to apply at the next session of the Gen¬ eral Assembly of the State of Georgia for the passage of a local or special bill, the title of which is as follows:—“An Act to Prohibit the Sale of Spirituous, Vinous and Malt Liquors and Intoxi¬ cating Bitters and Ciders in the County of Mitchell, except as in tills Act pro¬ vided: to regulate, amt central the sale thereof tluough the medium of dispen¬ saries, one to be located in the town of Camilla, also one in each of the sev¬ eral incorporated towois in said county', to establish and perpetuate a board of commissioners for the management of Kuch dispensaries, and to prescribe their powers and duties, and for other pur¬ poses.” This Gth day Jline, of 1904. Notice to Contractors. County. By resolution it was ordered that ad¬ for bids to build a new jail published as follows: Sealed proposals will be received by Commissioners of roads and revenue Mitchell county, at the office of the in the court, house at. Camilla, up to and including the eleventh of July, 1904. First. For the fumisliing of all labor material with cell work and, Second. For the furnishing of all la¬ and material without cell work, ex¬ repairing and replacing of old cells: a new county jail on a lot in the of Camilla, County of Mitchell, of Georgia, to be selected by' said of county' commissioners in ac¬ with plans and specifications be on file after May 19th, 1904, in the of the Ordinary at Camilla, Ga. The building to be two stories high, 45x60 feet in size, constructed of stone, terra-cotta and steel. The first floor will contain rooms for office and cell rooms. The second floor will contain rooms for jailer and rooms. Payments to be made as follows; 20 per cent, when the second floor is reach ed, 20 per cent, when the walls of the building are completed, 20 per cent, when the roof is completed; the building is let, without ceil work. If the building is let with cell work, tlie above payments will be changed to 15 per cent, with 20 per cent, when work is on the ground. The to be paid when the building is and accepted by said Board or their au¬ thorized agent. Each bid must be accompanied by' a certified check for ten per cent, of bid payable to said commissioners, as guarantee that in case the bid is ted, lie will enter into contract at bid, and give a good and solvent by or through a surety bond ant homed , to do business in the state Georgia in an amount double his within twenty days after the contract awarded him, and on his failure to ply with these terms, the said cheek revert to and become the property said county of Mitchell as damages. The right to reject any and all bids nevertheless reserved by said Board County Commissioners of Mitchell ty. T. R. Bennett, ) J. Wyatt Adams* j W. Everett, 1 L. H. J. A. G. B. Wood, Joiner, j [ Petition for Incorporation. GEORGIA—Mitchell Comity. To the Superior Court of said County: The petition of A. R. Patrick, M. It. Freeman and Z. J. Arthur, all of state and county, respectfully shows: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns, to become incorporated under the and style of the “CAMILLA CO.” 2. The term for which" ask to he incorporated is twenty' years, with the privilege of renewal at the of that time. 3. The capital stock of the corpora¬ tion is to be Fifteen Thousand Dollars, divided into shares of One Hundred Dollars each. Petitioners, however, ask the privilege of increasing said capital Kt<xdi from time to time to an amount not exceeding Thirty Thousand Dollars. 4. Petitioners show that Ten Thous¬ and Dollars of said capital stock lias al¬ ready been actually paid in. 5. The object of the proposed corpo¬ ration is pecuniary profit and gain to its stockholders. Petitioners propose to carry on a wholesale and retail mercan¬ tile business, buying and selling for cash on credit, dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, notions, hats, and any' other generally carried in a stock of general merchandise; groceries, hay, cotton-seed, fertilizers; wagons, furniture, harness, saddles; hardware, glassware, crockery, etc: lumber, lime, brick and cement ; horses and mules; and to buy and sell for cash or on credit any' other article of goods and merchandise usually carried in a general store not specifically mentioned herein as may be profitably handled and sold in connection therewith; acting as general or special agents for other per¬ sons or companies in selling or liandling any articles or class of articles appropri¬ ate to a general mercantile business, or conveniently connected therewith, and to make contracts to act as such agents, and to exercise the usual powers and to do all usual, necessary and proper acts wliich pertain to or may be connected with the business of dealers in the arti¬ cles named; to buy and sell and to hold real estate incident to and necessary to the conduct and profitable management said general, mercantile business above outlined. 6. Hie principal office and place of of the proposed corporation will be in the town of Camilla, said county' and state. Wherefore petitioners pray to be made a body corporate under the name and style aforesaid, entitled to the rights, privileges and immunities and subject to the liabilities fixed by law'. This May 27, 1904. Ernest M. Davis, Petitioners’ Attorney. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. I, S. E. Cox, Clerk of Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of petition for charter this day' filed by A. R. Patrick, M. R, Free¬ man and Z. J. Arthur, as appears of rec¬ ord in this office. S. E. COX, C. S. C. Notice of Local Legislation, Notice is hereby given that an applica¬ tion will be made at the June session of the General Assembly of Georgia, 1904, to pass an act, entitled as follows: “An Act to repeal and Act to amend an Act establishing a new charter for the town of Camilla, Georgia, approved Oct. 24, 1887, so as to add to Section 26 of said Act, the following proviso, tow'it;—Pro¬ vided, that said Mayor and Council shall not have power and authority to issue any license to any persons whatsoever, to sell ardent spirits, malt liquors, wines, ciders, or other intoxicants, within the corjxirate limits of said town, except up¬ on tiie written consent of two-thirds of the Bona Fide resident freeholders of said town owning real estate within the corporate limits of said town. Approved September the 2nd, 1889. Notice of Local Legislation. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. Notice apply is hereby given of an intention to at the next session of tho-Gen eral Assembly of the State of Georgia for the passage of a local or special bill, the title of which is as follows: “An Act to amend an Act, entitled: An Act to establish the City' Court of Camilla, in and for the County of Mitchell, to de¬ fine its jurisdiction the and ’powers;' to pro¬ vide for appointment of a judge and other officers thereof, to define their powers and duties, and to abolish the present City Court of Mitchell County, and for other purposes, approved De cember 15, 1897, so as to provide that the judge and solicitor of said court shall be elected by the legally' qualified voters of the county instead of being ap¬ pointed by the Governor, by tiie and with the advice and consent of Senate.” This 24th day' of May', 1904. Horse Colic and Its Cure. One of the most fruitful causes of colic is the too common habit of allowing horses to partake of large draughts of water im¬ mediately after finishing a feed of oats. There is no surer way of generating an attack of colic than this, the reason being that when a large quantity of water is thus imbibed it has the effect of carrying with it out of the stom¬ ach and into the intestines some of the freshly eaten grain. This grain, being still in a raw and undigested condition, its effect when it reaches the intestines is to give rise to irritation and in flamation which are the immedi¬ ate cause of the colic. In deal¬ ing with cases of this kind the most obvious course to adopt is to take precautions to prevent the animals fiom drinking large quantities of water under the cir¬ cumstances justreferred to, When an animal falls a victim to an at¬ tack of colic, the best thing to do is to administer a dose consisting of one ounoe of laudanum and two ounces of sweet spirits of nitre, along with half a pint of whiskey in some hot water. Very often simple cases of colic yield to the administration of a couple of ounces of cooking soda, diluted with water, and given as soon is the first symptoms of the attacks are noticed. Should the admin¬ istration of this cooking soda fail to give the desired relief, no time should be lost in following it up with laudanum and spirits of nitre already suggested.—Home and Farm. ___ Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner¬ vousness, sleeplessness, or stomach up¬ sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis¬ member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu¬ late the kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish un¬ der its searcliing and thorough effec¬ tiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c and that is returned if it don’t give per¬ fect satisfaction. Guaranteed by all .druggists. flY STAND Is at the Depot . am here to furnish to the Public Brick, Rough and Dressed Lumber At prices that are Fair. See me and save money. I carry a nice, new line of GROCERIES. My motto shall be: “Fair Dealing and Prompt Service/' Command me and your goods shall be delivered at your door. Phone 42. J. F. Clark. niG fcSTvftMI ' m Ttt£ world: i W BRONLHOOA > When you get run-over by an “Auto” apply DR. TICHENOR’S ANTISEPTIC Then sit down and watch the wounds heal Does it like magic—No pain, no suppuration Good also for COUG, CRAMPS and INDIGESTION lOc 50c and $1.00 a bottle It you catch cold from the breezes, use U l, BRON-CHO-DA Cures C0UGH3 25c -colds bottle and S0RE throat —-- a SHERROUSE MEDICINE CO., Mfrs. and Props., New Orleans, La. HUNTER, PEARCE & BATTEY, §§ Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience, g§ Expert Handlers of — - Sea Island As well as " Upland Cotton. Liberal cash Advances against consignments. Money loaned to_cotton shippers on Approved se¬ curity. Large dealers in Sea Island and Upland Bagging, Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties. WRITE FOR TERMS, 126 East Bay St. Savannah, Ga. Klint River & Nortli-eastern Ry. Co. Effective February -Itli 100-5, 10i30 a. m No. 3 No 1 Daily Miles Miles No 2 Daily No i A. M. STATIONS P M 10 30 0 Lv Pelham Ar 25 4 10 10 40* 1 ACL Junction 24 4 00 11 05 6 Cotton 18 3 18 11 10 2 Riley 15 3 13 11 13 1 Hinson 13 3 10 11 23 n Florida 11 3 00 1135 2| Akridge 9 2 50 1150 2 Sale City 6 2 35 12 00 1 Jonesboro 1 2 25 12 10 2 Tuton Junction 0 2 15 12 20 3 Port Arthur 3 2 10 12 30 3 Ar Tichnor Lv 0 2 00 Connections: No. 1 Pelham Ga., Atlantic Coast Line No, 2 Tichnor GaGeorgia.Northern Ry. J. W. Byrd, Geh. Man. D. M. Rogers, Gen. Sn P t