The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, June 24, 1904, Image 2

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50,000 Free Samples You Can Get One. ■p BLACK WEED, the great vegetable K* Z2SZZZZZ 2 with Almost instantaneous success be cause it has made some noteworthy cores of very severe cases. Mr. John Post, of the Atlanta Fire Dept., writes: '■ For months I suffered with my kid¬ neys. I m»d every effort to got relief, hot failed until 1 accidentally cairte in pommion of a bottle of Black Weed. Tim relief obtained front its use was go j-r-at before half the first bottle had ie":i used, that I put aside all other raedimshs and tan now sound and well, Slaving been cured completely by Black Weed. At the same time I had an ag¬ gravated ease of Catarrh of the head and throat. Black Weed head has completely cared this, and my is now aa clear u a bell.” BLACK WEED is sold by all drug¬ gist* at $1.00 a bottle, or wa will send prepaid upon receipt of price. Send Yottr Kama "It’r a trial sample of this great remedy, which will be sent absolutely free, to gether with our book containing valua¬ ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co., ____ Atlanta, Go,__ SProfessional Cards J. L UNDERWOOD, Attorwev-at-Law and Estate. _ Office in Bennett's Buil ling, 11 reet. _______________ K. I „ l.BWls, 1‘HVSH'I VN AND SnitOROV. < ffilce at Drug Smreof Lewis Drug Co's., dn ing the dav. at night. Prompt atu-ntion given to all calls. 1 A Rush, R D Bush I. A. BU>H A SON’S, AttOC.SEV -AT-La w, Camiixa, Ua. . COtiitictCial law a specialty. 1.0, D alter, Ir. W. II. 11 DASHER & HO JO ARP, Attounkys-at-Law, Camilla, 0 a. 'thee in Enterprise Building. --------- L». A. SPENCE, Dent At. Surgeon, Pelham, Ga. Office in new City 11 II. The best quality of work reasonable charges. Your tronage soliuitaied Dr. J. L. Brown, Physician and Surgeon, Camilla, Georgia, ! Residence phono I. Office phono 30. Fire Insurance, J. C. Turner, Agent. represents the following Fire I n¬ surance Companies: Liverpool and London and Globe. Hartford Fire. Home Insurance C»of N- Y. Greenwich insurance Co YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED Zlp*t9*date 6 foods at the Old Reliable J. W. Joiner’s Jewelry Store, Albany, - Georgia. ____jl ccmm mi or...... •; Watches. Clocks, Jewelry.J Stiver and Plate Wares, • • Cutlery, Nations, Fancy Ar¬ ticles, Stationery, etc. All kinds of Repairing Watches, Clocks, Jewelry at short order and at lowest pri¬ ces. I reapeottully laoUott a portion of the pubUo patronage. J • J. W. Joiner, Washington St. ALBANY. G South Georgia’s Great Devel opement. Y\e find the following facts about YViregrass Georgia in the Brunswick Journal. They are w'orth re-printing. In speaking of the development Georgia, the second and e!ev -n* <^-onal dI. Wrf.claim ^ irst attention by Brunswick as the great pert for them, The gain of the second in population from 1890, 166,000 to 1900, 226,000, was 374 per cen‘. The gain in the eleventh district from 1890, 157,000, to 1900, 227, 000, was 43.4 per cent. Thus have these two districts grown from those with the least popu¬ lation'in the state. This rate of increase is exceeded in the period from 1900 to 1904 over 100 per cent. Single crops of 150 acres, many crops ranging from 50 to 100 acres, 5 to 10 acre crops com¬ mon through the sugar cane area. Small stations shipping 15 barrels of syrup per year. Large areas devoted to fruit culture, other large areas to water melons and cantaloupes. Hay raised and baled and surplus shipped in many counties of the two dis¬ tricts. Increased interest in all class of live stock, increased quantify and improved quaiity. Pecan orchards coming in bear¬ ing, diversification of crops, num bers of cities increasing largely in population, in manufacturing and wealth, notably Way cross and Valdosta. Prosperity evident in better homes, better outbuildings, better teams, better schools and new and beautiful Court Houses. And yet this fourteen years of prosperity is but a commence¬ ment of a movement which for the balance of the present census period will astonish even partici¬ pants in it when gathered in sta¬ tistics for the next census. Over ono thousand miles of rivers in these two districts have within -their swamps vast areas of hardwoods of almost end¬ less variety, suitable for furni¬ ture, for carriages and wagons, for plow and reaper and mower f rames, for handles to all classes of tools. The utilization of tho unsightly Yellow Pine Stump by distilla ion, and sale of its products, wood, alcohol, turpentine, crosslies, tar, charcoal comes just when it is needed to clear our fields and thus permit the use of improved ma¬ chinery. The way is being paved for us by the agricultural department lo utilize a vast source of wealth in our sweet potatoe crop converted into starch, into alcohol money crops. Georgia’s great ports must reap the benefit of this wonderful giowth largely. The surplus must find a market through these gateways to the world’s markets. We are keeping pace with the wonderful growth and develop¬ ment of the South whose climate is worth more than her soil and whose soil is suited for a vast and varied agriculture. Triumps of fiCodern Surgery. Wonderful t hings are done for the hu¬ man body by surgery. Organs an* ta¬ ken out and scraped and polished and put back, or they may be removed en¬ tirely; bones are spliced; pipes take the place of diseased sections of veins; anti¬ septic dressings are applied to wounds, bruises, burns and £like injuries before i iflammation sets in, which causes them to heal without maturation and in one third the time required by the old treat¬ ment. Chamberlain's Pain Bairn acts on this same principle. It :s an antisep¬ tic and wheu applied to such injuries, causes them to heal very quickly. It also allays the pain and soreness. Keep a bottle of Pain Balm in your home and it will save you time and money, not to mention the inconvenience and suffering which snob injuries entail. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. J. B. Wilson Co., S.J0 fil « splendid bargains to the public in rf Are offering <tg M Hardware and Plantation Supplies. m 3| M ft A full l ine of Cutlery. o ml Stoves: all sizes and prices to suit the 7'&[[:(_/>! See our line of Mi fa' 33 times. &§ mi -A full line of? B m Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings. mm i€i n m We want your trade and will take pleasure in showing you goods and quote you the fa .61 H lowest prices. o«r ’Phone is No. 48. J. B. Wilson Company. jig! t*/*r*P* ?*r*F*r* ** This is from the Philadelphia Record: “Recent illustrations of the fact that the negro question is not confined to thi south are to be found in the race riot which resulted in the serious injury of live persons right here in the Quaker City on Memorial day, and in a somewhat similar dis¬ turbance in New York city with in the past week. According to ail accounts the negroes here were seeking trouble and kept t n until they found it. Superficial observance alone is necessary to show that the tough negroes are growing tougher and more arro¬ gant every day. Were it not for their use as tools of political lingters they would be brought to terms in short order.” L ewis Drug Company a k the readers of this paper to test the vt lae of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Those persons who have used it and who have been cared by it, do not hesitate to rec¬ ommend it to their friends. Kodol di¬ gests what you eat, cures indigestion, dj spepsia and all stomach troubles. In¬ creases strength hv enabling the stom¬ ach and digestive organs to contribute to the Mood all of the nutriment contained in the food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant and palatable. The question of local taxation for school purposes is being fa¬ vorably discussed in many sec¬ tions of the state. The question of an amendment to the Consti¬ tution of the State will be submit¬ ted to the people this fall and if favorably met. will enable ev¬ ery community, that may so de¬ sire, to pass upon the question of local taxation for school purposes without the necessity of a legis¬ lative act.—Thomaston Times. It should become a law. For A Hundred Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Haz¬ el has been recognized as a supt ri >r remedy, but it remained for E. C. De Witt & Co., of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antiseptics, in the form of a salve. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The high standing of tins salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the public is advised to look for the name “DeWitt” on the package, and accept no other. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. The Albany He-aid offers the following; “When a man gets religion and then starts outto pay¬ ing his debts there is reason for the belief that he has got the real thing.” To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c l\ah ighLamar, The Leading Blacksmith, Corner Scott and N. Broad Sts. Is prepared to do first-class work Blacksmithing. Horse=shoeing, and General Repairing. . . ,! When in need of work call on me. Cggggjs Look This Way. SL Having purchased ths interest of Mr, R. L. Rachals in 11 m formed the Lumber co-partnership and Building and material will be pleaded Business, we have j|gj a to serve the public with anything they want in all kin Is of Lumber, Mouldings, Brick and Lime As well as all others kinds of Building Material, -i25. lltdlflg Mantles, Doors, Sash and Blinds..... Call to see us and get prices. Yours for Businrss, HOLTON & HARRELL. AVERT COMFANV eSt 51 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers Saw Mills All Kinds of to CD c ‘cr c UJ jsr o £ Lju CD 03 oc LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patant Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Looks, Steam Governors Mill Suovlies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or Catg ’ v WW“ =‘ . 34.97.”.‘5' a 42—5. - .75 ~ S; rm:- K “;:."~., W ‘ :53“, ’ L1“? §§T$ a; 1.. >V_ Wk‘ - ‘ . £21.53, ‘ @qfir "1" _‘ V‘s g:- V ‘rc’! ‘ . 9 fl: “"{éilifr ‘gggfiOj \ 1 ‘. ‘ ; I ' ”fl": 'i-‘i-“w 11mg " ._ W'Vgfi . Wm JL. CO JLi J= O 5 C8 CO ■*-* C/2 CD