The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, June 24, 1904, Image 8

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Bargain Seekers an d Buyers ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■MBBMBHMHMMBMMBMBMMBMBWMHWMHMKMBMMMBBMaWMMBaMaMgKWES WMi it I II n ..... I ■ ! IH igaMBIIIIMB IMB«B«nWWMMgaWBWHWaaeMM8MMnWMMWBaWWBBMWMMMWWaH»gWB wfk Wl/ Of up-to-date merchandise; we call your special attention to our large stock of General Merchandise. Our line comprises every department. Dry Goods. Clothing. Embroidery and Lace. Hardware. All the New Goods for Sum¬ Already a large number of All new and attractive pat¬ The leading Hardware House mer at reduced prices. Suits and extra pants for men on terns. in Georgia. hand. Supply still coming. Millinery. Hats. Muslin Underwear. Groceries. A full stock of New Millinery We guarantee satisfied custo¬ to select from. No way tokeep ns from selling mers. All underwear well made. Banner Flour, the best on the hats. We have them. the market. Shoes. Umbrellas. Furniture and headquarters for Foot¬ Mattings. mm )/a Always Too many kinds to mention; wear. will sell at reduced prices- Several cars to select from. BAGGS & PERRYS j ^ DEPARTMENT STORK. Commissioners’ Court Proceed¬ ings. May 10, 1904. The County Commissioners met as per adjournment. Present, T. R. Bennett, A. B. Joiner, Wyatt Adam, J. W. Everett, and J. G. Wood. The m’nutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On mo¬ tion it was ordered that a new Justice Court House be built at Algiers 1003 District G. M. and that contract for'[same be let to the lowest bidder. J. W. Everett and Wyatt Adams were appoint¬ ed as a committee to have a bridge near Doss Culpepper’s and one on Lost Creek repaired. The following committee, T, R. Ben¬ nett and A. B. fjoiner, were ap¬ pointed to accept the new bridge being built near Branchville across the slough, if the same was built and completed as per contract, On motion the new road in the 10th District known as the Pelham and Hinson road was sustained so far as the line of said road complied with the plot of the same and it was also order¬ ed that the commissioners pro¬ ceed to have the road worked as other public roads are worked. On motion the plans and specifi¬ cations of Dodson & Bynum, of Montgomery, for ^building new jail was accepted. The following accounts were presented, approved, and ordered paid, to wit: R, L. & J. T. Broadaway, lumber, 86,65; R. L. Lightfoot, lumber $6.91; C.T. Pullen .lumber, 811.12; Cater Pullen, lumber, 822.16; J. H. Bailey, m’d’se, .25; I. Smith, Jail aco’t, $44.10; W. A. Fair cloth, Dep’t. Sheriff acc’t, $21.14; Baggs & Perry, insurance on Court House and m’d’se acc’t, $162.25; BuHer, Heath, <fc Butler. Guano, §29.28: Camilla Enter¬ prise, printing &c., $11,50; But¬ ler, Heath, & Butler, guano, $1.- 85; A. R. Patrick, cement for jail, .30: J. J. Might, Sheriff, board of prisoners, $12.30. Commissioners adjourned to meet on the second Tuesday in June, 1904, J. G. Wood, Ord., and C. C. Pinecliff Dots. Well, Mr. Editor, you did not come to our pic nic and you real¬ ly dont know what you did miss by not coming. Our pic nic was a perfect success. “Aunt Jane” doesn’t think it could have been better. There are several causes for the pic nic being such a success. First, was because it was in such a pretty, cool, shady place, there being a lot of large, lefty oak trees. Second; there was plenty to eat. Third; the young folks were all vury quiet, not any drink¬ ing any stronger than lemonade, or if there was it was kept very quiet, which I am confident the young ladies appreciated as much as the older ones. The lemonade was free to everyone that wanted it. Tnere were visitors from Ra oonton, Flint, Camilla, Pebble City, Pelham, Branchville and Newton. So Mr. Editor you see were not quite forgotten. We are indebted to Messrs. Ben and Manson Marshall, Will Grin er, Jim Gillenwaters, Poroe Hays, and a Mr. Palmer for their nice music. If Aunt Jane has left any one out please pardon the old soul for she didn’t know all those people. The young people spent their time in many pleasant ways, some played “bean bag”, some, “drop the handkerchief,” some, •‘marching around the level,” while some played a prominent part in courting. The old ‘‘coon” had a hard time. He didn’t have any time to play as they kept him in the barrel of lemonade all day; of court e you know what I mean. A crowd of young people met at Mr. Frank Beck’s Friday p. m. and spent the time pleasantly in playing crokonole and in having some nice music. We are indebt¬ ed to Messrs. Edgar Fitzger¬ ald, Ben and Mnason Mar¬ shall, Force and Warnor Hays and Jim Gilienwater. The music was fine. Come again young men. It seemed to be very heart rending for the young people to part, as they all met at Mrs. Lou Joiner’s at dark for a party, which every one enjoyed im¬ mensely, some remaining till twelve o’clock and after. Miss Sadie Kirbo, the beauti¬ ful daughter of Mr. Joe Kirbo, has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jim Collins, of Oma¬ ha. She reports a nice time. Master Tom Kirbo, of O.nahp, is visiting his uncle, Mr. Joe Kii - bo, Sr. Miss Mattie Winchester, of Ba conton attended the picnic. Miss Itnogene Stripling and Messrs. Jim Bob and Albeit Jones of Flint attended the pic¬ nic. Miss Mary Bailey of Camilla, visited friends of this community a few days last week. Mr. Jim Lard and sister, Miss Essie Lard, of Pebble City, visi¬ ted relatives of this community. Mrs. Clara deGraffenreid of Pelham attended the picnic. Messrs. Palmer, Will Griner, Ed. Williams, Ben Marshal, Man son Marshall, and three Misses Palmer, of Pebble City, attended this picnic. Mr. Edgar Fitzgerald and Jim Gillenwaters and sister, Miss El¬ be Gillenwaters, of Branchville attended the picnic. Rev. Henry Sullivan filled his usual appointment at Pinecliff Saturday and Sunday. There were only a few at church Satur day, but what were there we think, went with good intent as the good pastor received two members. We bad preaching Saturday night by Rev. Gussie Sellars. There was a very good crowd out. Sunday the church was filled up. We were glad to see so many out. We hope to have a larger church in the near future. We have several dollars subscribed alieady, and we think our many good friends will help us. Aunt Jane. A Frightened Horse, Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur¬ ences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there’s none as good as Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Burns. Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing ef¬ fect. 25c at all druggists. - —» —— Subscribe for the Enterprise. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat- •ECHMMItMItHniMdmatlMtiaHHHHMItlMt Don’t Worry. About what you are going to eat, but call arouod or phone me and I will supply your wants in everything in FRESH GROCERIES. I represent a good laundry and will appreciate a part of your laundry trade. 9 BnE Crawford C. Baggs, _ •■•Mi •■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■•■ •■•■■•■•■•! For sick headache take Camberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Notice. GEORGIA—Mitchell county. At the last meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Mitchell county, an order was passed calling off the bond election called for the second day of July, 1904. All per¬ sons concerned are hereby notified that said election will not be held as hereto¬ fore provided. Tlus 15th day of June, 1904. J. G. Wood, Ord., and C C. C. Notice. This is to notify all persons concerned that there will be let to the lowest bid¬ der on the second Tuesday in July next, the contract for building a Court House in 1603 District G. M. Said Court House, to be built as per specification now on file in my office. Sealed bids are required for the same, the Commis¬ sioners reserving the right to reject any and all bids so desired. J. G. Wood, Ord., andC. B. C. R. R. CITATION ♦ GEORGIA— Mitchell County. Mrs. F. A. Crawford, having made ap¬ plication for twelve months support, out of the. estate of L. V. Crawford, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return. All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary ot said county on the first Monday in July, 1904, why said application should not be granted. Tliis June 7, 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary.