The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 01, 1904, Image 5

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PIPES. PIPES Just received finest line of pipes ever brought to Camilla. Anything from 10c Missouri Meerschaum (cob pipe) to $7.00 genuine Meerschaum. We also carry a complete line of smoking tobacco and cigars and will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Drugs, Eewis Stationery, Paints, Drug Toilet Articles, Oils. Co. Confectionaries. Fresh Hunnally^ and Lowney’s Candles always on hand. ...LOCAL NEWS- • AAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAA* AAAAaA* Globe & Mason Fruit Jars at Camilla Supply Co’s. Miss Elsie Wilkes, of Meigs, is visiting Miss Ruby Powell. Mrs, C. B. James, of Pelham, visited in Camilla Wednesday. For Fruit Jar Rubbers call on Lewis Drug Co. Dr. D. A. Spence, of Pelham, spent Sunday with relatives in Camilla. Miss Annie Collins returned from a visit to Baconton last Sunday. Dr. J. P. Sharpe, of Baconton, was among last Sunday’s visitors to Camilla. FOR SAL E—A first-class mower dead cheap. Apply to Ernest M. Davis. Mr. Frank Hartstield,of Harts field. visited friends in Camilla Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cox, of Bain bridge, are visiting relatives in Camilla this week. Mrs. F. L. Lewis has returned from her visit to points in middle and north Georgia. Fresh Garden Seed at Lewis Drug Company’s store. Now is the time to plant. Miss Cali3ta Bush returned Tuesday morning from the World’s Fair at St. Louis. Mrs. J, B. Wilson returned Tuesday morning from an at Hampton Springs, Fla. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound tobacco for 25c at the Bargain House. Miss Irma Lewis is some time in Camilla the guest her cousin, Mrs. F. L. Lewis. Mrs. Bennett and Misses drey and Marie Turner Pelham on Friday of last week. Water Coolers, Ice Freezers and Hammocks best on earth. Camilla Supply Co Latest style ladies’ corsets at 29c at Cincinnati Bargain House. Miss Susie Spence returned last Tuesday from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Atlanta. Miss Ora Paul, of Campbell, Fla., will be the guest of Miss Haliie Spence during the week or more. FOR SALE—cheap. Yost type¬ writer—good condition. R. V. Bush, Camilla, Ga. Mr. G. W. Chestnut, repre¬ senting the Thomasville Times Enterprise, was a visitor to Ca¬ milla last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Spence Perry, entertained the young people last evening in honor of their guests, Misses Louise DuBose and Annie J. Cochran. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and save money. J. F. Clark. Mr. Fred Clark and little sister, Mary Julia, visited their grand¬ mother, Mrs. J. D. Clark, at her home at Dixie, the latter part of last week. Mrs. M. F. Brimbery, accom¬ panied by her daughter, Miss Annie Grace, left last Tuesday for a visit to relatives and friends in Newnan, Ga. Miss May Hopkins, of Thomas ville, and Miss Mae Manning, of lammonia, Fla., are visiting in Camilla this week, the guests of Mrs- G. B. Cochran. We can furnish brick from one to one million. Any quantity wanted. Holton & Harrell. Mr, Oscar Hilliard, who has been spending a few days at home, left last Friday foi Bruns¬ wick where she has accepted a position with Hunter’s Pharmacy. Rev. C. T. Clark, Judge I. A. Bush, Mr. J. B. Wilson left last Tuesday morning for Brinson in Decatur county to be in atten¬ dance upon the district confer¬ ence which was in session there this week. Miss Lota Spence left last Tues¬ for Knoxville, Tenn., where will attend the summer school. will visit the Exposition at Louis, before she returns The splendid showers of rain during the past week are ay kinds of crops look They were just in t>me to the corn crop from being a total failure. We are sole agents for Queen Shoes for women. Per¬ in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. The Enterprise was mistaken last week in saying that Miss Emma Cochran had sold her ■stock of Miliinery to Miss Mc Elveen. See Miss Cochran’s no¬ tice in another column. Rev. Archie McLaughlin, ac¬ companied by his wife and little daughter, loft last Tuesday for Poulan, where he will assist in a protracted meeting in the Pres¬ byterian church at that place. Mr. .T. H. Bailey, Jr., of Moul¬ trie, is spending the week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. PL Bailey, at his old home in Camilla. While here he was a pleasant vis¬ itor to the Enterprise office where he received his first les¬ sons in the ‘‘art preservative.” Bannister’s Cut-Glass Polish for cleaning and restoring cut glass, mirrors, windows, silver¬ ware, brass and tin ware to their original brilliancy. A 25c box for 10c at the Cincinnatti Bargain House. Miss Don Underwood, music teacher for the Tifton High School, left Thursday to visit her parents at Camilla. She will al¬ so visit the St. Louis Exposition before she returns here for the fall terra of school.—Tifton Ga¬ zette. DeWitt’s » Salve Foi* Piles, Burns, Sores. Subscribe for the Enterprise. Fine Watermelons. Quite a number of cars of fine have been shipped Mitchell county in the last weeks for which the shippers have received very good prices up to this week. Among the shippers from Camilla L. C. Bul¬ lard seemed to have the best yield having shipped fully three cars of extra fine “sweethearts” from a patch’ of ten acres from which he will get one or two more cars. \,Mr. Bullard presented th® editor with a sample melon from each of his first two sars that were fine spocimens. Mr. Geo. W. Vines, who is shipping from Flint, had, up to th-a first of the week shipped three cars from twelve acres. Notice. I offer all my millinery goods at actual cost. Call at store of J. W. llulter & Co. and Mr. J. L. Cochran will take pleasure in showing the goods. Call early and buy these goods and save money. Respectfully, Miss E. Cochran. All daily papers and other mail matter north of Albany has been delayed thi3 week on ac¬ count of a collision of two freight trains on the Central railroad near Ft. Nalley, in which two e.igines and a number of cars were wrecked and forteen cars burned. The engineers and firemen saved themselves by jumping from their engines. Mr. Harry Edwards, in second¬ ing the nomination of Mr. Roose¬ velt at Chicago, said that Georgia wa3 proud to claim an interest in him. That part of Georgia which feels a pride in the coon coddler is confined to Harry and a few other office holders.—Dawson News. You are right, brother. Congress appropriated in round numbers 153 million dol¬ lars to pay the bill of the govern¬ ment during the year 19<M and 780 million dollars to pay bills of the year 1905. Jury List. It is ordered that a special term of Mitchell Superior Court be and the same is hereby called to convene Tuesday, Tuly 5th, 1904 at 9 o’clock a. m. for -the, purpose of dispos'ng of civil and criminal business pending in said court and the Grand and Petit Jurors drawn to seive at the reg¬ ular April Term 1904, of said court are hereby ordered to ap¬ pear and serve at said special term. W. N. Spence, Grand Jury. Frank Fleming J B Acree R C Frasier W tvi Faircloth Robt. Rackley J A Raekley T L Rogers L H Adams J B Aeree M R Freeman George Palmer A R Patrick J H Palmer D B Brooks J D Frasier B U Curry W II Culpepper W A Bennett L G Collins J L Cochran G D Collins L A Brooks Geo C Cochran G B Cochran G B Baggs J M Wilkes. Joseph Alligood C M Baggs A J Akridge. Petit Jury. M O Davis G F Crawford Oscar Hilliard A R Cross John Dollar G J Stripling I J Wilder M T Bow r en G W Wills B F Watson Wm Wilkes G A McEivey G W Galloway J 0 Glover ,J L Green H A Gee J .T Griner E A Fusseli Wilburn Williams W A West J L Wingate Walter Williford J W Warren Joe Fairclotn D W Faircloth W R Glausier B F Whitworth J W Frasier EL Hilliard J G Whigham W B Jones B H Jones W T Jackson John Highnote J C Turner. ICE! ICEH ICE!!! Oar ice wagon will make two trips each day throughout Ca¬ milla delivering ice. Complete round in the forenoon and a spe- • ial delivery round in the after¬ noon, Buy ice tickets and save money. Respectfully, C. E. Watt, Manage?.