The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 01, 1904, Image 6

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agfl & WISE BUYERS MS Will find it to their interest to go through our immense lines of each “Department.’' We are daily receiving the latest fads in Dress Fabrics and Notions. See our White Goods, Embroider¬ ies, Laces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. See Our Sterling Sliver Jewelry NoveMies* Call for DeSOTO Flour. It has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of floor space in an effort to have what cur customers want. We thank all for the liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper togetner. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Vioe-Pres. Secretary and and Sales Gen. Mgr. mm! Just Sunshine. From the Atlanta Journal. Did you ever stop to consider what is the most effective medi¬ cine in the world? Sunshine— just plain, ordinary sunshine that costs nothing and can be had for a wish. Germs of all sorts perish in the sun. Bacteria cannot stand the glare of Old Sol’s radiant eye. It will kill them in a few hours Walk in the sun. Sit in the sun. Live with the sun beaming upon you all the time if possible. Open the windows, let the sun¬ shine stream into your rooms. It will purify them and make them more fit to live in. You may be able to live in a dark, damp room fui a time, but it will gradually ua iermine your health. Move into a room with a window open¬ ing out to the east or to the west and note the difference. Wherever there is mold or dampness, turn in a little sun¬ shine and watch the germs give up the ghost and die. It will si¬ lently but surely dispose of the unwholesorneness of mildew or mold and make clean and health¬ ful every spot it reaches. Hang out the sheets or blankets where the sun will strike them and the rays will disinfect them thoroughly, leaving them fresh and sweet with no odors clinging .about them. Plants and animals thrive in the sunshine. Without it they sicken and die. The child of the basement is sickly, pale and puny, while the child of the field is strong and ruddy. People of the open homes never have the btues and are seldom depressed. The sun is nature’s great rem¬ edy for her children. It is the best disinfectant and the surest germ-destroyer, while at the same time it is the cheapest med¬ icine ever put on the market. It is the universal healer ahd the greatest preventive of disease mankind has ever known. Man’s concoctions are up to a high state of perfection, it is true, but they have never yet and never will alfcai i the degree of perfec¬ tion nature has gained for hers, ‘•DO IT TO-DAY.” The time-worn injunction, “Never put off ’ til tomorrow what you can do today,’ ’ is now generally presented in this form: "Do it'to-day! ” That is the terse ad¬ vice we want to give yon about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been straggling for sev¬ eral days, perhaps weeks. Take some reliable remedy for it to-day —and let that remedy be Dr. Boschee's German Syrup, which has been in use for over thirty-five years. A few dates of it will undoubtedly relieve your cough or cold, aud its continued use for a few days will cure you completely. No matter how deep-seated your cough, even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs, German Syrup will surely effect a cure— as it has done before in thousands of ap¬ parently hopeless oases of lung trouble. New trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c. At Lewis Drug Co. Physiologists say that the Japa¬ nese present the most perfect physique of any race in the world. Most of the diseases common to the Occident are unknown among the Japanese, and this happy condition they themselves attrib¬ ute to the fact that they cat spar¬ ingly and only of plain, nourishing food. A Japanese visiting this country is appalled at the quanti¬ ty of food consumed by his host in oneday. Especially is he impress¬ ed with the extravagance of our poorer people. In Japan meat once a day is a luxury even among the well to do. You Know What You are Taking \V hen you take Groves Tasteless Chill Tonic because th> formula is plainly printed on every boi tie allowing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless forai. No Cure, No pay. 50c. Camilla Enterprise, SI a year. A “Stand Pat” Platform. The Philadelphia Record sizes up in two parts the platform put forth by the Rtpublicap party at Chicago as follows: (1) . Brag as to what has been accomplished by the party in¬ strumentality in the past -only in part justified by histcrieal fact. (2) . Promises of what it will do in the future—that may be on¬ ly safely taken with allowance for past failure. On this one clear and unmis¬ takable issue between the parties —the maintenance of protection for the sake of protection—the platform insists that tariffs shall only be made and unmade by the Republican party. There is a hint of possible change of the present outrageous schedules un¬ der changed conditions, and even a smirking reference to the pos¬ sibility of reciprocity that would involve no sacrifice of th* pro tective principle, Tha f is ell. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to yon? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. _Enclosed with every bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Grove’s Block Root. Liver PUB. Lamar s Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. m a( ^ e °^ emon s a &d other harmless but powerful vege¬ table ingredients, * is t a safe, sure and speedy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. 1 '.‘■''ojfrrrr-i 1 It cleanses the system of all impurities, tones up the stomach and bowels, puts the liver and kidneys in perfect order--in short “makes you new.” It is gentle but prompt and powerful in action, pleasant to take and always reliable. FOB SAIE BY ALT DRUGGISTS. LAMAR, TAYLOR & RILEY DRUB CO., Manufacturers, Macon, 6a. m mm isia HI MeKinley is repudiated. The Grand Old Party ‘‘stands pat.” AH the rest of the platform must be read and interpreted in the light of the tariff utterances, especially the references to Trusts and corporations. Civil Service Reform was new¬ ly indorsed ir theory to be newly violated in performance. There was no promise cf change in the anti-American scheme of colonization inaugurated under Republican auspices and contin¬ ued in despite of constitutional in¬ terdict. In short. Roosevelt rides astride, and the Republic is asked to take its chances under his strenuous leading.—Albany Herald. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sealds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there’s no need for it. Bucklin’s Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It’s the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. at all Druggists, Business Notice. I may be absent from my of¬ fice for several weeks. I have left my business in the hands of Mr. Matt. C. Bennet. My clients will please see him. tf J. L. Underwood. A HUNDRED FAMH. IES SAVED FR0.V1 SUFFERING By Mrs. Baumgartner, of Brunswick Ga. BECAUSE THEY BUY THE BEST. “Your wonderful Wintersmith’s Chill Cure lias been a household remedy With us for more than ten years, and more than a hundred families are using it through our recommendation. Lots of people go to the drug store and say ‘I want a bottle of that fever medicine that Mrs. Baumgartner always uses.’ We buy your medicine in dollar bottles and keep one in the house all the time.” —Moritz Baumgartner, Brunswick, Ga. For sale by Lewis Drug Co.