The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 08, 1904, Image 2

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E BUYERS Will find it to their interest to go through our immense lines of each ‘‘Department.’' We are daily receiving the latest fads in Dress Fabrics and Notions. See our White Goods, Embroider¬ ies, Laces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. 8^* See Our Steeling Silver Jewelry Novelties. Paint Department Hardware and Furniture. Clothing and Gent’s For a number of years we have been Furnishing Goods. the sole agents for the celebrated These are “Specials” with us: of Hats, Shoes, Neck¬ &£ “Harrison Paint” Harness and Saddles, Tools for Our new line 2 wear, Collars and Shirts command at¬ A paint with a reputation gained from farmer, carpenter, blacksmith and tention— ook through our clothing an experience in paint making of over gardner. and see if we have what you want. 55 R hundred We think it the Remember that we are sole agents for one years. Bed Room SuRes..... $60 and down. the largest clothing establisnment in best in White Lead, l\eady mixed Dressers..............$5 the world and have experts to take Paints, Enamels, Zincs and and up. your measure. Colors. Tables, Chairs, Safes, Hat Racks. Matting', Rugs See before paint house, fence Writing Desks, Dining Tables and Don’t forget our uk you your or and other House Furnishings. barn. everything for the home. Call for DeSOTO Flour. It has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of floor space in an effort to have what our customers want. We thank all for the liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper together. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Viee-Pres. Secretary and and Sales Gen. Mgr. Mgr. Are The Japs Jews? Russia’s cry of warning, that the Japanese constitute a “yel¬ low pjril” foi Europe, is met with the response that the Japa¬ nese are not yellow, but brown. Asiatics, but of Aryan decent, and are therefore blood relatives of the white-skinned people of Eu,i*ppe. Some of the leading French, English, and Russian periodicals have lately taken up the study of the origin of the Japanese, equally witn the Brit¬ ish, are of Hebrew origin, and are a portion of the missing tribes of Israel, The St. Tames Gazette is of the opinion that one of these lost tribes made its way across the Asiatic mainland to the islands that are now Japan, after its mi¬ gration through Medea through the passes of the Euphrates. In the book of Esdras in the Apoch rypha. the Gazette says, there is certain evidence going to support this view of the matter. And, futhermQre, there are many re¬ semblances between the religious services of the Shintos of Japan and those of the orthodox Jews. “The Shinto temples, like the Jewish synagogues, have a holy place and a holy of holies, and a representation of an ark and cis¬ tern’’ The dress of the Shinto priest is much like that of the Jewish rabbi. The Shintos offer unleaven bread and sweet wine and first fruits. Severa’ of the Shinto festivals fall upon the same days as the Jewish, and mony of the ceremonies are prac¬ tically identical. The St. Petersburg Zeitung says there are many physical characteristics of the Japanese people that go to indicate their Aryan origin. “Types of almost absolutely Aryan complexion are by no means rare” it says. In the old and leading families of the Japanese the head s tructure is practically identical with that of the white-skinned people of Eu¬ rope, and there are decided dif¬ ferences bfetween the heads, eyes, ears, noses, chins, etc., of the Japanese and those of the Chi¬ nese and other Asiatics. The London Spectator calls at¬ tention to the fact that the Japa¬ nese lived apart from other peo¬ ple for centuries, during which time they developed a civilization and a language of their own and a “habit of political thinking widely different from that of any other Asiatic people.” The Spec¬ tator canvasses the matter at length and arrives at the conclu¬ sion that the Japs “are no more Asiatic than they are European,” A Paris magizine looking into tne ancient laws of Japan, finds in them a close parallel to many of the ancient laws of the Jews. Some of the penalties and punish¬ ments are identical. The conclu¬ sion of this magazine is tha cli¬ mate and environment, and the addition of strains of Mongolian and Malay blood, are responsible for the physical and tempera menial characteristics which dis¬ tinguish tha Japanese from other races of admitted Aryan descent. The discussion is not conclu¬ sive, of course, but it is interest¬ ing. Heretofore we have regard¬ ed the Japanese as being as dis¬ tinctly Asiatic as the Chinese. To be now told that they are of Jew¬ ish origin and nearly related to tae Greeks, Latins, Slavs, and Teutons will strike the average reader as a novel proposition. Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Scalds,’ Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there’s no need for it. Bucklin’s Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. IPs the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c, at all Druggists. Says an Exchange: The girl who has a now shirt waist suit doesn’t care a cent who is going to be the next president. It wouldn’t worry her if they didn’t have presidents. Notice of Local Legislation. Notice, is hereby given that an applica¬ tion will be made at the .Tone session of the General Assembly of Georgia , 1004, to pass an act, entitled as follows: “An Act to repeal and Act to amend an Act establishing a now charter for the town of Camilla, Georgia, approved Oct. 24, 1887, so as to add to Section SO of said Act, the following proviso, towitPro¬ vided, that said Mayor and Council shall not have power and authority to issue any license to any persons whatsoever, to sell ardent spirits, malt liquors, wines, ciders, or other intoxicants, within the corporate limits of said town, except up¬ on the written consent of two-thirds of the Bona Fide resident freeholders of said town owning real estate within the corporate limits of said town. Approved September the 2nd, 1889. rLUNOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition. Two Trains Daily. In connection with W. & A. Ii. R. & N. C. & St. L. Ky from Atlanta. Lv Atlanta 8;25 a. m. Ar St. Louis 7;0S a. m. Lv Atlanta 8:80 p. m. Ar St. Louis 7:3C> p. m. THRO(JGIr SLEEPING CARS FROM Georgia, Florida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER Carrying the only morning sleeping ear from Atlanta to St. Louis. This car leaves Jacksonville daily 8:0.7 p. m. At¬ lanta 8:27 a. m. giving you the entire day in St. Louis to get located. For rates from your city, World's Fair ^ Guide Book and schedules. Sleep¬ ing Car reservations, also for book show¬ ing Hotels and Boarding houses, quoting their rates, write to Fred D. Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, Atlanta, Ga. I p- R0TECT your Property * against losses by Ere with a policy in the AETNA. OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the best and most reliable Fire ln= surance Companies in America. W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. AVERY Sc COMPA.Mir 51 fy 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga,, Engines, Boilers „ Saw All Kinds of Machinery. to 03 .E "cr c LU ,o "s_ U. CD _o 2 "as DC LARGE ENGINES AND SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Suovlies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or Cat** } firearms-em; min—yukg?” .‘Z'M - 4 A ‘\:.-\'t: J3; 1w 22. Lag“ 2:; .‘ 4;}: 7‘ ,, *i 7““ ‘q;r,\\§i”*xfi§§1 N32172: ./ 4;: V\ ‘ R $2- §waw / - .. . 1. -., W‘}Vi s_ ca jj sz o 5 KJ oo » CO CD _Q