The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 08, 1904, Image 5

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Just received finest line of pipes ever brought to Camilla. Anything from 10c Missouri Meerschaum (cob pipe) to $7.00 genuine Meerschaum. We also carry a complete line of smoking tobacco and cigars ami will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Drugs, I^e'W'iss Stationery, Paints, 13 vug ToiletjjArticles, Oils. Co. Confectionaries. Fresh JSiinnally’s and tinvncj's Candies alwaysyin hand I j i mrnmrmmfffTmTT • ...Local news- Globe & Mason Fruit Jars at Camilla Supply Co’s. Capt. C. E. Watt made a bus¬ iness visit to Atlanta this week. Fresh Garden Seed at the Cin cinnalti Bargain House. Mr. Morris Hurst, of Pelham, spent last Sunday with friends in Cami'la. Mr. Ross Bush returned last Friday from an outing at St. Simons. Mr. J. T. Norris, of Newton, was a visitor to Camilla last Tuesday. For Fruit Jar Rubbers call on Lewis Drug Co. The Cincinnatti Bargain House has a new advertisement in this issue. Read it. Quite a number of legal adver¬ tisements appear in thi3 issue of the Enterprise. Mr. Brit Davis, of Valdosta, was shaking hands with friends in Camilla yesterday. FOR SAL E—A first-class mower dead cheap. Apply to Ernest M. Davis. Miss Ethel Perry left yesterday for Bainbridge where she will visit relatives and friends. Misses Clara and Lucile Cul* pepper are spending this week with friends at Ochiochnee. Miss Toy Spence left yesterday for Albany where she will bo the guest of her aunt Mr®. Riley. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 19c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Col. B. T. Allen, of Pearson, was the guest of his brother the editor •of the Enterprise, last Wednes¬ day. Mrs. J. C. Turner and little daughter, Marie, are visiting rel atives and friends in Newton this week. Latest style ladies’ corsets at 19c at Cincinnati Bargain House. If it is lumber or brick you •want see me and save money. J. F. Clark. Mr. B. B. Bush, of Colquitt, is visiting in Camilla, the guest of his cousins, Dr. I. A. and Mr. R. V. Bush. Col. Benton Odom, of Newton, was in attendance upon the call¬ ed term ot Mitchell Superior Court this week. Mrs. L. M. Brocks and Mrs. Lizzie Pelham, of Pelham, were the guest9 of Mrs. C. C. Spence on last Tuesday. Fresh Garden Seed at Lewis Drug Company’s store. Now is the time to plant. Rev. Ed. F. Cook, presiding elder of the Thomasville district will preach here morning and evening of next Sunday, fuly 10. Mrs. J. T. Cochran moved to Thomasville last Tuesday, much "to the regret of her many Camilla friends. Camilla’s loss is Thom asville’s gain. We can furnish brick from one to one million. Any quantity wanted. Holton & Harrell. Miss Ruby and Mr. Frank Hartsiield returned to their home at Hartsiield yesterday after a pleasant week witn relatives and friends in Camilla, Shipments of carloads of fine watermelons continue to go for¬ ward from this market, but prices seem to be much lower than they were ten days ago. Mrs. O. O. Worley and little daughter, of Valdosta, are vis¬ iting Mrs. Worley’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Palmer at the old home near Camilla. We are sole agents for Queen Quality Shoes for women. Per¬ fection in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. Capt. J. C. Turner, acoompan ied by his daughter, Miss Mary, left last Monday for St. Louis, | where They will they also will visit take in relatives the Fair. in 1 Illinois while away. Mrs. Ed. h . Cook will be with the Methodist Sunday School next Sunday morning, to give some helpful suggestions to Sun¬ day School workers. The third quarterly conference for Camilla and Baconton charge will be held at Cam 11a July 11th, 10 o’clock a. m. All officials and the public urged to attend. Miss Alma Cochran, of Sylves¬ ter, who is visiting relatives in Mitchell county spent Sunday and Monday in Camilla with her cousin Miss Pauline Cochran. Misses Mitlie Lee Palmer and Ruth Wilson, returned Wednes¬ day morning from a visit to Ba¬ conton, where they were the guests of Misses Pinson, and Van Vickie. Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and Hammocks the best on earth. Camilla Supply Co On account of the absence of many and the excessive hot weather, the meeting at the Methodist church announced to begin from the 2nd Sunday in July, will be postponed till Sep¬ tember. The socialist labor party has nominated a printer by the name of Corrogsgan, of New York, as their candidate for president, and a miner of Illinois, by the name of William W. Cox, for the vice-presidency, Hon. Thomas E. Watson, of Georgia, was made the nominee of the populist party for Presi¬ dential candidate at their conven¬ tion at Springfield on last Mon¬ day. It is n°t known yet wheth¬ er Mr. Watson has accepted or not. Cols. J. W. Walters, of Albany. Troup Hines, of Bainbridge, S. A. Roddenberry, of Thomasville, Benton and A. S. Johnson, of Newton, and Mr- Akerman, of Macon, are among the visiting attorneys in attendance upon the court this week, Mr. I. Berman opened his doers for trade on last Saturday in the Owen building opposite his old stand and has planted a big ad¬ vertisement in the Enterprise. If you are looking for summer bargains call on him. Camilla’s ball players are not professionals or^toughs and when they accepted] Albany’s chal¬ lenge for last] Monday’s game they were under the impression that they wouldjreceive courteous and gentlemanly treatment at the hands of theirjneighbors, but they had overlooked the fact that Dr. Broughton had recently stirred up the bad blood of the Artesian City and it had not yet cooled off. Notice. I offer all my millinery goods at actual cost. Call at store of J. W. Bulter & Co. and Mr. J. L. Cochran will take pleasure in showing the goods. Call early and buy these goods and save money. Miss Respectfully, E. Cochran. House Party. Miss Calista Bush is entertain¬ ing quite a number of her Wes¬ leyan College mates with a house party this week. Among those present are Miss Hays Robinson, of Montezuma; Miss Reunette Westcott, of Macon; Miss Ethel Hill, of Bronwood; Miss Vesta Pace, of Dawson; Miss Lucile Meadows, of Montezuma, and Miss Kate May Bush, of Colquitt. Notice. Owing to my health and other things I offer for sale one of the best houses aid lots in the town of Camilla, dwelling house just completed, with six large rooms, four well finished closets, nice pantry, new barn, garden and yard fence, all built out of best material and located on the main street in the town of Camilla be¬ tween the Court house and depot. Any one wishing a beautiful one of the best towns in South Georgia would do well by calling on me at R, Camilla, L, Rachels., Ga. Progressive Conversation Party. Miss Calista Bush entertained on last Wednesday evening at the home of her brother, Col. R; D. Bush, on Stephens street, in honor of the visiting young la¬ dies, who are her guests for the week, with a progressive conver¬ sation party. About twenty-five couples were present and the art of con versation was tested to its fullest extent, some of the young ladies even being taxed to talk to- two young men at one time, bud they were equal to the emergency and kept the boys entertained.. Delightful fruit punch* Rowed continually from a bowl that never went dry as long as a guest remained, while later in the evening the guests were served with cream and cake. The entertainment was a suc¬ cess and will long be remembered, especially by the boys who com¬ plied with the injunction express¬ ed in the invitation,, that they leave their coate at home. Bank Quarters Secured, The projectors of the new bank to be put in operation in October next have secured a twenty-year lease on the building in which the Lewis Drug Co., is now do¬ ing business, which they will convert into an up-to-date bank building, having'jjalready placed orders for an improved mangan¬ ese steel, (fire and burglar proof) safe and all other necessary fur¬ niture and fixtures. Dr. Lewis has broken dirt for an extension to his building next door in which he now has an of¬ fice, with a view to fitting it up for the use of the Lewis Drug Company in the latest designs in drug store fixtures. Thus it will be seen that Ca¬ milla, while not on a boom, is steadily and permanently forging to the front among the progres suvetowns of Southwest Georgia. Subscribe for the Enterprise,