The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 15, 1904, Image 1

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CmII Vol 3. Xo IS Thirty Days Only! Tor the next thirty days only, the Cincinnati Bargain House will sell Special Bargains in order to make room for our large stock of Fall Goods consislingof Bry Goods, Shoes, Men’s and Boys’ Stilts, Pants and Shirts. I will sell goods the next thirty days cheaper than 1 have ever sold them before. The people of Mitchell county know already that 1 have been selling cheap, but I am going to sell still cheaper. 1 have 1,(100 pounds of good chewing and smoking tobacco 1 will close out at 19c a pound. I have just received a large lot of tlirce-coated enamel ware—dish pans, wash basins, tea kettles, dippers and large spoons—1 will sell them cheaper than l ever sold before. I need all the room I can get as I receive goods now daily and must have room, and the only way to get room is to sell cheap. My buyers have bought a $25,000. Stock of JVce, flew, Clean Goods. They bought them at 18c on the dollar and lam going to sell them the same way—cheap- so come around when you are in town and get my prices and see for yourself. I know after you see the goods you are bound ti buy them. Remember the place—The Cincinnati Bargain House, next to the bank. Don’t forget to call around when jou are in town, as I know I can save you money by buying goods from the Cincinnati Bargain House. Thanking the public for past patron¬ age we ask for a continuance of same. Yours for business, Cincinnati Bargain House, 214*216 W. 5tb sf. and 115 €. Court st, Cincinnati, 0- Camilla Brand), Broad St. next to Bank, B. Lubin, manager. I EaDERS ARE ALL SATISFIED. Dvmocrats Are Pleased With Work of Convention. St. Louis, July 8.—The mem¬ bers of the resolution committee express themselves as satisfied with their work, some of the ex¬ pressions heart being as follows: Senator Daniel—The platform was unanimously adopted,,and is reasonably satisfactory, Senator Tillman—We have ac comp'ished a miracle; we have succeeded in gettting a platform without any person in it. Mr. Bryan—I am fairly well satisfied with the platform. I have had an opportunity to pre¬ sent some matters as 1 desired and I have had to make conces¬ sions in many instances in order to get what I wanted in others. “Will you support a ticket on this platform,” was asked of Mr. Bryan. “I will certainly support the platform” was his reply and was said in a way to convince his interrogator that he fully ex¬ pected to be able to support platform and ticket. Former Senator We have prepared a treatise rath¬ er than a platform and have suc¬ ceeded in producing a large vol¬ ume without saying anything. Senator Hill and W. J. came out together and both were smiling. Mr. Bryan said to newspaper men: "Now, boys, be sure to Hill’s platform right,” and retorted, with a laugh; "I think that we shall honors on that.” Mr. Bryan said: “We are all satisfied. have all wanted some things in that the committee has rejec¬ ted, but, on the whole, the docu¬ ment is perfectly satisfactory. You know you can’t get every¬ thing you want.” Senator Hill said: “I am perfectly satisfied. course, there are things that I wanted in, and thought should go in, but in polities, it is give and take, and 1 am taking. 1 should like to have seen an ex¬ pression on finances in the plat¬ form, but the majority thought otherwise, and neither Mr. Bry¬ an’s plank nor mine was adopted. You will remember that the New York state convention made no mention of the financial question and this platform is similar. We did not put in an income tax plank, and we changed only slightly the tariff plank.” Camilla, Ga., July 1J», 1004, Mitchell Superior Court. As the Enterprise went to press last Thursday evening the case of the State vs Jeff Keaton, col., charged with murder was being tried and the solicitor was making his argument to the jury, who rendered a verdict on Fri¬ day against Keaton for voluntary manslaughter, for which he re¬ ceived a sentence of fifteen years in the penitentiary. We under¬ stand that his attorneys gave notice that they would make a motion for a new trial. The Court continued in session until Saturday evening when it adjou rned over until Wednesday of this week when the mill began to grind out verdicts for or against those who were put on trial. The following cases were dis¬ posed of: The State vs John Hall, col., charged with larceny after trust, received a verdict of guilty and was sentenced to 12 Kionths in the chain gang, or the payment of a fine of $100. The State vs Sam Brown, cob, burglary, found guilty and sen¬ tenced to twelve years in the penitentiary. The State vs Howard Hunt, col., burglary, verdict, not guilty. The State vs Elijah Cobb., col-, charged with a misdemeanor, en¬ tered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 12 months in the ehaingang or the payment of a fine of $75* The State vs Walter Rivers, col., charged with an assault -with intent to murder, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to 12 months in the ehaingang or the payment of a fine of $150. The State vs Agnes Whitton, eel., charged with carrying con¬ cealed pistol, plead gui’ty, and was given 8 months in the chain gang. The State vs. John L. Porter, col., charged with an assault to rape was found guilty and sen¬ tenced to 6 years in the peniten¬ tiary. The State vs John Allen, col., concealed pistol, verdict, guilty, sentenced to 12 months in the ehaingang or the payment of a fine of SlOO. The State vs Lilia Daniel, col., tried for an assault, received a verdict of not guilty, while Al¬ berta Mansfield an lLesta Floyd, who were tried for the same of¬ fense were found guilty and giv¬ en 8 months each in the chain gang. The State vs Bob graham, col., charged with carrying concealed pistol, was found guilty and sen¬ tenced to 12 months in the chain gang or the payment of a fine of $ 80 . The State vs Will Lee, c<>].. charged with shooting at another received a verdict of guilty and was sentenced to 12 months in the chain gang. The State vs John Acree, charged with illegally selling liquor, received a verdict of not guilty. The State vs Dupe Posey, mis¬ demeanor, was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in the ehaingang or the payment of a fine of $100. Mr. Posey’s fine was paid on Saturday afternoon last and he was discharged. A number of cases were trans ferred to the City Court for trial, the Grand Jury,s presentments received and the Superior Court, after a very busy session, ad journed at about four o’clock Wednesday afternoon. City Court. The regular quarterly term of the city court convened on last Monday with Judge I. A. Bush presiding. Only three misdemeanor cases were tried. One plead guilty by jury and one found not guilty. The court then adjourned over until the first Monday in August when quite a number of cases that have been transferred from the Superior Court will be tried. Pinecliff Dots. Mr. Editor,—“Aunt Jane” fail¬ ed to get in her communication last week, but I think Henrietta sent in all the news. “Aunt Jane” attended the pro¬ tracting meeting at Greenwood which was quite a success, church receiving three members. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Webb and infant son Lynton, and Mins May Joiner are visiting friends and relatives at Kestier tnis week. Mr. R. E. L Culpepper, of Newton, attended Sunday school at Pinecliff Sunday p. m. Miss Bertha Cross, of Pelham, is visiting friends and relatives of this section now. Miss May Gaulden has return from a pleasant visit to her aunt Mrs. Bell Hall, of Baker county. She reports a nice time. Messrs. Willie George Law¬ rence and Robert Stewart visited Pinecliff Sunday p. m. Protracted meeting at Pine cliff will commence the third Saturday and every body is in¬ vited to attend. The new song books that were ordered have come. Prof. Percy Cross is ex peeted to be with us to assist in singing. We will practice some of our new songs Saturday, p. m. either at the church or at the home of the organist. Would be glad for all to come who can. Now don’t think you haven’t an invitation for you have. So come. We are sorry to hear of the sickness of the little son of Mrs. W W. Blount since his arrival to Mitchell- Aunt Jane. There is more Catarrh in this section of tlu; country Mian all other diseases pat together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. Fora great many years doctors pronounced it a local di-foase and prescribed local rem¬ edies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it it - curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requiresconstitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on (bn market. It is taken internally in doses of 10 drops to a t taspoonful. If .tots directly on the blood and mueuous surfaces of the sys¬ tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send tor circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol edo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa¬ tion. Stanley’s Business College, Macon, Georgia. It Will Take But a Minute, Yet that minute may decide your future. It may be the op portunity which if grasped now may lead on to fortune. It will take but a minute to de¬ cide iu favor of a thorough busi¬ ness college training—or if you’re not certain of the advantage you gain, write us for full particulars. We cant supply the demand for our students, hence any worthy person may take a course and pay after securing a position. Catalogue sent free for the ask¬ ing. G. W. H. Stanley, President. $1,00 n Yea r For sick headache take Cambcrlain’s and Liver Tablets and a quick is certain. For sale by Lewis Drug THOMASVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thomasville, Ga. If you are seeking a practical, school with up-to courses of study, skilled teachers, of instruction,and twentieth ceniury meth¬ unexcelled for advancement, wiil do well to investigateour facilities for giving instructions and securing positions. For de¬ tailed information, address Anson W- Ball, President. FOR SALE: — 500 acre farm near Camilla. Money loaned at low rates of interest. J. L. Underwood. We Want Your Trade And are going to make a spec¬ ial effort to get it. Come to see us and let us have a chance to show you and make prices. We are overstocked on many items of merchandise and will make it to your interest to buy from us. Come Quick Before some of the best bar¬ are out. Ladies and chil¬ slippers at your price, within reason. See our line of Lawns. ‘Money Saved is Money Made.’ Come, give us a trial and be Full value for every invested, is the rule with Camilla Trading Co. IT IS A MATTER OF HEALTH &4KING POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE