The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 22, 1904, Image 8

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A Mid-Summer Bargain Sale! 1,000 yds, white and colored Lawns, all good, stylish patterns, going at a reduced price. Ladies’ children’s and Men’s slippers going at alLround cost prices. 1,5/9 pairs of Men’s and Boy’s pants that will have to be sold at sacrificing prices. Men’s and Boy’s Suits to go at cost. Seeing is . B Come and See! Our up-to-date Line of Gent a furnishings will also go in this cut price sale for we will have to make room for a large stock that will arrive in a few days. For your suhimer trip, get onecf Baggs & Perry’s suit cases, hand satchels or trunks for the occasion. They can suit you. We are closing out millinery and ribbons at your price. Get the “habit.” Embroidery sold at the same cut price. We have everything you want in furniture at factory prices. We have the best carload of stoves in the world. You know you need one. We expect to reduce our stock within the next few days even if we lose. Our loss will he your gain if you will grasp the opportunity. Come to see us prepared to take away some of the best bargains. If ours for Business BAGGS & PERRYS J Camilla, Georgia. Council Proceedings. Camilla, Ga., July 4, 1904, Council mot in regular session. Present, Mayor Palmer, Council men Bennet, Joiner and Dasher. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. On motion marshal w:s reliev¬ ed from paying $3.00 in fine of Evans City Cooper. marshal made report as follows, same adopted:—Fines, Dupe Posey, $10; John Brown, $7 50; Charley Borden, $5; Evans Cooper, $2; Turner Stuart, $5; Lem Cochran, $3.00; total, $33 Sewerage committee reported they had corresponded with par¬ ties as to prices, etc.; prices would be about 80c per foot Mayor appointed committee composed of Dasher, Joiner and Bonnet to confer with railroad officials and ask them to put a crossing over the spur track run¬ ning to oil mill. On motion appeal case's were continued to next regular meet¬ ing. ho other business, council ad¬ journed. J. L. Cochran, Clerk. Special Session Mayor and Town Council, July 14, 1904. Present, Mayor Palmer, Coun eilmen Watt, Perry and Joiner. Resolved by the mayor and council of the town of Camilla in special session assembled, that we hereby endorse the action of the Grand Jury of the Mitchell Superior Court at the July spec¬ ial term 1904, thereof, in adopting a resolution requesting the in¬ troduction by our representative in the General Assembly of Geor¬ gia at the present session there •of, of a county dispensary bill, T wviding for the establishment of dispensaries in the incorpor i ed towns of the county of Mitch e’.l under the terms, conditions and regulations provided in the bill, as proposed, by said Grand Jury, and we hereby urge our representative and senator to in¬ troduce such bill, and to exevi their efforts in securing its pas sjtge at this session of the legis¬ lature, ci uncil concurring in the above, except councilman Watt who voted no. GEORGIA Mitchell county. I, J. L. Cochran, Clerk of Coun¬ cil of town of Camilla, do hereby certify that the above and fore* going is a true and correct tran¬ script of the resolution adopted by the mayor and council of the town of Camilla, at a special ses¬ sion July 16, 1904, as appears of record on the minutes if said council. Given under my hand and of¬ ficial seal, this I8lh day of July, 1904. J. L. Cochran, L. S., Clerk. Prompt treatment of a slight attack of Diarrhoea will o.ten prevent a serious sickness. The best known Remedy is Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam. Lewis Drug Co. warrants it to give satisfac There is morn Catarrh iu this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and proscribed local rem¬ edies, aud by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in¬ curable. Science lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses of 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucuous surfaces of the .sys¬ tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send tor circulars aud testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol edo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa¬ tion. An agricultural exchange gives this excellent advice to young men ; “There never was a' time in the history of the world when agriculture no%. was as popular as it is The possibilities of the industries are many, and, wise men are beginning to see what the future has in store for the agriculturalist. If you have not got a farm get one as soon as you can. No one has solved the pos¬ sibilities of an acre of soil. Boys, stick to the farm, and when you are old you will be thankful that you have done so. Notice. Owing to my health and other things I offer for sale one of the best houses aid lots in the town of Camilla, dwelling house just completed, with six large rooms four well finishel closets, nice pantry, new barn, garden and yard fence, all built out of best material and located on the main street in the town of Camilla be¬ tween the Court house and depot. Any one wishing a beautiful home in one of the best towns in South Georgia would do well by calling on me at Camilla, Ga. R. L. Rachels. o»o»b»o» o’<§>6 6<s>o §> oi> o ■®>o<s> oi» Do You Want a Refrigerator? If so I can supply your wants at small cost. Sample Refrige¬ rator to be seen at the Camilla Trading Co’s, stores. I guarantee them to give satis¬ faction. Give me your order. Council Williams. ®o«>ow 6 ;»>o #d<vo #6WbJ> o<^o^d^d^'d Notice of Application to Open New Road. GEORGIA. Mitchell County. J. R. King and others having applied for the opening and establishment of a new public road, commencing at the Colquitt county line near J. D. Max¬ well’s iV, the 761 Militia district of said county and running thence in a north¬ western direction and near the south¬ east corner of lot of land number 50 aud terminating at the Moultrie aud Pelham road. Said road to be second class. Notice is hereby given that said appli¬ cation will be finally granted on the second Tuesday in August, 1004 next, if no sufficient eabse is shown to the con¬ trary. This July 13. 1004. J. G. Wood. Ordinary and C. C. C. Application for New District. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. The petition of a number of citizens of the 035 malitia district have asked that a new militia district be laid out of said district commencing at the Colquitt county line between lots of land Nos. 350 and 351 in the 0th district and run¬ ning North to the Dougherty county line (the same being bounded on the east by the lines of Colquitt and Worth counties) then west along the Dougher¬ ty county line to lot No. 8 in said dis¬ trict, thence south to No. 258 and thence east to commencing point between lots of land Nos. 250 and 351, embracing and including in the new militia district 84 lots of land. The commissioners having been duly appointed as required bylaw who have submitted a report recom¬ mending the establishment of the same as a new militia district. Said petition having been approved by me, aud pro¬ ceedings entered on the minutes of the Ordinary’s court and the same having been transmitted to the Governor of the State as the law directs and having been acted ujKm by the governor and said dis¬ trict having been numbered 1611 G. M. It is ordered that this notice of said new district be published in the Camilla En¬ terprise for 30"d»ys as required by law. This July 1st, 1904 J. G. WOOD, Ordinary. Application for Dismission. GEORGIA—Mitchell County. W. N. Segler, Guardian ot Daniel O. Bustle, Ida Beasley formerly Ida Bustle and Allie Minton, formerly Allie Bustle, has applied to me for discharge from his guardianship of said wards. This is therefore'to’notify all persons concerned to file their objections if any they have on or before the first Monday in August next, else he will be discharged from Ms guardianship as applied for. J. G. WOOD. Ord. M. C. Hanging in Cam illa. I am still hanging around the door selling groceries and will appre¬ ciate a share of your patronage. Carry a complete line of Sour and Sweet Pickles, also a nice line of Olives. Bring your laundry to me and I will have it fixed upiu first-class style. ThonejS; Crawford C. Baggs, 7141 #! CITATION GEORGIA—Mitchell County. Maria Jones having made application for twelve month’s support out of the estate of Jacob Jones, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same, having filed their return. All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday in An gust 1904, why said application should not be granted. This 1st day of July 1904. J. G. WOOD, Ordinary. Application for Dismission. GEORGIA—Mitchell County, W. B. Lewis, guardian of E. D. Lew¬ is, has applied to me for a discharge from his guardianship of E. D. Lewis. This is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their objections if any they have on or before the first Monday in August next, else said W. B. Lewis will be discharged from his guardianship as applied for. Witness my hand and official signature, this the 1st day of Ju¬ ly, 1904. J. G. WOOD, Ordinary. Notice. This is to notify all persons concerned that there will be let to the lowest bid¬ der on the second Tuesday in July next, the contract for building a Court House in 1603 District G. M. Said Court House to be built as per specification now on file in my office. Sealed bids are required for the same, the Commis¬ sioners reserving the right to reject any and all bids so desired. J. G. Wood, Ord., andC. B. C. R. R.