The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 29, 1904, Image 5

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PIPES. PIPES! PIPES. Just received finest line of pipes ever brought to Camilla. Anything from 10c Missouri Meerschaum (cob pipe) to $7.00 genuine Meerschaum. We also carry a complete line of smoking tobacco and cigars and will be pleased to have you call nl examine our stock*________________ Drugs, Eewis Stationery, Paints, Drug Toilet'Articles, Oils. Co. Confectionaries. Fresh aTiiimally’ss and Lowney’s Candies always on hand. fTfTmummTmTTTm* ...Local News... Globe & Mason Fruit Jars at Camilla Supply Co’s. Mr. Paul E. Haile, of Newton, was here Sunday. Mr. Roy Bailey visited in Bak¬ er county this week. Mr. Elmore McNair visited rel¬ atives here this week. For Fruit Jar Rubbers call on Lewis Drug Co. Mr. J. L, Green, of Pelham, spent Sunday in the city. Mr. C. A. Roles went up to Ba conton Monday on business. Don’t drive away prospective settlers by placing proscriptive prices on your lands. Mr. C. Marvin Butler, of Cairo, spent last Sunday in Camilla with his mother J. B. Butler. Judge J. A. Kirbo, of West Mitchell, was a visitor at the En¬ terprise office yesterday. FOR SAL E—A first-class mower dead cheap. Apply to Ernest M. Davis. The Enterprise family are un¬ der obligation to Mr. Martin Tones for a nice lot of vegetables. Dr. P. M. George and son, Fred, are in the city visiting the family of Mr. J. H. Bailey. Mrs. J, T. Norris passed through Camilla last Monday en route to her home in Newton. Mr. Walter Walcott, of Savan¬ nah, is the guest of his uncle, Mr. M. R, Freeman, in Camilla i his week. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 19c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Miss Pauline Brootcs, of Al¬ bany. was the guest of Misses Emma and Kate Cochran in Ca milla this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Freeman returned the latter part of last week from their summer outing at Indian Springs. If it is lumber or brick you want see me and save money. J. F. Clark. Misses Anne Grace Brimberry and Mittie Lee Palmer were the guests of Miss Carolyn Twitty, at Pelham, this week. Mr. Alex. S. Ferrell, of Wood ville, Fla., is on a visit to his old home in Camilla the guest of his sister, Mrs. Frank Butler. We can furnish brick from one to one million. Any quantity wanted. Holton & Harrell. Every undeveloped town lot that can have a neat home built on it will add five fold to the tax¬ able values of the town. Mi 38 Annie J. Cochran, of Flint, with her cousin, Miss Louise Du Bose, of Jasper, spent the first of the week with friends in Camilla. Fresh Garden Seed at Lewis Drug Company’s store. Now is the time to plant. Mr. Clarence Brimberry and sister. Miss Henrietta, returned last Friday from their visit to rel¬ atives and friends in Stewart county. Now is the time to plant tur¬ nips. We have some fine Han¬ over turnip seed, home raised, at this office for sale. Come and get some of them. Mr. Brooks Ford returned to his home in Sylvester last Sun¬ day morning after a few days visit to his old school mates, Bertram and Bernard Allen. We are sole agents for Queen Quality Shoes for women. Per¬ fection in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. Mr. W- W. Cullens returned Monday from a short visit to his early childhood home in and around Ft. Gaines. He was accom¬ panied by his little son Branch. Mr. Robert Scaife returned to his post of duty with the A. C. L. at Waycross on last Monday morning after a short visit to his parents Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Scaife. Water Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers and Hammocks the best on earth. Camilla Supply Co Don’t forget that the future prosperity of Camilla depends largely upon having the town surveyed off into nice square Dlocks surrounded by good roomy streets. The price of real estate in Ca¬ milla is out of the reach of the average man who would make his home her j. This is not a very good advertisement for the town but we can’t help it. The New England Mutual gives applicants benefit of paying its 1st Premium quarterly and are allowed thirty days of grace in payment of premiums without interest thereafter. Tho’s B. Beck, Ag’t. There has been no real cause for the people of this section to hunt up Summer resorts this sea¬ son. Very few nights have pass¬ ed when one could not have slept comfortably under a spread. Mr. J. B. Wilson and Mrs. E. L. Whitworth left last Monday for a visit to Erin, Tenn. Mr. Wilson goes to join Mrs. Wilson, who, with her mother, Mrs. J. G. Wood, proceeded him about two weeks ago. A negro man by the name of Bill Reese is in jail for beating his wife, about two weeks ago. He gave her a very severe beat¬ ing and the attending physicians say she is in a critical condition and may die from its effects. If you want your life insured call on Thos. B. Beck and insure in the New England Mutual. Why? Because it is the oldest company in U. 8. A. and is re¬ liable, giving all the advantages possible to its applicants. The corn crop in Mitchell is made and it is good. Fine fields (not patches) of ground peas are to be seen at every plantation and large numbers of fine hogs are to be seen on all sides ready to be turned in when the ground peas are ripe. When bilious take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Braselton returned last Monday morning from a visit to the great show at St. Louis and are now at home to their friends in the newly remod¬ eled home of Mrs. Clara Twitty on the corner of Harney and Ste¬ phens streets, The citizens, of Sale City en¬ tertained their friends with a barbecue dinner on last Friday. We understand that everything passed off pleasantly until the dinner w r as about half over when a heavy rain came up and made every body hunt shelter. Experienced travellers have found great benefit by taking with them a bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam. It cures ill¬ ness caused by impure water and sudden changes of climate. Warranted by Lewis Drug Co. Miss Rosa Collins, of Flint, left Friday night for Fort Stanton, N. m., where she gjes to make her home, the change beingoutof codsideration for her health. She was accompanied by her sisters, Misses Della and Lutie Collins, who will remain with her. She was also accompanied by her physician, Dr. W. W. Bacon, who, while away, will visit his son, Mr. W. W. Bacon, Jr., at Albuqurque, N. M., remaining away for about two weeks. The party traveled from Flint to their destination in a special Pullman. The Misses Collins have many friends in Al¬ bany.—Albany Herald. Miss Collins who has been quite sick for a long time, has many friends in Mitchell who will hope for her a speedy restoration to perfect health when she arrives at her far western destination. Camilla Enterprise, SI a year. Acids and Watar. Acids have a strong affinity for water, which they will even extract from any substance containing it with which they are brought in eon tact; hence when an acid comes in contact with the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat the watery secretion which keeps these parts moist and flexible is so far absorbed as to give rise to that dry, harsh and Btringent sensation which is com¬ monly spoken of as “drawing” the mouth, and so as a result a copious supply of fresh saliva is produced. Mineral acids, by their chemical action, not only draw the mouth and set the teeth on edge as they are taken, but also injure the enam¬ el of the teeth, unless the precau¬ tion is taken to suck them in through a glass tube or quill. A Georgia editor defends the large hats worn by women. He says: “They have their faults, but to us they always prove a blessing, for many is the time we have sat behind them in church and slept undisturbed throughout a whole sermon ’’— Ex. FOR SALE—Good evaporator and furnace for making up your syrup; can put it down at patch or anywhere and go to work. Terms, reasonable. Apply to T. R. Bennett or Thos. B. Beck, lm A young lady applicant for a senool in a Kansas town was asked the question, ‘'What is your position upon whipping children?’’ and her reply was “My usual position is on a chair with the child held firmly across my knee, face downward.’’ She got the school. Final Notice. All parties not roturning ad va¬ lorem city taxes by Saturday, 3oth day of July will be double taxed. J. L. Cochran, Clerk. FOR SALE:— 500 acre farm near Camilla. Money loaned at low rates of interest. J. L. Underwood. For sick headache take Camherlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Lewis Drug Co.