The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 29, 1904, Image 6

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WISE BUYERS Will find it to their interest to go through our immense lines of each ‘‘Department,’' We are daily receiving the latest fads in Dress Fabrics and Notions. See our White Goods, Embroider¬ ies, Laces, Lawns, Organdies and all the new skirtings. See Oar sterling Silver Jewely Hoidlie. Paint Department. Hardware and Furniture. Clothing and Gent’s For a numberof years we have boen Furnishing Goods. the sole agents for the celebrated These are “Specials” with us: “Harrison Paint” Harness and Saddles, Tools for Our new line of Hats, Shoes, Neck¬ wear, Collars and Shirts command at¬ A paint with a reputation gained from farmer, carpenter, blacksmith and tention— ook through our clothing an experience in paint making of over gardner. and see if we have what you want. one hundred years. We think it the Remember that we are sole agents for best in White Lead, tfeady mixed Bed Room Suites..... S60 and down. the largest clothing establistiment in Dressers..............$5 and the world and have experts to take Paints, Enamels, Zincs and up. your measure. Caters. Tables, Chairs, Safes, Hat Hacks. Don’t forget Matting*, Rugs See as before you paint your house, fence Writing Desks, Dining Tables and our or bam. everything for the home. and other House Furnishings. Call for DeSOTO Flour. It has stood the test and proven the best. We are operating thousands of feet of floor space in an effort to have what our customers want. We thank all for the liberal patronage given us. Come again and let’s prosper together. CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT, B. LEWIS, President. Vice-Pros- Secretary and and Sales Gen. Mgr. -Mgr. A Bnnch of Babies. One of the curious things to bo seen at the coming State Fair will be the baby incubators. Nearly everybody has seen in* eubdtors for hatching chickens, but few have seen little babies in their glass houses ra’sed al¬ most from the dead as it were, and this sight will be afforded the Fair visitors. Better than a circus is the per¬ formance of the famous Seventh Cavalry regiment. The soldiers ride their horses in a way that makes the hair stand on end, and perform feat while on horse¬ back that would seem impossi¬ ble did you not see it for your¬ self. A troop of this regiment will be seen at the coming State Fair. The Macon Fair Association will have the only brick exposi tion buildings in the world. These buildings are now being erected, and will be made as near fire-proof as possible, the only wood in them being the win¬ dows and roof. The circular art hall is a decid¬ ed novelty. It will be the meet¬ ing point where friends can gather. The drinking fountain in the center, surrounded by a mass of plants and flowers, will be a novelty worth seeing. Already fine horses are being quartered at the park to be ready for the racing. The premium list will show some splendid purses for the speedy horses. The old grand stand will be moved to the shady side of the track, and this will be good news to the thousands who have sat in the old hot stand to see the horses go by. Those of the people of Geor¬ gia who want to show what the old red hills of Georgia can pro¬ duce, should write to W. A. Redding, the secretary, for a premium list. The association has eighteen thousand dollars to distribute among those who send the best exhibits to Macon. Re¬ member the date, October 19— 2a. Saved from Terrible Death. The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbin, of Bargerton, Term., saw her dying and were powerless to save her. Tire most skillful physicians and every remedy used, failed, while consumption was slowly but surely taking her life. In tills terrible hour Dr. King’s New Dis¬ covery- for Consumption turned despair into joy. The first bottle brought imme¬ diate relief and its continued use coni pletly cured her. It’s the most certain cure iu the world for all throat and lung troubles. Guaranteed Bottles 50c and •ft.00. Trial bottles free at all Drag Stores. Driver Was Glad. On one occasion Daniel Web¬ ster was on his way to Washing¬ ton, and was compelled to pro¬ ceed at night by stage from Bal¬ timore, says the Rochester Her¬ ald. He had no traveling com¬ panion and the driver had a sort of felon look which produced an inconsiderable alarm in the sen ator. “I endeavored to tranquilize myself,” said Mr. Webster,‘‘and had partly succeeded when we reached the dark woods between Bladensburg and Washington—a proper scene for murder and out¬ rage—and here,' I confess, ray courage again deserted me, .! ust then the driver turned to me, and, with a gruff voice, inquired my name. I gave it to him. “ ‘Where are you going?’ said he The reply was: “To Washing¬ ton. I am a senator.” Upon this the driver seized me fervently by the hand and ex¬ claimed: “How glad am I! I took you for a highwayman!” Wonderful Nerve. Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there’s no need for it. Bucklin’s Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It’s the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c at all Druggists. The sweet girl graduate who pounds her pillow until her poor old mother has breakfast ready will prove a great disappoint¬ ment to some man. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Eiar rhoea Remedy. This remedy is almost certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer is over. It can always be de¬ pended upon even in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is especially valu¬ able for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt relief. Why not buy it now ? It may save life. For sale by Lewis Drug Co. ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. Direct Route to the St. Louis Exposition. Two Trains Daily. In connection with W. & A. R. R. & N. C. & St. L. Ry from Atlanta. Lv Atlanta 8;25 a. m. Ar St. Louis 7;08 a. m. Lv Atlanta 8:30p. m. Ar St. Louis 7 :it(> p. m. THROUGH SLEEPING CARS FROM Georgia, Florida And Tennessee. Route of the famous DIXIE FLYER Carrying Atlanta the only morning sleeping car from to St. Louis. This ear leaves Jacksonville.daily 8:05 p. m. At¬ lanta 8; 25 a. m. giving you the entire day in St. Lonis to get located. For rates from your city. World's Fair Guide Book and schedules, Sleep¬ ing Car reservations, also for book show¬ ing Hotels and Boardiug houses, quoting tlieir rates, write to Fred I>. Miller, Traveling Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Building, ' Atlanta, Ga. ROTECT your Property against losses by fire with a policy in the tftna 11m ^ OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the 6est and most reliable Fire In¬ surance Companies in America, W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. AVERV <& COMPANY 51 if 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, All Boilers «§- Saw Mills Kinds of Machinery, LARGE ENGINES AND BOILERS SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators, All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Suovlies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or Catg Reliable Erick Engines A , ' 2m, .» ,_ »_3‘?Ft~..,_. ffin‘ ._ “CA Viva-a -?lx;,. -mu‘K—l 1 uW'?~ ?SEQEWSEW”6":'II§"' MARI;