The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, July 29, 1904, Image 7

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County Directory. SUPERIOR COURT OFFICERS. W. N. Speuce, Judge. W. E. Wootou, Solicitor General. E. M. Davis, Stenographer. S. E. Cox, Clerk. I. Smith, Sheriff. Court sessions Tuesday after 3rd Mon¬ day in April and October. CITY COURT OFFICERS. I. A. Bush, Judge. S. S. Bennett, Solicitor pro tem, S. E. Cox, Clerk. Court sessions on 2nd Monday in Jan¬ uary, April, July' and October. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. R. Bennett, Chairman, Wyatt Adams, A. B. Joiner, J. W. Everett, and J. G. Wood, Clerk. Regular meeting second Tuesday in each month. Ordinary’s court every first Monday, J. G. Wood, Ordinary. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. L. Stewart, Tax Collector. G. T. Akridge, Tax Receiver. Jonah Palmer, Treasurer. Samuel Lucky, Surveyor. Green Spence, Coroner. BOARD OF EDUCATION. J. P. Heath, Chairman, Camilla, G.i. Nat Bradford, Pelham, Ga. J. T. Glausier, Bacontou, Ga. W. E. Davis, Meigs, Ga. J. B. Lewis. Camilla, Ga. J. H. Powell, C. S. C. Camilla, Ga. City Directory. Mayor—J. II. Pqlrner Mayor Pro-tern—M. C. Bennett. Couneilmen—M. C. Bennett, H. C. Dasher, Sr., A. B. Joiner, F. S. Perry, J. C. Turner, C. E. Watt. Clerk—J. L. Cochran. Treasurer—C. L. Taylor. Marshal—J. K. Hilliard. Night Policeman—Raymond Cochran. HIGH SCHOOL. Board of Trustees—J. W. Butler, J. L. Cochran. F. L. Lewis, A. R. Patrick, J. H. Scaife, W. N. Spence, J. C. Turner. Secretary and Treasurer, C. L. Taylor. Cdurch Chimes. Methodist Church —Corner Harney and Stephens streets—Rev. C. T. Clark, pastor. Preaching second and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o’clock, a. m., and 7:30 o’clock p. m. Prayer meet¬ ing every Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 9:45 o’clock, I. A. Bush, sup¬ erintendent. Epworth League every Sunday afternoon at 3:80 o’clock. The public cordially invited to attend all church services. Baptist CnuRCH-Broad street. Preach¬ ing every 1st and 3rd Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. to be supplied. Sun¬ day school every Sunday morning at 9:80 o’clock; J. L. Cochran, superintend ent. The general public welcome to ail services. Presbyterian Church— Broad street. Rev. Archie McLauclilin, pastor. Preach¬ ing on the third and fourth Sundays in each month at 11 o'clock and at night. Prayer meeting every Tuesday night. Sunday school at 9-30 a. m. All cordial¬ ly invited to attend these meetings. WANTED— Several Industrious Per sons in each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital, to call upon merchants profitable and agents for successful and line. Permanent engagement. Weekly cash Siilary of $24 and all traveling expenses and hotel bills advanced in each week. Experience not essential. Mention ref¬ erence and enclose self-addressed envel¬ ope. THE NATIONAL, 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. DeWitt 1 that you original DeWitt’s D«W DeWitt go {f t’sis mac!* to and i3 Witch the buy the only only name Witch Hazel Witch genuine. to H*zel Salve look Hazel for In Salve. is Salve when fact the is from the unadulterated Witchffazel All others are counterfeits-—bar.?© Imi¬ tations. cheap and worthless —even dangerous. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel S.alve is a specific for Piles; Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Protruding Piles. AlsoCuks, Bums. Bruises. Sprains, Carbuncles. Lacerations, Eczema, Contusions, Boils. Tetter. Sa/t Rheum, and all other Skin Diseases. SALVE PREPARED By E. C. DeWitt 4 Co., Chicago SOLD EY LEWIS DRUG CO A Southern Crisis. The part the South played at the recent Convention has been widely discussed and seems to be accepted generally as significant of the crisis in the political his¬ tory of the Sou'.hern people. The prominent and firm stand the Southern states took in behalf of Parker, before the Convention as well as the powerful influence they exerted at the assembly of delegates, have had a telling ef¬ fect and there is little doubt but that henceforth the South will occupy the .place she is justly en¬ titled to both in the Democratic and national politics. Since the Civil War the South has been treated as a rebellious child, who was coerced into sub¬ mission then received back into the fold. The United States as the mother, however did not exert the loving spirit of a forgiving parent. Having twe daughters she made a vast difference be¬ tween the erring offspring and the daughter who took the parents side in the difficulty. To her favorite child she showed every favor; lavished all her love while eontantly reminding the other of h r disobediedee at d withholding her blessing and caresses. And the erring child—unre¬ pentant, humiliated, did her part faithfully and well—as well and belter than the other did—then stood aside, and meekly accept¬ ed what was given her instead of claiming the praise and reward to which she was entitled. Loyal and faithful to the union since that time, striving and working for the good of the coun¬ try and the party she has chosen the South has not been given the place she should occupy by rights; the rewards to which she could lay claim have been with¬ held; the honors which should have been given to the Sons of the South were proffered to oth es—and the South “meekly waited and murmured not.” But gradually this spirit of meek submission has been pass¬ ing away; the old zeal and en¬ thusiasm, the old desire for praise and honor has reasserted itself, and with compelling force, the South has demanded by actions, if not speech the rights which should have been recognized long ago. She has her influence felt, beyond a doubt and four years hence, this power will have so far increased that a Southern man will be unanimously elected to the second if not the highest place on the Democratic ticket. TheDemocratic party and Dem¬ ocratic statesmen have recogniz¬ ed the power of the South and banishing the old antagonistic spirit they will receive their South¬ ern sister with open arms, and lavish upon her, her meed of honor and caresses. Harmony in the Democratic party will go far towards estab¬ lishing the pacific relations be¬ tween the North and South, and with a united Democracy we can be termed appropriately, for the first time since the war, the Un. ted States. Weak Hearts are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if 'you are subject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach ex-" pands—swells, and puffs up against the heart. This crowds the heart and short¬ ens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart disease is the final result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off vour heart, cures in¬ digestion, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and contributes nourishment, strength and health to every organ of the body. Sold by Lewis Drug Co. If a man is always chaperoned by his wife he is pretty sure to meander along in the and narrow path. What to Learn. Learn to 1 lugh a good laugh is better than medicine. Learn to attend strictly to your own business- a very important point. Learn the art of saying kind and encouraging things, especial ly to the young. Learn to avoid all ill natured remarks and everything calcula¬ ted to create friction. Learn to keep your troubles to yourself. The world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn tu stop grumbling. If you cannot see any good in this world, keep the bad to yourself. Learn to kide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. No one cares whether you have the earache, headache, or rheu¬ matism. Learn to greet your friends with a smile. They carry too many frowns in their own hearts to be bothered with any of yours. - Christian Life. There Is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local rem¬ edies, aud by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in¬ curable. Science lias proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses of 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mueuons surfaces of the sys¬ tem. They offer one hundred dollars for any case if fails to cure. Send tor circulars and testimonials. Address: F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tol edo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipa¬ tion. How To Get Rid of Slumps. The following method of get¬ ting rid °i stumps is recommen¬ ded by the Scientific American: In the autumn bore a hole one or two inches in diameter, accord¬ ing to the giith of the stump, vertically is the center of the lat¬ ter, and about eighteen inches deep. Put into it one or two ounces of saltpeter; fiil the hole with water and plug up close- In the ensuing spring take out the plug and pour in about one-half gallon of kerosene oil an I ignite it. The stump will smoulder away, without blazing, to the very extremities of the roots, leaving nothing but ashes. One Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab¬ lets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of telling her neighbors and friends about the good qualities of these Tablets.—P M. Shore, Druggist, Rochester, Ind. The pleasant purgative effect of these Tablets makes them a favorite with la¬ dies everywhere. For Sale by Lewis Drug Co. The saddest feature of the re¬ port of State Chemist McCand less is that relating to whiskey. If nine out of the eleven of the various brands of whiskey sold in Georgia are not whiskey, but miserably adulterated concoc¬ tions, it is time the law was in¬ voked in the whiskey drinkers’ behalf. Adulterated vinegar is of small moment in comparison with this grievous crime against the public-—Savannah Press. Piles Upon Top of Piles. Piles upon top of piles of people have th© Files, and DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve cures them. There are many dif¬ ferent kinds of Piles, hut if you get .the genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., of Chica¬ go, a cure is certain. H. A. Tisdale, of Summerton, S. o , says, T had piles 20 years and DeWitt’s Salve cured me af ter everything else failed.” Sold by Lewis Drug Co. Purity, Accuracy, Dispatch * We use the best Drugs in the com= pounding of Prescriptions and Fam= I ily Recipes. w • %.»v Our method is up=to=date and ac * curacy is always obtained. || We deliver Drugs to any part of P the city on short notice. | j|j Yours to Serve, j fJ Perry's Pharmacy, ~ ---y —--- ------- -— l| Phone No- Q* Camilla, Georgia. The Portable Saw Mill is the Coming Mill. OUR MILL IS THE COMING PORTABLE MILL. It is a portable mill that is really portable. Makes perfect lumber. Capacities 2,000 to 15,000 feet per day. TAKE YOUR' MILL TO THE LOGS. Can be set and ready to saw in two hours. Variable Fric¬ tion Cable Feed. Stationary Mills, any capacity. Portable and Stationary Engines, Railway, Mill and Factory Supplies. WRITE US TO-DAY. BACON & COLLINS SUPPLY CO., ============ ALBANY, GEORGIA. .= SGI