The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 05, 1904, Image 5

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ir . PIPES. PIPES! * Just received finest line of pipes ever brought to Camilla. Anything from 10c Missouri Meerschaum (cob pipe) to 87.00 genuine Meerschaum. We also carry a complete line of smoking tobacco and cigars and will be pleased to have you call ail examine our stock. Drugs, Stationery, Paints, Drug Toilet Articles, Oils. Co. Confectionaries. Fresh Iimually’i and Lowney’s Candies always on hand. ifcisasgFwagaaffa aw—iBffi •'TTTTTTV'f TVyTTTTVTTTTTTYT • ...LOCAL NEWS-- •AAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Globe & Mason Fruit Jars at Camilla Supply Co’s. This is fodder pulling time and it rains nearly every day. MrJ. W. Butler attended to business in Albany last Tuesday. Mr. C. R. Twitty left for a visit to the St. Louis Fair on last Sun¬ day. Mr. Will Joiner, of Albany, spent last Sunday with friends in Camilla. FOR SAL E—A first-class mower dead cheap. Apply to Ernest M. Davis. It i3 only a short while now be¬ fore the Fall term of school will commence. Miss Mattie Winchester, of Ba conton, is the guest of Miss Mol lie Adams this week. The sugar cane crops are look¬ ing fine and these daily rains will make them look finer. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of tobacco for 19c at’the Cincinnati Bargain House. Mr. Leon Roles went down to Thomasville with the Pelham team to play ball last Tuesday. Messrs. Byron and Artaond Baggs returned last Friday from a visit to the St. Louis big fair. Miss Annie Grace Bfimberry returned last Saturday from a week’s visit to friends in Pelham. Drs. Cannon and Meeks, of Waycross, were visitors to Ca¬ milla the latter part of last week. We are sole agents for Queen Quality Shoes*for women. Per¬ fection in style and wear. Camilla Supply Co. Miss Rebecca Boseman, of Hawkirsville, is the guest of Misses Zana and Haliie Spence this week. Mr. J. W. Middleton, of west Mitchell, was a pleasant visitor at the Enterprise office last Wednesday. Mr. W. H. Branch, of east Mitchell is the guest of his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Cullens, this week. Mr. Henry Townsend, of Quit man, was shaking hands with friends in Camilla last Tuesday and Wednesday. The Enterprise is pleased to learn that Mr. Crawford Baggs is convalescing after a severe spell of sickness. Mr. Jess Perry's friends are pleased to see him out again af¬ ter a week’s confinement to his room from sickness. Water Coolers, Ice Freezers and Hammocks the best on earth. Camilla Supply Co Miss Charlie Mae Lane left last Tuesday for an extended visit to relatives in Thomasville, Quit man, Valdosta and Olympia. Misses Sadie and Nell Flem¬ ing, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. C. Turner, returned last Friday to their home in New¬ ton. Mrs. J. M. Mason, of Wrights vilie, is visiting in Camilla, this week, the guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Acret, and other relatives. Messrs. J. W. Walters, Sr., and Jr. and Henry Sweat, represent¬ ed the Albany bar at the adjourn¬ ed term of the city court which convened here last Monday. Mr. Fred Baggs, of Starke, Fla., arrived at his old home in Camilla last Tuesday afternoon, on a visit to his mother, Mrs. J. H. Baggs, and other relatives. FOR SALE—Good evaporator and furnace for making up your syrup; can put it down at patch or anywhere and go to work. Terms, reasonable. Apply to T. R. Bennett or Thos. B. Beck, lm Miss Louise Calloway, who was the charming guest of Misses Don and Genie Underwood for a week, returned to her home in Albany last Tuesday morning. Dr. J. W. McClain, of Pelham, was among this week’s visitors to Camilla. Mrs. A. H. Harrell, left yes¬ terday morning ior a visit to Bainbridge. Miss Tocoa Henry, of Quitman, is the guest of Mrs. M. J. Ben¬ nett this week, Miss Lou Heath McNair left last Tuesday for a visit to friends in Lake City, Fla. We understand that the Pel¬ ham ball team returned from Thomasville last Tuesday after¬ noon jvith a defeat of 18 to 1. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bennett left last Monday afternoon for St. Louis, where they will take in the Louisiana Purchase Exposi¬ tion. Mrs. W, C. Mount returned to her home in Columbus, Ga., the latter part of last week, after hav¬ ing spent a pleasant week in Ca¬ milla, as the guest of Mrs. M. F. Brimberry. Mr. W. C. Underwood left last Saturday morning for Bowman, Ga., where he will soon takeip nis duties as principal of the Mercer-Gibson Institute located at that place. The New England Mutual gives applicants benefit of paying its 1st Premium quarterly and are allowed thirty days of grace in payment of premiums without interest thereafter. Tho’s B. Beck, Ag’t. iv,.rs C. C Spence, accompan¬ ied by her two little daughters, Mary and Camilla, left last Sat¬ urday morning for a visit to rela¬ tives in Houston county. They will visit Macon and Hawkins ville before they return home. The man with the ball and mal¬ let machine pocketed quite a lot of the boys’ nickles last Tuesday afternoon, but Dr. Al. Spence seemed to be the champion whirler of the big mallet, driving the ball up to the Dell oftener than anyone else. The street force is cleaning off the sidewalks. Work on the Lewis building is progressing nicely. Dr. J. T. Hammond, of Vada, visited tipis office Wednesday. Mr. Roy Bailey returned to Savannah last Sunday morning. Mr. Roy Powell, of Atlanta, spent this week with homefolks. City Court was in session Mon¬ day and Tuesday, and got rid of a lot of business. Mr. Charley Stripling has, we understand, purchased the inter terest of Mr. Ed T. Cochran, in the Cochran Stables. The Enterprise is requested to announce that Mrs. Sallie Mason will adlress the Juvenile Mis¬ sionary Society at the Methodist church on next Sunday afternoon at about 4 o'clock. A full atten¬ dance is desired and parents are invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Boeland, of Sanford, Fla., arrived in Camilla last Saturday morning and were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Brown. Mrs. Boeland is a grand¬ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .J. B. Acree and has many relatives and friends here who wii' be glad to meet her again. If you want your life insured call on Thos. B. Beck and insure in the New England Mutual. Why? Because it is the oldest company in U. S. A. and is re¬ liable, giving all the advantages possible to its applicants. Miss Louise^ DuBose, who has been spending sometime with her cousin, Miss Annie J. Cochran, at Flint, returned to her home at Jasper, Fla., on last Sunday. She was accompanied by her cousin Mr. Robin Cochran, who will spend some time at White Springs and Jasper before he re¬ turns home. The good people down on the river in the neighborhood of Cowford, enjoyed a splendid bar¬ becue and basket dinner at the ford on last Friday. Messrs. Cas Bullard, John Wood and Sebe Holton were among the moving spirits of the occasion and made the day an enjoyable one for all who attended. The Camilla Supply Co. re¬ ceived two car loads of furniture and other goods in proportion this week, preparing for the fall trade. Do not forget that Dr. Seth Arnold’s Balsam is the best known Remedy for all Bowel Complaints. Warranted by Lew¬ is Drug Co. Columbus Enquirer Sun:,. It looks like this will be a banner year for crops in Georgia. With full corn cribs and smokehouses, the Georgia farmer will be in a position to give the credit man the cold shoulder next spring. Subscribe for the Enterprise. CITATION GEORGIA —Mitchell county. Notice is hereby given that the under¬ signed has applied to Ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of C. W. Collins for the payments of debts and for the purpose of distribution. Said application will he heard at the regular term of the court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in Sept., 1904. This 1st day of August, 1904. Win. B. Collins', Administrator upon the estate of C. W. Collins, Sr. CITATION. .GEORGIA— Mitchell county. To all whom it may concern: Mrs. Vesta Abridge and W. J. Ak ridge having in proper form applied to me for Permanent Letters of Adminis¬ tration on the estate of A. J. Akridge, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of said A. J. Akridge to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show- cause, if any they can why permanent administration should uot be granted to Mrs. Vesta Akridge and W. J. Akridge on A. J. Akridge’s estate. Witness my bund and official signa¬ ture, this 1st day of August, 1904. J. G. Wood, Ordinary,