The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 12, 1904, Image 2

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f§ COTTON I Is Bf H As you begin to market your Cotton, the thought naturally arises, where must I buy my W i nter Supplies? Em 8 We are daily receiving New Goods for each Department of our business. Our buyer has m I been diligent during the Summer months and we can save you money and furnish what you need.' §p§ conteSKfSicn.1 Furniture and House Furnishings, just received. m, *1:1; Almost anything you need for a home can be found in this department and the prices right, m Notice our Departments, They are Complete. if If (Queen Quality, mm s» Ladies Dress Goods and Notions. Gents Furnishings. Ladies and Men Shoes, - ( btacy-Adams. King Quality. Clothing, Hals, Hardware, Sporting Goods, Furniture and House Furnishings, Groceries, &c. W PI SPECIAL AGENCIES: II fejlj New Home Sewing Machines, Wheeler Wilson Sewing Machines, Gauss Razors and & Shears, •$$ Lesh’s An tb Rust Tinware, Chattanooga Plows, Cane Mills, Kettles and Evaporators, §j I)e SOTO PL,OC R. ii CAMILLA SUPPLY COMPANY. J. C. T. TURNER, R. J. BENNETT. B. LEWIS, President;. Vi. Secretary e*Pres. and and Sales Gen- Mgr. Mgr. m RAINS ARE DAMAGING CROPS. Diseases Are Fostered Among Cotton Plants by Excessive Floods. Albany, Ga., August!. — (Spe¬ cial.)—August records have been broken by the rains that have fallen in this section during the last three days. Repeated down¬ pours have added 7 or 8 inches to the year’s average, and the coun try has been fairly flooded. Damage to the cotton crop is serious. In a number of fields immense ponds of water have formed and much cotton is inun¬ dated. There was a good deal of open cotton before the downpours began, and this has been beaten out. The worst damage, howev¬ er, is the result of impetus to black root, rot and rust, all of which have appeared. Black root is particularly widespread, and the heavy rains have made it a more serious menace to the crop than it was formerly. Many farmers report that entire dis¬ tricts are affected, and that the true extent of the danger is not generally appreciated. The are still falling, and have been reported from all over this section of the state as having fallen last night and today. All streams rising rapidly. There would have been receiv¬ ed in this market a number bales of cotton during the week but for the existing conditions, which made out of the question and such cotton as was open in fields. Deal Jackson, the bale negro farmer, managed get in his second and third early in the week. I find nothing better for liver ment and constipation than lain's Stomach and Liver F. Andrews, Des Moines, Iowa. sale bv Lewis Drag Company. Gems of-Thought. Extracts from the Home Circle column of the Sparta Ishmael ite. THE DEAREST SPOT ON EARTH IS HOWE. The dearest spot on earth to me Is home, sweet home! The fairy land I long to see Is home, sweet home! There, how charmed the sense of hearing! There, where love is so endearing! All the world is not so cheering As home, sweet home! I’ve taught my heart the way to prize My home, sweet home! I’ve learned to look with lover’s eyes On home, sweet home! There, where vows are truly plighted! There, where hearts are so united! All the world besides I’ve slighted For home, sweet, home. When tired out, go home. When you want consolation, go home. When you want fun, go home. When you want to show to others that you have reformed, go home and let your family get acquainted with the fact. When you want to show yourself at your best, go home and do the act there. When you feel like being extra liberal go home arid practice on your wife and chil¬ dren first, When you want to shine with more brilliancy than usual go home and light up the whole house-hold. Home should be a refuge in every storm. Troubled men should find an anchorage there when it is too stormy to be about. Around the old stove, surround¬ ed by his wife and children, such a man should be able to say, “Who cares for the troubles and trials outside? This is my castle, and it is here that I find comfort as nowhere else.” FOR SALE—Good evaporator and furnace for making up your syrup; can put it down at patch or anywhere and go to work. Terms, reasonable. Apply to T. R. Bennett or Thos. B. Beck, lm For Rattlesnake Bite. Editor Constitution:—I am a full blooded Creek Indian, and a subscribe to your paper. I want to give you a remedy for rattle¬ snake bites. A rattlesnake bite can bo cured by anyone if he knows how. 1 believe 1 read about triore people getting bit and dying from the bite in the Constitution than any other pa¬ per. As you live in the heart of the south you can do lots of good by giving the public the benefit of the remedy. In the first place an Indian never dies from the bite of a mad dog. You will see the greatest curiosity on earth if you sec an Indian with the rabies. They have a remedy for both. This is the remedy: Let the snake go about his bus¬ iness. Bun to the house, get an onion about two inches in diam¬ eter, and about three cents worth of tobacco. Then get a table¬ spoon full of salt, cut the tobacco up pretty fine with a knife, mix the tobacco and salt till it is well mixed. It will take a new poul¬ tice every six hours or twelve, and it will not even swell. Ap* ply as soon as possible.’ Please excuse this, but an In¬ dian likes to talk, hence this long iettei. Chas. Gibson, Eufaula, In. Ter., Jan. 17. A Sweet Breath. is a never failing sign of a healthy stom¬ ach. When the breath is bad the stom¬ ach is out of order. There is no remedy in the world equal ro Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for curing indigestion, dispepsia and all stomach disorders. Mrs. Mary S. Crick, of White Plains, Ky„ writes: •‘I have been a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. By the use of Kodol I be¬ gan to improve at once, and after taking a few bottles am fully restored in weight health, and strength and can eat what¬ ever I like.” Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold by Lewis Drag Co. i pc ROTECT your Property L against losses by fire with a policy in the >ETNA OF HARTFORD, CONN. One of the best and most reliable Fire In surance Companies in America. W. A. ALLEN, Agent, Camilla, Georgia. AVERY & COMPANY 51 <j’ 53 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, Ga, Engines, Boilers »1F Saw Mills All Kinds of Machinery, U) Q) .5 U :1 NJ x .2 :— LL: .2 .9 s; Les; '5 LARGE ENGINES AND BOILER! SUPPLIED PROMPTLY. Corn Mills, Feed Mills, Grain Separators All kinds of Patent Dogs, Circular saws, Saw Teeth Locks, Steam Governors Mill Suuvlies, Engine and Mill repairs Send or Cat’ \ . am?! "““Wh »,” * >331 «as-M K9! 3 , ._ 7‘“ e @finxafinww’ i . Q./ :\‘ "r w *' §‘\/‘ f2? “72‘ ”j? 3 ‘ _ , -; ‘ - , r , .mwnga 21:19-47:53‘i‘9‘fl‘» K 3 g I . a ja