The Camilla enterprise. (Camilla, Ga.) 1902-current, August 12, 1904, Image 5

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The Best is Always Cheapest. arden Seed! Now is the time to plant fall gardens. With this in view, we have just received a full assortment of the best seed obtainable on the market. Cabbage and Turnip seed in any quantity. All others in 5e and 10c papers. Will be pleased to have you call and examine our stock. Your Friends, LEWIS DRUG- COMPANY. M HM M BSaa C ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼VTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTT • ...local News-.. •AAA4A4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAA Canned syrup for sale at Ca¬ milla Supply Co. County Commissioners were in session last Tuesday. Mr. Will Adams returned Wed¬ nesday last from a visit to Savan¬ nah. Miss Ruth Reid, of Pelham, is the guest of Miss Calista Bush this week. See us before you buy a shot¬ gun- Camilla Supply Co. Misses Nannie Flake and Mit tie Lee Palmer are visiting in Smithvilie, Ga. Jupiter Pluvius has not been sparing of late in his efforts to moisten the earth. Judge W. N. Spence returned yesterday morning from a busi¬ ness trip to Atlanta. Mrs. B. F. Brimberry, of Al¬ bany, is the guest of Mrs. M. F. Brimberry this week. Miss Bon Underwood visited in Waycross this week, the guest of Mrs. J. K. Carswell. See Belt 8pecial in north show window. 50c belts at 19c. Camilla Supply Co. Mias Susie Spence is expecting her cousin, Miss Lillie Ragan, of Atlanta, to visit her next week. Mr. Roy Powell, after spend¬ ing some time with home folks, returned to Atlanta last Sunday. Miss Verdi Thompson and Mr. Stevens, of Pelham, paid Camilla a “pop call” on last Tuesday af¬ ternoon. Don’t fail to get a 50c pound of iobaoco for 19c at the Cincinnati Bargain House. Miss Pearl Taylor entertained a number of her friends at her home on Scott street last Monday evening. Dr, Al. Spence, of Pelham, passed through Camilla Tuesday afternoon last enroute to St. Louis and the “big 9how.” For fresh garden seed read the Lewis Drug Company’s new advertisement in this issue. Misses Toy and Turner Hil¬ liard returned last Friday from an extended visit to relatives and friends in Hawkinsville. Mr and Mrs. T. R. Bennett returned Sunday afternoon from a visit to the big show at St. Louis. Miss Carolyn Twitty, of Pel¬ ham, visited the home of her grand-motber Mrs. J. L. Under¬ wood this week. Mr. C. R. Twitty returned Monday from St. Louis where he had been taking in the sights at the big exposition. Miss India Walker, after an ex¬ tended visit to relatives and friends in Dawson and Macon, returned heme last week. The Jury Commissioners, Messrs. J. H. Palmer, W. T. Jones and Win. Twitty, were busy this week revising the Jury boxes. Mrs. J. M. McNair, went over to Birmingham this week to see her son, Mr. Jack McNair, who was badly hurt sometime ago from a fall. Messrs. Baggs and Perry are again shipping cantaloupes, a new crop having put on the vines after the first crop hal about given out. Dr. and Mrs. T. R. Cravat, returned to their home in Thom asville on last Sunday afternoon, after an extended visit to rela¬ tives in Mitchell county. A sudden attack at night of some form of Bowel Complaint may come to anyone. Every family shold be provided with a bottle of Dr. Seth Arnold’s Bal¬ sam. Warranted by Lewis Drug Co. Mr. C. J. Williamson, of Mon¬ tezuma, one of the best traveling salesmen that comes to Camilla, was shaking hands with friends here last Tuesday afternoon. Misses Lizzie and Elma Lang, of Valdosta, are visiting in Ca¬ milla this week, the guests of their aunt, Mrs. J. B. Butler. Misses Zana and Bailie Spence, Rebecca Bozeman, and Lois Al¬ len spent Tuesday night in Pel¬ ham, theguestsof Mrs. Al. Spence. Mrs. M. J. Bennett with her grand-daughter, Miss Audrey Turner, will leave next week for asummeroutingat Indian Springs. Miss Rebecca Bozeman, after a pleasant visit to Mispes Zana and Hallie Spence, returned to her home in Hawkinsville yesterday. Miss Lawson Spence, after quite an extended visit to rela¬ tives in Albany, Macon, and At¬ lanta, has returned to her home in Camilla. Mr. Eugene Kolbie has sold his interest in the Cairo Messenger to his partner, Mr. F, J. Winn, and has returned with his family to Camilla. Mrs, C. S. Hodges, of Brinson, Ga., is visiting in her old home in Mitchell this week, the guest of her mother Mrs. J. L. Under¬ wood, near Camilla. Mr. F. J. Winn, editor and publisher of the Cairo Messen¬ ger an old time friend of the ed¬ itor of the Enterprise was a vis¬ itor to Camilla on last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs W. W. Blount, of Tampa, F.’a., passed through Camilla Wednesday morning on their return home from a visit to the family of Mr. Frank Beck in west Mitchell. Dr. I. A. Bush has been spend¬ ing a good portion of this week in attendance upon the children of Mr. Dan Rivers, at Pebble City, two or three of whom have been very sick. Messrs. J. G. Bailey, Leon Roles and Fred Baggs left last Monday for St. Louis, where they will 9pend some time seeing the sights at the big show as well as strolling down the “pike.” After a couple of months ab¬ sence from these columns, the old reliable J, II. Bailey again makes his bow to the trading public through the Enterprise, offering a rare chance to get some good values in summer goods at clearing out prices. Read his ad, it will interest you. In this issue of the Enter¬ prise, Messrs. Hunter, Pearce and Battey, reliable Cotton Fac¬ tors and Naval Stores Factors, of Savannah Ga., have an adver¬ tisement that is well worth your time to read and consider. All shipments made to them will re¬ ceive prompt and honest atten¬ tion. In this issue of the Enter¬ prise you will find the neat ad¬ vertisement of the Butler-Bush Company, who will open their doors to the public on August 15th, with a complete line of Gents’ Furnishing Goods and Staple and Fancy Groceries. Marvin Butler and Ross Bush are both young men of push and enery and will strive to make it profitable to those who trade with them. Mr. B. C. Bynum, of the firm of Dodson & Bynum, contractors of Montgomery, Ala., was in Ca¬ milla last Tuesday, when he closed the deal w’th the County Commissioners for the building of the new jail. Mr. Bynum in¬ formed the editor of the Enter¬ prise that they would commence work on the new building about the 10th oi September, and would rush the work to completion just as rapidly as conditions and good work will admit. Laundry Notice. The undersigned has quite a number of packages of finished laundry on hand and not called for, and as I have sold oi_t my business, parties will please come forward at once and claim their laundry. Respectfully, Crawford C. Baggs. Miss Clara McElveen, Miss Mollie Adams, and Mis9 Zula Wilson left last Wednesday morn¬ ing for St. Louis, where they will visit the Louisiana Purchase Ex¬ position. Mrs. F. L. Lewis, with Miss Irma Lewis left for Indian Springs Tuesday, where they will be joined by Mr. J. B. Lew¬ is Wednesday, when they will ail go to St. Louis to take in the ex¬ position. If you want your life insured call on Thos. B. Beck and insure in the New England Mutual. Why? Because it is the oldest company in U. S. A. and is re¬ liable, giving all the advantages possible to its applicants. Theie is a new daughter at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Smith. The little stranger ar¬ rived last week and Sheriff Smith and his good lady are just as proud of it as if it was no. 1, in¬ stead of no. 5. The New England Mutual gives applicants benefit of paying its 1st Premium quarterly and are allowed thirty days of grace in payment of premiums without interest thereafter. Tho’s B. Beck, Ag’t. Messrs. Clarence Brimberry, Theodore Perry, Ernest Joiner, and Frank Hartsfield left last week for Atlanta, where they en¬ tered a business school. The Enterprise wishes for these young men much success. The Camilla boys went over to Sylvester last Tuesday for a game of ball but returned Wednesday morning with a defeat of five to nothing. Better stay at home, boys, and look after business, you will find it more profitable. Mrs. J. M. Spence entertained a “spend-the-day” party on Thursday of last wees:. Those present were Mrs. J. T. Norris, Misses Lake and Marguerite Norris, of Newton, Miss Jennie Mayo, of Valdosta, with Messrs. Armond and Byron Baggs, Matt Bennet, and E. M. Davis.